When does it get good?
When does it get good?
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Its actually one of those games that peaks at the beginning and only gets worse after so if you aren't having fun by the first palace don't bother.
If you're not hooked yet, bail. Not only does it go downhill but it is absolutely never ending
If you dont like the combat and music then bail, it's not for you
After you get Ann. Peaked at Kamoshida. And slowly falling off from there. Nosedived at Okumura. But picked back right after Sae's palace and stayed level right until the end.
I bought this game, should I play it? Not a fan of anime btw
Is this a shitpost just checking
it doesn't, the game peaks at around 10 hours in and after that it's all downhill
if you want a good shin megami tensei game play p3 or nocturne.
I just wanted to see how many of you plebs would say it goes downhill after Kamoshida.
Nope, I have it in my collection
>it is absolutely never ending
I loved the game, but fucking this, it's too long
Whole thing is kino. At least the anime variety.
If you can stomach Japanese society bullshit and generic anime character tropes, sure.
Dungeons are fun except for mementos.
I got to the ship and lost all will to go any further. Fucking hate that dungeon.
>Nocturnefag and P3 fag
Like clockwork
Wait people actually like the 7th palace?
Sometime around the part of the game where you get to take on the role of Becky.
It was bad, but I think the space station was worse.
Yeah they do get progressively worse but I still enjoyed it. Only really hated mementos, but I can understand why you quit there.
The space station was tedious to traverse but at least was interesting and made you think a bit; the ship was just narrow hallways to force combat and "holy shit another mouse statue puzzle?"
That is true, but I still found the space station more annoying, especially since most of the enemies had resitance of some type to physical attacks. SP management was horrible.
Don't worry bro, it gets good 50 hours in.
135 hours in.
The bank
Yes its 2nd best one.
The Casino
The mouse stuff is shit but it's saved by the fights with Akechi and Shido
>50 hours after you've completed it
If you have to ask this question then the answer is drop it right now and don't look back. I love the game I played through it twice in Japanese and then played the localized version one and a half times though.
yes its kino
Honestly, as much as I love this game, if you don't fall for it early on, just leave. This game is gargantuan; it will eat up your free time for month.
>say good games are good
>whoa you're a good gamefag
hang yourself
I was very surprised at the length. I thought going in that I knew it was going to be long, but never in a million years did I think it would be THAT long. And if you really want everything you need to play it twice.
Boss fight was meh
For me it was right after taking down Kamoshida, couldn't put the game down from that point onwards
I wish all the targets had a payoff scene as satisfying as Kamoshida's confession in the gym. All the others were such a fucking anticlimax.
if you're not enjoying it once the Kamoshida drama kicks into high gear, return or sell it
>and stayed level right until the end.
fuck no, everything after Sae was horrible.
>beat the game in 110 hours
>like 8 confidants still not finished
This, but the complete opposite.
114 hours here (about 10 were idle)
loved every minute
Why the ship it was all boring corridors?
If you're not a weeb/waifu-fag, it's honestly probably not the best game for you
dogs were annoying
password section was pointless
worst boss fight in the game
Best soundtrack
>haru or lavenza
I liked the music and aesthetic
One of the only games where I wondered if it would be better with less content
>105 hours
>max all confidants, maxing the last on the last free day
feels good man
I don't. It's the worst one other than the godawful Spaceport.
>Senator Armstrong
Space station is too goddamn long and all the fights are attrition based. Jesus Christ it just goes on and on. Almost made me drop the game.
How do I make good movesets for the Personas? I feel like I just put the strongest move I can on it with no real thought except for SP use and coverage. I mean I still get through battles easily enough but I feel like i'm missing something
Overall I loved this game. There's a few issues here and there, but the only legit problem I have is Mementos. What the fuck is that "music" track? Even Tartarus's music was slightly more interesting because it changed the higher you went. I don't know anything about music and I'm positive I could come up with a song that isn't so bad it just highlights how monotonous driving through each floor is.
Haru is best girl
Play merciless and experiment with ailment builds
Its almost like...that is the point...
Generally you want personas with a mix of different type attacks to cover for enemy weaknesses
I always try for each persona to have atleast
>1 physical attack
>1 elementary attack that targets single enemy
>the multi target version of that elementary attack
and then stat buffs or auto buffs from there
I didn't like the game very much in the end but that was sick
When you buy the full game again, the one they're going to release with all the dlc they intentionally left out to bait weebs to buy the same game again
No it isn't. There is no point, it's laziness. Especially given how awesome most of the soundtrack is. Don't bother replying as I've already discarded your incorrect opinion.
You know, the fault is on me
I should have discarded your opinion when you praised haru
it’s a popular jazz theory that you can make a song out of a single note but go off
it only gets worse. I sincerely believe P5 is the most overrated game this gen, which is insane because it's non-western. This game's story gets worse as it goes along, has a shit ton of filler, has the weakest cast in persona aside from the first game, dumbed down challenge which was already dumbed down from SMT from the previous games, a non-character as the main villain (shido), and the off days events (or event, there's only 1) sucks. The only thing better was dungeon design which is shittier than SMT. The game gets all its praise from presentation, it's 0 substance.
Sephiroth kills Aeris
After ~15h then it gets bad once Makoto joins.
>stayed level right until the end.
the final arc is the worst thing in both the story and gameplay
uuuh excuse me but this game is a masterpiece and if you cant enjoy it from start to finish you got shit taste sweaty
You probably like Futaba or as Cringetaba as I like to call her.
I'm up to the steamy bathhouse, when does it get good,
Haru and Futaba are the 2 worst girls
for me, the game got really good when i sold it on ebay. it never infected my console ever again and saved me who knows how many more hours of reading a boring story with boring characters in boring settings with boring motivations and boring resolutions.
No, she is the worst, but that doesnt make the others good you know?
are we allowed to talk about the good persona games? or only the shovelware one in the op?
It's pretty much a troll thread I was just trying to get some discussion out of it dude
and why is it a troll thread? because many people think persona 5 is a fucking piece of flaming shit not worth anyones time or money?
that's a boy, right?
When you go two games back.
As soon as you boot up the game.
Just the contrarians who like to sound edgy
can I experience everything in this game in a single playthrough?
>tfw saved before the final boss ages ago and still havent touched it
What's even the point anymore...
>This game's story gets worse as it goes along
Wrong. It dips heavily in the middle, then gets better towards the end.
>has a shit ton of filler
Less filler than P3
>has the weakest cast in persona aside from the first game
weakest party members, but the best social links. a fine trade off
>dumbed down challenge
I recently beat P3FES, P4G, and P5 all on hard... and P5 is probably the most difficult
>a non-character as the main villain (shido)
shido isn't the main villian
>the off days events (or event, there's only 1) sucks
they suck in p3 and p4 too. the remake should fix it
It is possible. But some confidants require 4 or 5 in a social Stat.
One secret boss fight in a second playthrough but I think that’s it
Yes but you have to focus on getting your social skills up as much as you can to make sure you can max out all confidants
theirs like 1 optional boss in ng+ that's not in the first playthrough
the final boss or the final final boss or the final final final boss?
whats the point in not finishing it if you've spent all the time getting that far...
The game's strongest point is the first dungeon.
it dips in the middle, gets better after, and drops below the ground with yaldaboath
>Less filler than P3
no? P5 is longer
>weakest party members, but the best social links
>fair trade off
disagree, the party members and villains are way more important than social links. Both are shit in 5
>I recently beat P3FES, P4G, and P5 all on hard... and P5 is probably the most difficult
you must be joking or you ignored shit like mishima's social link. P5 is by far the easiest in the series
>shido isn't the main villian
yes he is, he is the major threat for 90% of the game. If you want to consider yaldaboath as the villain he's just as shallow
>they suck in p3 and p4 too. the remake should fix it
much better than p5
>this game essentially came out yesterday
>fatlus decided to make another version of it instead of giving us a remastered P3
i give up
>Stayed level.
Bitch, no. The Jail prison or whatever the fuck you want to call it was awful and it STILL doesn't end there.
I really enjoy the SMT tier ending/twist, but holy fuck, three separate "final" dungeons is not good pacing.
Because I'm the OP and it is.
P5 is better than P3 by miles.
P5 has set the bar extremely high as far as Persona is concerned.
>remastered P3
Why? Are PS2 graphics not enough for zoomers ?
Casino is the best palace. Peaked at Kamoshida fags have no taste.
The one that doesn't let you go back to anything anymore and makes me feel like I am on a Chaos route because I am killing a bunch of winged faggots to get to him
never mind
i thought it was a follow up to this exhentai.org
P3 doesn't need a remaster. The last thing this series needs is more milking
As much as I would like at least a visual overhaul and some QoL changes, I don't want to even imagine what sort of nightmare modern ATLUS would turn P3 into.
if it's too difficult for you just use a guide user
Post P5R-chan
The best part are the first 2 acts, then the game takes a slow dive and the worst part is the last palace
It basically is a Chaos route, now that you mention it. The PT doesn't give a damn about laws or order, only enforcing their own ideals above all others because they have power.
best palace was futaba's
worst palace was everything else
literally like 10 hours
Longer does not mean more filler.
Almost the entire P3 dungeon was filler.
I also played P3FES and P4G in hard and it was harder than P5 on hard, not because of the fights, but because the limited SP made completing dungeons on a single trip harder than in P4, while it didn't matter that much in P3 since there was almost nothing to do at night and you had totally free SP going back to floor 1.
>Ship purely because of the boss battles
>If you don't think it's Kawakami then you're probably retarded
They're all shit, but Ann is pretty.
>and P5 is probably the most difficult
On what planet? In p5 you're stacked with a metric fuck ton of abilities that can kill enemies in a split.
I wouldn't call the previous games bar 1 hard but they're a hell of a lot more fair on the enemies.
Very cute, I hope in the game you have the option of letting her hair loose
Easily the worst Persona game in the franchise, and possibly the entire Megaten franchise, at least plot-wise. The game is pretty fun, though, and they put a lot of effort in characterizing the Social Link characters. However, when it comes to JRPGs, the plot is usually the selling point, and unfortunately, Persona 5's plot just devolved into "Adults and authoritative figures suck!"
>However, when it comes to JRPGs, the plot is usually the selling point
Said no one ever.
>the plot is usually the selling point
not really, it's comprehensiveness. None of the classic FF games have good stories but they sold because they were equal parts decent in combat, plot, dungeons, mini games, music, etc. None of the final fantasy games have good stories except for 7 and parts of 10/12
tits too small
You literally checked yourself. If the entire soundtrack is good, why does one track in particular stand out or is a complete mess? It's almost like it fits the setting or something...
>they're just lazy you fucking retard lmao
If that was true, they could literally just not have a soundtrack at all and just have ambience, which would've been better than purposefully doing a shit job of composing a song.
Why don't you fuck off and go play fortnite?
She's a high school freshman and is most likely 14, she's not gonna have porn star tits
it's longer, but there isn't more filler. unless you count all visual novel parts as filler?
p3/p4 were more forgiving with time, allowing you extra days to level up/tackle tartarus or dungeons
Small tits are great. Porn poisoned your mind.
I unironically enjoy the gameplay. and social links are funny to read (like a bad visual novel).
>p3/p4 were more forgiving with time, allowing you extra days to level up/tackle tartarus or dungeons
what, you get the tired status and can (and should since it's the best method) take down a dungeon in P5 in a single day
I will be sure to main her in smash bros.
Do you honestly think people play JRPGs for the story?
Imagine her smell
P3 is literally designed so it's not remotely possible to do everything on a single playthough to fit with the theme of the game. It's far more time punishing than 1 daying a palace and then fucking around building social links for the next 3 weeks
Y-you're telling me that I'm the only one who cares about the story?
When you drop it and start playing a real Shin Megami Tensei like Nocturne/4/Strange Journey Redux.
>dumbed down challenge
P5 is easily harder than P4 and P4G. It's a little less difficult than P3's Tartarus bosses (that fucking dancer that charms everyone)
Do you have any sources to back that claim up? Especially considering Joker is 16/17.
>too long
It was only like 80 hours
Look at this phone.
I don't know about 4g, but 3 and 4 are noticeably more difficult than 5. There are multiple difficult spikes in 3/4 people complain about, there are none in 5
That's because people are playing on normal mode.
Angel in Kamoshidas palace
Second boss
Oni mini-boss fight in the Bank.
Anubis in Futaba Palace
I had zero issues in P3, and the only time P4 was ever difficult was Yukiko's fight.
All of the persona upgrades but Morgana's sucked
Has there been a shrine maiden party member in a persona game
She's got the 1st year pin on. Joker has a 2nd year pin.
tiredness stops being important after the third full moon boss lol
That's... interesting, to say the least. Literally the only other first year in the game is Futaba, and she doesn't even go to the school.
Wouldn't this radically fuck up many of the in-game events like the school trip?
*makes you reload your save from 30 minutes ago*
Yes. She wouldn't be in the same class as Ann and Kawakami wouldn't be your homeroom teacher. She's either a Marie or an alternate side story protagonist. They'd have to rewrite the whole game to make her female Joker.
a literal number seems like a dumb way to signify your seniority in school, they couldve at least done something with the chevrons in the school icon
>Persona 5 is ba-
Maybe she really isn't female Joker after all.
no... but I said it was shit on Yea Forums! NO!
How could she be FeJoker? Her intro trailer was her saying how she didn't agree with the PT's methods.
Once you can go out at night.
>What is falseflagging.