What are you emulating right now?
What are you emulating right now?
Human emotions.
Really struck a chord with me
Cute boy
You will never be in this situation, Yea Forums
Xenoblade Chronicles 1.
women are garbage
nocturne, smt iv, ms saga, TP HD
I just finished Dragon Quest II.
Thinking about what to play next, I could continue Persona 3, or I could go right into DQV or VI to remind myself why I like DQ by playing a (hopefully) much better one.
>Have three girls in a room just to play video games instead of having sex.
What a based guy.
more than 1 woman is wrong
Well yeah. Video games are better than sex
Yeah, you're right. The most is usually two including my sister and her friend that likes to rest her legs on my lap while we play on our Switch. That said, I wish I had guy friends since I'm always surrounded by women.
>Playing a 4-player PS4 game
this is the life of an average sonychad
Now that you mention it, this does depresses me more than never getting laid.
ninja five-o
Right to left:
O man, looks like I'm gonna lose...
Say izumi, if you lose let's make it a batsu-game
When you say batsu-game it sounds like you wanna do something lewd
Don't worry about it user, there are some good 2-player and 3-player games to enjoy with your mates.
You do have friends/siblings to play vidya with, right anons?
how many 4 player ps4 games are there even?
i am talking about games that all 4 people can play on the same console
Mercenary Kings
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Iron Crypticle
That's all I can think of.
What if I don't have friends and my brother is a fucking cunt I'd rather not associate with?
Im the only brother of three siblings, so i have, im the youngest too.
so your older sister wrapped her legs around you while you played?
tell me more user
Post the rest faggot
Aren't they going to eat him? Like gore and shit.
If you reverse search the image and look at the artist's stuff, you'll find that there is nothing else to this scene.
deep yet powerful
why did you play the NES one
Speak for yourself incel
God I wish I had a Harem of sexy girls to play video games with...
this is so gross, do you know how caked with shit ears become? mine are filthy right now
maybe you should take a shower?
>trying to win fair and square always happens and I lose
I hate this
ur mum bro, lolo
Nah, but we all pretty close, same for the mum, more close than any other family i know, ive walked on all three masturbing and vise versa, i was finishing yanking once and my sister was a busting for a piss burst down the door saw me and just pissed in the bath while i jerked furiously, we joke about it to this day
That's why you clean them you sick fucc
>Sonychads spend their time licking the insides of men's ears
I'm about to emulate JoJoban, I presume MAME is the best emulator for just fucking around with story mode and I should get Fightcade when I get good enough to try playing online?
Any other good arcade fighting games to emulate for someone who's not very good at fighting games and just getting into them now?
Go clean your ears you walking sac of garbage.
Speak for yourself incel
>Was 5
>Staying at a babysitters house since my parents went on vacation
>Parents let me bring over my N64 and games
>She had 4 daughters age 12-17
>They watched me play diddy kong racing since they didn't have a N64
>One sat behind me kind of like op pic with the 2nd controller
>When the others were playing she rested her hands on my crotch
>5 so didn't care at all
>Only been hugged by 2 girls in the last 16 years of my life
Life is pain
cvs 2
3s (takes time to get good))
first two you need to use DEMUL to find games but they are relaly good. last two is fightcade.
Its infamous for being the hardest DQ game, so I wanted to see it at it's hardest. I abused the fuck out of it with savestates to make it easier on myself, while I wondered what the hell they were thinking with the outrageous difficulty.
But I was, in highschool.
>hey fag, wanna play videogames?
wat now bros??
I'll never undertand why gays draw guys in a super feminine way, like wtf they like guys but guys with female bodies? the same with lesbian who like women dressed as man.
Depends on what she wants to play.
>I'll never understand why guys are drawn with soft features in femdom hentai
My Friendship with my group of friends
And so it is written...
Sega CD and Saturn (why the Saturn always runs like shit?? Wtf!)
Me in the middle being embraced, leg locked, and ear licked by the blonde qt desu
they're probably 8 years old you fucking pervert
>Hey, if you follow me and my friends here into our van, we'll give you this TI-1080
What do?
Retail is hell. Can't wait to fuck off and work with machines or something, but it might end up feeling exactly the same.
I'm unironically having more fun emulating SNES games that working on my never-ending Steam backlog.
Girl you give me that card and I'll cum in your mouth
B-But that's an RTX 2080!
Oh god I wish someone hugged me like this
Is playing video games with an older girl really this good?
I can promise of those two things
>tfw ugly girl
>I will also never be in this situation surrounded by chads
I desperately need the source.
he posted it you nerd, learn to read
Well yeah, they take in males on a daily basis anally.
It's literally in the same post, are you braindead or just terminally retarded?
>tfw i was once in an auto camper with my two older cousins.
>I must have been 5 and they were like 10-12.
>There was a huge selection of porn mags everywhere.
>Didn't do anything because i didn't feel anything sexual until a few years later.
>I was just kinda scared and wanted to go home
Man why couldn't they have waited a few years with trying to milk my brown shota body.
They were both white girls from my moms side of the family and im mixed black and white
I got you covered man
There are a few ones besides this too
I knows there's more, but thank you, user
It's called soap and water, user.
>these aren't my glasses
You beta cucks who get off to getting humiliated by girls disgust me. You are a disappointment to masculinity.
Is it just this set or does the artist do more?
I want to play the Xenosaga trilogy. I've read up a bit online about how there are undub versions of the games that remove censorship from the localised versions, but apparently this is only really significant in Episode 3. How should I play these games then? I'm thinking of playing the normal localised versions of 1 and 2 and then the undubbed version of 3.
As a sonychad, this comic is very accurate.
No one's biting. Just give up.
What's Japan going to do to combat older girls taking advantage of young boys?
The most potent truths are the hardest to accept...
>this thread
>you will never get molested by a tittymonster and pressured into sex
absolutely blessed thread
And thats a good thing
Do you guys also use the Vita as a portable emulator machine?
what is she going to teach him?
Hey I remember this. This is the one where her son keeps boinking her each time she goes asleep drunk right? Ends up getting her mother knocked up with Dad being okay with it. Anyway I liked the aunt scenario more than this one.
G-guys, come on.
I had a genuine question about video game emulation in this video game thread. Please respond.
Literally emulating XS2 right now, your plan seems fine I don't believe the first suffers much from localization. Also since the games are super cutscene heavy it allows you to kinda multitask when cutscenes are happening because you don't have to read subtitles.
XS1 was a joy and I had a lot of fun with it, speed up is a god send though so I recommend using it when grinding or making your way through multiple enemies, especially since the later fights turn into just spamming techs that hit all enemies.
XS2 so far has been a little boring, they change the combat system for something that requires you to skip your turn a bunch to do your most powerful options which kinda sucks. The art style is also traded in for a more "realistic" style which imo looks quite a bit uglier.
The properties of elasticity
panda me
Thanks for the advice, user. How difficult and grind-requiring would you say the games are? I'm not really into playing JRPGs for a challenge or numbers crunching, but I remember Xenogears being fairly straightforward when it came to the difficulty.
I've been emulating Timesplitters and Pikmin with mixed results. Might just dig out my Gamecube if I can't get it working better.
you knew this would happen when you made the thread
I'm about to emulate Rune Factory Frontier, is it good?
tihs fucking thraed i sqwer to god
Yesterday I downloaded Dragon's Crown and RPCS3. It works great because it's a 2D game I guess. I'm honestly surprised at how fucking easy it was to get started with ps3 emulation, it's literally easier than ps1 because you don't even have you search the internet for bios files, you just get the firmware from sony website and getting the game was just as easy.
Pic still quite related to the thread, from what I can see
shit tier
if i was a big sister i would let my little brother do whatever he wanted to my body
You fuckers are fucking weird, I'm outta here
It's good. Just make sure you use the Max Runey cheat ASAP because those little shits ruin the entire game otherwise.
I've only played the first one to completion and the second one I'm about halfway through, but 1 isn't very difficult. There are a few enemies with gimmicks, but once you understand how they work that's that. Most bosses have special mechanics too, but the game is normally pretty good about telling you when the boss is doing some shady stuff.
I may not be an /ss/fag, but big sisters are God's gift to man.
>shit tier
I'll fuck you up, mate
PS1 bios files are easy as hell to find though
I have. I was 7, the girls are my cousins like 10 years older than I am, we were watching Saturday morning cartoons. Obviously there were no sexual tension between cousins.
Onee-sans are scary
Someone please kill me.
I actually was but it was all guys though.
Nigga, they're both 19. Only pedos would instantly assume they're that young.
now they even have sekiro, the rich thots are always on the last trend
cross dressing was a mistake
They only do scary things because they love you.
can you please stop posting trash?
>Obviously there were no sexual tension between cousins.
You have shit cousins.
>tfw i was never molested as a young boy and had to lose my virginity in my late 20's
fucking bullshit.
That's playing dirty, messing with a players concentration during a game is bad sportsmanship
Reina is a cutie
What about that post is trash? Runeys are tedious.
They fuck oldmen to get money for bribing shotas into sex.
Yokkora you fuck
Kuroneko Smith
what a game
>vertical display
Real Human Bean.
No, God says you're allowed 4.
I think it's better to give first time players a taste of what the Runey system is like before ultimately turning on the cheats. Who knows, some people might like it.
Me on the left
imagine the smell
A girlfriend
looks great in my 1440p screen
That's why I drink
Based, and also redpilled
lawful neutral
great, because I need 2 lolis, 1 oppai loli and 1 big titty and thicc onee-san
God I wish that were me
Well yeah, if I wanted to play a 4 players game I'd play on a Switch.
>download full sets for multiple consoles
>don't know what to play
help, I've created a multithousand game backlog
play terranigma
Does PS4 have 4-player splitscreen games?
I want more female friends
is the ps3 emulatable yet
you're mom is emulatable
no, yours
literally the first thing I did, maybe I'll go through the other quintet games
friendly reminder that you're way too old to become a target for a female pedophile, or even a couple years older oneesan. you will not be introduced to the world of perversion because at this point you're far too perverted anyway
and so am i
suicide pact anyone?
How well
What was the penalty game?
Imagine fucking a fuckin frog
I've only emulated Asura's Wrath and Dragon's Crown so far, but they both ran perfectly well. I also remember people mentioning that Drakengard 3 actually runs better emulated than it did on the console.
I'm on it. I'll be back in a few hours to report my findings.
why do I have to be so fucking submissive
>molestation is only good if it's girl on guy
Jesus fuck, Yea Forums.
>playing video games with girls
I seriously hope you don't do this
What's the status of the PSP Persona 2 EP translation? I'd like to emulate it.
Do you guys prefer mommy or nee-san shotacon? nhentai.net
>why the Saturn always runs like shit?? Wtf!
Well let's see, they put in two 32bit CPUs which run simultaneously, two GPUs which each do their own thing, a 32 bit CPU that exclusively controls the disc drive, a 16 bit sound controller, a custom 16 bit sound processor, a custom IO controller and a custom DSP processor. So you've got to emulate a fuck ton of different chips, and all of this needs to be emulated with proper timing because there are games that rely on it.
In short, you're trying to emulate a ton of systems glued together, so it runs like shit unless you've got a very fast CPU (at least an overclocked 7th gen i7)
your sister's friend likes you bro
it takes all kinds, user
who cares about religion
1 or zero
anymore than that and you literally arent human
Imagine fucking a mountain.
image source
That looks cute and all until you realize women always want fucking attention even when you're playing a video game.
>Dark Souls 3 comes out, I took a couple days vacation into the weekend so I have 4-5 days to play
>have this girl in my life who is my FWB
>FWB shows up on my first day off and wants some dick
>I fuck her like she's paying me to. Treat her like a piece of meat, slapping her ass, calling her my whore, etc
>I'm usually very caring/lover type, so she's taken by surprise and really gets into it
>We both get off around the same time after I've been slamming that clam ditch for about 3 minutes
>I immediately wipe off my cock and go back to my PC to play my muhfugging game
>She recovers and comes over 5 minutes later, starts jerking me while watching me play
>Damnit woman I'm trying to hear the story
>Get to first Gundyr fight, never fought him before so really trying to pay attention
>She starts blowing me
>mid-way through the fight I'm about to blow, I take a hit and die in the game
>Call her a whore and jam her head down as I blow my load
Stupid bitch now likes purposely getting me frustrated so I face fuck her.
Women are attention whores at all times, gaming takes your attention away from her, she'll fuck you up.
Nice humble brag you retarded nigger. I hope you get aids.
Has anyone played Demon Souls with RPCS3 lately? Last time I tried it was 5-6 months ago and it ran at 15-20fps
I hope all you bros find a gamer gf to be sexually involved with while playing vidya and have a loving relationship with them.
Even you guy/s.
Imagine being so pathetic you have to make up bold-faced lies to look better amongst a gaggle of losers on Internet
Ban birth control.
God I miss face sitting so much.
oh god imagine the smell
thank you. i know it won't happen, but it's nice to dream. i would literally sell my soul to the devil to experience pic you posted.
i just don't want to feel lonely anymore
is this a pain meter/chart?
>tfw i have had that gamer gf for 2 years
>shes here right now, but is trying to complete her online OSHA course so can't play with me
>will be starting work in a week or two, so won't have time to play
>won't be staying over anymore, since i aint goin to bed at 9pm or waking up at 5am with her
>i also need to find a fucking job and spend all my time working to live in an apartment i dont like to begin with
all good things must come to an end, unfortunately. beating persona 4 together will probably be the last fun we have playing vidya for a long while.
speak for yourself I look 15 at the age of 21
Just make DATE NIGHT your VIDYA night twice a month. There is like 4 Date Nights a month right? Idk, I've never been on a date.
whoops, just hurt myself.
The anatomy on this is so messed up, it's enough to overwrite my interest in cute sock girls
NO ONE will ever be in this position
if real girls actually roved around in groups of 3 predating on meek nerdy boys, then Yea Forums wouldn't even exist as it is because we all would have gotten laid by now
we don't ever go out and do things, since she has all the major fatal food allergies. we just stay home, fuck, eat, watch anime/cartoons or play vidya. we'll just have less time to do these things, but we'll manage.
or we wont, and the relationship will slowly fall apart as the distance and loneliness get to me, and i'll fuck some random bitch for no reason and then end up alone, crying to you guys about it while i spank it to anime tiddies.
the circle of life.
MegaMan Battle Network 6 on GBA
Haha jokes on you, that shit literally happened to me.
Be me nine and playing GTA san andreas on ps2
>parents out and 13 year old cousin baby sitting
>she decided to watch
>i was in the dating the girls mission and said yes to coffee
>hears moaning and flip cousin switch
>lewd things ensues.
wew lad... thinking about is making me hot and bothered. time to jack off to onee-san shit
I got sexually abused as a boy, but she was obese, my aunt, and gave me herpes.
Don't worry guys, for sure in the next life. I choose to believe it.
redpill me on Battle Network, which is the best one?
i'm gay so i think i'll be fine
if you have a submissive nature just find a nice girl who was good at taking care of her little brothers and ask her to mother you and roleplay, actual sexual activity when underage save the rare highschool boy that fucks his teacher will screw you for life
>tfw this emulation/softporn thread is currently the most civilized thread on the board
I know.
made for ntr
We need to stop this shota abuse bros
They are just kids who want to play with their friends
Fuck thots
Name a 4 player PS4 game
Any sport game
Mother Russia Bleeds
The Smash ripoff, I forgot what it was called
Any between 2, 3 and 6
All of those are worth playing
You might like 5 as well but it's definitely not the best one
OOT3D on citra
its fucking amazing. Amazing remaster
Here's 5
Mercenary Kings
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Iron Crypticle
That's PS3.
serious question, were you all molested at a young age or something? is that what drives your shota obsession?
No, but I wanted to be molested by a cute older girl or woman who is a frustrated office lady who couldn't control her urges anymore
Built for tanned men with dyed blonde hair, piercings, and tacky jackets.
i was pretending to do lewd stuff with my neighbour when we were young enough to not understand what we're doing. i remember sticking pencils in her butt, and being weirded out because i couldn't fuck her because my dick was limp (how did i even knew how you should fuck people? i guess i saw a porn mag or something). no idea if it directly translates to any of my current perversions, but i throughly enjoyed michiking's shota stuff
I dreamed of it happening to me when I was a kid and I still dream that I'm that kid and it's happening. SS reminded me of my masochistic tendencies and SS is the best type of M stuff.
Based, someone gets it
Please explain me what PS4 game has 4 players co op (And its actually fucking decent).
No, and I'm into the shotas, not the girls
I have though it was 2 girls and another dude.
Rocket Slime
I was molested by my cousin and she was hot, but I don't think that has anything to do with it.I don't have a cousin fetish but I wanted to fuck my cousin ever since I was young.
pokemon ash gray. I haven't played a pokemon game since pearl back when it came out and I honestly didn't care for it back then, so I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying ash gray. it helps that it's a huge nostalgia bomb because I was obsessed with the show during the first and second seasons, but it still is surprising. it can be a bit silly at times because it's scripted to follow the show. the two things I've noticed so far are the fight with team rocket at viridian's pokecenter and the fight with brock. I lost the fight against team rocket, but then pikachu deus ex machinad a victory which is fitting for a game about the show, and then I actually beat brock's onix but it was scripted to have you lose the first fight with him.
that's as far as I've gotten since I'm focusing on another game at the moment, but so far it's been pretty good and I think it's safe to recommend to people who loved the show
I've learned to accept that.
Dragon's Crown Pro
Do you put soap in your ears while you shower? I feel I am showering improperly now.
>Yea Forums is infested with desperate virgins
>as a non-virgin will never be able to find a desperate girl on Yea Forums so I can fuck her
living is suffering
Fuck off then
>he never wished to be /ss/'d by his hot teachers or the girls in the upper classes
are you gay
use a cotton swab retard and wash behind your ears as well. lord knows how much dead skin you have back there.
don't talk to me like that in your life again
Cotton swabs are the worst possible thing to put in your ears.
>girl on Yea Forums
Trannies don't count
fuck off incel
Nothing, it's by design
As a woman, this thread makes me uncomfortable
It depends on your genetics you idiot. You probably don't know that there's a gene that controls whether you have soft earwax or hard earwax. q-tips are a bad idea if you have hard earwax, but they're fantastic if you have soft earwax. I have soft and I've used q-tips to clean my ears my whole life with not only 0 issues but also it's very satisfying.
run femanon run
I know
epic post my retarded friend
Please sit on my face
Pretty easy to do if you pay enough. Never heard of Adultwork?
Wrong bugs are.
This is good advice
Wrong, girls are very friendly in California, this was my experience when i lived there, it happens
>Be me
>be in highschool
>Friends are juniors so they could go off campus during lunch
>i couldnt
>made a bunch of female friends
>lay down on grass in the square
>they would stroke my head and cuddle with me
>male friends would come back from their off campus adventure with quite the looks on their face
>same female friends would come over to my house
>same thing but we'd go out and grab some food and otherwise talk about stuff and kill time
I will say this was probably the most chad period of my life so far, however now i live in washington on the border of canada and feel like im living in nowhere land, no people for miles
what's this
I fucking hate you guys I’m both incredibly aroused and depressed at the same time.
Don't feed him lies. That's total friendzone behavior.
Of course not. Only plebs use wireless controllers.
I only want a woman who can sing both with me and to me. Is that so much to ask?
The fetishization of shotas being fucked by older women is some sort of psychological thing. I remember reading about this once. Basically, the Male is turned on by the idea of being submissive to the woman, but can't get off to it imagining his current self in the scenario, or perhaps doesn't want to admit that he is turned on by the idea of being submissive. So instead, he self inserts as a vulnerable child, who are naturally submissive. It also plays with the idea of reimagining sexual discovery. Perhaps dissatisfied by how THEY discovered sex (masturbation, porn, etc), the reimagine their sexual awakening as being taken advantage of as a small child by attractive women, having the actual act of sex being thrust onto them instead of having to work toward it.
Something like that, I don't know. I'm not a psychologist, just parroting stuff I've heard
>I’m both incredibly aroused and depressed at the same time
get used to it, this is your life now
>parroting armchair psychologists.
>that image
JESUS GOD ALMIGHTY WHY why even live knowing that you will NEVER experience this. these images are just pushing me towards suicide, holy shit i just CANT take it anymore FUCK
You hire hookers
>just parroting stuff I've heard
it shows
this but unironically.
yeah no, I was into femdom before I was into /ss/ even, though thats because I was pretty much living out /ss/ fantasies in my head all day in class with hot teachers
damn do you have......bobers and a vagoner....
I was molested by a girl who lived near my grandparents when I was 10-11, she was 21 or something close
I'm 27 now, never gonna find my gamer gf.
Been emulating a bunch of PSP games on my phone, mainly GTA VCS/CW, Midnight Club 3 DUB Remix, the Yakuza PSP spinoffs (i wish there was a english translation) and SW Battlefront 2.
>tfw only have the body type for NTR
wouldn't you die if you were smothered like this?
Just hire a minstrel m'lord
It's fine
Save some money and visit south korea
They do the best plastic surgery on the planet
are you ok user
yeah. i was around 6-7 and my neighbour's daughter was 9, invited me over and cornered me to grab my dick.
Thought this thread was actually about emulating
That's why you shouldn't post meme pics in the fucking OP
Fuck you guys
I’ve never had a gf because I’m scared of women now, you all wish it happens to you but when it does, it fucks you up
yeah that's why I asked
have you tried going to a psychologist? or talking to your friends?
I remember when I was new. I still am.
Right now:
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle
Planning to:
I think it's an Agony/Time-it-takes-to-die death/suicide chart
Evangelion 64: youtube.com
>Tfw messing around with my ex gf
>Go to lick her ear
>Not sure how to do it just ram my tongue in there
>pull out globs of wax with my tongue
Never EVER do this
tsubasa boobs
>some anons itt getting literally raped and scarred for life
>tfw i'm scared of women even without any seriously traumatic experiences
my image/logic of women is built on high school experiences, for example situation where one girl had shown me lots of interest and then, not so long after, started treating me like shit for some reason. i think it wasn't entirely my fault and i know that any adult female would behave properly, but i can't really push myself to actively start looking for a gf because i have no idea what those creatures could do
the more i write this, the more i realize how much of a pussy i am
>this thread
This is the best feeling in the world
>tfw no gyaru gf
Even if I found one there's no chance she'd be taller than me and into bullying.
My worry is that I don't want an asshole near my nose, I want pussy. No idea if that's how it goes.
>He doesn't know the pleasure of girl butthole
Once you get down there, it won't matter if you wanted it or not.
>tfw i'm scared of women even without any seriously traumatic experiences
Same. I just don't want to be a bother to anybody. I'll probably die alone because I don't want to risk taking a few minutes of someone's time to strike up a conversation.
Hello, Mr.Zucc
That's a big mountain.
Can Todd climb it?
Rune Factory 4
Such a big decrease in character quality compared to 3.
That'd would be kinda cute, but the other user is right that she's just a good friend. Plus that would make things awkward and ruin the nice setup I have over here.
Hello darkness my old friend
why live?
Bay area trash
What did he mean by this
What did he mean by this
Maybe when I was 4-5 by a (female) teacher that was too keen on washing my dick when she gave me a bath after recess because I sweat a lot. I'd say that /ss/ is more like a soft rape+incest because it's just an older woman guiding the boy, even if he has no true consent (statutory rape) and maybe is a bit too shy to do so, deep down it's the male role to be active and pushing sex, and so it's a big fetish to see a not only a woman but an older one taking charge. All that "discovering" thing from the boy point of view, wishing it was me at that age and the contrast of how society views sex for young boy (empowering). Also a MILF (tits, ass, hips, maybe even a belly of a "real" woman) and a cute shota (twink/trap, almost) is very pleasing.
Everyone ITT should be learning to lucid dream so you can live out and experience all your /ss/ fantasies
Its free you just have to git gud, get on my level
Isn't there a version of this image without the worthless wall text at the right?
Based. These dirtbag pornographers should go back to /pol/.
This is so obviously edited by a roastie
damn bro
I rejected 2 girls when I was 14 and 16, because I fell in love with a girl from my class, she deleted me from her friends list when we graduated and now I’m a 22 year old virgin
The same thing can be said, but about women, see: sugar daddy.
>There are like three couples who work together at work
>This adorable girl gets hired
>Slowly develop a crush on her
>I'm too old for crushes but fuckit I don't care
>Help train her for weeks
>Friends and coworkers notice
>Tease me about it, tell me we'd make a good couple
>Find out she's single
>After careful probing, determine that she is receptive to my advances
>Turn down a promotion because supervisors can't date base level employees
>Finally pull the trigger and ask her out
>She says yes
>Everybody congratulates me
>The next day I text her
>She says she isn't feeling well and won't make the date
>I knew she wasn't feeling well when I asked her out so I just took her word and told her to get well soon and that we'll reschedule once she is feeling better
>A week goes by
>She doesn't answer anymore texts
>Finally see her again at work
>Just calmly ask if she's had a change of heart
>She said she did and she just wants to keep her personal and professional life separate
I want to die.
even though this definitely definitely definitely DEFINITELY does not even slightly remind me of myself I feel it's important I reply to make clear that I am absolutely NOT mad about it
I've already accepted that I will die a virgin and will never experience love.
Despite the fact that it's outright half the reason why I'm a business major, dating in the workplace also sounds like a viable minefield and will 100% not be like I want it to be.
you seem to be lost
kys beta cuck
You dodged a bullet and she's smart. Work relationships are awful to be in.
Hiring hookers to play video games with you instead of fucking you is the lamest shit I've ever heard
>all female company
they're in massive debt and hemorraging money and their daddies are paying for all overhead expenses
Don't you face sitting fetishists worry about pink eye?
>dark souls
haha you almost had me
Who's that qt
Oh dear.
Yes but I'm into butt stuff, not shota.
That's how life works user: you get hurt until it works out, and then you die. Only you will feel the pain and the pleasure and only you can know, soon before the Void, if you made it worth it.
that's nice and all but remove the three shitty stacies and give me a qt long legged nerd instead
>and then everyone clapped
me on my knees
>>Turn down a promotion because supervisors can't date base level employees
Absolutely retarded.
Especially since you weren't even fucking dating her at that point.
>Is all female(male)
I have made complete and utter peace with the fact that I will never have a woman who loves me, and honestly...it feels a lot better to realize and accept that. I seriously recommend this to you guys. If you just keep desiring something that you know you're never gonna get, it's gonna eat you up and depress you. Just accept it and move on knowing that you'll die single. There's honestly worse things in the world
Pete please, do it. I've suffered long enough and I don't think I got any motherfuckers left to prove wrong.
As you should be.
Are you a girl?
>90% of the words in original frame available to form the word you want in the edit
>still use a typeface that's completely shit
>Want literally anything from a relationship
>"What's wrong fag you want a Mommy?"
You'd be suck starting a shotgun livestream on /r9k/ in 3 months after engaging that relationship, finding out you don't like her, getting fired/quitting.
To be fair, I hated being a supervisor during my trial period. The pay wasn't even much better, $2.00 an hour more. In exchange I'd be working significantly more hours and have a significantly higher chance of being fired. In the last year, we've had three supervisors get fired. It really wasn't worth painting a giant target on my back for a relatively minor pay increase. The chance to go out with her was just the icing on top.
I don't know, nobody knows, because she does not exist. You are in for a wild ride
where was this school when i was in school
>a girl into Blue Oyster Cult
I wish.
me in the middle
>completely off topic shota softporn + general feels thread
>still regardless one of the best threads on Yea Forums
I expect nothing less
>Implying the PS4 has any 4-player games
Do they each have their own copy of TLOU?
me on the bottom
Yeah... I'm gonna need the source
I was molested by a friend of my mom's when I was a kid. It's not the way you think it is. It hurt a lot and I cried so much and she didn't care. You don't want this. Don't romanticize this. I can't have normal relationships anymore. She ruined me.
capcom vs snk 2 trying to learn to play the game. was going to learn marvel 2 but fuck that lol.
also been learning 3s, ST, and kof2002. want to try and go to my locals and play these but want to practice and get good first.
>not being a high-functioning autistic that's high-functioning enough to manage to have both male and female friends that you continually keep in touch with/game with every so often
>not being autistic enough that you wouldn't really care if they all went their own ways, leaving you as your solitary self, just the way you like it
Suffering plebeians beheld to that whimsical and nonsensical ally and enemy that is love and lust, the whole lot of you.
I don't think those schools would test very high, this method seems ineffective.
From right to left:
>the slut that teases you a lot (she gets drunk and try to fuck you, but you'll just to escape, maybe once she'll get to snu snu you, it will be good, but not MC girlfriend material)
>the goth (she'll toy with you a lot but author kinda forget her after sometime, fan notice and complain but she'll be a back character for the rest of the show)
>the shy one (she'll see you naked accidentally, because) kind of an asshole, but she gets better
>the ara ara milf (heavy sexual tension intensifies)
>the tomboy (will be MCs best friend and he'll show her she can be feminine sometimes)
>obligatory moe that's kinda annoying and weird
>the girl you think mc will end up with (cheating/ntr and break up) maybe even childhood friends
>the girl (tsundere) the MC will end up with. You'll marry her and the last shot is she being tsudenre and then lovey dovey with you, finally showing that she's pregnant
>the really hot christmas cake mc will fuck once but will just stay good friends because she's too old for him and it wouldn't work out.
>tfw no big breasted oneesan to molest your shotacock
It's the natural way
>Come home
>Check Yea Forums
>First thread on the board
I haven't even taken a shower yet jesus
It's clearly mocking the kind of guys who cry tfw no gf when they haven't even once thought about what they could offer someone else in a relationship and just want to be mothered
If it isn't describing you then there's no need to be annoyed by it
best girl wins, I approve
>the slut that teases you a lot (she gets drunk and try to fuck you, but you'll just to escape, maybe once she'll get to snu snu you, it will be good, but not MC girlfriend material)
Wrong out of the gate, she hates men because no one has been able to make her cum.
>we were all cute rapeable shotas once
>we can never go back
>ywn be tied down to a bed and used as a cushion for years while your thicc gf 100%s the disagea games
based and apathypilled
I often think about offering my dick and how beneficial it would be (specifically to their pussies)
getting older fucken sucks
>mfw finally found the perfect anime lewd friend with good taste but didn't work out
never gonna find my gamer lf. now I'm forced to dumb normalfag gf or the one nights with cute but crazy n dangerous con chix and just not gay enough for irl guys. shit sux, fuck it all, gfs, bfs, lfs
good Tsukasa's kasas
this fucking gif has me laughing my ass off
I love this thread
I'm so sorry, I wish I could trade places with you.
>shitting where you eat
Why do people do this?
what she did? she inserted things in your anus or what?
Well my problem is everything I have to offer isn't useful in today's society for getting what I actually want (relationship built on mutual physical and emotional attraction) since I'm not physically attractive and that's not something I can really change.
Just installed MyBoy on my chinkphone and need your hottest GBA games to play while on night shift. No pokemon please, I already have them downloaded.
This unironically except it's at work.
Please tell me you've at least decided to prioritize you physical and metal health after that
Is emulating Demon Souls possible? I want to play it bad but don't want to shell out just for a ps3
>unironically societyposting
Well, at least you're honest. Just try your best to not get so bitter you rise up and kill a bunch of people because girls don't want to kiss you.
>She ruined me
part of me feels really bad for you, dead serious here. i think i can more or less understand the tragedy
other part of me, however
its almost as if fantasy > reality and these are 2D women ITT not 3DPD
fuck me how do i always forget the name of this movie
Wrong thread?
punishment game
Wait, but what is the woman offering there?
user, I just made a fanfic based on that pic, not a prediction; don't be an annoying autist.
People forget how are mindsets were when we were kids
I highly doubt anyone here thought about having sex with milfs around the age of 10. Getting molested by an older women at such a young age will fuck you up.
An 11 year old kid crying isn't hot.
I know you sickos will fap to this but I'll say a few things. She would forcibly give me blowjobs in an effort to make me cum in her mouth but I couldn't make cum yet, but she would keep trying. I tried not to cry because then she would slap me but I couldn't help it. She did it almost every day for 2 months, then I finally did make cum. She kept doing it for another few months until she moved away. It never felt good, I was scared the whole time, and I couldn't tell my mom because her friend was also her manager and I didn't want her to get fired. She did more but I don't want to say what anymore.
why her bagina of course
Nigger that's even more hot, you lucky duck.
I wish I could have saved you from the pain user. That pleasant pain
God, that is fucked
Now imagine that same scenario at age 12.
Cool, I wanted to die anyway.
How the fuck did you cum if it never felt good?
did you let your mom know when you were older, or have you kept it secret?
What else am I supposed to say? In current year I can invest a shitload of effort into a girl emotionally and she can dump me and replace me via Tinder the next day for a guy who won't have to put nearly as much in because he's better looking. Or she can even use me emotionally and have him on the side! Had the first one happen with the one girl I ever had success with, fun times. My sister bought a ticket just to fly out to fuck some guy she met online. How am I supposed to compete with guys like this? Being smart and empathetic doesn't do shit for me except make me more aware of how fucked I am and make it more painful respectively.
>inb4 "anyone that says they're smart and empathetic is actually secretly an asshole"
This post gave me a deja vu
she is looking for an equal relationship and not looking for someone who only wants to be taken care of and serviced sexually while also offering no genuine interest or affection
it honestly isn't. remove limp shota dick and her being forcible and it will be hottest shit ever, but having a limp dick sucked sounds pretty bad
but hey
she did made him cum
user you are just a faggot. I was already fantasizing about having sex with 10 years old and fapping with 11. I bet you wouldn't be ''traumatized'' if she had fingered your ass while forcing you to wear panties you little fag.
Okay, but where did you get all that from and why does it not apply to the boy in the original image too?
>Equal relationship
You and me both get sex and hang out together as mutual emotional support.
>"Equal" relationship
We have sex together and in exchange you have to listen to my bullshit, be my emotional rock, and accept that the moment you fail to fulfill these obligations for any reason you will be replaced.
God you sound like such a retard.
You have bigger problems than your looks, user. Trust me.
I was into girls from day 1, man, and had a thing for my hotter teachers all throughout elementary school. Even before I had any concept of sex I would've been totally down for the shit described by this user
Yeah. Might require a good cpu, but rpcs3 is at the point where it plays it better than a ps3 does
>you have to listen to my bullshit, be my emotional rock, and accept that the moment you fail to fulfill these obligations for any reason you will be replaced.
Is there something you'd like to talk about, user?
I've actually been pretty damn close on two separate occasions. College was hell of a time.
I just got one what did you put on it?
Different people go through puberty different, fucknut.
You didn't answer his question.
I can masturbate with my dick limp and it feels pretty good. If my dick gets too hard then it starts to hurt and I have to reroute the blood that's flowing to my dick by meditating and focusing on my heartbeat.
Absolutely nothing
It goes both ways though and some women are exactly like the guy on that image
>I want a daddy who will coddle me, call me pretty (even if im not), pay for everything, lavish me with gifts and have absolute loyalty and time only for me while i offer nothing in return, be it effort to better myself or my appearance for him, or have basic consideration for his desires or needs
>Sometimes i'll let him eat me out though aren't i such an amazing wifey teehee
sure ya did, user
>masturbating with limp dick feels good
That genuinely what I want.
Then, for one second I feel guilty, and the next one I remember how evil women can be and how they can and keep getting away with utterly despicable shit on people close to me, then realize I'm statistically better alone and think how all I want is just idealistic and not humanly feasible, so there's no point in trying
>There are guys better looking than me
>They can easily juggle multiple girls via online platforms or even just through their workplace
>I am in a situation where I can regularly witness this in real life
>"No ur stupid"
Thanks for your input.
He's not wrong though.
Not that user but limp dick fapping after several sessions of edging for hours then stopping is how you can cum without orgasm and refractory period so you can eat your cum without hesitation and feeling grossed out
why? how? are you a trap? do you have some serious phismosis?
he doesn't want to help you user, he just wants to shit on you
I have a gf and I've been with this situation but with only one girl and still I seethe. Is there no bottom of the human greed barrel ?
You fucking cheater.
Someones never taken adderall. You're missing out on god tier masturbation.
Reminder to never take life-changing decisions when women are involved, or at least without a minimum month-long period of pondering
It just does. I guess it's more like milking a cow.
When I'm hard it points up, so it's hard to grip it properly, and since it's less soft it hurts more.
Drugs are bad, user.
Why must you make me suffer?
I fucking love how Yea Forums is full to the brim of THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG posters but are in reality just like this and complain about how unfair it is that guys with "higher stats" will just swoop in and steal their women, "so why even try get a girlfriend??"
Fucking incredible
And of course they then spin dying alone as totally alpha because only KEKS get girlfriends and wives and have children
So is browsing Yea Forums and playing vidya all things considered.
whats this image trying to say
>tfw 31 years old and daily fap isn't as pleasurable as it once was
Where do I get my psx isos with emuparadise gone
That behavior isnt shamed and is encouraged by her female friends who are also looking for "sugar daddis"
But the kind of gf a male wants, thats to be shamed, demonized, and ridiculed.
Fucking double standards.
>I feel guilty
Don't, don't ever feel shame or guilt for these image edits that are written by some triggered feminist hambeast hypocrite
>That fucking staredown.
Alpha as fuck.
Women should be kept on farms where theyre forced to have sex with men imo
stop fapping for like a week, then when you come back it'll feel like the good old days
Actually did. Even ended up fucking one of the girls a few days later. But you can still assume I'm making this all up, I don't really care.
>Tfw the first (and only person) to ever see my dick was my aunt
>I was 5 at the time and barely remember it
Fuck everything.
No matter how many times I read this I can never understand what its trying to say. What an awful image.
The angry roastie/tranny that made the edit was too busy slamming their sausage fingers on the keyboard to care about format
what? did your mom never bathe you when you were young?
It's funny how many guys there are who are terrified of the great replacement, non-whites outbreeding whites, but also think having a girlfriend or having children with them is a jew conspiracy and they're too smart to fall for it
it's almost like Yea Forums isn't one person
All women are whores
It's a comic from the chick that makes those country-boy comics, or at least use to.
Legbeard got mad anyway.
>only KEKS get girlfriends and wives and have children
This but unironically.
Even the biggest chads I've known all inevitably ended up getting dumped or/and cheated on.
I don't get why so many people like you go "too bad life's not fair" and then get upset when these same with low "stats" eventually decide to play a different game entirely.
I got this shit well deserved for entering this thread expecting porn instead of games.
If someone tries to steal your girl then you fuck him and now he is also your girl.
That was a good one.
your mom isn't a whore
What is that blonde lady gonna do to him? Why aren't his parents doing something? They have to save him!
>Huge /ss/ rape fetish
>Most /ss/ nowadays is boring as fuck so I resorted to stories and fanfics
>Even those eventually got boring (or attracted too many edgy spics writing awful, pretentious shit in broken English with tons of inane Christian imagery that made me want to blow my brains out
>Just started writing my own /ss/ rape shit
>Tfw can't escape
Fuck this fetish, fuck everything.
Wish I was more into lolis.
the original is fair but the edit is so hilariously one-sided, like not even trying to hide the bias, how do you get to that level of seethe
He has no parents, he was raised by wolves.
they want you to be miserable so they feel better about themselves, like it's a zero-sum game
Because the woman who made it had sex with a super hot dude one time and is in denial that if she doesn't want to be alone forever she'll someday have to settle with green due, so she makes this internal fantasy that green dude is an asshole who also wants to use her.
>they want you to be miserable so they feel better about themselves
But isn't he criticizing people who actively seek to be miserable rather than trying to improve or find happiness?
That's not what I was saying, I'm perfectly aware that all I want is a yes girl that doubles as fucktoy, and I'm perfectly fine with it, I dont expect any longer the existence of a woman worth the unilateral commitment of marriage or investing genuine respect or feelings in her without being backstabbed and robbed
So hereby, I embrace the dreams of waifus without remorse, as real as the fairy tales of platonic love in modern ages
I'm unironically jealous.
I actually was molested and I usually self insert as the shota and imagine instead of getting fucked by my dirty older brother. I'm getting fucked by these hot anime girls. Hope it answers your question.
>(bump limit reached)
>posting the picture instead of a link
they are up to date with latest?... YO nah NAH!!!!
someone stop those mad ladies!!!
No he has real parents! They locked the door from the outside when they started playing and even put up a video camera in thr corner! They can see what's going on in there and they're choosing to do nothing! Call the police!
ahh I'm horny now thanks a lot.
>Partner wasn't even a virgin
this is not fair man
why did he fuck you?
i don't know if you replied to the wrong post but the post i was replying to was criticizing people who 1) shit on you because you're tfw no gf then 2) shit on you again when you decide to opt out of that noise and find happiness somewhere else
like it's a sin to want to be out of that hole, crabs in a bucket
It's not about actively trying to be miserable, it's about being unable to delude yourself into believing you can win at a game you can't. It's like learned helplessness right? How dogs if the floor is shocked they'll jump until they figure out they can't escape the shocks and just lie down because jumping is a waste of energy? That's where a lot of people are nowadays with relationships. Sure they could jump but it won't actually get them anywhere so why waste the energy?
Well my penis is hard. What are you going to do about it, Yea Forums
based thread
>guy writes up blogposts about how he's choosing to die alone because FUCK WOMEN
>someone replies to tell them this is unhealthy and irrational thinking
I have no idea what to say
You are choosing misery and then accusing anyone who doesn't support your self inflected misery of trying to make you miserable? You do it to yourself.
I guess you'll just keep blaming everyone else: women, "chads", and even the people who try help you, just keep blaming everyone else for your misery. That'll work out really well.
i hope that bitch shoves a rusty bat up your ass
Based, where man cannot find, he creates
idk probably because he was bullied when he was a kid.
Painter just fucking roasted some sculptor he didn't like
where are you people getting all this shit from, is reading comprehension that low these days
people shit on the concept of mtgow all the time
Are you making fun of me?!
Greek mythology
It was fun lads, see you around
>guy says he's learned to be content with himself and his situation in life
>Wow, get a grip you fucking incel, stop making yourself miserable
You're either dishonest and trolling or unable to understand what you're even replying to. Either way, you're not helping anyone, as you seem to imply you are doing.
I never said I was "choosing" to die alone you retard, I said I can't get what I want out of a relationship because I will always be aware that it's transactional in a way I don't want it to be. I can't attract a woman with my good looks or charm because I don't have those things, and those things are what women respond best to. My "good" qualities aren't attractive, so I can't attract.
>Having an attractive woman your own age force herself on you because you're too dense to do it to her is the same as getting diddled as a child by an overly aggressive woman who didn't give her shota proper TLC.
Heck off
I love the image, as much for the cute waifus as much as for the lelz of
>any all-female company, even the best one possible
>looking this healthy, friendly and functional
Wait was this a femdom or /ss/ thread?
If you got raped as a boy by girls or women you should be thankful!
>I highly doubt anyone here thought about having sex with milfs around the age of 10
I did
HOW did she molest you? This seems relevant.
That's the current narrative. Men can't be abused even when they're helpless children.
Yeah, Galko is the best. Gave that little boy the pantyshot of his life, too.
I knew certain girls and teachers made my peepee feel funny
She was overweight. We are both black.
So in other words she never got YOU to explore HER body? This seems telling.
I am going to have intense vivid lewd dreams tonight of being /ss/'d by two cute tan gyarus and you can't stop me!