ITT: perfect video games

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Not even perfect. Its a simple fighting game.

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>Its a simple fighting game.

carry on

soulcalibur 2 is really fun to play 3d fighter with really simple rules but with ton of depth within the systems. it's music, character designs, game modes, gui, are all so good. the game is simple and straight forward and its simplicity is something i miss compared to modern video games which feel a lot more complex in comparison.

snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake eateeerrrrrrr (snake eater) *dun duun dun duuuuuuuuun*

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>game is a collectathon
>items are all unique with fun individual descriptions that go along with them
>collecting them is actually fun

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i always leaned towards pikmin 2 but im not sure why. i played pikmin 3 that one time but never finished it

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>every character is decidedly unique
>fun thematic stages with lovingly crafted backdrops and scores
>combat system designed for non-fighting game players who still crave depth and solid mechanics
>excellent feedback and sound design yield satisfying combat
>enough content to satisfy solo players
>the greatest announcer/narrator in vidya history

All in all it was a goat title. It's one of the few fighting games that is totally viable as a single-player experience, and it's engaging enough for semi-competitive friends who wanna have a blast.

>not the Dreamcast version


I mean, I WOULD've played Pikmin 3 as well, but it's only on the Wii U.
I'm still hoping that it gets ported to the Switch.

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Cassandra didn't feel all that unique because of Sophitia

>Yun Seong and Assassin
>Astaroth and Berserker

I don't know about decidedly unique famalam

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He probably only likes SCII because "OMG LINK IS IN IT!!"

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Cass and soph were varied enough to have a reason between choosing one over the other. Much more difference than the classic ken/ryu example in fighting games. Berserker and assassin were basically just bonus skins and the game made no effort to differentiate them as unique characters.

>Cassandra didn't feel all that unique because of Sophitia
their movesets are entirely different though, they do share some similarities but its easy to gloss over how different they are when they share the same weapon style and are identical looking sisters.

Assassin, beserker, and lizardman are mostly clones with little differences that surprisingly make more of a difference than you'd think. they were also added to the console versions as bonus characters from the weapon master gamemode, they did not exist in the original arcade version of the game.

Wrong bitch I played the PS2 version with based Heihachi

>8 hours long, doesn't overstay its welcome
>item management adds tension to the game
>mansion is aesthetically pleasing
>2 characters to play as, with costumes to unlock and a harder difficulty mode unlocked after 1st playthrough
>best girls in gaming

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nigger i own almost every console version of soulcalibur 2 (gamecube, xbox, ps2 + japanese versions) plus the hd remasters on both ps3 and 360 because im that autistic

however having the best design of link ever made in the best version of soulcalibur ever made is like icing on the cake

I agree that SC2 is a great game, the best in the series. A masterpiece of the fighting genre. But you're delusional if you think every character is unique.

Not even the best spoopy mansion simulator released on the Gamecube in 2001.

I know it's the zoomer opinion but saferoom backtracking is a serious design flaw to me. I appreciate how it forces you to plan your route back and forth through the mansion but imo it it's too frequent of an occurrence. Game is perfect otherwise.

Episode 1 Racer
Kid Icarus Uprising
F-Zero GX/AX
Spyro 1
Streets of Rage 2

the bonus characters are hard to defend because they are mostly clones however there are minor differences in frame data and also they have certain moves that the original character they represent doesnt have

if you dont play the game competitively then this shit doesnt matter at all and things considered they are just clones with no arcade ending or extra weapons, but i like the finer details.

Don't mind me just passing through.
back firmament [handrubbing intensifies]

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Soulcalibur 1 was the perfect one.

Grindy piece of shit

Then please enlighten me. We've already provided counters to cass/sophia and berserker/assassin

Oh and Age of Empires 2, for got that one

I'm a little biased because I love Ghostbusters.

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i always prefered 2 but there are things about 1 that i like more.

ive noticed going back and playing 1 that its easier to get ringed out, and movesets are a lot more simpler (especially characters like nightmare and yoshimitsu). 2's soundtrack is too good but certain tracks from 1 are extremely good like kaleidoscope, in the name of father, etc.

This game makes PinballFX3 look like fucking garbage.

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I rarely got tired of this game because of the different modes.
>one dangerous zombie
>invisible enemies
>real survivor mode
After finishing real survivor mode the final "goodbye" after the credits was great. It really showed Capcom's love, enthusiasm and passion into remaking this game.
Loved the depth of customization for the moves in that game.

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insane amount of content packed in

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