You're not that kind of gamer, are you? R-Right?

You're not that kind of gamer, are you? R-Right?

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Would lady and trish laugh at me for using a gold orb on DMD?

I don't play video games but women sure do laugh at me.

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They wouldn't even acknowledge your existence.

Yeah I'm laughing too

...but what if I encounter F.O.E?

i-i just want to play it for the story miladies :(

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I don't like this thread at all

I like lady and trish laughing at me

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You fight like a man, or I sacrifice you

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>being bad at videogames
Never gonna make it

y-yeah, rright. haha. k-kid

I wanna choke on that dick...

i want to rub that belly while i succ

easy mode is only for game journalists

Thanks for ruining the thread dick poster

Never, easy is for children and retards. I play on normal because it's the intended default experience. Then hard after beating normal.

Based and redpilled.

If it's a game I don't really care about or it just makes enemies bullet sponges, I'll play on easy. Shit like asscreed or skyrim, but I'm usually top of the board in MP and I'll 100% games I love like Dragon's Dogma and the Ace Combat series.

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same, or they put on a face of disgust. I don't know which I hate more.

I want to BITE Lady ASS while i use it as a PILLOW

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I play easy to grind orbs, to unwind after a dmd level, or if I missed a secret and want to hurry through the level. These are the acceptable reasons for playing easy.

If you then go back to S rank it then of course not

You are going to S rank DMD right?

>not playing on easy, normal, hard, expert, impossible, epic, heavenly, intense and ultimate difficulties

Big if true

>Summarize Yea Forums in one post

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I fucking hate Lady & Trish

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The only time I can recall playing easy mode is in Viewtiful Joe

the only game I've ever played on easy is Bioshock 2, I wanted to actually feel like a Big Daddy after playing through the game on hard, which makes you feel like a guy cosplaying a Big Daddy in wet cardboard armor

You're pathetic

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Based and redpilled

This is my progress on DMD, going for all-S-rank's-before-moving-on. I managed to somehow get an A-rank on mission 5 despite not dying once, but I'm too bored to play V and I want to be able to spell ASSSSSSSSSSSSSS on the screen.

Also, fuck mission 8.

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Go finish Human this image is affecting my autism

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>tfw you always play on normal

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Why does the blonde one look at the brunette like that?

It's e-empty


Post the 2hu one


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If a game has rewards/challenges for playing through a chapter on Easy, then I do i.e Kid Icarus Uprising, but other than that I at least play on Normal/Hard to get a reasonable challenge my first time through.

Same, they're useless now

I haven't even played Human, but DMD roadblocked me hard
>S-Rank Prologue
>A-Ranks very close to S M1&2
>Get to M3
>4 Riots & a Lusachia that all DT very quick
>Artemis in general if I get past that
>The one time I cheesed through Artemis with a D-Rank I got fucking blown out by M4 because DT'd Behemoths as V are insane

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>Plays on Easy
>Can't even get S-Ranks because Auto

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>Get an achievement for clearing the game on Normal
>Doesn't unlock the achivement for clearing the game on Easy with it

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I've been playing pillars of eternity on the "tell me a story" mode. I'm a brainlet that can't into strategy. Beat Bayonetta on Non-stop climax tho so I feel like I'm even there.


Why is that so hot?

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Don't post lewds in this thread