Now that the dust has settled, we can finally say Sekiro has surpassed it?
Now that the dust has settled, we can finally say Sekiro has surpassed it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sekiro didn't even surpass Nioh
Bloodborne had already been surpassed.
keep your downvotes on reddit faggot
keep telling yourself that
I don't see it
multiple swampsssssss
Bloodborne has an amazing setting and lore as well as a much better OST than Sekiro. But Sekiro has better everything else, including core combat system, so I like it better. How much they enjoy Sekiro's setting is what will decide which one is preferred for a lot of people, but I can safely say that for me, Sekiro is way better. Better combat system, better level design, better world design.
i enjoy both of them more than any dark souls game
whats wrong with swamps? they're cool
not that one
If only they looked like this in game. Dark Souls 3 concept art looks much better than the final game
It has surpassed Bloodborne yes but it doesn't even come close to the king (pic attached).
3 comes close but thats about it
Sekiro = Bloodborne = DaS > DeS > DaS2 > DaS3 > Nioh
Dunno, just beat Genichiro and it feels like I'm spamming R1 and the parry windows are fucking huge.
Do you just dislike having to keep track of your stamina?
looks pretty good to me desu
oof yike cringe
Really low fucking bar. I'd hope so
opinion immediately discarded.
Yet neither have surpassed Evergrace.
based taste
>Aldrich was originally meant to be fought at the cathedral of the deep, there's even unused cutscenes that show that
>At Firelink Shrine, Hawkwood tells you Aldrich is locked in the cathedral of the deep
>All of that was cut because they needed to bring back Anor Londo for nostalgia points
its just reshade
do people unironically still play on ps4?
sekiro's ost is doodoo and the stealth system feels half-assed
It's moments like these that make me love Yea Forums, if this was reddit it would be some echochamber for 1 opinion while others are downvoted, here people have no choice but listen to other peoples opinions and at worst you'll just be called a fag
Yes it's better. Can't go back to Bloodborne if you played Sekiro at locked 60.
>It would even be a better game at 30 with hiccups
ds3 bosses are better than bb bosses. I like both but bb base game bosses are shit
I agree. Bloodborne's base game is so damn boring. You can just run up to the bosses and spam attacks and you just get healed right back up. I one-shot almost all of them. At least the DLC didn't let you do that without getting fucked up.
Once you're here for some time you'll realize that some people just like to be contrarian and/or fish for (You)s
Go back, you piece of shit.
Your post brings literally nothing to the discussion, I hope you die tonight.
>better level design
Now shut the fuck up right there buddy, Sekiro's level design is atrocious, Bloodborne is leagues above it in that department.
Naw bloodborne is miyazakis magnum opus.
b-b-but muh verticality
>one set in japan with a main character that has a backstory
>other is set in modern day bongistan
I hate fighting multiple enemies in senior it's unfun
Nioh vs SEKIRO
dosent make me any less right
DaS 2 > DeS > Nioh > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Sekiro > Dark Souls
>Sekiro's level design is atrocious
How? The areas don't loop back around on themselves in the same gratifying way, but the interconnectivity of the world as a whole isn't far behind DaS1.
this but unironically
okay user, i give, swamps are cool, there's just too much of it at this point in souls and ds3 in the early stages feels like never ending swampland
Mind you, I haven't played Bloodborne, but lots of people put Dark Souls1 and Bloodborne on the same level, and Sekiro isn't as good as Dark Souls.
Having tons of fun with it though.
Great setting, great atmosphere, good interconnectivity, amazing combat, surprisingly varied in its locations, some of their best bosses ever, and overall just really enjoyable.
Anybody else a bit let down by BB? I finally got a PS4 a few months ago and ran through it a few times, and maybe my hype going into it was just too high after years of hard shilling on Yea Forums, but I wasn't blown away. A lot of the bosses were just bad.
Level design and atmosphere was great, though.
nice bait
Sekiro no contest
I felt the same. Still got the Platinum trophy but there are pretty annoying issues that hold it back from being one of my favourite games. I also played it before I started using Yea Forums, so I didn't have insane expectations outside of hearing it was good.
Fuck dude you and your bros should have your own prank show on TV, frickin' hilarious.
I was hyped but still went in mostly on the level, you can't fully trust the sonybros that post here anyways so I knew it wouldn't be flawless.
I'm not sure how anyone can find Sekiro's level design atrocious. The levels are expansive and masterfuly designed. In fact one of the main driving forces behind Sekiro was Dark Souls 1's level designer. Bloodborne has pretty awesome levels like Central Yharnam but way too many mediocre levels, Sekiro is very consistent all the way through and that's with the added verticality and openness as well as dynamic changes through the whole game (basically BB's time of day system expanded).
I can't get a sense of direction from where I'm at in the game, like I'm running in circles.
And fuck me the shinobi tools are useless.
They're really pretty, but ultimately it's a game mechanic thing. In DS1, you actually had good reason to pay attention to the world around you. In Sekiro, maps are just a bunch of rooms with enemies in them.
>Now that the dust has settled
The game's been out for less than a week, and streamers are still playing it on twitch. How has the dust settled at all?
I would have disagreed with this post but just recently I stumbled across a lot of pathways and little workarounds to areas when I doubled back explore. Shit is wild, and I still feel like I'm missing a lot too.
it's a stupid meme
Left Bumper:
Always Parry Twice
>streamers are still playing it on twitch
I agree with your post but why would you mention this as any sort of indicator?
It's to judge the normie bandwagon popularity scale
Well this thread is getting off to a great sta-
God fucking damnit
I don't really agree. The only lazy/gamey levels I found were those cave sections but Dark Souls 1 also had boring connection areas like the Valley of Drakes, and BB didn't even have much interconnectivity aside from the great Forbidden Woods / Clinic connection so it didn't have to suffer from this. There was also the Old Yharnam / Yahar'gul connection but it served no gameplay purpose at all, sadly.
I found most levels in Sekiro to be very believable, which was probably especially hard for From to do since now you can actually crawl all over the place instead of going through what are basically pretty corridors like in most Souls levels. All the main areas reminded me of the Painted World of Ariamis in that way, you end up going everywhere you see and the area is very vertical and expansive.
>I found most levels in Sekiro to be very believable
Now that’s darn rude.
>stealth system feels half-assed
DS1 > Sekiro > DS 3 > Bleedybarn > DS2
Yeah, well, I’ve been officially evaluated by an actual psychologist and he determined that my IQ is in the “above average range” (somewhere between 110 and 120). So I guess I am not a retard. And I enjoy playing From’s games. Now I seriously doubt that you give a single fuck about my IQ (I don’t really give that much of a fuck, either), and even if you did you more than likely don’t believe me. I could post my psychological evaluation report which shows the IQ score that I got, but I doubt anybody would believe a word that’s written on the report especially considering that there’s no real way to prove that any of it was written by an actual psychologist. Since, well, it doesn’t even contain the psychologist’s signature. Only his printed name in the Times New Roman font. And it’s not like you can look up the report anywhere online to verify its authenticity so it’s about as useful to me as toilet paper. But, hey, there you go. Maybe you guys have all had your IQs determined by actual psychologists and you all found out that you have a genius-level IQs. And, hey, that’s great! Now you can feel as superior as you want to all of us losers who bought Sekiro. Woo fucking hoo. Hooray for you! I’m happy for you. Really. But that still won’t stop me from playing Sekiro. So you guys can keep on telling me to kill myself all you want, I ain’t gonna’ kill myself. So if you want me to die you’re gonna’ have to kill me yourself! Maybe you all should go on shooting sprees and kill a bunch of people, and then, maybe, just maybe, you might end up killing me.
Almost every boss in DS3 is either a gimmick
>Ancient Wyvern
>Curse Rotted Greatwood
>Abyss Watchers
Or don't have enough health to be threatening
>Soul of Cinder
>Old Demon King
And then there's bosses that heavily rely on le anime powerups
>Demon Prince
This. Bloodborne was a 6/10 game until the DLC brought it up to an 8/10.
Souls games at their best always had a special thing which was making the areas believable in the sense of them being actual places where the enemies reside, creating the illusion that they aren't just setpieces with enemies sprinkled in them. A good example of this is Central Yharnam in Bloodborne. It feels like a real city you're exploring. An example of this being broken is Iron Keep in Dark Souls 2. There's no illusion, it's just a videogame level with a bunch of enemies thrown in it as well as ridiculous gamey traps that serve no purpose in the setting. If you don't want to hear more DS2 bashing, another example of this being broken is Demon Ruins in DS1, you can clearly see where they just called it, added a bunch of rock and lava and copy pasted like 10 Taurus Demons over it.
Your taste is shit. Abyss Watchers aren't a gimmick boss, either. It's a really really good first lord soul boss
>magic door that goes from dilapidated temple to the top of the fucking castle somehow
>magic door that goes from ashina outskirts all the way up to senpou temple
what the FUCK were they thinking
Miyazaki is a faggot that's why. Once he was off of BB he came back and cut up DaS3 to make sure it was as ambiguous as possible, and because he wanted it to be directly linked to the first game.
They're recycled assets from an area that got cut and play like an optional boss. You can backstab them, they're easily stunlocked, and a friendly Watcher holds your hand the moment the fight gets tricky.
And then the second phase has the ubiquitous flaw of not having enough hp to pose a challenge.
There's areas in every Souls where shit is just randomly scattered about without purpose.
>Abyss Watchers aren't a gimmick boss
They are the definition of a gimmick boss. The gimmick is that you just backstab spam them.
Fuck no.
What's your guys' obsession with this Fall River faggot?
I was just explaining to that user what "believable" meant to me and what I meant when I said I found most Sekiro areas to be that.
the true king
convince me otherwise
>Sekiro isn't as good as Dark Souls
>Great setting, great atmosphere, good interconnectivity, amazing combat, surprisingly varied in its locations, some of their best bosses ever, and overall just really enjoyable.
I don't get it
Dark Souls 1 is on an unreachable pedestal for so many people. Best world design in probably any 3D game, but if From were to release the game now it'd get shitposted to death because the rest of the aspects don't hold up to the titles that followed it (and sometimes even Demon's Souls)
alt right neo nazis
I'm calling bullshit, you're talking out of your ass.
Nailed it, except DS3 > 2
I forgot I had started the video and the laugh came out of nowhere and I think I'm about to have a heart attack
Fucking bull get some in the face! Fuck fuck fuck. toro toro!
an unofficial mod by nature can't work as an argument for the game user
is Evergrace actually good or is it only talked about for the meme OST?
Lmao not even fucking close
Even DS2 has surpassed it, and that's the worst game of the actual series.
Sekiro is my favorite Fromsoft game.
this game is embarrassingly shit. Zoomers will eat up anything
It's a weird kind of game that tries a lot of strange things. I wouldn't call it "good" but I had fun playing it.
They're angry with you because they know you are right
only snoyggers even put BB above any of the 3 souls games
the base game is embarrasingly shit, and the 20 fps slideshow and hour-long loading times make it hard to enjoy the DLC, which is BB's only good part
I liked sekiro more. While I dont think it's writing or its setting is particularly better it feels more like an action game. Being basically forced to use the same weapon makes it more combat focused rather than switch weapon modes and stuff constantly to see which attack is easiest to cheese this enemy with. I feel like I can really get right into the fray and open up rather than play so defensively positioned but constantly pushing attacks. In sekiro you have to be offensively moving and unrelenting. Also feel like the consumables actually give you an edge besides firepaper.
>combat focused
Please. It's dumbed down R1/L1 spamfest (parry windows are huge) combined with the BotW hardmode where enemies just regenerate health really fast.
I once got all the way to that hallway full of monsters without even entering or knowing about the Huntsman's Copse.
good lord i want NotIosefka to experiment on me
Fantasy japan isn't fresh at all nigga, it's been done plenty.
>Ninja Gaiden
>Way of the Samurai
how is that really different from bloodborne? You just press circle instead of l1. Guns basically pointless unless you're fighting a boss susceptible to viscerals from guns and not enough enemies drop ammo that you'd use it on regular mobs. It basically fills the same niche as the stealth attacks. Which is fine but overpowered in a lot of circumstances and is easy to get a lucky 2 or 3 off.
The characters and the quests that I’ve stumbled upon are much more interesting too.
overall the OST in BB is better, but Sekiro has some real winners too
Sekiro was just kinda boring. It was difficult but nothing really wanted me to play more
>mostly games from ancient yore
yeah ok and the dark souls setting is literally from the 11th century, can't get more stale than that
How do I get gud on Sekiro? I love the setting, the gameplay, the bosses, but I suck so much.
>can't get more stale than that
Yes, you can, very easily.
>World War 2
>Eastern-Influenced far-future
I hated the soundtrack, worst part about the game for me.
>same combat theme the entire game
It made me gag at the end so I turned it off for ng+
attack, if blocked don't attack again or you will get parried. when attacked, always parry if you can and counter super quick without a gap. look for gaps in enemy attack patterns where you can dodge instead and counter, but be sure you have a real opening or just keep parrying instead.
Once you learn that the dodge is useless, and just use the run and block/deflect function, then you'll begin to get gud
don't be greedy with your strikes it takes time to transition from attack to guard. Don't mash l1 try to time it with their attacks when done right they take posture damage and you don't. The window I sent very large but theres very little recovery time required. Really watch their hands and weapon.
how is it useless?
Jesus fucking Christ why is the Mist Noble so hard
I’ve been trying to beat this guy for like 6 hours holy fuck
you really shouldn't even be that close when he's doing those attacks to begin with. His grab is almost a 1HKO, it IS a 1HKO he throws you off a ledge, so why even risk it?
he's just a cry baby.
>you're telling me I actually have to choose a direction to dodge in to physically avoid an attack?
>that means I have to watch my spacing
The more I play the more I realize this game is a fucking masterpiece and all the criticisms in other threads the past couple days are from fags who literally haven't even played it or are casuals who gave up almost immediately and didn't get far enough into the game to know what the fuck they are talking about
Still not sure if I consider it better than Bloodborne, but it's definitely better than any of the Souls.
>This mini-boss can be defeated in mere seconds using a drop deathblow. As the boss attempts to stand after the plunge, just use normal attacks until he dies. It's more than likely you'll never see him do anything.
No, I'm just not an autistic retard who uses a shitty mechanic when there's more optimal mechanics that offer less of a headache and offer greater risk-reward.
wait, so you don't take any posture damage if you parry on time?
Nioh has perfected the formula. Nioh 2 will be beyond godlike.
I'm stuck on him too. I think I'm up to 5 hours across 2 days of attempting him.
Stop trolling, he’s the hardest miniboss in the game
>it IS a 1HKO he throws you off a ledge, so why even risk it?
>not grappling back up while in mid-air
Lol get gud
I want to do lewd things with Lord Kuro
no they take it instead
>lol, just use the grapple
I don't want to run past all those samurai and tengu every time
I don't agree with that but I really hope nioh 2 will break new ground.
Hope they don't keep the mission based structure with repetitive bullshit missions that are only there to waste time
did you not get the bonfire in the dojo before the iaido miniboss guy?
I can't even believe Nioh fags are still a thing
That game is complete garbage
I did but it's still pretty far from Genichiro, there's not another one closer?
Fuck me, this was a good fight. I'm not sure if I'vethis much fun with a boss since the first time I tackled Artorias. If anybody is curious, those candies that keep your posture up are a god send.
How the fuck do you submerge underwater?
Fair enough. My only major gripe with Nioh is the non interconnected stages
all you have to do is go out the window and grapple up the rooftops, shouldn't have to encounter any enemies on the way
You need to beat the first Corrupted Monk
Ok so who is the hardest boss in the game?
BB was largely overrated, still, they're different games at their core, I personally prefer Sekiro, but that's just me.
Have to agree with this, shame it still keeps the ugly BB aesthetic with giraffe twinks everywhere.
The last boss by far.
Dark Souls was my first but it's incredibly flawed compared to BB/Sekiro
half the fucking game wasn't finished
Mist Noble
Sekiro is too hard
DaS > Sekiro > BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2
I'd probably rate them as such but I admit some games are negligible in their differences. Honestly I'd take any game in the series over most AAA slop that released these days.
Demon of Hatred or Final Boss.
They are both a massive chunk more difficult than the rest
>mfw I have finally beaten it
It took me literal 4 hours to beat demon of hatred lmao
Garbage game. Glad i pirated. It's hard for the sake of being hard without any of the reward besides 'git gud' bragging rights. The whole 'arm' thing was poorly executed. The scenery is 'meh'. The story is soulless. This game is more of a chore than anything else.
I gave up on the game because of those two, must have been at least 10 years since I had to drop a game because of difficulty.
Bloodborne > Sekiro > DaS >= DeS > DaS2 > DaS3 > Nioh
Sekiro doesn't get a fair rating yet since I have the DLC for the others in mind and they were the best parts of those games
Exploration is better than ever in this game but the fact that you can't find new weapons/"spells" makes it feel less rewarding
>5 games in
>still can't implement a "retry" option in a boss battle
I don't mind getting good or bosses being designed to test the shit out of you, but not having that retry option is just pure bs.
No. Sekiro is boring as fuck.
cringe and shittastepilled
are you kidding? it's literally a 10 second walk
>and not enough enemies drop ammo that you'd use it on regular mobs.
The issue with guns is that you can only hold a limited amount of bullets. You can buy them.
And it is different, Bloodborne is more about risk/reward while this is basically it for Sekiro. Sure, you have a few skills but Soulsgames have more weapons with different movesets.
I know Sekiro is not a Soulsgame, but I'm pretty sure that Activision forced some shit down there like the training guy or the pause menu or the ridiculous amount of tutorial boxes popping up all the time. I know how to use a menu, fuck off. and prepare to die difficulty
Not that Sekiro is a bad game, it's pretty good. It's just also really frustrating without being really an improvement or excelling in some points.
While in BB you play aggressive for more damage, your dealt damage stays dealt while in Sekiro sometimes bosses recover the dealt posture damage before your animation even finished. Honestly, it feels like it was made to be more simple. hit/parry that's it. In the souls games you still have to somewhat manage your health/stamina.
What really annoys me though is that they fucked the unlocked camera.
Those images aren't supposed to make proper sense, it's more about humour
Now let's talk about sound design in general. No idea what happened with Sekiro desu
no he's right, i did this my first encounter with him and never saw any of his attacks
You can literally resurrect in Sekiro, dipshit. Do you also want a blowjob every time you die?
>lmao jump into the lightning
Fuck you too. I just dodged under him and smacked that fucker
Why do you snoys keep rating BB so damn high. There is literally nothing it has over any 3 of the DS games. It plays at 20 fps. It's braindead easy. The DLC is the only good part of it.
Are you just adding a sony bonus to it or what
What's the issue with a mission-based structure?
You have to have missed the dojo one in that tower. Which is actually impressive if you beat that samurai up there and keep running passed it, kek.
You know, I would love some sort of dungeon crawler with all of the bosses for quick tries at them over and over again in a separate game mode, maybe after NG or something like the Chalice Dungeons, but come on, user, a retry button? Seriously?
That lightning shit works like 25% of the time t b h
>fight endboss
>absorb lightning
>take no damage
>doesnt hit boss either though, just vanishes
might as well just have taken one step back
Is that even the way you're supposed to go?
I think at some point I ran into Isshin's tower when I first got to Genichiro, just ran past those annoying faggots. Then the game is like "Yo, you can use the rooftops from here to get to Isshin!"
Sounded weird considering I got there by climbing those dumb roofs in the first place
Surpassed an overrated clunky game that runs at 24fps?
Sure why not. What an achievement.
Almost done with the game. I'm not looking forward to the final boss, I still have nightmares of Orphan of Kos
Both are shit anything dark souls or dark souls related is huge amounts of trash that only a turbo autistic man child would play you are killing video games please take your cancer back to nigger land. Give me a call when you make a GOOD game.
>I still have nightmares of Orphan of Kos
Kek, Grandpa is gonna fuck your ass without lube boi.
It makes the world feel disconnected and dead
He is easier than Demon of Hatred imo.
He is just gonna rape your ass repeatedly because you dont know his moveset. Its unique
>yfw phase 2 starts
>There is literally nothing it has over any 3 of the DS games.
Did you even play the game? The setting/story is one part but the combat is faster and aggressive. I don't really want to talk about BB since we had so many threads but it's easily better than 3 and especially 2. DaS and DeS are also pretty good and I can see why someone would prefer one of the three over the other.
Also what's with the all talk recently how only the DLC was good? Did I miss something?
>posture break last phase
>Sekiro just pokes him instead of starting the execution
>lightning attack, get somehow stuck on him and die
At least I still had one resurrection left
I love both but I'm high on Sekiro right now, once it wears off l'm not sure I'd still be placing it first.
If it gets a good DLC like the other games though it would be very hard not to.
it already has though
>He is just gonna rape your ass repeatedly because you dont know his moveset. Its unique
So basically like the rest of the game?
In what world senpai?
eh, a swords a sword but his dual wield shit is annoying to get used to
I didn't like Furi, so I'm sure this will take 4th place after the usual suspects
Thew following is the lowest point in video games
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Any future games will be shit
Man I still can't kill Demon of Hatred after so many tries. I don't know the fuck I managed to kill Orphan of Kos, shit was way scarier
I fucking hate soulsfags so damn much. The sequel wars make these threads unbearable.
I hate all fags who play these shit tier games.
It's cool that they gave the game more defensive options (with the jump) and made them matter more, but how the fuck did Fromsoft make your offensive options feel even less important than other Souls games?
100% agree and im a soulsfag
One thing Bloodborne and the Souls games do better than Sekiro is certainly the world map.
I finished Sekiro and for the most part had no idea where the hell I was going, what it connected to or where I even came from.
DaS2 and 3 had far worse maps than Sekiro IMO. Plenty of one off areas and linearity. BB is probably the best level design they've done, at least in Yharnam.
Sekiro does have a bit of that here and there but the more I play and explore the more I'm finding alternate routes. Connections and shit are really well hid.
I disagree. I love the non linearity. If it didn't have fast travel from the start it would be up there with DaS 1.
Beat Sekiro this morning, and I've been a From fan since the original King's Field. All that said, shitsux. I enjoyed exploring and sneaking around ninja murdering shit like it was a Tenchu game, but the actual core combat just isn't fun. Progression is weak, and every fight feels almost identical because they demand identical tactics and feel more like a shitty rhythm game than an action game.
Nioh was fucking trash.
So far it doesn't dethrone DaS as my favorite, but it might beat out DeS for my #2.
Haven't finished it and I'm already getting kinda bored of it to be quite honest. I'll probably just go back to playing DS1 afterwards.
It's because the posture is the actual HP bar and that shit regenerates quickly. Frustrating but it kinda tries to do the whole swordfighting thing where they just clash swords until someone fucks up and gets a sword down his throat.
Deflect/parry has also a huge window compared to souls games so it's normal to properly deflect so you just memorize attack patterns
>how the fuck did Fromsoft make your offensive options feel even less important than other Souls games?
The focus on combat is all about posture, not health.
Yes, but for a game with only 1 weapon, why give even less depth to your offensive options? That's my biggest problem with the game, outside the defensive options and the tools, Sekiro's offensive aspects feel even more shallow than BB, which was already pretty shallow.
It's just Bloodborne with Bamham combat.
>spam attack
>press counter when prompted
The setting is played out too.
>Yes, but for a game with only 1 weapon, why give even less depth to your offensive options?
There are multiple skills that unlock more powerful attacks and movesets, I think that's more than enough for Sekiro.
Spam L1 and learn how to counter thrust attacks. Be aware that the game becomes boring as fuck when you learn how to parry well.
>tfw doubling the player's posture and halving the enemy's makes the game a lot more enjoyable
He's not talking shit. I also beat him in about ten seconds
Pretty much this, tapping deflect is your best friend and needs to be used heavily. Focus on filling up the opponents posture meter, not their health bar, to hit them with the critical hits. Also use stealth at all times, even the mini-bosses you'll encounter can be stealthed so you have one less crit you need to do in actual combat.
It's hard to break those DaS habits, I found myself relying on dodge too much when the game isn't really meant for that.
>but for a game with only 1 weapon, why give even less depth to your offensive options?
What in the world are you talking about?
Have you actually played the game?
Excuse you and your entire race? Nigga there is a SINGLE good combat art and its still slow as shit and borderline useless. Even if it wasn't, oh wow single new move to add to mashing R1, such fucking depth
Man, it'd be really fucking cool if there was an Isshin fight which combined the moves of Shura ending old man Isshin and the resurrection ending Isshin boss. That would be so badass.
>Nigga there is a SINGLE good combat art
>oh wow single new move to add to mashing R1, such fucking depth
Deeper than Soulsborne.
Have you? I dont think so.
>Invoking Souls
Can't do that nigga, its not a souls game anymore according to you fags. Its an action game, and it makes it orders of magnitudes worse as a result.
Play the game sometime, DMC5fag, then come into a Sekiro thread and talk. There are plenty of skill unlocks that add movesets to your weapon and help you pair attacks with the prosthetic abilities. Oh, and three separate skill trees.
Oh, and I'd rather have a small amount of attacks and offensive abilities done well than 47 of them done shitty.
Quality posts, guys. Jesus fuck I know Yea Forums is a shithole since 2016 but do you two need to make it so painfully obvious that's when you migrated here? Pathetic.
Oh you mean the useless tools that do fuck all outside of a set of hard counters I can count on a single hand, and are tied to an ammo counter on top of it?
Oh wow 3 skill trees, each of them riddled with % based nodes. Wow. Fuck off with that logic its retarded and you should feel bad.
>Le 47 moves that are all bad
Now I know you havent played that game either.
>Have you? I dont think so.
I'm currently on NG+ so yeah.
If you don't actively use your prosthetics and hard counter combat arts you're just another shitter pretending he knows how to play the game, if you ever actually did.
>Can't do that nigga, its not a souls game anymore
Are you really pretending those games had deeper or more complex combat than Sekiro?
>Oh you mean the useless tools that do fuck all outside of a set of hard counters I can count on a single hand
Even garbage like Raven's Feather are useful all the way up to Isshin.
>Oh wow 3 skill trees, each of them riddled with % based nodes.
So you haven't played the game, good to know.
Tied for my fav
Lost Kingdoms > Bloodborne > Armored Core > Sekiro > > > Souls Series
Name those hard counters for combat arts then, because outside of mortal draw I found no use for them.
Also no. I'm not. R1 and Circle the fucking game those lot with kinda shitty RPG mechanics. Different brand of shittery.
>Read the original post.
It's more like 5 but really 4 if you want to be accurate on semantics.
Soulsbornekiro objective list
>S Tier
>A Tier
Dark Souls=Demon’s Souls
>B Team Tier
Dark Souls 3>SotFS>>>DS2
Excellent list, good taste user
same but I'd put sotfs at ds3 level or even above
>because outside of mortal draw I found no use for them.
Kek, so you ARE a shitter, you don't even know that you can clash grandma's kicks with Whirlwind Slash or stagger the monk with Ichimonji, let alone using Nightjar Slash properly.
You probably don't even know how to properly use your prosthetic combos to melt bosses, just pathetic, the umbrella alone is such a magnificent universal tool I find hard to believe anyone can say prosthetics are worthless.
Then again, you're confirmed a shitter so it's pointless to waste time on you.
you done yet lads?
>Boring ass level design
>Barely any enemy variety
>Easy fuck until the DLC
>Bland loot system with a clunky UI
Nioh 1 was mediocre as fuck outside of the combat and its not a better game than Sekiro, that said 2 has potential to be better than both
Post your review user
Based Swamp Souls. I'm playing through it again now that I've finished Sekiro.
Sekiro is great on the first run but there's pretty much 0 reason to ever play it again
This. Sekiro just makes me want to go back to Nioh and Souls. When I'm done with it, I don't think I'll ever replay it (only have two bosses to go, thankfully).
>Confirmed shitter
Or just maybe I saw no point to any of that since the game is so fucking shallow and doesn't evolve past "Mash L1 and R1 until icon! Jump or mash B for counter play" with the very rate "Lightning, JUMP" mixed in. You jackasses are the worst. I'm legit open to seeing what else the game has and the first thing you do is project instead
>there's pretty much 0 reason to ever play it again
>Different endings with their own stuff to get
>Even more bullshit difficulty
>Bosses take less and less posture damage which forces you to dodge a lot more
>Taking revenge on old bosses with your maxed shinobi tools
You gotta be kidding me, it's fucking great.
Why are Ni-oh dicklets screaming and crying about the comparison?
Like no one GIVES the SMALLEST FRACTAL FUCK about Nioh
>He hasn't unlocked High Monk
I'll look into it then.
Combat-wise yes, I fucking love Sekiro’s combat. But other than that, no.
>literally just assassins who kill from the shadows and are trained to fight but only fight when it's their last resort
>is able to somehow fight samurai, monks and swordmasters head on, people who are specially trained on 1v1 combat
So dumb
Cheesing bosses with the prosthetics made the game less fun so I stopped doing it desu
oof yikes cringe bluepilled incel have sex
>set in japan
>can come back from the dead
>there is magic in the game
so dumb
>Or just maybe I saw no point to any of that since the game is so fucking shallow
The game is anything but shallow and knowing combat arts or prosthetic properties open up a lot of possibilities that alter your play style.
Again, having the umbrella alone can make fights completely different, shurikens have tons of uses, axes add more posture damage, especially on sweeps and grant you hyperarmor which you can exploit with defense buffs, Raven's feather are a quick escape tool, whistles are amazing decoys and can also hard counter apparitions, the list goes on and on.
But no, you've been exposed and instead of admitting you're a guilty, dumb fucking faggot who never bothered actually learning to play the game you gotta cope.
>I'm legit open to seeing what else the game has
No you ain't, and your massive conceit shows that, wouldn't be surprised if that screenshot isn't even yours.
Ninjas also participated in guerilla warfare
They were basically mercenaries with no sense of honor like samurais
absolutely not
you're comparing a B to an A+
What is suspension of disbelief?
Go learn some actual history fuckwit. The vast majority of ninja/shinobi WERE samurai. Samurai was something practically akin to a social caste, not too unlike medieval nobility, while Shinobi/Ninja was something more akin to a job, like a modern day agent. Most Ninja were Samurai.
>Even garbage like Raven's Feather are useful
raven's feather is not garbage. how is an INSTANT, usable while staggered get out of any attack in the game free prosthetic garbage?
bloodborne: 0 poisonous swamps
sekiro: 1 so far
bloodborne wins
Oh it is shallow as sin. Since I clearly haven't played the game according to your wise ass, let me break this down for you.
Axe is slow as shit at base and only breaks shields. Doesnt really do any more posture damage then the default R1. Why would you upgrade it off that base impression with the first Drunkard fight. Why the fuck would I use hyper armor in a game where in its later half removes 70% of your life for getting hit at all for such little reward? Shurikens are legit alright at best and you can clearly see I use them frequently. Raven feathers are another dodge function that legit can see zero use once you realize that jumping away works just as well with no cost.
The whistle is retarded and you know it. Every single apparition in the game (All fucking two of them) can be beaten with Confetti and liberal application of the R1 button on your pad. Delayed whistle and whistle in general is fucking trash since the levels are clearly not designed for you to make use of it outside the Outskirts. Never mind how the stealth in this game is abysmal with no corpse detection and fields of vision that are on par with a ps1 game. One use case on the Demon of Hatred for a stun doesn't really change that.
Why the fuck would you block with the umbrella outside again, 2 use cases being demon again and the fucking shamons with terror balls you can just run past on your way to mashing R1 with your glowy purple stick. Give me the rest of this list of yours. I got all night.
So tell me again, why are you in such a defensive mode over a moon rune video game? If it was well designed most of its mechanics would be necessary to proceed forward, but instead they are tacked on after the base loop of "Mash those bumpers kiddo"
nvm just remembered that part with the giants before iosefka
>forbidden woods
>nightmare frontier
Bloodborne: Winter lantern 1
Sekiro: Winter lantern 0
I fucking hate those cunts.
forbidden woods is not as lazy as farron keep
>objectively worse than Sekiro
what went horribly wrong ?
>just a bunch of trees with snakeballs copypasted every 10 feet
yes it is
No multiplayer means Bloodborne is better
BB = Sek > DS3 > DS1 > DS2
No multiplayer means Sekiro is better
>Use defense buffs
>Not use half life/poster for greater damage
Spot the shitter on his second playthrough
Sekiro is the ultimate pleb filter. Just look at the ammount of ecelebs, reviewers and "journalists" dropping the game completely and throwing a tantrum because they can't summon.
>Axe is slow as shit at base and only breaks shields.
Brainlet, you're supposed to use it while jumping to remove the startup and add even more punishment to sweep on bosses.
>Doesnt really do any more posture damage then the default R1
Lol no
>Why the fuck would I use hyper armor in a game where in its later half removes 70% of your life for getting hit at all for such little reward?
>You get defense buffs
>Many moves aren't that damaging if you actually paid attention and trades are at your advantage.
>Raven feathers are another dodge function that legit can see zero use once you realize that jumping away works just as well
Try jumping away when you're surrounded or in a corner, see how it goes, you can also use them while staggered to avoid touch of death combos, but again, you're a nigger who doesn't even try to explore your tools and can only bitch about it.
>The whistle is retarded and you know it.
The whistle singlehandedly makes places like fountainhead palace a cakewalk and adds more variety to how you can approach apparition fights, which is depth you claim doesn't exist.
>Why the fuck would you block with the umbrella
You sure are a dumb fucking nigger, the umbrella allows you to literally ignore 90% of the special attacks in the game AND retaliate for massive damage, the magnetised umbrella fucks up even Isshin and makes his second phase a total joke.
Again, shut the fuck up and learn how to play the damn game.
>If it was well designed most of its mechanics would be necessary to proceed forward
Oh, so now you're also moving the goalposts?
amazing, truly amazing.
Can you Mikiri counte Genichiro's third phase jumping lunge? Please respond
BB is too similar to souls.
why is this thread still here? it's already been fpbp'd
After playing through Sekiro I think that the game has the best areas of any From game, Senpou is probably their most beautiful area. Climbing and exploring is fun and swinging is great. OST in this game is shit, no way around it. The combat system pretty much sucks. Stealth is not very good, you only really use it to take out a few enemies for minibosses and then once you kill one enemy you aggro the others unless you use that smoke ninjitsu, but that should not be necessary, then you have to run away to deaggro, then you can finally fight some shitty mini boss. The combat is basically alternate mashing L1 and R1 with a couple X and O hits thrown in. If you fuck up the X or O you have to restart the fight. This makes the game play like guitar hero. Movement in the fights is severely gimped. Movement made the soulsborne fights so interesting. Dodging is shit and most of the enemies have unblockable slashes so the only way to fight is to stay relatively still. Don't get me started on the monkey grabs that teleport. The prosthetics are shit and effort would have better been spent making different swords or armor or ANYTHING to make people able to change up their combat styles. ALL the combat skill just change some basic shit that happens when you press L1 then R1, which on the faster bosses you barely get to do because you spend the whole fight reflecting with tiny attack windows. Overall I would give it a 7/10.
>If it was well designed most of its mechanics would be necessary to proceed forward
No that's shit design. You should be able to get by with just the basics.
Unironically this. Sekiro succeeded in one thing and that's giving me a huge itch to play a Tonfa or Kusarigama build in Nioh.
user it's illegal to own niggas like that
>Senpou is probably their most beautiful area
That would be Fountainhead Palace
>most of the enemies have unblockable slashes so the only way to fight is to stay relatively still
What? If they're unblockable than you have to move. There are no unblockables btw - unless i'm so good at the game I never even noticed. Pretty much deflected everything. Both thrusts and swipes can be deflected with pricise timing
Have Tonfas always been in Nioh? I don't remember them being in when I last played.
DLC if i'm not mistaken
Fuckin hell. Tonfas are cool as fuck and I never got around to doing a fist build in Nioh.
>disappointingly bland story, characters and lore
>extremely forgettable soundtrack
>zero customization in terms of combat builds, gear, weapons and etc
>mediocre enemy variety
>main character has their own voice, but the motives and personality of a cardboard box; might as well have given us a silent protagonist if that's the case
If Sekiro had these things then it would be their new Bloodborne, but it doesn't, so it falls short.
Let me rephrase on unblockable, not actually unblockable. what I mean is that many of the bosses track you rotating with 100% speed, sometimes even when you rotate at a distance they gap close with shit that when you move out of the way they spin in the dumbest fucking ways like a full 270 degree spin and you get hit instantly even when the animation misses you. The solution is to block but it takes a bit out of the game. The souls games had much more variety on rotation speed and ways the bosses countered rotation like AOE attacks, rolling, etc...
>here's your firelink shrine bro
I suppose you play all your games without anti-aliasing. ReShade isn't a mod, it doesn't modify game data more than Steam, PSN or your GPU drivers do. It just gives you the option to run additional shaders.
Bloodborne isn't a high wall to pass over. Unfinished garbage with halls of enemies as "scenarios" isn't good.
First post based post.
Tracking is a necessary thing to punish early-rollers. If it didn't exist dodge would be overpowered.
If you don't dodge too early, every attack in the game can be iframed through
eternal fpbp
Nioh > Powergap > DeS > BB > DaS > Sekiro > DaS2 > Das3
Based and FPBP-pilled
I prefer bloodborne to sekiro, there's a lot more variety. Sekiro feels very much like a title I'd rent over a weekend and then probably pick up 8 months down the line to play again when i'd forgotten a lot of it.
Because that's basically what I'm doing. $6 for the weekend and it already feels like a waste since I finished it the same day I got it. 15 hours.