EA Layoffs


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UNIONIZE! *raises fist*
Huh, guys?

And nothing of value was lost. Losing dead weight is a smart move.


Guess they finally see how fucked they are when they fire those guys

Even though I wok in those fields, this is a good thing for videogames. The less money is spent on all that shit the better.

Those fields exist in other industries outside of vidya. You'll be fine, user.

Agreed. All of the money that EA spent marketing Anthem like the second coming of Jesus could've been spent in making an actual good game.

I'm surprised, I didn't think EA executives were smart enough to lay off some of their dead weight like that. The past 2 years must have been really hard on them.

>implying anyone at EA is human
they can go rot on the street for all i care
dumbasses sold their soul and deserve every bit of shit they get

>Apex Legends comes out with a marketing budget of 3 paperclips and a 6 pack of soda.
>Instant hit.

Yup . I saw it coming.

Diversity is awes-

>can't fire the developers because they are LGBTBBQBRAAP
>kick the guys to the curb that tell the devs what customers actually want

Why not just fired Anthem devs instead??

>Marketing, publishing and analytics
These people will be in new jobs before they're even out of the EA offices.

Exactly the opposite. Same thing happened at Blizzard. They are firing all the diversity hires who did nothing and hiring more white programmers

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>brutal year for the game industry
>bad companies are "the game industry"

You have that all backwards good sir.

>those jobs
Literally fucking nothing.

well we can always hope they get hit by a truck on the way out the door

It gonna be
a 'we need a union in the vidya industry"

Marketing, publishing and analytics don't have jobs that a diversity hire with no skills or experience can actually do. It's all numbers and greasing wheels. It's going to take a month tops before the higherups realize that Facebookisha isn't any good xir job.

>Jason "Only pedophiles like big tits" Schreier
Every fucking time

user please, they aren't ending those postions on their company, they are just firing everyone who told them BFV, Anthem and other shit was going to bring them money, they are still going to get more people for those positions to try again

>a devastating blow
Wait until they are forced to work in legitimate industries where layoffs are routinely in the 1,000s. Also,
>Marketing, publishing, analytics
Those are frequently gutted and restaffed in all major businesses

This makes the peepee the big peepee

>marketer thinks he's got a real job

Why? People who work in analytics and publishing are quite based in my experience.

>Marketing, analytics
So nothing of value or concern, in fact the cancer that is Killing games?

>Those are frequently gutted and restaffed in all major businesses

they should start literally gutting them

kys ad-man

The year's not brutal for the videogame industry, it's brutal for dumbass companies that are trying to milk every penny out of it with poor products. Fuck them that makes me happy.

So basically, all the pixie haired SJW landwhales and some beta males? Good move EA.

Yeah, the problem now is they're gonna try to fucking viral market everything. But EA has always had a stupid fucking marketing department, remember Dante's Inferno?

Is a peepee the same as a penis weanis?

>marketing, publishing, and analytics
Probably improve that shit ass company if anything.

Once again Yea Forums proves itself to be a place full of manchildren who have not worked a real job.

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Maybe not the suits giving speeches but the analysts certainly do.

Can 2019 get any better?

making up wrong numbers is not real work even if you use really complicated methods to do so

>EA employees right now

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Ha. Fuck you EA.

pretty sure if you work for EA you have no soul. so who gives a fuck.

I hope ubisoft is next

>Marketing, publishing, analytics bugmen and roasties losing their jobs

You mean tge same marketing twats that pushed for the feminist crap in BFV, and promptly told everyone complaining to fuck off? Those idiots are “based”?? Go fuck yourself retard.

>office work is a real job
Shiggy diggy

Rev up those champagne glasses lads

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good, the western gaming industry needs some serious cleansing, all those layoffs are merely the beginning

>Apex Legends comes out with a marketing budget of 3 paperclips and a 6 pack of soda.

you forgot the millions they spent bribing streamers

Wait til August. Farewell Bioware

why hire someone market your game when you can just buy twitch streamer to do it.

This.>Those are frequently gutted and restaffed in all major businesses

Those aren't electricians, mechanics or plumbers working at the same company for 10 years. Marketing and all these "new age" jobs that got real big in the 80s get revamped every couple years and people get rotated out routinely.


While they're at it those people can just like totally kill themselves and literally improve my disposition torwards EA.

Much more effective than spending millions on IGN/Kotaku banner ads

Nothing of value was lost or gained by this.
Western vidya dev still suffers greatly from
>Caring more about the bottom line than quality
>Suits calling all the creative shots
Until that's fixed, they can roast roasties all they want: The entitlement culture of western devs will continue cranking out shit.

He did it, he fucking did it, a toast to you my bald friend.

>real job

Fuck off retard. I’m the guy that draws and designs the shit you play. Reason I can’t draw what I like in games is precisely cause Marketing, Producers and Analysts with their thumbs up their but tell all of us we gotta be more PC friendly. Good fucking riddance on that. Literally nothing of value was lost.

>why hire someone market your game when you can hire someone to market your game

hmm indeed

>marketing, publishing, and analytics departments

I'm sure they're making plenty of money from apex. This is more likely just an unusual moment of clarity from the company.

At least Firestorm on BFV is good fuck apex


not gonna lie, feels good

>Apex Legends
>low marketing budget
>retards believe this
They literally paid millions to influencers for WEEKS, and have TV spotlights. The AL marketing budget is probably just shy of a Rockstar Game's.

>EA kicks out 350 people

Good start, but they need to burn all the way down. I want EA to not exist by this day next year. In fact all western videogame companies deserve to go if they can't learn to be fucking entertaining.

Imagine if they died haha

Wonder how many were from bioware?

RIP Bioware. You will not be missed.

Obsidian next.

wait i thought the japanese industry was dying, why are they hiring people while the west is firing people
shouldnt it be the other way around?

This. I'm glad the "AAA Mega Blockbuster Marketed to All Demographics" strategy is starting to lose traction.

>our marketing campaign needs a good hook
>what's en vogue? what's the big topics?
>social issues!
>i heard the guys down in development have this new angle
>let's focus on that, tell their producers to blow it up real big, no holds barred
>line up the usual?
>sure, speeches, seminars, workshops. tell them to make shit up if they have to.

Meh. Only seeing Bioware begging for food on the sidewalk will give me mild happiness

I am legitimately and unironically happy about this.

Every one of them deserved it.
Their entire workforce deserves to be laid off for making the decision to work for EA.

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It's on the rise based on stats. They just realized they can do more than just trim the fat on AAA quality. They can also trim the fat on AAA employees too.
AAA is now a well-oiled efficiency machine excelling at fucking players over while getting even more money for them, at a fraction of the cost.

>people in worthless positions get fired from shitty companies
>meanwhile we get RE2make, DMCV, Ace Combat 7 and Sekiro
>"a brutal year for the video game industry"
>...in the west

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They only did that after it became a hit.
The game released without much fanfare and out of the blue. And EA's marketing team didn't really influence the development cycle with their SJW pandering either, unlike BFV. Which is coincidentally why it succeed. Because devs actually knew what they were doing and were left alone.

The whole "h-hey these characters are actually gay!" was slapped on after the release too.

>well-oiled efficiency machine


>literally all the trannies and SJW scum that sat on twitter all day saying all white straight males are the spawn of satan

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Came here to post something like this. GOTT STRAFE WESTAKEKS

Good. We need another hard crash of the industry. So only nerds will stay in it. Then we can have our 1997-2006 again.

EA lost the ability to make a great game and needs a from-the-ground-up rebuild. I doubt Andrew “Gacha” Wilson is the one to do it. Firing marketing and publishing people isn’t going to fix the problem.


inb4 Yea Forums says "they deserved it for being EA wagies" meanwhile the EA execs who actually make all the bad decisions get a fat stack of bonuses for being forced to downsize their own business

Still less than the millions they spend on trad. Advert

they are niggers

Someone post the asshurt on twitter.

They did. One unnamed yet stuiod confirmed for being closed.

Source on these claims?

That's the power of capitalism

>EA lays off 350 people
>meanwhile every EA exec is still getting twice as much annually as the 350 people combined

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Forgot about the stupid filters.


Is it? I actually think AAA is healthier today than it was at the start of the gen.

If anything EA stopped making AAA games and have focused on cramming loot boxes and micro transactions into every game. You end up with unfinished bullshit like BFV and neutered crap like SWBF2 that hardcore fans don’t want to play.

Its a shame this is obviously editted. It'd be way funnier if was the actual picture.

aka Trannys and quota hires

Common sense 2019.


Thats a lot of people.
Why like Blizzard all at once though? None of them did a good job at anything or what? Not even good coffee huh

keep up tranny

Sounds like they're firing the people who have let companies like DICE and Bioware shoot themselves in the head with SJW bullshit for far too long. The people who have been trying to push the "women play games" lie and such. Good riddance. I hope EA tightens their grip around their devs and we get good games instead of feminist trash.

Based slaver demons

Literally a 1 million dollar worth of Ninja's sponsored streams.

seethe tranny

Learn to code.

>marketing, publishing and analytics
why is this a bad thing?
those are the people filling your games with microtransactions, loot boxes, etc

Seriously. I can think of only DOOM Eternal, and maybe, Wrath: Aeon of Ruin to expect for the west in 2019. What else do they have? The whole debacle with the EGS shit taking scraps of Obsidian, Ubishit and indies?

>no dev layoffs

they got some work to do, a lot of people involved in anthem or battlefield should not be in the industry until they understand what makes games fun

Facts over feelings snowflake :^)

>meanwhile the EA execs who actually make all the bad decisions

Not usually how it works. The wage slaves usually put things in their games then go to the execs for a yay or nay of the ideas they want to implement in their game.

Quick question. Why is everyone celebrating this when ostensibly these people handle the tertiary aspects of marketing instead of the actual making of videogames? Anthem is a bad game based solely on the actions of the core development team.


Is the industry finally dying? Please?

lmao go learn how to code you useless waste

I can only pray that videogames will be acknowledged as an artform in the future so we don't have to deal with this shit anymore.

You'll definitely be getting your wish, Far Cry New Dawn and The Division 2 both flopped massively. Far Cry New Dawn has only been out a month and has already gone down to 50%+ off in sales multiple times because no one bought it and The Division 2 only sold 20% of what the first did.

That wasn't marketing, that was a dev crossing the line and he got fired for it

>devote an entire conference to shitting on your fans because they aren't buying your shitty game
>get surprised when you are laid off

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>implying BioWare is still going to exist by the end of 2019.

Their fate was sealed.

It mad

Absolutely not. BF5's core game is fine, the last thing they need is to reinvent the wheel again.

Halo Steam
And yeah, that's it. That's all.

fuck that this became a thing

But the dev team when out of their way and out of their own accord to make the game racially diverse and gender balanced. That pokes a whole in the whole go woke go broke narrative does it not?



Read what you retard, they advertiaed and paid for that gay twitch thing from day one.

Why so butthurt? I just wanted source on a statement presented as fact.

No it doesn't you loony tranny.

To be honest I'd be happy if everyone at EA got fired or they went bankrupt.

I don't like SJW western devs that make shit games. I almost only play Japanese or Korean games.

One US based company that could never make payroll folding in the 80s didn't kill the industry.

actually no it doesn´t the game was flavor of the month which only got popular do to payed streamers
since then numbers have gone down again

But you're the butthurt one because you're literally going to be asspained from whoring out since you can't learn how to code lmao


Their own fault wasting so much money on fucking marketing.


weebs can't stop winning lads

>Marketing, Publishing and Analytics
>AKA the people who considered the BFV marketing campaign and the Anthem progression system were good strategies
Serves them right

>gone down
Apex is still making out like gangbusters

Their only successful game in the last 4 years is siege and that's be they basically just let the devs roam free and do whatever the fuck with a limited budget.
It was the scrapped remains of patriots that forked off and the sp side became the division under different devs
Siege mp devs said fuck it free dlc free maps free ops we gonna go out on a high note
Last year it was fucking massive and sjw got btfo when the devs removed the auto kick ban text chat censor on pc now they removed the auto kickban for tk in favour of a damage reflection on player system like cs
Surprisingly the worst ubisoft game became one of the best
Not a fan of season 3 or 4 so far tho hopefully it keeps slowly improving

not really

>Game - $100m
>Game 2 - $300m
>Game 3 - $300m
>Game 4 - $500m
>Game 5 - $1B
It is, whether you want to admit it or not

Do you know what "going down" means though? Fortnite beat it again since it's actually supported. Give Apex a month or two and it'll be a wasteland.

>Another devastating blow for the game industry
>But first lets talk about the good news
Fuck, I really want to hear the bad news

The thing is, EA didn't even need to do this from a financial standpoint. FIFA and Madden make them billions every year. This was 100% a strategic layoff in an attempt to purge bad employees that led to Battlefront 2 lootboxes, BFV, and Anthem.

>neoliberal SJWs get defeated by literal Marxist and this place celebrates

Lol maybe in the peak 00s
No game has seen sales like that for years
Rdr 2 spluttered and died last game to get near that was fucking gta v
Pubg apex fortnite and freemuim mobile shit made more then all of them combined btw

Or maybe they just laid off people to maintain their current profit margin?

More blue haird sjw trannies on twitter.

To be fair ND was just a reskinned FC5. Doubt it costed much to shit out.

good, fuck ea and anyone who chooses to work there

>This was 100% a strategic layoff in an attempt to purge bad employees that led to Battlefront 2 lootboxes, BFV, and Anthem.
You mean their analysts, executives, and investors?

Really though, they're cutting back on marketing because they don't need them anymore. All they need to do is pay a streamer $1m to play their game for a few days and that's more effective than $10m in marketing.

This is textbook fat-trimming.

>that led to Battlefront 2 lootboxes
Why would they let off people for that when that's the very same thing that gives them the biggest revenue boost annually?

Devs are the white and asian men actually doing the work.

>Marketing, Publishing, Analytics.
Seems like a natural move after they realized with Apex Legends that they could just skip traditional ads altogether and go straight to paying Twitch Streamers. Less marketing budget= less marketing staff needed.

>Rdr 2 spluttered and died
On what planet?

Those where dice Sweden devs not useless retards in ops pic

That's any non minimum wage job. I'm a mechanical engineer and I could stop work now and no one would really notice for 3 months.
My reports can fuck up but I can't even fire them. They'd have to do something ridiculous to get fired without a 6 month performance improvement plan.
>When I was in software, I would regularly not show up/do any work for a month and no one ever noticed.

>he's actually a seething tranny

The Division 1 is one of the highest selling games of all time. For Honor sold well and is still popular because it follows the same model as Siege. Far Cry 5 was the best selling game in that franchise apparently. AC Origins and Odyssey sold well (although utterly killed that franchise imo, fuck the shitty damage sponge enemies and wannabe Souls combat). Point is, they have had plenty of huge successes besides Siege. But both of their games they have released so far this year have been huge financial losses for them because Far Cry New Dawn didn't sell shit and The Division 2 only sold a tiny fraction of the first game's record breaking sales. That will have an impact and will result on mass layoffs in the near future.

I've worked in Marketing, it's literally all faggots and women. Not even joking.

>the numbers say SJW shit is hot. Put more grrrl stronk powah in BFV!
>game bombs
So much for their analysis of the market.

You retards tried this same mental gymnastics with Activision-Blizzard and the truth of the matter is the same: they are firing people to save money. Money grubbing is what publicly traded companies do, no one is purging undesirables. Board rooms don't just collectively wake up and go "oh shit our company is full of people we don't like, better fire them immediately". No. They go "this quarter didn't look so hot, lets trim some fat."

>EA spends a zillion dollars marketing Anthem
>Releases Apex with zero build up
>It saves the company
I'd fire my marketing department also

>another devastating blow in what’s been a brutal year for the industry
Is this a Western developer thing? Since the Eastern side of things hasn’t been this good in years.

>Board rooms don't just collectively wake up and go "oh shit our company is full of people we don't like, better fire them immediately"
They do that all the time. They look at who is losing the company money and they cut them. SJWs and diversity hires lose tons of money so they're the first to get cut. They also expose the company to unnecessary risk of lawsuits and HR complaints so it's just smart to get rid of them before a lawsuit costs the company a bunch of money.

cope in the parking lot, tranny

*pays twitch streamers*

>EA layoffs
>Actiblizz layoffs
>Bioware likely to be shuttered
>Everything that's not a battle royale or Rockstar game is flopping
>Nothing interesting for this entire year
Is the shitty western industry FINALLY dying?
About fucking time.

>release Apex with zero buildup
Are you retarded? They spent MILLIONS paying streamers to shill it, and as soon as the contract expired, everyone went back to Fortnite.

You're not allowed to make sensible posts on v/ you need to make it pol related like

>from day one
Stop lying tranny

good fuck all these companies who think that they know better that players what we want


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>They only did that after it became a hit.
No they didn't.

>Really quiet, nobody knows what her job is
Holy shit, our token muslim lady is literally this. She shows up to work, never speaks, and I have no idea what she does. She sits silently in all group meetings, the boss never talks to her, and she eats lunch at her desk. She looks like she stays busy, but I don't know what she works on.

She's not wrong.

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>seething so hard he starts samefaging

Dead wrong. They did wake up and see that their company is filled with agenda pushing morons who were forcing the company to chase unprofitable trends and lying about it to investors. They see now that those politics don't sell games and to the contrary actually cause them to bomb. They are purging the socialists.

Good new downsyndrome was shit division 2 was shit and asscreeed is so dead they are remastering it already
So 30m+ sales yet take twos profits and stocks are in the shitter? Really makes me think it's almost like making billion+ ever increasing dollar game budgets has deminishing profit returns no matter how much it sells
It's like Disney wars sure it made a cool 4bil but they spent in excess of double that just to buy it and make it.
Same with modern vidya it's just too big hence why we are getting a 2nd crash despite smaller studios raking in money making glorified mods and p2w shit


So which one are you?

>real job
>says the jobless NEET

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Were any of them narrative designers?

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my favorite thing about 'learn to code' is that coding jobs are completely replaceable and there are a billion indians who will do it cheaper than you

Cyberpunk? But we won't get that until 2020 at least.

Bethesda and epic are doing fine
It's steam that's haemorrhaging players games and market share along with psn xbl

Don't need a marketing department to do that.

Yeah 2018 was full of bombs. It was fantastic and I hope this industry crashes.

>350 people only

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lmao this pic


Still better than other jobs.

Ok, but you don't need a marketing department for that. One dude can write checks to streamers.

what the hell is this

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Look at the comments in this thread. Not one person actually knows what they're talking about.

There's a point where more money can't do anything. Creative endeavours may require huge teams to do the assets, but usually the core comes down to 1 person.
Unless you want to use that money to hire a parallel studio or two that works on the game in isolation and you pick the best one. Imagine working on a "Secret killer app" for 2 years only to see someone else's version on the big screen at E3.

I've been a (journalist) on these fucking forums for over 15 years now and can make thousands of replies but writing the right click bait shit.
Difference is I do it for free and don't care who I offend

Journalism isn't a real job. They just browse Twitter and saw what people are mad about today. Or they sit in a press conference and post some quotes. It's not like today's journalists actually investigate things anymore. Journalism in the internet era takes no effort or skill. Half the time they don't even proofread before posting.

Just survived a layoff at work, it's not very fun. I don't like EA but godspeed to the people who get laid off.

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>neoliberal SJWs
>literal Marxists
>implying there's a difference

Yeah, its terrible advice now. The STEM bubble popped years ago, but 33-year old boomers still keep handing out this advice.

There are a billion Indians in every industry.
I work in B2B telecoms and I can't tell you how many times I've picked up the phone to speak to a client only to have to talk to some Indian speaking broken English and refusing to remit payment on a fucking 7 month past due invoice.

Excuse me?

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Why and how does this faggot still have a career?


they are the people who push the sjw bullshit

You absolutely do because modern companies are bloated and inefficient as fuck. You'd have the streamer relations department (probably a dedicated team for the large ones like Ninja too), the streamer finance department, the fat HR SJWs making sure the streamers are diverse enough, and then probably some more useless meat doing fucking nothing productive.

>Losing dead weight is a smart move
Then why isn't all of EA gone

someone post that tweet about that trans furfag who blames it on people for caring about games on steam

Marketing decisions override everyone elses decisions. If you want a white male protag, but marketing says blue-haired trannies are what is trendy, then your publisher forces you to use blue haired trannies.

To my knowledge it was in dev hell for years got pushed out the door unfinished to the point where mp and sp don't even link up at all (which was the original premise of the game)
Biowqre where dead devs walking after me2
Ausfag here there is no work half our Labor pool prehaps more are temp immigrants with no workers rights leaving many states with 30% unemployment yet the national average is only 5%
Shits crooked as fuck stem is long since dead same with agfarm mining and any uni job that just got sold to visa corps

>Far Cry New Dawn
It's even worse than Far Cry 5 and didn't have the good soundtrack to at least make it a tolerable experience. I doubt it cost much to produce though, they used no name VAs and all the assets and map were already done. They reskinned it and used a map editor to move some shit around, would take 10 or so people 2 or 3 months to slap that together.

>an attempt to purge bad employees that led to Battlefront 2 lootboxes, BFV, and Anthem.
Those would be EA's board of directors.

>Gabens face when

seriously, too bad for the guys getting fired, BUT HEY, it's fucking EA.
These fucks deserve it.

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>marketing, publishing, analytics

They should be fired. The only person that should be reatineds the one guy that gives money to streamers and made Apex a hit.
What games is EA publishing? None? Why would you still have a job
Better modeling allows for less people.

I'll keep hoping for the industry crash but in another 2 years. I'm not done with finishing up my collections, then I can laugh like the incel I am at how sjw soibois and wahmen find another hobby to molest.

What brutal year? Japan's been killing it so far.

>Brutal for video games.
>Marketing, Publishing, analytics.
So its more dead weights that ended up costing the jews at EA money?
"Marketing" probably implies the victim complex marketing they did for Battlefield V as well.

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>I don't know what she works on

Looking busy lol

they're just gonna outsource that
believe it or not you're not gonna make a successful game by listening to idiots on Yea Forums

Then they are going to analyze target audience product awareness and if it is high enough other factors are going to get blamed.

But if this is the same marketing department that fucked up since MEA then i absolutely understand why they got fired.


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>20 times heavier
>only 10
Nice math, retard.

>brutal year for the gaming industry
I don't see what's brutal about it. Nothing has really happened that's shaken up the foundation of the industry. Big publishers cutting useless positions isn't some huge loss of talent.

You have to understand that Shreier doesn’t actually enjoy video games, he just wants to shill for devs and advocate for unions. He doesn’t care about good games, pro-customer practices, or any of that, he just wants a massive game company bureaucracy to give him interview fodder.

Read his much vaunted Destiny coverage, it’s always framed in terms of muh sad devs hard work not look at this company foisting this shoddily make rushed shit on customers.

There's 2 boots per pair. 10 * 2 = 20.
>inb4 only pretending to be retarded.

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There are two boots in a pair.

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This. Activision should have done this instead of firing those developers.

>brutal year for the video games industry
Am I unaware of something? Profits are only going up?

If it's for devs AND ONLY devs then sure. Rest can fuck off, though.

Firing diversity tranny hires is a bad thing in that cuck's eyes.

Bethesda just came back to Steam, dummy. Steam will get all Halo games soon too. They'll be fine.


What ever happened to that retarded westacuck voice actor union protest the other year?

>stock is 2x higher than what it was 2 years ago even as the entire market is down
recent drop was because RDR2 was already priced in and those looking to just make some money off of it sold off

no, played it never finished it, explain.

Indies and AA games. I'm hyper for all the Old School FPS that's going to release this year.

This, following the example of based Bobby K.

It would be so easy to BTFO that user if you had even one bit of proof, you know

You guys just got trolled

>Bethesda just came back to Steam, dummy
You do realize they'll still make you install their shit launcher right? You'll only buy the game on Steam.

So its gonna be we outsource to India episode then?


They did though. They got rid of people like customer support for WoW (the userbase is at its lowest since 2005) and community managers. At the same they said they’re hiring more real devs.

>boot PAIRS you retard

Oh yeah.
Still steam has competition now as well as cross play with other stores like uplay and shit
I guess gta 6 will be shit when it comes out in 2026 on pc

Not really
People here are morons who have clearly not finished high school or have been NEETs for years. They also still think trades are making good money.

There is, on economic theory alone the two are incompatible

american education

The reality is that if you’re an American the (((system))) wants to replace you with a compliant foreigner or a robot. No matter the job. It’s really rough out there for everyone.

The term “STEM” never really meant anything because it’s so broad but if you have a specific plan and are ready to work hard you can do ok, for now.

I don't think so, Tim Sweeney. None of their Steam pages describe the need for a launcher.

Attached: rage2.png (969x987, 466K)

>getting rid of subhuman """"AAA"""" tranny devs
>devastating blow for the industry


> but if you have a specific plan and are ready to work hard you can do ok, for now.
You speak like a corporate bugman and you don't even know it. The funny thing is I bet you are against unions too.

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You've never seen a boss battle before? I know most modern games don't have things like that, but you should have come across at least one in your life.

>1 pair = 2 boots
>2 x 10 = 20
Perhaps you should get off Yea Forums and pay attention to the class lessons you dumb underage fuck.

>Vidya dies
>SJWs set their sights entirely on anime
Please god no, it's already bad enough.

KARA BOGA vs seething wh*Teboi

They are real jobs, sweetums. It's how companies sell a product and service.

can you just fuck off already
holy fucking shit you're retarded

So they're following Bobby Kotick tactics

CK for Skyrim SE requires a Bethesda launcher dude.

>It's how companies sell a product and service.
Seeing how BFV flopped because of them I reckon their use is the exact opposite of what you described.

This implies that big western publishers actually have talent nowadays.

>video game industry
I think what he means is "video game employees" because industry != employee. An industry cutting employees can hypothetically be more healthy if those employees were deadweight w.r.t. profit.

And maybe like Activision Blizzard cutting ~800 employees mostly from the e-sports and marketing departments, EA might be cutting worthless non-developers too. If this is the case, and EA hires more actual developers (artists, programmers) with the saved money (just like Blizzard promised), this is only positive for the average consumer.

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That's because of their shitty paid mods platform

I read that as "Hell too full, Satan releases 350 tortured souls, another devastating blow in what's been a burtal year for the eternal damnation industry."

Killing analytics is the beeeest. They are the reason a company does the same trends. The BR modes, the colored loot modes with X percentage, the current hot new trend that see a N% user gain.
Kill those faggots and you will get more sensical moves.

Those divisions are quickly becoming obsolete anyway, Apex just sped up the inevitable

Their products aren't selling so someone isn't doing their job.

Apex Legends is a succ-

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>good to high pay, better than average perks, flexible work hours, no stuffy dress code, fairly easy to switch jobs
Programming is better than most jobs these days.

Epic isn't really competition since it's nothing but shitty western games that are easy to pirate.
You can tell that they have no faith in their store since they don't show concurrent players for any of their games.
Even fucking EA and Ubisoft show player counts.

This is why Latin America needs to be rangebanned

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>remember Dante's Inferno?
yep, good game. what about it?

google.com/search?q=capcom stock&rlz=1C1GIGM_enUS734US734&oq=capcom&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i61j69i57j0l3.2211j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

google.com/search?q=ea stock&rlz=1C1GIGM_enUS734US734&oq=EA stock&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l5.1127j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Click on 1 year, EA is doing way better than Capcom even though you love their shitty games.

Quite crazy that Rockstar's not laid anyone off. They've lways been notorious for massive layoffs after a project completes.

>or Korean games.
You have no right to talk about not liking shit games.

>EA signs on diversity hires to do all sorts of SJW bullshit
>meanwhile one team of programmers doing actual work (respawn) and one guy who pay streamers to play the game as a marketing strategy manage to outproduce everything every single SJW in the company ever did within the same time period

top laff, I bet they will blame white males for this somehow

>Marketing, publishing and analytics don't have jobs that a diversity hire with no skills or experience can actually do
Doesn't mean they don't hire them into those positions anyways. We're talking about an industry where a huge ass company like BioWare hired a cosplayer to be their lead animator. Merit based employment in vidya is long gone.

to gamers.
and fuck niggers

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Big companies are cutting the bloat.


I get all of that and I work in finance.
I'm literally on my 1 hour lunch break as we speak and I'm wearing jeans and a hoodie.
It's not 2003 anymore, all the stuffy old boomers are dying off/retiring and no one else gives a fuck about dumb shit like needlessly strict dress codes.
Just don't wear shit like sweatpants or shit with holes in it and no one gives a fuck.

They actually hired more people back in January for new projects. Take Two is losing money so they need more games from Rockstar again. In the next 5 years I guarantee we'll see multiple other games from them to help recuperate revenues. GTAVI is supposedly already underway and RDR2's lengthy development was because of overhauling the rage engine and euphoria. They now have an engine to make modern and next gen games around.

I'm pretty sure lots of those analytics have had to explain why Anthem didn't become a smash hit, and were not able to give very good explanations.

>can't wear sweatpants
>only one hour lunch break
oh no no no

Sorry, I'll take a paid hour lunch break over an unpaid hour and a half break any day of the week.
And I don't know of any company that let's you wear sweatpants.

Clearly they weren't doing their jobs considering EA's consistently negative reputation

>Anthem is Bioware’s bestselling launch after Mass Effect 3
>it expects Anthem to sell 37 million units by the end of its fiscal year on March 31

My lunch break is paid and I can wear sweat pants as programmer.

Cuck we can go home an hour early if we work through our lunch break

I'm convinced the main reason their PC ports are delayed is to make their stock market number look better by pushing a chunk of sales to the next financial year.

Their EBITDA figures look horrible until you realise they spend 4 years throwing hundreds of millions developing a billion dollar product released in year 5.

The owner/boss is a dick. I want all the profits and I want the people who work for me to take it in the shorts.
Nigga put yourself in their pair of boots.

>Losing dead weight

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I doubt you even have a job.
The only time I wear sweatpants at work is when I work remote.

Drain the swamp. No more nepotism or diversity hires

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>jason schrier

He should change his profile pic to something that looks less like a game exec's anal plug.

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37 lol
that would make it top10 all time
it's probably 3.7

>those legs

What's the last checkbox referencing? Far too subtle for me I guess.

I'm programmer in silicon valley.
I'd expect you could wear sweatpants at literally any of the well known tech jobs.

No you're not.

maybe thats why they fired the analytic people

They are fireing their marketing department because it has not been working.

This is a good thing, anons. This is the push away from SJW.

Top tier journalism.
Literally the article linked in that article.
Apparently neither the guy who wrote it nor the user who posted it are literate.
It's 6 million in 37 days, *projected.*

>Modern journalism respectable

Literally sitting your ass in an office while making bullshit up about certain things and just using buzzwords for clicks and views.

She doesn't really work there and her briefcase is full of Ritz

You say that like it didn't pay for itself or that others don't also do this. Effectively, its much cheaper than alternative forms of advertising and it works to get people interested. Its probably the only smart thing EA has done in years.

No it's not, but it'll be enough to get retards like you to buy their games.
They literally just released a big "report" about diversity and inclusion and all this other dumb shit.

>No it's not, but it'll be enough to get retards like you to buy their games.
Wrong. Look at who is staying and who is leaving. Use your brain.

>>Apex Legends comes out with a marketing budget of 3 paperclips and a 6 pack of soda.
What a fucking retard you are

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You understand that something like CoD gets $200 million, right?


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Oh, you're a shill.
Carry on.
>S-see, w-we're not those ess jay dubyas anymore, p-please buy our games ;_;

>No it's not, but it'll be enough to get retards like you to buy their games
Not that user, but how would it do this?

That's just 1 person getting a million, he wasn't the only one, and there were a shitton of other marketing strategies, even traditional ones, like super bowl commercials, and google ads

The game will be lucky if it breaks even on the amount of money invested

>1 million is a lot of money for marketing
You know that the marketing budget for most movies and games is at least equal to the production budget, sometimes way more, right?

As someone from the "industry"(Not only games but web and application development too), I can attest that this picture is nearly 100% correct. I am glad I got out and can do indie stuff for now. They will all eat themselves. We will see more layoffs and bankrupt studios/companies in the future because HR got too much power and did not hire people based on skill.

they print several billion a year just from European kids stealing their dad's credit card to gamble on FIFA packs. For a game that has zero development time, just a squad+kit update every year

how retarded is their (EA's) money management

1 million is a lot for getting just 1 person playing your game see

>EA fires a bunch of tumblrinas

Maybe we will get lucky and they realize they should go back to steam too


>the marketing failures of BFII, BFV, Anthem make this fine
all were heavily marketed and hyped. decisions on marketing strategy were upper management and board level, too bitch ass to own their decisions

>Chad Stevens
Ok that got me.

>List of Indian video games
1. nothing
2. nothing
9001. nothing

Yeah as if anyone's threatened by that.

Sooner or later EA'll cut your down

You don't understand how much base coding gets outsourced to India

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>shittiest marketing department in history of video games is getting btfo
truly a devastating blow

Michael Scott made this image

Activision laid off marketing people, community managers and Esports people , and opened about 140 jobs for developers , what are you talking about ?


That's good though?

>no one from DICE


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I mean it's EA. They screw their workers over all the time

by the looks of the credits
its cheap gooks and chinks
but gooks mostly

>UNIONIZE! *raises fist*
>Huh, guys?

What's up?

Prove that he is American. Yea Forums is 50% foreigner and has been increasing that way ever since 2007.

Maybe, you could say, Yea Forums was better when it was just American.

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>Prove that he is American
He is an idiot.

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You don't know anything. Most third party video game shit is in Eastern Europe, Korea, and China.

India is literally a non-player in video games.

That's the cost of like one or two obnoxious commercials packed with licensed music that I never even see because my browser blocks adds. Dropping a couple million to buy shill "influencers" is way more bang for your buck than shooting more flashing lights into the eyes of retards who don't buy or play games anyways.

>hiring more white programmers
The problem is that whose white programmers are SJWs.

That logic is retarded, so therefore I can only conclude whatever country you're from is 100% retarded. Sample size n=1 is apparently enough.

No wonder fake news is so widespread. The world has uncritical people like you who go off and spout conspiracies without evidence because it fits your preformed primed bias.

>t. retarded AND obese burger

you soft, safe faggots and that entry level bullshit you call work

Why did it take publishers this long to realize the cheapest and most effective marketing is sponsoring big streamers?

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>Shitty companies lay off people
God damn twitter people are full of fucking retards

Unironically white boomers, these dumb dinosaurs insist things always be done their way and that the world is frozen in 1987.


350 is nothing for someone like EA.
they have 9k employees. typical big company shit happening all the time.

well atleast on twitch , even if you dont like them , people like shroud and ninja who are the biggest "influencers" are both insanely good at competitive shooter games so you cant say they didnt "work" for it , wasnt shroud a pro CS GO player before becoming full time streamer ? Its like saying pro football player is an "influencer" when people go to watch a game of the team hes playing on.

>Celebrating the loss of the most important part of a business
>Yea Forums thinking this will "save the industry"

You morons don't know a thing about business.
If people sell games with no marketing THEY WON'T SELL MUCH
If they don't sell much, they don't get more money
If they don't get more money, they can't make more games.

You NEED marketing to make people, such as yourselves, aware that they are even making a game.

Prove that I am American
oh wait it's a blue board without flags, you fucking moron.

If only

White and boomer genocide when?

Yea Forums cant be that bad at math if they all respond to this clear troll post

Corporations are enormous ponderous entities who's ranks are mostly packed with retards, their leadership may be smart and ruthless or complete fucking retards and you can get both because even a stint of a few months anywhere keeps them connected enough that they can always get another high level management position. Either way when they do direct a change the whole company is so slow to react that the fad is already on it's way out by the time the company embraces it. They're also operating on a razors edge when it comes to how they make money, they adopt a dangerous strategy of investing massive amounts into projects and betting they'll make even more massive returns, this creates an attitude of extreme caution that results in infinite focus group testing, removal of risky and innovative features in favor of boring well known formulas, excessive marketing budgets (to trick people into buying before they've even engaged with the product), and all other shit practices we currently see.

SPBP literally the cancer that is killing vidya along with suits that have never played a video game in their lives.


>2 million for multiple streamers with audiences in the multi-million
>20 million for a 30 second ad

nobody said they arent going to market the games faggot , they just dont need full time SJW employees and community managers , theyll just pay twitch streamers instead of having to cater to "gaming journalists" looks like Apex was a big wakeup call for EA , i bet al lthe money they spend on twitch marketing wasnt even 1 10th of what they usually spend on a game when you combine that they have hundreds of full time marketing employees contributing NOTHING

Good, I hope EA collapses entirely and becomes insolvent. There's little likelyhood they'll reform so the market will be better off if they simply cease to exist as a publisher.


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And the flags don't even matter because of people using VPNs

>white and boomer genocide when?

Attached: boomer btfo.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Right. So we move from a 50/50 chance to being a 50+-X chance, where X is the number of people using VPNs.

Only an idiot bets on 50% odds

>marketing, publishing and analytics
so nothing important

>Apex Legends comes out with a marketing budget of 3 paperclips and a 6 pack of soda.
Yeah fucking right. There are ads plastered all over the fucking world. Try a budget of 3 Fort Knoxes and 6 Las Vegas casinos

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As long as marxist games have sexualized women I don't mind

will we ever see anyone more based in our lifetime?

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you talk like devs have any agency on what to do in the games aside ticking the checklists handed down from marketing departement

>They have a fucking football field
For what purpouse though, even if it is just for mocap shit with players they have better places to do that.

>All this shit about cutting pay, skipping vacation, and skimping out on a raise
>The absolute control he wants over his employees
Every time I see this image I have a hard time accepting the off chance this might not be parody but serious. The boss that replaced my first boss at my prior job was like this but at least he tried to trick everyone into thinking he wasn't


Why aren't you gone?

Just like what Activision did eh? Well, we can all at least take solace in the fact that Bobby Kotick, Andrew Wilson, and all those corporate fucks from EA and Activision are gonna burn in hell when they eventually die.

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>doesn't think every worker has a right to unionize
Fucking yikes you corporate bootlicker

EA staged fake protests by having marketers false-flag as Christians who were offended by the game as a means of promoting it. When it was revealed to be a hoax there was a massive shitstorm of criticism towards the company.

It failed.

>I can't believe how much money you pay me...
>Do you want some back?

Jesus fucking christ

She's working on her clocks of course.

Stay vigilant user, she could be a terrorist.

nobody said it is. but this is what you do in a world of shareholders and stock markets. you fire people to please the other crowd because you can make more money with shifting stock options around than actually producing anything.
the Porsche bank makes more money than Porsche itself making cars, it's that fucked up.

Gee, i really wonder what happened...

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Friendly reminder it all started when you zoomer fucks bought a pack of virtual cards. Enjoy the future you created.

I just google new games coming out or come here for news, I don’t even look at traditional adverts, I use adblocker for everything.

The internet exists, the fact that they ever paid 150 or so odd people millions to call other people to plaster posters in subways and tape Captain Marvel stickers to bananas fucking astounds me.

Marketing is cancer and I genuinely want you to kill yourself.

A couple of milion spend on streamers is CHUMP CHANGE compared to the shit they did for BF5 and Anthem.

marketing told EA that the BF5 diversity ad campaign was a good idea, and spent fucking millions on it.

Bullshit. THAT wasn't a rogue dev.
Whoever they had doing marketing did negative work for EA.

What do you think happened?

Their demands were all met and they got a bit apology from the giant corporations. They got bonuses and signed contracts for lifetime benefits for free.

was bought by microsoft not ea

This is a good thing for the video game industry.

LOL. EA doesn't DO shit from the ground up. They buy smaller studios with explotiable IPs and fuck them to death while extracting as much cash as they can from the concept.

Wrong. EA is actually making a profit thanks to Apex Legends. The actual reason for the layoffs is because Andrew Wilson and EAs top corporate execs are all greedy parasites who want to rake in more money for themselves by laying off their workers rather than giving them a piece of the pie.

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Because while Anthem, and let's face it, the prolapsed corpse of Bioware ALSO deserve it, they're deserving it doesn't change the fact that EA's marketing fucks ALSO deserve it.

Maybe the workers should try providing value.

I don't think the marketing department is to blame for anthem having 3 endgame dungeons despite the game being developed for 6 years, or for anthem having scaling so fucking bad that level 1 gear was the strongest gear or for having gear stats not apply to your character at all, anthem is a mess no matter how you slice it

BFV is just straight up boring and it's slim on content, feels like the maps were designed for zoomers so they don't wander off to a corner of the map instead of staying on one of the 4-6 extremely clustered flags on the map

>That pokes a whole in the whole go woke go broke narrative does it not?

You clearly don't understand the concept. It's as applicable as Street fighter having an internatioal, multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural cast with a variety of body types, including a full on transexual.

A couple of the marketing fucks who aspire to be writers or devs handed shit down, but not like Telltale Class.

t. Playa Vista fag.

street fighter has always been about fighters from all over the world beating the shit out of each other, there's no agenda behind that shit


Sure, but the marketing people EA had were worse than ineffective. They pissed off the core fanbase, spent hundreds of millions trying to reach markets that wern't there.

Look at this piece of shit in times square prime property.

Alright. Thinking andrew wilson and company are greedy parasites is one thing. But if what you say is true, than EA will take a big loss in the future because they fired all these productive workers.

You betting on that? You could make serious money in the stock market if you are.

Learn to code?

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>marketing and analytics
Great so diversity hires and woman

Damn this sucks, I'm an Accounting/Marketing Major and I thought that was one of the few bulletproof majors out there

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>Electronic Arts own earnings call in February was bleak, with Wilson noting that the “Battlefield 5” missed its third-quarter prediction by about a million, something he blamed on bad marketing and the need to delay the game to make it better.
>“If I think about ‘Battlefield 5’ more holistically, I think we did not do a great job of building momentum early in the project,” he said at the time. “And I think about this not just in the context of development but I think about this in the context about broader execution against the entire campaign. Our launch didn’t resonate strongly as we would have liked it to with players

>Specifically, Wilson said changes are being made to its marketing and publishing organization,

This is the most beautiful schadenfreude. Their marketing division was absolutely convinced pushing BF5 as some sort of social justice achievement was the right call. They tried their hardest to frame detractors as misogynists and racists. They kept on pushing this narrative with that cringe-worthy launch party because they thought they were on the right side of history.
Then they all got fired.

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You realize that these people can do whatever they want because the free to play with mtx type of games is a fuckton more profitable than an actual finished game with pricetag?
In modern western gaming you don't even need actual content because the game technically is limitless due to lootbox system printing money, and the thrill of gambling with RNG has unlimited potential.

Lets face it most people who bought a lot of lootbox shit are just gambling addicts. The worst part is that kids are naive and gullible, it hurts the consumer, it hurts the game's quality and the industry overall too. But it prints money so they'll continue to do so.

If the consumer doesn't want the actual good content, but rather pulling a slot machine infinitely then the company delivers. Its simple capitalism demand and delivery. There is no need for a lot of people when a few can create shiny lootbox within a tech demo. That's what gamers wanted.

These aren't related at all?

Hey man when you can double Major you take the chance, apparently all I gotta do is just choose my electives carefully and BOOM I double major with Marketing/Management/Accounting all in 4-5 semesters.

People are spending trillions on advertising.

Don't waste hundreds of millions of daddy's money on prime ads that are useful only in getting baby boomers to recognize the name, or do a political campaign for your own interests that piss off your customers, and then double down by insulting them.

I believe in you, you worthless fuck.

Because you're One of Us, I'll actually take a pitch from you right now about exactly one game that I haven't played yet, but should.

They were probably up for getting long term benefits too. Sometimes it's simply more profitable to tell employees to fuck off and hire new people. Shit, they may even just rehire some of the employees they just fired.
This is EA we're talking about and they have literally Satan as a CEO.
Also, short term contract work is pretty common in the game dev industry since the need for employees comes and goes as games are released.

There are some like that but most are just blabbermouths like any other woman.

okay uh, You're a Mercenary for Hire but your service is like an old school Pizza Delivery/Taxi service so you gotta finish the levels within 15 minutes or you don't get any money and the aesthetic is Crazy Taxi.

>can we make Fridays "dress-up" days?
I fucking hate this shit the most. Imagine being such a boomer that you want to see all of your slaves dressed up in suits.

Get your masters in Accounting. Make sure you complete 150 credit hours by the time you're done was your masters. Sit for the CPA exam and BOOM! you got yourself a good paying job high in demand.


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imagine being so dumb you cant understand the point behind this question

i bet all of them are trannies.even ea realized theres no use for these things

This but unironically.

What? Are you retarded? Have you literally never had a job user?

"yeah twitter twats belong in a union!!!"
EA:We'll just eliminate your jobs.

>They are real jobs, sweetums.
Looks like they are "no" jobs now. Snookums.

>What's been a brutal year for the gaming industry

You mean to say

>What's been a brutal year for EA as they repeatedly fucked up their games over the past few years and it's eroding the foundation of their company

Yes I have and unlike your mcdonalds jobs it was jobs in suits. The guy is not crying about "wanting to see his slaves in suits", it's about how people always bitch and moan and want it easy so obviously they have to have casual fridays. Being professional for 5 whole days in your work environment is a burden unbearable for most apparently.

It wouldn't suprise me if they signed up 50 of the people JUST fired from actiblizz on month to month contracts with zero benefits and then fired the salaried full timers.

I actually meant a sales pitch to buy someone else's game, as it's your field.... but that's actually pretty good.

Vid related somewhat related. Euro sluts and greasers from 20 years ago delivering pizzas on tiny scooters.

Fucking yikes. Put a bullet in your head if you agree with anything on that boomer chart you corporate bootlicker.

Good bait.

>marketing department does dumb pandering
>doesn't work out
>they get laid off
they've made their own bed

It should actually be 19 times heavier.

looks like someone should have learned how to code

>our main demographic is straight white males
>90% of the planet is non white, its a huge untapped market
>how do we sell our games to women and non whites?
>maybe make games they are interested in?
>loool that's crazy just shove a stereotypical sassy black woman who hates whites in your game
>and tell the racist white supremacist women hating whiteoids who question anything we do not to buy the game

Attached: female_developper.jpg (558x718, 33K)

In every industry

350 people is a drop in the bucket for them.

>oh no they fired some people in a field thats automated these days
bots are the future
bots rise up

Imagine gloating about all the negative things people said and then watching the game crash and burn.
How out of touch are these people, holy fuck.

Is there even a point to a big marketing department any more? You need, at best, an E3 trailer and a social media account and fans will do most of the foot work for you.

Can't wait until they start marketing games with "have sex"

You often need to astroturf your fans when your game is from a franchise nobody cares about anymore like Battlefield.

Man that suc...
>Laying off 350 people in its marketing, publishing, and analytics departments

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>I’m the guy that draws and designs the shit you play.
I sure hope not

You're so tough wow

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Mass effect?

At least Samantha was able to pick up something useful to do.

>maybe make games they are interested in?
How? Making a game, you have no idea will work out, costs about 50mil if you're starting from scratch and that is if you already know in what direction you want to go. If you're starting at flat 0 tho and have to all the research first, that's easily a 10 year project and only the last 5 will be game development. It's such much easier to just populate an existing franchise with diverse characters and see how it unfolds. Comics have been doing that for decades. Why do you think the whole "don't change existing characters, make new ones!" is such a massive sore spot? Most creators would love to do that but suits don't see a reasonable return.

I bet the CEO and all the higher ups also got reduced wages after this, it's not like they would go raise their wages even higher after such a thing...right?

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who you think are you talking about? EA is literally as much jewish as Naughty Dog.

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finally getting rid of all the whorthless expenses will reduce prices again, is all a win win

>marketing publishing and analytics
So all of the areas that these companies have been overspending in instead of paying skilled developers what they should be paid to make good games? Nothing of value was lost, it's their own fault for over investing in areas that don't need large investment.

Nothing of value lost in any of those positions

Basically these
Now lets see how many ruin their careers even more whining about being laid off and begging for jobs, basically doing the opposite of their job title.

I never understood why they haven't decided to pool some money and start their own company.
I guess those fags behind Dead Cells is supposed to have some Communist equality in their studio. We don't see any unions from them.

It's not a brutal year for anyone, EA will keep making instant successes despite what idiots of Yea Forums say. The whole thread agrees with that.

second fucking post best fucking post

oh no no no posters are cancer ass faggot and op is a triple faggot in particular

>They kept on pushing this narrative with that cringe-worthy launch party
Post it

It's odd, with all the chatter going on about unions, one would think companies would try to be a bit more delicate and wait til things calm down before they fire a shitton of people. I wonder if they just don't care or if they plan to outsource all their development anyway.

So much this!

I'll be buying future EA releases to make the Yea Forums manbabies mad.

>with all the chatter going on about unions
This doesn't actually exist, aside from kotaku letting some commies use their platform.

>marketing and publishing
For the best, the marketing for BFV was absolute cringe and Anthem was non-existent.

>Anthem: failed
>Battlefield: failed
>Star Wars: failed
>Apex: literally forgotten

Yeah, they have to keep the success.

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>EA will keep making instant successes

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(((Jason Schreier)))

There has been a lot of discussion of it, just look at this fucking thread you retard. The very first reply is about how everyone's been talking about the possibility of unionization. There were people at GDC pushing the idea of unionization and in general people seem in favor of it. This is not something confined to shit sites like Kotaku and polygon.

You forgot Andromeda

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>what is apex legends

>outsource all their development
both ea's and acti-blizz's layoffs were in marketing/publishing/analytics i.e. the 'soft sciences' branch of 'development', not developers

Maybe they realised that dad games like fifa and madden will sell themselves as long as they're litterally the same game with 10% more polygons then last years

An exception?

>Marketing team fired

Who could have possibly expected mocking fans by embracing their Criticism as if to say "We Don't Care" would have consequences?

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an already forgotten game

They still have FIFA, Madden, and NBA games, all with some type of microtransaction, people will pay instead of actually play games for hours.
Those games are always at the top of the charts every month and year.

Just wait till PES make a big come back and they will be dead.

Attached: totally_spies_sam_morning_by_soloik-d7bft15.png (1164x1061, 1.6M)

imagine being so delusional you believe apex wasn't a huge success

imagine being so delusional to believe a multiplayer game that died within a month was a success.

just learn to code

Pretty much this. Most retards don't actually realize a majority of these layoffs for all these companies have been dead weight.

Sure, but outside of sports, they have no business. And while successful, they have plateaued. Meaning there is no growth. And when there is no growth, the only thing that will satisfy shareholders is layoffs, otherwise the stock goes down and the CEO's, COO's and CFO's stock options lose their value, which means that Andrew Wilson and Blake Jorgensen will just cash in and leave. And nobody is going to come on board and replace them, because that is a sinking ship in the eyes of other executives, regardless of the success of a couple of titles, because there is no growth.

EA needs a hit, a sustainable hit, outside of sports to grow, or they are going to steadily collapse from the inside. They will shamble for years, thanks to their ridiculous cash float, but that's all that they are going to do.

Why would EA need a full sized soccer pitch?




>don't have jobs that a diversity hire with no skills or experience can actually do
marketing is the most brainless straightforward shit imaginable.

This, unironically, all the time.
Makes the parasites shit themselves.

>How? Making a game, you have no idea will work out, costs about 50mil if you're starting from scratch
it's called project budgets and you set an amount versus the risk you're taking. this isn't hard if you spend more than 30 seconds thinking about it.