ITT: Guilty pleasures in vidya that a lot of people hate

ITT: Guilty pleasures in vidya that a lot of people hate.

I'll start. I love procedurally generated content.

Attached: Dtat60mUwAAiXuX.png (400x360, 5K)

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I love video games

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I'm willing to overlook a lot of gameplay flaws if it lets me play as some kind of fantasy creature and lets me dress it up
I wind up flocking to MMORPGs and stuff

You fucking sicko

I like random encounters. Not if they're too frequent though

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I'll play any garbage RPG as long as I see number go up.

I'm going to assume you're fans of the Disgaea series and Hero Siege? People gave Hero Siege bad reviews because they lowered the number spike from 100's in level 1 to just single digit numbers. IDK why.

who drew these? i love pixel 2hus

I almost always play fighting game story modes even though they usually are either overly simplistic or super convoluted with rarely a middle ground. I play online and actually learn the games too. But I'm a sucker for actually learning about the characters. Sometimes the story when makes me want to learn a character I would have never played otherwise. Pic related is the reason I like Jin.

Attached: Jin_Kisaragi_(Calamity_Trigger,_Story_Mode_Illustration,_3).png (1280x720, 875K)

As much shit to collect in collectathons as possible.

Attached: 1552654592621.jpg (385x796, 66K)

Seriously? You should be a paid beta tester. I cannot even imagine this to being fun at all. I hate having to circle around a fucking level just to find pieces or a collection to something. Boooring.

I like procedural generation too
Mostly because it's perfect for games I just want to play and finish in an hour or so. It's nice when I don't have time to plug away at a long game

Use iqdb

oh thanks, usually iqdb never gives me results so i didnt bother

Attached: 8de2d2eeb4e820d812659c73508c4a9b884815953651bf50169fad5ee8bfe12c.gif (300x299, 86K)

Are you sure you're using it correctly? I have seen shit tons of people trying to use it and other reverse image search websites but they used the tiny ass thumbnail, making the image search useless. That can happen if you don't use 4chanX, you're image isn't enlarged and you're using the built-in image search from the default site.

autistic farming

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I usually do a playthrough of stealth games like Deus Ex, Metal Gear, Hitman by silently killing anyone in my way even if it gets me a worse score. Just feels satisfying. I still play stealthy, just sneak around and take out guards in my way and hide the bodies.

Anyone else do this but play it again Rambo style and just gun everyone down?

I love RNG even to bullshit levels and kinds that can royally fuck up your playthrough.

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I like ProcGen too.
It especially goes well when paired with designed game segments. Morphite is largely procedural, but has solidly built levels between each set of planets, it's really comfy.

I exclusively play zoner characters in fighting games.

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This is really only a guilty pleasure on Yea Forums, but I really love American Football sims. I've gotten every Madden since 2001, still play NCAA 14 to this day and pick up any other new Football game that comes out.

Attached: DaLoins.gif (500x281, 3.99M)

same dude, collecting ALL the shit is satisfying a fuck, feels like i'm a god damn dragon hoarding all the treasure.

>Guilty pleasures

Guilty Gear

you sick fuck

Playing n!ntoddler games.

Isn't it more satisfying to win against the odds?! Seriously.

But user you burned 100 meter for a combo that they can tech

I generally main shotos and their clones. I just like their all around fundamental gameplay and can deal with anything.

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