never say never bros

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>some retailer in a third world country listed this game so it's LITERALLY confirmed
This has happened to every game for a decade, remember when people thought GTA V was getting a PC version at launch because of retailers?

Even if it came to Switch it would be terrible, the hardware just isn't enough to support it without looking awful. Hell, even the current platforms got AO downgrades to salvage the FPS, it strains them at times (much less Babby's First Mario Machine)

Switch can run Doom, Wolfenstein, and other current gen games. It'll be fine

Too bad about the game itself.

They'll have to scale it down to 144p to get 10 fps.

Attached: wat.jpg (505x431, 26K)


wolfenstein was 480p at 15 fps

I would honestly love to see how they'd do it.
for a start off they'd have to compress a 110gb game to fit on an 8gb cartridge.

Alongside Switch Pro and PC. They gonna make niggas triple dip. The mad lads.

I know this is all shiposting but I wonder if it had anything to do with the remoured switch upgrades.

worked fine for me

You have a room temperature IQ if you think barely running Wolfenstein is the same as running RDR2.

People can make mistakes. It legit could be as simple as someone ticked the wrong box before hitting enter.

>switch can run games with instanced levels at 30fps with drops so naturally it can run a game that makes PS4 and xbone chug at full steam

I actually want this to be real because I'm really curious about the black unga bunga magic needed for this to happen.

>sv_fullbright 1

Im a nintendo fan and all but this has to be some grade A bullshit
If Rockstar was to port a game to Switch, why Red Dead 2 and not Grand Theft Auto V????

Because RDR2 is the newest hottness and the core development and porting team is working on it still. So why not get it running on the Switch too?

GTAV is a last gen game and would be possible on the switch without any titanic effort, also GTAV is way more popular, it's not even funny.

that's more proof than the "2 new switch models are coming next week guys" threads that get spammed there this week

I could only imagine this working on the rumored Switch upgrade; even then, I couldn't imagine a Switch remodel being a leap that high. If it does happen though, I'd love to see games like Re2's remake portable but I doubt it'll happen.

The only people at Rockstar working on GTA is a small Take Two division making online updates. Not their core development team.

>PCfags still cannot play it

>two linear games vs an open world game
you really have no idea how this shit works do you

Ah yes the portable meme, i too can’t wait for my hands to bleed after 10 minutes of game time in portable mode!

I especially love how low the right stick is, that sensation of internal bleeding is priceless.

the battery will die before the cutscene allows you to play

5/10 based off the replies, next time go full ninbaby and people will fall for the bait.

Reminder that WSJ also confirmed that Nintendo is getting a Pro & Light Console Update this that will be capable of running all current gen games & their normal graphics quality

Will it finally be able to run PS3 games above 25 frames?

Has there been any case of Switch games that can ONLY be played on docked mode?
I know that just defeats the purpose of the fucking thing, but if this were to be true, I can't see the game working any other way

The new VR edition Switch with 2k screen and much high specs.

Attached: 1547989068149.png (614x471, 178K)

It doesn't take a core development team to port. Its mostly a random third party or another division handling that
Red Dead is a newer game that would suffer more on Switch than GTA V which is more possible

At least in Japan a couple games like Resident Evil 7 have had releases on the Switch via streaming.

The Tegra X2 should be able to run it

not the switch (x1) tho

same kind used for re2 on one n64 cart

Holy shit, if only the wii U was not a massive piece of shit then nintendo would have released the switch in like 2020 with better specs

lol the X2 is cheap as fuck even in 2019, Nintendo are just greedy and doesnt care
people will buy anyway

>b-b-but the Switch can run games that use an engine that's known to be highly scalable and well optimized

No. No it won't be fine.

too bad its a shitty game...

Yeah... Not as shitty....as your... favorite game though....


It will come to pc, but it will be a Stadia exclusive

This, it's NOT going to be pretty, but it can pull it off. The Switch's TX1 runs well underneath it's stock clock speed. All R* has to do is overclock it in software and tone down the gfx by 50-75%

No one even talks about RDR2 anymore, it was that boring

What's more likely? A leaked switch port of fucking read dead redemption 2, or an error on the part of a single retailer?

Attached: dance.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

Attached: 1553618590729.gif (387x301, 715K)

heres how the translation works

1080p 60fps medium-high settings PS4
72p 30fps beyond low settings Switch

so a 1080p 30fps game would run at 720p 15fps

if this is real it must coincide with a Switch Pro

Cool, I still won't play it

Aprils first is this monday.

Drop the bias. It's imma

Runs at a consistent 30 fps and adaptive resolution up to 720p.

This, unfortunately.

>consistent 30 fps
Except for when it's not.
>up to 720p
And it very rarely hits that.

Attached: Untitled.png (1886x986, 1.41M)

>can run*
>*at 400p 20fps

stores make up bullshit releases all the time
there's no downside to them
if it does happen, then they already have the preorders
if it doesnt happen, they still have the money, in the worst case they just refund it

doubt it

You guys are also forgetting cart size. RDR2 has a fuckhuge filesize, it absolutely wouldn't fit on a cart (unless they made the game $120), and if it was download only it'd still require people to buy a 128GB mSD.

and this is pre-patch. Go watch with update

>third world
what the actual fuck are you on about

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Australia is not relevant, like new Zealand

They'd do it the way Doom did, cartridge contains partial install and you download the rest (Same as the PC disc, too)

This kind of shit happens all the time, I lost count of all the times they listed Bloodborne 2