>Friend: offline for 847 days
>Friend: offline for 129 days
>Friend: offline for 65 days
>Friend: offline for 97 days
Friend: offline for 847 days
Other urls found in this thread:
>not just making imaginary friends
>had tons of TF2 friends back in 2009-11
>last online 4 years ago
>try to make new friends to compensate
>they're all shit, kick them off the friendslist a few weeks later
I am that person.
My computer became too shit to run my steam games so I play only on my ps4 now.
Good for your old pc friends, now they dont have to play with a console fag
This is the most retarded thing I've read today.
tfw I play vidya all day to distract the fact that I haven't left my house in a month and have no friends
Consider it.
Breh. If you're under 30, go study something not too chad like programming, get friends (show powerlevel little by little), get drunk, propose a vidya to play together.
Just in case you need to be told in case you're a 150kg burger, don't smell awful.
>Battle.net friendlist full of dead accounts with more than 5 years offline
>Recognize some of them
>Look it up on facebook
>Grown men/women with real life and families no time for vidya
>yfw You are still playing this dead game with a ghost friend list lacking the willpower to move on because there is no life to actually move into.
>over 7 billion people sharing the same home as you
>zero people you can call a true friend
Everyone I know.
Goes away in the end.
maybe it's YOU who has changed
>irl frien I used to play shitton of vidia goes to university
>within a year becomes sjw and stops talking to me because I'm not pollitically correct
>Friend: offline for 1380 days
I still have no idea what happened to poor lad.
>tfw no friends
>no IRL friends
>no social group for over half a decade
>can't seem to connect to anyone online
>none of my coworkers particularly like me
>go to work, come home, 5 days a week
>look at my reflection in my computer screen when gaming and it hits a loading screen, i'm objectively ugly
>none of my family members ever call me, went years calling them trying to stay in touch, last time i talked to my parents was 2 years ago when I called them
>the only thing I'm living for anymore is TF2, a game I started playing back in 2007
>dont even really enjoy it anymore
My nigger revoked my N word pass after his university trip
That is because they grew up and moved on to tue adult life.
Thing is that a lot of these people dont have time for games or they just dont think about them anymore because they have enough to do or new hobbies.
this fucking bullshit is why I'm never going to god damn college
>friend goes to uni for 2 years
>back in our teens we'd bullshit around and grief players in CSS and TF2 in 05-10
>have conversations every so often
>cuts me off suddenly
>can't contact him anymore
>finds me again
>he identifies as a trans and excoriates me for being a horrible influence in his life
>try to talk to him that we were shit kids in high school fucking about
>says I tried to brainwash him into a white patriarchal lifestyle
>blocks me
>other people grow up, see more of the world, read more, have meaningful relationships, and don't want to be friends with high school minded shitters anymore
>the sjws did this!
>Playing GAME for 22 days
>mfw I'm the first one
It's not you it's me
It's kinda you, getting 20 instant messages whenever I start up my PC with irrelevant shit I don't care about is really annoying, fuck online "friends"
You tried to save him.
>all people grow differently
>people change behaviors
>people change opinions
>people have different opinions
>friends (0)
>0 online
>0 away
>0 offline
>REEEEEEEEEEEEE my friends is not comfortable with me screaming nigger and gas the Jews at 30!
>friend used to be fun
>goes full demented SJW
>whole group falls apart
Fuck discord
>all these people have falling outs with friends are also frogposters.
>they all think it’s the other people’s fault.
Listen if you guys wanna scream nigger and complain about Jews as adults you can come down here to TN and I can introduce you to some new friends that will join you as long as you don’t mind the smell.
You're so fucked lol
>know someone for over 15 years, not giving a fuck and never getting ofended over shit other person says
>year into uni completly break contact, without saying anything
It’s almost like being forced out of echocambers and brought into contact with other humans makes you empathize with them a bit more.
I had this amazing friend in 2010 that i played everything with. One day he just dissapeared of the internet. I still miss him
>last online: 2 years ago
>you didn't actually like him in the first place
>normalfag shitting up a feels thread
>wojak posting
no wonder you are alone
They blocked you.
They're literally not wrong
get used to it you pathetic fucking incel
>have this one friend in 2016
>good lad. We sometimes play tf2 together
>suddenly stops all contact
>suddenly when playing tf2 with irl friends i get a msg from him
>apparently went to the fucking military and had no time at all to talk
>ff to now
>hes been offline for nearly 2 years again
i think he died
get used to having infections, tranny
Stop making friends with trannies.
>logging as "appear as offline" for more than a year
it would make more sense if my country wasnt 95%+ white and at least 60% conservative, even for people bellow 30
It's almost like universities tend to indoctrinate people into certain ideologies huh?
hey OP are you australian
>this fucking bullshit is why I'm never going to god damn college
ive been thinking about doing an experiment to prank a friend. I want to see how long i could do that until he would think something happened to me or that he would realize what i was doing
Huh. I just realised it's been a couple of months for me. I didn't notice until you mentioned.
I just don't care much for the whole "Outside" or "Friends" memes.
>Learning about other humans and gaining empathy is indoctrination
Save it for the cross burning Adolf.
They don't if you actually know the material you impressionable autist. I wasn't exactly indoctrinated into fucking trannies and "cultural marxism" during my time there.
>hit 30 last year
>started planning my suicide
>tfw these people think are all for the normies/working class but actually hate them for not following their beliefs
what's your favourite type champagne, George?
i will probably just off myself at age 60-70
genuinely dont want to go through the pain of post 70s illnesses, backpains, etc
Sounds like he was brainwashed alright, just not by you.
>waiting until 30
nigga i've been on the "i'm going to be dead within a year or two" train since i was like 9
Take a break from this place.
Except I'll actually do it because I'm not a fag.
Rum and Coke faggot. Most of the normies/working class believe in magical sky fariy doesn’t make it right.
It sounds like you might be suffering from a case of the Not Liking Things.
Have you tried hating things?
If you hate things, then you might enjoy seeing those things be harmed or diminished.
>implying i won't do it first
really though this shit fucking sucks how long have you had suicidal thoughts for
I just couldnt do this to my mother
as long as she lives I wont even consider this
If you had empathy for your fellow human being and you wanted them to have a better life, then you wouldn't want his neighbour to be a nigger, his wife to be a roastie, his friends to be faggots, or his boss to be a jew.
You lack empathy.
Reminder that Steam just shows people as offline when they unfriend you.
>Waaaah I had a bestest friend we were super close but they died or something haven't been on for yeaaars
I have bad news, clinglord.
this fucking bullshit is why im never browsing god damn Yea Forums
>friend starts visiting Yea Forums daily for 2 years while i got college
>back in our teens we'd bullshit around and grief players in CSS and TF2 in 05-10
>life happens and we lose contact
>have busy schedule anyway
>find him again
>he identifies as a master race neo-nazi and wants me to join
>talks about our childhood through tinted lens
>wont shut up about SJW this, and liberal that. barely the same guy
>have to block him
Since I was bullied at school. You're saying it like life is ever good.
There's an immense amount of cowardice that fills you when you try to kill yourself. Just saying, be ready for that.
that might just be the single worst piece of advice I've ever seen
I like how these stories both imply neither of you have a trade/skill and are fucking depressing failures. If you have nothing positive to offer, people will cut you off.
Empathy and learning about other humans is good.
You can learn which humans are likely to help each-other and build civilization, and which humans are likely to harm each-other and tear down civilization.
With this knowledge, and your desire to help other people, you can work towards a better future.
Hate is a wonderful motivator and it improves the world you live in, just as long as you aim it at the jews.
i think i had a few good years around like 9 or 10, i don't remember much but besides that things were always pretty bad
i don't really have many tips but going outside tends to help a bit
i intend to do it fairly quickly with a shotgun or large caliber rifle to the head, i should be able to coast my way into pulling the trigger without much trouble
i used to have romantic feelings about being helped at psych wards but those went away once i realized that it would just be like every other time i had to wait in a room in a police station, government office or hospital feeling like shit while everyone pitied me or saw me as subhuman so i don't intend to put myself in that situation, i don't even want a suicide note beyond maybe a sentence or two
it worked for the japanese, look at them now
>friend one day tells me they're a tranny
>offline for 300 days
>logs back on one day and starts crying to me how hard it is for trannies
>i reply with only 4 letters: "MAGA"
>he removes me and blocks me
I have never met a tranny who wasn't emotionally damaged.
They get removed from your list if they unfriend you. Happens to me all the time since I add everyone I play with that at least -try- to be competent, so of course with that many friends a few of them will unfriend you later.
Don't worry, he'll be dead soon.
I understand depression. What confuses me is why people seem to think having friends will cure depression (it doesn't), or being socially isolated will give you depression (it won't).
Depression has many causes and treatments and it'd be hard to cover them all, but a lot of them related to your life lacking purpose or value, and finding some purpose or value.
Easier said than done but it's a place to start.
Friends won't give you purpose or value, find something that will.
Make sure your suicide note is hilarious.
"They kept telling me to learn to code and I couldn't take it"
"I don't have enough money to afford all the Paradox Interactive DLC"
>There's an immense amount of cowardice that fills you when you try to kill yourself
I figured this will be the case, but I already felt it when I tried approaching girls, so I'll be thinking about that to go through with it.
When I moved out of my parents' house and became homeless my life improved a lot. Could be a shitty home situation.
Why are white racists so fragile? I thought they prided themselves on being proud, manly, strongbois.
On a video games board even. LMAO
Should have been glad you had friends
>too weird to easily talk to normal people
>too normal to get associated with degeneracy
It's like being in the Outer Party
>Friend hasn't been responding for a while
>Right click their name
>"Add Friend"
>you have to interact with people in college/university
lmao just don't interact with anyone not your teacher and get a useful degree
Nah it was just annoying the fuck out of me. Nothing they talked about interested me and none of the games they played interested me either. On top of that they were all becoming normies which is nice for them I guess but I can't follow there
This is the worst
>Have to silence an opposing opinion
>Wants to kill Jews, destroy communism, and remove degeneracy
>Someone tells them that's retarded
Yup. You’re silencing him
is friend kidnapped by isis?
>had friend in high school
>moves away, gets lonely
>this is during the height of the homestuck fad
>he meets all the loud n proud homestuck fans
>online friendship easily overpowered by irl friendship
>as "trollstuck" continues and hussie ignores the original audience to cater more towards tumblrinas, friend's politics and interests change to match his new clique
>part of me gave up on him when he started painting his nails though deep down i always hoped itd be a phase and i'd have my old best friend back
>last i heard he was calling himself a lesbian, hating all men, and siding with antifa against imperialist america that stole this land from the native mexicans whom we continue to subjugate and oppress to this day
pour one out for all the homies who were consumed by the quest for pussy
Is saying nigger and chimping out all your ideology boils down to?
The internet was the greatest downfall of man, as well as their ultimate salvation
>thread gets filled with projecting faggots that can't stop bitching that people here generally have anti-SJW opinions
Is calling someone a racist and getting triggered all your ideology boils down to?
>Yea Forums is right wing get out if you don't agree
>i-it was all just friendly banter! Yea Forums was never really racist! just a joke!!!
It's been 5 fucking years user, pretty much no one gives a shit about it anymore.
Oh come on, there has to be something you can associate with!
Autism. /pol/. Yea Forums. Furries. Cats.
No! I can also call them "schizo" and "incel" and "idiot"! I can also use the word "shill" like it's a downvote!
You realise all you're doing is inspiring people to despise your kikeish bullshit even more, right?
>be me in high school in 05
>have one friend who was also into vidya
>rest of friends were normies who didn’t really play games other than halo 2
>have really good and comfy time going to each others houses and playing vidya
>have lots of fun and crack lots of jokes
>friend does the dumbest thing ever and joins the marines
>he gets sent off to Afghanistan in 07
>dies in IED blast outside of Kandahar
>now game alone again and miss my buddy
fuck this sick world.
I-I care
Fighting the good fight user. Shame it only ever amounts to pic related
>Friend: offline for 847 days
>Friend: offline for 129 days
>Friend: offline for 65 days
>Friend: offline for 97 days
>Halo MCC PC announcement
>Friends: Online
Remember user, jews and neocons killed him. Never forgive, never forget.
Never attribute to stupidity what you can instead attribute to irony.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>caring about some long since dead “movement” from 5 years ago
>zoe and anita have both fallen into complete and utter obscurity
>the journos in the mombot honeypot have been exposed
>gaming “journalism” is a laughing stock
>game “journalism” websites are struggling to stay afloat and have to make rage bait articles so bearded youtubers will click on them and make response videos to not go out of business
it’s over, let it go
Instead he should be a bitter 4chaneller who spends his days shitting on games he didn't even play. Very fulfilling.
>your friend recently earned 6 trophies in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
>last online: over a month ago
Haha yeah, fuck you too man. Sure am glad Sony added the "appear offline" feature because now that no one is ever online, I don't have to be reminded that I only have 5 friends in the first place.
I wish it was over. They keep fucking up what could have been good games
I hate all of them except for cats
Thats how we all can tell you're a real incel, when all you have is muh cats.
>Have lots of friends on Halo back in the day
>Play 360 till like 3 am usually
>Finish uni
>Everyone else I know online is in Uni as well also finishing
>"Might be off for a few days user, looking for a teaching job like i've always wanted! Ill be back in like a month."
>I never log on again
>I have a successful career
>I have a gf
>Everything is looking good
>It still hurts
Why does it still fucking hurt guys?
You don't be bitter if you ENJOY shitting on games you don't play!
>fren irl visits Yea Forums
>now we make fun of threads and anons
That’s less to do with gamer gate and more to do with game designers getting indoctrinated with sjw-ism while they were in uni and are now in the workforce and propagandizing games.
The campus is more to blame for that.
I, uh, was sort of shitposting
You don't actually like cats, do you
You're turning my shitposting back on me right now right?
friend online for 168 hours
Based. Make sure you make fun of Jannies too tho.
thanks to the steam mobile app I've been online for months
goodnight sweet prince
>Used to play PC with guy at uni
>Last online 2 years ago
I know this feel and its fucking terrible, he doesnt respond to any texts, not even from his other friends that are also my friends. God I hope he's ok. Fuck.
>"night bro, i'm gonna get some rest"
>last online: 30 seconds ago
>Friends: 0
he's dead user, move on
Being 11 must be tough
I thought you said Yea Forums wasn't full of LITERAL fascists. Wasn't it just a meme?
you stole this image from Ebaumsworld
I unironically stole it from Reddit.
I haven't played with non-randos in years. Am i missing out?
There is nothing wrong with tomboys, tatami galaxy, or Lain.
can someone tell me what Death Grips has to do with traps?
its even worse when all your steam friends are your irl friends as well and you havent seem or spoken to them in just as long
I have about 243 games on steam and 5 hours the past two weeks but if you logged my hours from OSRS and my pirated copy of EU IV I'd probably have about 125-150 hours the past two weeks.