Thoughts on Capcom's revival?

Thoughts on Capcom's revival?

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Hope they are here to stay.

they fucked a dog

not a revival until they make a big budget megaman zero game

Fix street fighter and MvC then I'll be satisfied

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they are not back unless street fighter 6 has 2 frames of input delay like guilty gear.

Mediocre gameplay and their storytelling is considerably worse. I didn't even know you can make the good story of RE2 feel flaccid and DMC5 suffered from DmC influences. Vergil literally has Vergin's insecurities from Vergin's Downfall.

No one cares about blue boy and the shooty toy

Not really seeing a revival so much as they actually did a decent job for RE and DMC.

I just hope they keep it up and revive other dead series. I'd love to see a new MegaMan Battle Network but I also feel the series ended fine enough.

Capcom is not 100% yet but goddamn they are going in a complete different direction they were last gen.

I remember Capcom used to be a name associated with shit or greedy practices, with many calling it japanese EA. Now, they just released a new great Megaman, one of the best remakes and horror games ever, the greatest monster hunter, and one of the best action games ever.

I hope they don't fuck this up.

As a Capfag im pretty much astonished at how good these games are.

All they have to do to become the best company on the market right now is fix Dead Rising, MvC, and potentially bring back Ghost n' Goblins and maybe something like Dinocrisis

The true challenge is staying at the top. They've brought all of their big guns out. So what's next?

I hope it's DD2

Cautious optimism, which is more than I can say for most companies

Mixed bag, though. Marvel versus Capcom Infinite was fucking awful, and Street Fighter V was improved too little, too late.

>lucky streak with 2 games in a row is now a complete revival

the new megaman is shit
kill yourself

Waiting for their fighting game department to redeem themselves

RE7, MHW, Megaman 11, REmake2, and DMC5 is not a 2 game streak

RE7 was broken up by MvCI

Wasn't MvC:I shit because of executive meddling on Marvel's side though? There's no way MvC was going to keep the same quality it had before the MCU exploded in popularity.

>decent but worst MH so far

Sounds like a 2-game streak to me.

It's an absolute avalanche compared to the Capcom of the last decade.
I for one won't consider Capcom fully revitalized until they make up for their atrocious conduct during the MegaMan Legends 3 fiasco.

Still waiting on seeing some kitty tiddies in HD

>No Mega Man Legends 3
>No Darkstalkers 4
>No Dragon Dogma 2


>fuck up a bunch
>"we've fucked up a bunch let's get our shit together"
>get shit together
>"ah there we go, now we can do no wrong"
>start fucking up again
>the cycle continues
I'm tired of reruns

The only thing wrong with it is Mega Man's terrible run cycle and the fact that you can't jump up through the boss doors anymore.
Other than that 11 is a pretty good return to form.

>worst MH
How so? Pretty much every aspect of the game was improved; it's hard to list them all.

The biggest is probably the map design, with huge open regions that have all sorts of secrets, verticality, and special interactions. Compared to the flat segmented maps with loading screens every 50 feet, it's like a different (better) game.
Combat is a lot more fluid all around. This is the sum of a lot of changes to each weapon, but stuff like ranged weapons being able to move and shoot, and refinements on the melee weapon playstyles makes combat a lot more fun than it was in previous titles.
Graphics and spectacle, obviously.
Gathering is fast and painless, and can all be done during hunts. No more tediously grinding for whetstones or basic ammo, no more going out for a mission just to get 10 things and come back. The focus is always on what the game does best - hunting monsters.
Scoutflies and tracking are so much nicer than paintballs.
The armor trait system is more streamlined, in a good way. Building sets and theorycrafting with armor skills and decorations in World is a lot more interesting than how previous entries handled it. The only thing holding this back from being an objectively superior system is how the older games had so many more armor sets that they offered more options sometimes.
Quests just make more sense. The main quest / side quest / expedition system is intuitive and convenient.

Also, to all the people complaining about how they dumbed it down to appeal to casuals, let me remind you of how previous MH games were designed:
>Dude let me just take 4 steps to the left and warp zones where I can disengage combat and heal and sharpen at my own pace lmao

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It's important to enjoy the times when they aren't fucking up, though.

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uh huh wake me when dragon's dogma 2 is ready.

>fat redditor sucks corporate cock
What a surprise. Die young.

im happy
they've still gotta keep this up for years to make up for all the fuck ups, but at least they're on the right track

only the dumbass xbox generation who started playing video games in 2000-2010 whines about capcom

Megaman 11 was good. You faggots want a jrpg with a Megaman skin, or ANOTHER NES rehash; it was cool the first time, but what’s wrong with something new? What were you expecting?

Seek socialization from places other than Yea Forums, please.

They will not be back until Street Fighter 6 is released and is 100% 2d.

Or a new Dino Crisis/Onimusha...

>the greatest monster hunter

I agree with everything else though.

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capcom is only flirting with it. it won't be real until they announce darkstalkers. if vtmb can do it so can they

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>lost planet still dead and forgotten
>DDON still not localized

CAPCOM still not forgiven

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>forgetting pic related
It'll be a long time before I fully trust Capcom again, despite the surprising upward swing they've been on lately.

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They're changing the people making SF though. Gotta wait for the next title to see how it goes. MvC might get better too.. let's see.

How does it feel being this retarded?

>MvC might get better too.. let's see.
Not a chance, and you're just setting yourself up for disappointment if you think so. Modern Marvel under Disney is way too protective of their brand to let anything fun happen.

fuck off
>Or a new Dino Crisis/Onimusha...

>hey what if we make good games and give fans what they want

with the continuous firing of marketers in the industry one can only hope others will follow suit

>Not want another great RE after two sucesfull streaks
Let me guess you are one of the dumbasses that think REmake 3 is next? top kek
After DMC5 Capcom have no announced new Big titles soo far...and knowing how they announce their big guns on TGS i can totally see at least the New RE coming up

Seems good so far. Hopefully they don't get full of themselves again and start fucking up.

Now gimme a new Mega Man X game and Dragon's Dogma 2.