Any point of playing monster hunter freedom and portable 3rd?

Portable 3rd has some different maps than 3u and amatsu, but what about freedom? I played mostly mhf2/u, 3u, 4u and gen up to nakrakos.

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Playing Freedom 1 is a real test of patience, every single little mechanic and detail is as unpolished and dickish as possible, to the point that it sometimes feels like one of those extreme difficulty Mario romhacks for a hypothetical game that doesn't exist.


It's actually kinda weird, i only fought velicidrome and honestly even that felt much different from later games. Somehow velociprey actually were intervening in fight too much, velocidrome himself was backing off every time i hit him. Plus actually one of the velociprey is actually a giaprey, weird, man.

I've wondered this too. I have a hacked psp but idk if it's worth playing if I already played the later editions on the 3ds

Well. at least mhfu, have you played that one?

yes play P3rd. its a game of its own that only released on japan and has the comfiest village

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It was my first MH game so everything else just felt easier. Yain Garuga used to be the Village final boss.

should I play portable 3rd? I played freedom unite and enjoyed it though I fucking hated the mechanics sometimes, it made me appreciate World a lot

No, p3rd is the weakest of the gen 3. and Anything from gen 2 or before is a straight down ground, the most overrated game in the series is mhfu.

The only reason to play it is if you like having pins shoved under your nails.

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Frontier Unite made MHF and MHF2 obsolete

Portable 3rd is a mix of FU and Tri, however it features 3rd Gen monsters, FU only has 2nd Gen

So yea, play FU and P3rd, they're both great games

>Anything from gen 2 or before is a straight down ground
*blocks ur path*

Attached: monster hunter dos.png (220x312, 169K)

Nope, just jump right into FU
>Portable 3rd
Is a relaxing and easy game also surprisingly pretty too, do play it.

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Tri > Dos

This is why I still play 3U from time to time and none of the other games despite being 7 years old at this point.

Freedom is the fucking GOAT. Will make World babbies cry.

What's the ultimate MH for PSP in your opinion?

Here's a good example of what I mean. just look at all those fucking bullfangos everywhere, and the egg carrying quests are even worse.

yeah apart from the hub village and the order in which you fight the monsters I think Freedom Unite has every single piece of content that freedom 1 had.
I would usually recommend people jump straight into Freedom Unite except for the fact that Unite kinda orders the monsters weirdly. I liked how beating the village Rathalos quest in 1 was treated as a real milestone and even let you pull out that cool sword from the stone beneath the village tree. meanwhile in Unite the Raths are shoved into a weird optional quest in the guild hall.

I dont even count world, its a weird spin off and I hope it stays that way

>Yain Garuga used to be the Village final boss.
For real? lmao. Is it the easy fu garuga or the hard one like in 4u?
I liked fu and honestly, i love 3u, but it's too fucking easy. Alatreon, abyssal lagi, lucent narga, hallowed jhen and hell zinogre are the only troublesome enemies.
Yeah, but are there any difference in freedom's monster behaviour and stuff like that comparing to fu? I played Fu too much.

P3rd or FU

shit I forgot to include the video


Freedom is clunkier, yep even clunkier than FU, also much less content.

How good is p3rd's fan translation? What's there even to try out if you've already played mh3u? Except amatsu, which is abyssal lagiacrus.

2nd gen is basically a straight upgrade to 1st since it doesn't have gimmicks like 3rd gen and onwards, FU is still great to play and has everything from Freedom 1, P3rd is casualized as shit but still ok if you're looking for just "more MH"

Swimming created a whole new world and style of combat that Capcom refuses to revisit. It also made Plesioth worth fighting because you could chase him into the water. Instead of having to deal with pic related, which they forced back on people in Generations.

And let's not even talk about how almost all early gen monsters are garbage, you ave to be retarded if you prefer the dromes to jaggis.

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okay but how do the psp games stack up to the 3ds games

Completely inferior. based solely on the fact you don't need to claw.

Only jaggis are cool, others are better. And baggi has rare sleep attack, but great baggi is too hard for some reason

You can use second stick on vita, but honestly, it feels a bit weird, cause camera is not smooth, just couple of view modes

>p3rd is the weakest of the gen 3
>the most overrated game in the series is mhfu
how are things going in bizarro world, my man?

4U basically shits on any other MH game, at it's prime it was fucking dreamy, rooms everywhere for anything, everyone having fun, those super comfy rooms, friend list bursting with friends, just grab a cold one and play that shit with my bros hunting monsters for fun doing retarded shit like naked runs.

I wanna go back to those days

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What's it like living in a world of delusion?

Freedom is basically a beta, mechanics wise
FU still has some hitbox issues but is way more polished

Why are you asking so much about Freedom? I guess you'll be playing it in a non-modded PSP and you can buy the game for cheap

pro-tip, use PPSSPP so you can play them in HD, anti aliasing and texture filtering, it literally runs on toasters and even phones too

OR install CFW in your PSP, it's easy as fuck

Same monsters as 3U but with different maps and no swimming, also it has better graphics than 3U for 3DS if you play the modded HD version

>shit chat function
>little hills literally fucking everywhere
>no console version
Coulda been great

4U is the best game in the entire series, and it's a 3DS exclusive

FU is great if you want to play it for like a whole year without getting bored, it has a ridiculous amount of content

>It has better graphics if you play a modded version.
Then it doesn't really ave better graphics.

The set messages were fun, type to chat on the room was slow and awful but well, we really had a lot of fun, portability made possible to play it on bed or other comfy places.

>Why are you asking so much about Freedom?
Because i missed it and want to play it, if it has at least something to offer, like cutscenes, different monsters and stuff.
I play on a vita cause my psp's battery barely works and turns off after time, i don't see a reason to play a handheld game on a pc, honestly.

I forgot it was on PPSSPP, and I thought that was for mobile phones. I think I'll do this thanks. Only played like an hour or two of FU on my hacked psp before I misplaced it. Lord knows I probably won't touch World and it's reused bloat-stats monsters until Iceborne.

how about generations for the 3ds? how does that compare to 4u?

I'd say the advantages of MHP3rd over MHFU is having more weapon types, updated movesets, better felyne companions and other QoL changes 3rd gen introduced. Other than that, the variety of mobs in FU is staggering in comparison, with more elder dragons and giant mobs that span from Gen 1 and Gen 2. I started with FU, and having played MHP3rd, I feel like FU's map design is pretty good, though it might be nostalgia goggles.

P3rd had an official HD port on PS3, some guy ported those HD textures and models to the PSP version

so it's a mod based on official resources, or something like that

If you have fond memories of Freedom and haven't played FU then you're in for a treat, play FU, it's basically that game you used to love but 10 times better

I only played Generations and it was shit, can't say anything about GU, apparently has lots of content like FU but imo Hunter styles and arts were a mistake and I'm glad they weren't brought back for World

I remember there were rumors at the time that 4U would have a WiiU version, just like 3U did. That would have been great

Depends. If you like consistent monsters that you will eventually learn to bend over the sink but leave you no room for error, FU.
If you like having more attack options, more random monster behavior, and are okay with the idea of monsters never really threatening your health bar, 4U.

>If you have fond memories of Freedom and haven't played FU then you're in for a treat, play FU, it's basically that game you used to love but 10 times better
Mate, i missed it, not miss playing it and i wrote in op post that i played f2/fu. I've played fu to death, plus it was released on the phone too.

3U > GU > 4U
Gen U is better only because they fixed Gravious's hit boxes and hyper is a fuckload better than frenzy or artificial difficulty that was apex.

If you're wonder why GU and 4U are jockying for 2nd place. 3U had.
>Most of the best music
>Some of the best maps in the series and it streamlined tracking down monsters (No more bullshit like A Ridge or V hills where you have to run halfway across the map to follow a monster.)
>Water combat separates the boys from the adults and created a new, hostile world to explore.
>The best monster roster where they built everything from the ground up after Tri.
>Most expansive multiplayer including where you could chat in the middle of hunts.
>Can play with the WiiU pro controller, one of the best controllers ever made. (Can also abuse soft lock to keep the monster in your sights)
>Guldie Sweetheart is the best guildie character, if not one of the best in the franchise.
>Cha-cha and Kayamba are better than any Paliceos outside of the customization you can do in GU. Personality wise, they are superior.

Fight me.
Them bringing back hitboxes invalidates 4U as the top game.

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can i turn this into a pasta

GU is basically a "lolz member this monster??" and "lulz member this map???"

FU was the last game with the hitbox=wall
then in p3rd they started fixing it making the games less of chore to play, I still have tigrex down to art despite not playing MHP2 for over 10 years

Only if it's used for factposting and not shitposting

portable 3rd is a great game to play 3rd generation maps without the bullshit water mechanics

there's no reason to play anything older than 3rd gen

>Then in p3rd
The fuck? Tri doesn't exist to you?

This post helps me realize why I liked 3U so much. A lot of this is true. Chacha, the music, Guild Lass, amazing monsters all around, can't complain about any, good online system with sociable chat and friend list, lobbies easily browsed and searched, all those monsters. Only complaint really is slime being OP but even then against monster stats the weapons are still fine outside of Kelbi Bow cheesing.


It was fine but it lacks the same feeling of 4U, still plenty of fun but wasn't such a magical experience, I did the great majority of Gen solo too because my skills were a little bit too much for online mode, specially since I came directly from 4U so I was at the top of my game and I don't want to shit the experience of other by going apeshit over the monsters and nuking them up right away.

It's a good newbie game and both a bad one too. it just recycles lots of stuff from older games, especially 4u, but it just played much worse than 4u, so i would rather just play that.

Tri is abject garbage.

You hate one the best games of Monster Hunter then. Because you either love bloat or are to much of a casual for underwater combat.

Imagine being a tri baby who has nostalgia for it.

Butthurt FUcker can't handle the facts that his game is inferior.

imagine not being able to swim oh nononono