It’s okay to butcher a remake when Nintendo does it!

>it’s okay to butcher a remake when Nintendo does it!

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I didn't get it. Is it bad? What did they do?

Not really. I didn't bother to get this because I knew it would be meh compared to the original.
One thing I do know is they got rid of Bowser saying "SHOWTIME"

What the fuck are you talking about? Pretty much everyone says the original is better, I've even seen people that don't post here say so.

I know Superstar Saga was remade dreadfully.
>they got rid of Bowser saying "SHOWTIME"

It's good. It's just that some people don't like how it uses the modern pseudo-3d sprites and how faithful it is to the original to the point there isn't much new other that the Minions side mode and some added polish here and there

Is not ok, it bombed in Japan. Is one of the worst selling mario games ever.

user, the OP image is the SSS remake, not the BIS remake. Also Bowser definitely still says Showtime in the BIS remake.

What's with this meme of remasters having different music??

There's nothing high quality about changing the tones on a song. It just ruins the feel.

what? have you played this? this game is great

He still says it, just not when he attacks an enemy

>hideous 3D art
>terrible music covers featuring Nintendo’s French Horns Being Blown Directly Into The Mic (TM)
>removed certain NPC designs to replace them with generic Toads

Based ESL poster

Not ESL, I just woke up, forgive me It's still wrong though because people have been shitting on the SSS remake since day one.

That’s what the thread is saying. You’re preaching to the choir user-kun

But it isn't? Mist nobody defended this game, let ALONE BIS. Fuck off, retard.

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>hasn't played game yet shits on it
Shut up you fat fucking retard.

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This isn't the BiS remake you massive boneheads


it's not bad. they changed some of the uniquely stylized enemies into the Mario standard style. Complaints are mostly the meme of souls vs souless. the Bowser's minions sidegame is forgettable, but the game itself isn't any worse than the original. Although it's not much better either, aside from cleaner visuals and sound. OP is being dramatic, it's not butchered.

I can kind of understand it when remaking a GBA game or something where the music was massively limited by the hardware. I don't get it at all though with games like Crash Bandicoot.

Nintendo: What's that, faggots? You mean to say that our mistake was releasing another goddamn Mario & Luigi game? Well fuuuuuuuuck yooooou, I guess you're not getting a new game in the series anytime soon.

Not surprising since the 3ds has been dead for 2+ years. Remains to be seen if the series is truly dead like Paper Mario or if it will get a switch entry since Alphadream has been preparing their devs for proper console hardware for quite some time, leaving these cashgrab remakes to their newer staff

They removed the soul.

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Honestly I thought it was god-tier remake. The only bad thing really was Popple's theme sounding weird.

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Good. We don’t want nu-Nintendo to continue to ruin it. Better to let it die and have good titles like the Wario platformers than to let them keep shitting out assetflipped garbage.
If we’re lucky someone will make an indie spiritual successor to it like that paper bug game

Don't forget the botchered final boss theme. It's not bad per se, but it doesn't have the dread of the original

>checks thread
>everyone bitching because Bowser doesn't say "showtime"
>This is the SS remeake not BIS remeake

I know this image was accurate but holy shit,this thread is the perfect example of retards who complain without even searching info

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Both look good!

>New content is literally just nuKoopalings saying "Master Bowser" and "Lord Bowser" over and over.
Wow, I'm really missing out.

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No Geno no buy

>pilot koopa troopa
nothing of value was lost

Literally everyone complains about nintendo remakes

>remake a game that’s not even 10 years old and still playable on a 3DS
>be surprised it flops
Did they have a stroke and forget or something?

>not even ten years old
user...... It's 2019.

I played both SSS and SSSDX, the remake is better in literally every way beside the artstyle and how it re-uses dream team graphics again.

>overall higher difficulty
>many QoL fixes
>whole new mode and story
>characters are still 95% as expressive as in the original despite what the drooling retards who haven't played the game are saying
>remixes are decent

The big problem people had with it is that the 3DS Mario & Luigi games look so samey, especially with the remakes. The remakes obviously had budget and time constraints getting in the way, so a lot of assets are reused or edited poorly (e.g. Mechakoopa replacing Mecha-Chomp and Dr. Toadley replacing Psycho Kamek for no good reason, and the terrible spritework of Lakipea and Troopea, the latter making no sense because the main Dry Bones are still on all fours, etc.).

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>final fantasy reference removed for no good reason

Alright fair I guess.

This is the third time I see a post complaining about this precise thing. Why are koopaling fags actualy autistic?

Where do you think we are?

>mmmmmMM! This shit is delicious! Gimme more Daddy Nintendo!! Anyone who wouldn’t eat this finger licking shit must be retarded! x3

Originally released in Japan in 2008. You're getting older user

>Is it bad?
The biggest problem, in my opinion, is, that it (BiS) really did not need a remake and the only thing they did was worsen the graphics and make the game horribly easy. I remember when Bowser X, a secret boss, was actually something you needed good gear for, in the remake, I was able to rush through the bossrush and beat Bowser X in no time, and that in spite of being underleveled. The same thing for SS, it was great already, all the remake did was make everything horribly easy and the visuals sucked too. Bowser's minions was horribly grindy, the combat was awful; they really should've just made a new game.

>lost to Bowser X three times in the remake before needing to cheese it with the badge that gives you 6x to your next attack
>user says it was nerfed
Mamma mia.

Nobody said that, but at leaat fix your bait so that it’s actually a butchered remake. SSS has a few sprites that were normalized which sucks but the soundtrack was an upgrade and the backgrounds look beautiful, plus the whole thing is in buttery 60fps. Compare that to THIS remake which has much longer loading times than the original, waters down the soundtrack down to the point where most tracks are a fucking downgrade from the originals, and it runs at 30fps with drops. What a fucking blatant cashgrab.

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>they really should've just made a new game.
What do you think they're doing right now?

not an argument. Just because you found it to be hard doesn't mean the original wasn't harder.

It's more like I was lamenting my own state of affairs than arguing with you

>Beanerang Bro

Remake released in Japan in 2018. Still 10 years

keyword is "should've". Maybe they're making a new game now, or maybe they will just remake PiT now. I liked dream team, why can't they just make a game like this again?

That guy is wrong it was also 2009 in Japan but months and dates exist too, you know.