Resident evil 2

Now that the dust has settled, which one is better?

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The remake is unfinished.

RE2make is technically the better game but I have to dock 2 points for being a remake, 1 point for how insufferable the new fans are with their Mr X memes, and another point for having Denuvo. So overall, the original is better.


The one with soul

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i felt the same way, but i still enjoyed it and s ranked both Leon and Claire on route 1, came close to claire on route 2 but fucked it up and missed by literally seconds.


>its bad because the fans are bad

It's finished within the context of itself. Just because it doesn't arbitrarily carry over every element from a different game from 1998 doesn't mean it's unfinished. It has things that the original doesn't, so by the same logic the original is unfinished too. It's like complaining the Lord of the Rings movies are unfinished because they omit Tom Bombadil.

Remake has soul with the amount of effort that went into the zombies and characters. The voice acting is top notch. It makes the original look even more quaint that it already did. A souless remake would be something closer to Remake 1. Mainly just betterer graphics. No real creative vision for itself.

Watch these and tell me it has no soul.

> Better Leon
> Better Claire
> Better Leon and Claire relationship
> Better Sherry
> Better Chief Irons
> Better Annette
> Better Music
> Better Marvin
> Better Mr X
> Better Zombies
> Better Police station

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Raziel on the left there is more iconic but I'd let the nu-Leon run a train on me.

good point

There's nothing that the original does character-wise that's better. Remake is more tense during first playthrough as long as you're playing on hardcore. Normal has autosaves, which ruins all tension. So you can take all those points away for the original except the music, which you can still use, but it doesn't fit as well and is there for nostalgiafags. Nothing wrong with that.

>Demake 2 worshippers are now claiming it's superior to the RE1 remake the one and only remake of the series

RE fanbase is reaching a new low.

It's literally unfinished.

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Original, but the remake is great.


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2019 because nostalgia doesn't rule me.

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BTS said that the cable car was originally going to take you to NEST but figured that having an underground cab with an underground lab made more sense thematically and narratively.
The part you're looking at is still in, just reimagined.

Literally every single game in existance has cut content, that doesn't mean they're all unfinished.

I would argue original Leon is better then remake

Depends on what you consider better. Visually and voice acting, it’s obviously better. Gameplay wise it’s okay but I’m bummed that there’s virtually no difference between the A+B scenarios aside from the starts in the police station.

lamo this retarded argument again

If both of them were released today, I wonder which one would be considered better? Pretty obvious.

REmake 2?


RE4 Leon

both are great games. let's enjoy games

>unironically using the term "soul"
opinion disregarded

But the person I was replying to that started it is a-ok. You can fuck off for all I care, hypocrite.

This guy gets it

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>i-it's okay cus that kid did it!
actual child
opinion disregarded

Or rather they ran out of time and money and cut out the part that could've been the most visually impressive in the entire game, the player finally getting to see the Arklay mountains live for the first time in the series.
So they simply put the lab entrance inside the sewers, now it even has a reception room and wristband system even trough the entrance is through a smelly and dirty sewers.

Any urban explorer would find that lab instantly and the entire world would know it and before someone goes "but it was 1998!" yeah urban explorers already existed back then.

do you eat your own feces? just curious

Do you even know the meaning of concept art, you stupid neanderthal?

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Claire is better

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you have no opinion in the first place
actual child

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Why didn't they just decouple the train right away???

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You're aither really retarded or just baiting either way here's a fuck you

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