What did game critics want Ubisoft to say?

What did game critics want Ubisoft to say?

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Game journos want them to go around saying "fuck blumpf" because they want to use gaming as their personal megaphone for their shitty political views.

white males, including trump, ejaculated into the water supply, causing the green virus.

I am really disappointed that The Division 2 didn't feature and praise any Black, Asian, Mexican and/or LGBT characters.

The most important thing about video games is to create equality in the world, Ubisoft did not deliver.

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What the fuck? They said this same shit about Far Cry 5. Why are they specifically targeting Ubisoft over what they DIDN'T say in their video games?

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The president at the time of the outbreak is literally called Waller
I don't know what they want

not leftist enough
and it never will be enough no matter what they do or say

>"Southern hipsters"
>Generic rural whites = "modern, young white supremacist"

Wow. I think video game journalists might be literally retarded.

Not enough ORANGE MAN BAD, I'd reckon.

Literally this

They want politics that aligns with their world view.

Politics will never be the same IN TRUMP'S AMERICA

>Ubisoft has the Division 2 logically state that, in an apocalypse scenario, those with a gun survived far more often than those without
>Lefties fucking everywhere online whined about it like the game took a far right stance

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That's not even politics. It's just nature. What, do they think that if the lights go out and law breaks down all those smiling people cleaning their toilets and brewing their coffee are going to stay that way?

"Everything is political" - A fucking idiot.


If the game doesn't cover this its getting docked two points

they want a post apocalyptic shooter to show that you don't need a gun when shit hits the fan

Leftists can't comprehend why anyone would want a gun to defend themselves. They only see them as tools for mass murder. Historical evidence and data on slaughter shooters supports this fact.

I guess upgrading bases of operations with fagflags and women running around decked out with 200kg operator gear just isn't good enough.

I graduated last May and one of my final semester professors said during a debate about gender equality something along the lines of "Equality between men and women is all well and good, but it's only sustained by the society we've forcibly put in place, and it would completely disappear if modern civilization were to collapse."

You could probably hear the REEEEEEEEEEEing from that classroom on the fucking moon.

I prefer if they just made a game with more than an hour of unique content.

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I can only recall two minor allusions to Trump in FC5.
I really don't know why people look to Ubisoft games for deep, intricate political commentary. Most of their games have atrocious stories, though the cast of Far Cry 5 is great.

I wouldn't be surprised if that professor was fired in this climate. It's not like African/Muslim societies treat their women like dirt or anything.

Because Ubisoft release games with immense political baggage but then never engage with the political baggage that they are choosing to bring into their game.

People call activision out on it in CoD all the time as well. Take advanced warfare which for a while was this interestingly nuanced story... and then they made the main antagonist a pure monster and turned a pretty anti-war narrative into. "war is okay, as long as america wins"

You don't get to have your cake and eat it to, if you want to have a game which starts out by injecting itself right into the middle of the current gun debate in the US, don't fucking try to say you aren't being political.

>"war is okay, as long as america wins"
This is 100% true though. Seething Muslopean detected.

Many leftists have literally called for the workers to arm themselves for decades. The term you're looking for is "neoliberal shills"

The only times in modern history we've had similar situations to the division happen, literally the exact opposite happened. Read accounts from Sarajevo some time.

but none of those games do that

The Division has fuck all to do with gun control other than stating the very true fact that:

If society goes to shit, the guy with the gun will do better than the guy without

Why does that bother you?
>t. don't own a gun

>mom is super anti-gun and thinks they should be illegal to everyone "except the police and the military"
>all my family save myself lives way out in the boonies in the middle of nowhere, 40 minutes from the nearest town with a police station
>heard her arguing with my uncle during Christmas last year, and he asked her "So what should you do if some armed psychopath invades your home in the middle of the night, wouldn't a gun be useful then?
>She said "No, you don't need a gun for that. That's what 911 is for."

I'm convinced at this point that we can just go ahead and classify liberalism as a mental disorder.

>The only times in modern history we've had similar situations to the division happen
Literally no scenario in real life comes close to what happens in The Division. We're talking super AIDS wiping out the majority of America.

Leftists want "everyone" to have guns... but then seize them at gunpoint once they take control.

>if you want to have a game which starts out by injecting itself right into the middle of the current gun debate in the US

lol it doesnt do this in any way. the intro cinematic you speak of just references how most citizens were unarmed (statistically true).

I think it's because of the way they present themselves outside of their works that people expect the diversity hire stuff to be represented in the game.

The closest game I think is getting to do this will be Beyond Good and Evil 2 and I think even that won't completely bow down to leftist journo ideals for storytelling.

They should just keep letting EA and Bethesda be at the forefront of such silly notions in my opinion and not try to turn everyone into left wing propaganda storytellers.

>angry that there is not enough politics in the game
So if the game promoted right-wing politics in a positive light they would be happy? Why can't they be honest instead of dancing around what they really mean?

They wanted a Blump scene where you gun down a legion of white dudes and people in MAGA hats while a transblack transracial transwoman nods in approval.

Because they're fucking faggot losers.

>"war is okay, as long as america wins for Israel"

FTFY because that's the ideal of AIPAC.

They were likely upset that a game made for the sake of entertaining a wider general audience didn't scream "ORANGE MAN BAD" every ten seconds.

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You know what? Fuck it, I agree with "Far Cry would be a lot better without a story".

Go full Just Cause with it. Make it a massive, meaningless sandbox with bite-size standalone stories.

I remember this shit.

>FC5 looks like a drumpf fuck wh*te men fest
>it turns out to not take either side and conservatives and liberals show up on both sides and aren't the focus

The Balkan wars saw a modern nation get torn to shreds and have cities go from normal places, to practically post apocalyptic. That's the best comparison we're gonna get any time soon.

That in itself is a statement, if you make a statement and then don't engage on it, why make it?

If you just want to set a game about getting guns, why set it in a real place and not a fictional one? because you want to cash in, on the politics, but without actually doing anything with it, it's cheap and cowardly and should be called out.

I don't think you've ever actually looked at what the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" means. It specifies the mass of people excluding elites from power, not trying to find a Stalin to put in charge. Leftist writers constantly call for arming the masses, both in a literal and a metaphorical way.

You're assuming that we shouldn't go to war with Israel.

And it's still not even close in terms of population scale, population racial diversity and total armament of the population. The US loses power in a city for one day and looting happens within minutes.

The problem is that'll never happen because our leaders are too deep in the pockets of the ZOG.

They'd much rather secure their positions and fight for them than fight against them.

If you believe in the Bible we sure as hell shouldn't.

>Leftist writers constantly call for arming the masses, both in a literal and a metaphorical way
I don't give a fuck about what they write. I give a fuck about what they DO and every communist/socialist that assumes power bans the guns.

Serious post why do people play "job" games?

They don't bring any political baggage into their games, only the marketing. It's pretty clear that they're doing this to spark controversy and to more importantly get journalists to shill their games. Then when the actual games come out they pull the rug from underneath them and give everyone an actual videogame instead. It's honestly pretty brilliant considering it's worked three times in a row now despite journalist faggots seething about the results every time

People still think Ubisoft is going to make grand political statements? Really? The company who constantly bends over backwards to avoid offending anyone?

Shiet, they put blacks and Asians in FC5 to avoid triggering fragile white gamers. They patch out gender pronouns to avoid triggering trannies.

They want to try and twist devs into making political statements along the lines of their ideals. Only issue is that devs are starting to get that people don't really care what articles say, the people writing them don't get this though so they pump out more and more trash thinking people are actually listening.

>every communist/socialist that assumes power bans the guns

Well if democrats have proven anything it's that that will NEVER FUCKING WORK in America. So good luck commies.

Yugoslavia had armouries all over the place because their doctrine was "if we get invaded by either NATO or the Warsaw pact, EVERYONE will have a fully automatic weapon and they will be fighting street by street."

Trust me, there were guns fucking everywhere. And are you going to claim YUGO FUCKING SLAVIA didn't have more racial issues than the US?

Tito, Hoxha, pretty much anyone that wasn't stalin was very much GUNS FOR EVERYONE. Hoxha was also very much A BUNKER FOR EVERY MAN.

The Bible was written by Jews so if course they'd tell us not to make the streets of Jerusalem run red with blood.

>That in itself is a statement, if you make a statement and then don't engage on it, why make it?
Because they're explaining why people in the game behave the way they do. If society collapsed but everyone was nice to each other there would be no game.

It'll never work anywhere, the overwhelming majority of gun crime is committed in inner city areas within states with very strict gun control all with firearms that 90% of the time are not actually legitimately acquired. The kind of gun isn't the issue, the legitimacy of it's acquisition is. Fun fact, you can own a sawed off shotgun, a howitzer and an anti-tank rifle in Canada but you never see people get shot with them for some reason.

>And are you going to claim YUGO FUCKING SLAVIA didn't have more racial issues than the US?

It didn't. Shoving Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians together is a completely different game than shoving Asians, Africans, Anglos, Amerindians, and Arabs together.

This isn't a job game, it's an ARPG with a fresh coat of paint. Stuff like Farm Sim and Euro/American Truck Sim just appeal to autists.

The world really was better when game critics just told you if the controls were shit or the graphics were amazing or if the co-op was good. It's sad to see criticism get taken over by pretentious faggots who would rather be writing about current events but they couldn't get a job as a news reporter.

So their game has a political point as it's fundamental premise. And then doesn't engage with the idea in any way, but is perfectly happy to capitalise off everything around those politics.

This is what is being critiqued here. "You have all this, and then instead of doing something, you make the most safe, by the numbers thing you could."

The American education system at work.

orange man bad

Technically, the Bible is written by prophets, and maybe one of them was a merchant.

The actual merchant """Bible""" is the Talmud.

>Fun fact, you can own a sawed off shotgun, a howitzer and an anti-tank rifle in Canada but you never see people get shot with them for some reason.

Have you read Canadian news lately? People get shot all the time there now. More people were shot in Toronto than New York City last year.

Attached: canad.jpg (827x525, 140K)

>having Serbs, croats, muslims (as was the official designation at the time), turks, magyars, slovenes, albanians, macedonians, and more in the same country is less ethnically tense than the US.

I'm not convinced you could show me where yugoslavia was on a map

Is it immigrants or locals?

>fuck America
>fuck the military
>fuck Republicans
>fuck white men

>More people were shot in Toronto than New York City last year.
Holy shit

what the fuck is a Macedonian

I live in downtown Toronto and the shootings I hear about are always outside of the city core. Most of the shitskin immigrants are sequestered in far away neighbourhoods and those are where the shootings happen. Out of sight out of mind.

Something, something. Fuck grumpf

>What did game critics want Ubisoft to say?

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Well there ya go. Thank Trudeau for that ya leaf.

From this statement alone you did not play the game, let alone participate in either the Closed and Open Beta to play the 2 missions featuring what you said.

Someone from Macedonia.

>More people were shot in Toronto
How many of those are suicides?
I'd shoot myself too if I had to live in Toronto

More seriously though, you have to remember that eastern Canada is also taking on a notable influx of economic migrants which tends to spike crime overall. There's also the fact that the east is also a pretty economically weak area which also tends to lead to more crimes, that and when looking at an older study it shows that the highest gun crime rates by provinces tends to also come from out east (with the exception of the northern territories and Saskatchewan for some reason). TLDR there's a few other factors to look at too.
(Here's the study I was talking about, old but closest to date I could find)

>Gee why do they hate us so much? Obviously we didn't spark some form of instability in the regions they inhabit!



Game journalists, just like most other journalists exist entirely within their own Twitter-fenced opinion garden. They all share 90% of their opinions, or else they get ostracized. They are all hard left and intent on pushing their ideology. Its easy for them since all the marketing folks in their studios are exactly the same and they all share connections.

It's no wonder that when a game is politically neutral they dislike it. Especially considering that it looked like it was going for a strong political message based on the trailers and the cult mentality aspect. A strong political message can be deduced from the game if you're willing to make a couple of assumption, but they obviously wanted something more overt; something simple like Drumpf bad would have played well.

Instead we got a middle America charismatic cult leader with good intentions who was ultimately right about everything, whereas Trump is NYC big business with a simpleton personality and a demeaning attitude. It's a big too removed for anything to draw easy connections. The best you could do is say "something something trump cult middle America." It's not an easy enough comparison.
