I feel I'm too old and cynical for JRPGs

I feel I'm too old and cynical for JRPGs.

I used to like them when I was 17, almost a bit over a decade ago.

I loved the Final fantasy, and tried chrono trigger and Star Ocean I and Tales of Phantasia.

But, I stopped playing them for some reason.
I started to watch more mature entertainment like classic hollywood films, chinatown, gone with the wind, taxy driver, cassanova and other decades old movies.

I tried latelly to play FFVI and other JRPG for nostalgia, and was too cringy, too anime BS for retarded manchildren.
I can't even play FFVII because it feels like anime BS for otakus, and not the good one kind of weebs.

Anyone here who also feels the same?
Where are the videogames for the old 30 year old jadded and cynical adults?

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I'm 26 and got 130 hours in with DQ11, thought it was good fun and my one year old just sat there and was mesmerized.

>waifu BS
no thanks, I rather play something more mature than waifu garbage.

I'm 30, I feel too old for games.

The next step is realizing that cinema is also a garbage medium and what people think is good or even "high art" is nothing but a vulgarization of the cinematic language established in the early 1900s that only manage to copy other superior mediums instead of finding a way to build upon what gave early cinema its identity.
All the oscarbaits you cited only cull you into believing they are masterpieces, even though it couldn't be farther from the truth.

I grew up with wrpgs and feel here as an outsider.

Did I fucking say automata? Nier is a game about a man trying to save his daughter. Also,
>Dismissing a game based on surface level shit
No wonder you can't find anything to play.

>those movies are bad because I say so
Okay retard

What the fuck is it with Yea Forums and their weird obsession with humble bragging about turning into normies?

You aren't cool for disliking video games, Yea Forums.

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“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis

Sure, if you take into account literature, then those films are just good enough, however, they're still good genre fiction movies.

They're good and quite better than anything hollywood makes today.
I would add Plan 9 from outer space as the OG Kino kusoge movie.
Kubrick and the fat suspense guy are also great directors.

Every medium is diferent, it just happens that the more mature games are always cringy teenage BS because lmao, drugs, gore, kids zombies.

Where the fuck is the videogame version of Krammer vs Krammer?

Anime is a horrible medium for teenagers.
grow up.

I like how they justify this quota.
No retard, playing pokemon as a 40 year old guy is no, pokemon is for small kids.

>I started to watch more mature
Stopped right here, you're a faggot OP

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Uhhh yeah, last time I checked, C.S. Lewis didn't live in an age where a manchild epidemic was widespread across the West. People weren't retreating towards fairy tales in fear of facing reality and taking responsibility.

We grew the fuck up.

You seem more like a whinny fag then an old man. Maybe you should go out and do something, anything, then come back to games.

The only one holding your self back from enjoying video games here is you. Most people really don't care what hobbies you do in your spare time.

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start a business

This but with RTS
Age of Empires was my favourite as a kid but now they're so fucking slow and boring I don't have the patience to play any


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No you didn’t, you’re on Yea Forums. You are a babby brained bitch. Nut up or shut up.

Bro, I barely browse this site lmao

Sweet Krishna, I would have sex with every single guy there

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bro i barely eat ass

I want to make a JRPG about being a 40 year old hero who saved the world and the world is at peace, so the world no longer need him, so he has to do menial chores because he's now a war veteran with a shitty state pension that is not enough to pay the bills, and his wife, the princess, now is a fat whale who keeps talking how he's the loser of the JRPG party, and how the white mage is now the director of the clinic and how the black mage is now a prosperous bussiness man, and the the monk is now a pop singer that is fit as fuck, unlike the hero who is now balding and has a beer gut, the hero daugther is starting to become a prostitute and the oldest son is now failing the hero's college to become a drug adict, while the youngest son thinks his dad is a loser.

The winning condition is commiting suicide after the wife divorces him and take the kids and the house.

I would enjoy more a story about this, than some teenager BS about waifu party saving the waifu world from the evil guy with 0 personality because he wants to destroy the world for no good reason other than he wants to kill everyone and the developers needed a villain.

>Bro, I barely browse this site, but what do you all think I should play

Watching old ass movies is just as cringe and fedora tier

Takeshi's castle is your game.

This is why you don’t get married, kids

I'm 25 and DQ11 was great fun. Makes me interested in playing the other games.

I just want videogames that aren't let's kill something because we have no other ideas of gameplay.

>tfw 35
>tfw still love jrpgs
>tfw op is just a hateful frogposter who has let Yea Forumss cynicism effect him irl.

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Go play We. The Revolution. It looks fun but I want someone to tell me what I think of it before I try it.

>too old and cynical for JRPGs
Sounds like you're 14. Once you grow up you realise that it's the best genre out there.

Maybe if you're stoned.

>Ask for cynical and jaded games
Ok, here's a game from a man who thinks traditional musou and JRPG plots are stupid because the protagonists are a bunch of well adjusted heroes who get to live happily ever after in spite of killing hundreds, if not thousands of people without so much as batting an eye. A man who, because of this, made drakengard about a mute sociopath with a party of a man eating/hating dragon, a pedophile, a child eater, and a shitbag child who are only the heroes because of what they're fighting and only has bad endings where usually the characters die. A man who brought that level of cynicism into Nier, but in a very different way, and created a plot that was actually good instead of only shocking.
>I'm too much of a big boy for things from Japan, only children enjoy that
You only care about appearances, and will therefore never feel true joy again.

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Jrpgs are the bottom of the barrel narrative wise, even garbage like games of thrones is still years ahead anything jrpgs and rpgs have made storytelling wise.

You're not even aware of how awfull jrpg garbage is.

seems interesting, and reminds me of papers please.
I would watch some gameplay on youtube, but seems like a comfy game.

only teenagers can enjoy jrpg.
they're fucking garbage.
FFVI is garbage and filled with animesoy writing.

>tfw the older I get the more I appreciated other pieces of art
Sorry OP.
I'm on the completely different end.

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Seething and coping

You know what you might actually like? Beholder. You're a landlord in a dystopian society

>Anime is a horrible medium for teenagers.
So are video games, grow up.

This level of hate over something that should matter not means you like them you are just play hating them because “society” or “cynicism”

sounds like edgy tryhard shit.

>oh no the character is (edgy Yea Forums shit)
>the character can die in (usually gore/violent way)
>there's mature topics such as (violence, drugs, sex, genocide)
wow, so mature, just like the shit I read on Yea Forums when I was 19.

I can't enjoy jrpg because is cringy as fuck.
It's the literal shit I wrote when I was a teenager in school.

I think games can be more than manchildren entertainment.

because they remind me when I was a weeb back in school.

You wish you could write something a quarter as good as FFVI

I can relate a lot to this as when I was a kid I hated Nintendo and wanted to be seen as mature for the fucking videogames I played. Now I dont even talk about videogames besides Yea Forums, I just play whatever the fuck I want, 27 here.

>all these responses
>all this anger

Damn user takes some time off Yea Forums

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Starting to think that OP isn't a 30 year old jaded and cynical man, but a plain simpleton. Simply embarrassing posts and level of maturity. Honestly reread that shit you submitted.

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Holy shit you sound so fucking immature and concerned about appearences. It's videogames, you're gonna look childish no matter what.

I used to write back in highschool my own animes, I wrote once a 117 page light novel I'm not sure I still have it.
I then started to read books about writing and I even thought about entering college to study literature, but stopped when I learned literature degrees are scams.

Not sure about surpassing FFVI, but is an average story about following the hero's journey and using the previous FF story formula or cristals and other gay tropes of JRPG.

Making a JRPG is 100% formulaic as fuck and is literally the bottom tier of the scrapping barrel.
Even anime has much more developed stories and characters.

you need to at least try to go beyond weeb entertainment.

I'm not angry, I'm just shitposting my opinion.
I still think games can be more than weeb BS about waifu BS or pls scam me simulators with DLC and micro transactions multiplayer BS.

Based quentin poster. Time to roast these manchildren.

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Drakengard is definitely edgy as hell, no denying that, but it's edginess rooted in distaste for the standard JRPG tropes. Regardless, I recommended Nier, not drakengard, and Nier manages to avoid being edgy surprisingly well, given how it is still definitely a JRPG by someone who hates traditional JRPG stories and characters.
But no, write it off completely because you used to be unable to be a competent human being and have scapegoated anime as the reason you were a failure.

user I’m deep into cinema and tech tinkering. You are the one cutting off fun things because “I’m too good for them”

I didnt say you looked angry, just immature. Well that is if you're serious, you probably aren't.

>30 year old
>"more mature entertainment like classic hollywood films

take your frog and get outta here

t. turning 30 this year, I might be depressed but I ain't jaded

Then go playing your Westershit for ""mature"" gaymer.

If he wanted to make something unique, why not simply make a JRPG without combat?

Why not make a JRPG about being a white mage doing white mage things, maybe literally stealing some of doctor house writing?

>have scapegoated anime
I was a literal weeb, I still think I'm a weeb, but can't enjoy anime because is so shit.

I'm not angry or nothing, it's just that this is a topic I care on a emotional level.
I want to make my own stories somehow, about mature topics I don't see in anime or games.

Maybe making a story about how a bus driver became the president of a failed latinoamerican socialist revolution until the country falls into civil war and he dies, but the story is told through the eyes of his daughter.

Shit like a world war game about women that were in the front lines being nurses by example.

Talk about having unambitious goals.

go play undertale then

You're infected by the scourge of western media: self-aware irony syndrome

You can't enjoy JRPGs because you're constantly thinking about what other people think about the games, or you're looking for cringy self-aware dialogue that separates you from the character. Take some time to think about what makes you really enjoy games. JRPGs are great because they're probably the most sincere games out there.
Just look at selfaware shit like Life is Strange:
There is no story or lesson here, just a drolly self-aware character protecting themselves behind the barbed wire of irony.
genuine enjoyment of things is good and things that are genuine are infinitely better than things that are self-aware and ironic
Sincerity is the greatest tool someone can use to convey a message. This is why solely ironic or self-aware things come off as superficial or vain. Irony and self awareness are tools to be added to something and shouldn't be the single defining trait
Get over yourself and start learning to be sincere.

or va-11 hall-a

Just make a adult JRPG that will satisfy your dick. It will solve your problem.

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You have to like anime BS, I like it
But yeah, it's hard to play a 50 hour game when you will get an actual good story from a movie.

I played like 20 minutes, it was at least original and way better most jrpg I've played.

good music.
It was considered good because jrpg and weebs have 0 standarts of quality.

I don't like western SJW garbage, is also poorly written.

However other mediums have way better writers than jrpgs.

Never played, how is it?

Based and redpilled.

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>muh mature
what is more childish than the desire to become an adult?

at some point you're too old to be a children.

JRPGs are fucking boring. They all look exactly the same, all play exactly the same, and all carry the same tropes in their stories and characters. The only JRPG series I've enjoyed from the past 10 or so years is the SMT series. They have tons of style, and while the stories may be somewhat generic, they are at least presented in a way that is entertaining. There's little bullshit and the plots move along at a nice pace. It's the only JRPG series that at least attempts to move the genre forward while maintaining things people like about traditional JRPGs. Everything else is boring trash.

That's not mature, that's teen edgyness fanfic leveltier
You might be just a brainlet that has to watch other mediums to feel intelligent.

It was a joke, and is basically the plot of every disfuntional family sitcom in america.

> Literal weeb
>Hates anime
That's not how this works unless you have a karoshi fetish and think katanas are great. How can someone who talks about writing so much use words they don't understand?

Yes, but you define then adult behavior as part of the adult group and not the other way round.

>It's another "30 year old complains about not enjoying thing, but bitches and finds reason not to take suggestions" thread
I hope I suddenly don't become like this when I turn 30 in a couple months.

You literally fell on the trap explained before you "self aware irony".
> I want to make this game, so mature so edgy, subversive as fuck.
It's shit tier.
>lol was joking
You sound like you lack self steem

Keep Yea Forums and irl separate and you won’t.
t. 35 year old.

Plenty of games lack combat, that's not really special.

Play Deadly Premonition.

It's the perfect game for boomers like us.

You should really look into beholder. It's a western game where you are the landlord of an apartment building in a dystopian society, and need to provide and care for your family.

I was a weeb back in school.
I sort of like how anime is the only animation medium that tries to be more than childish trash, unlike western animation.

But anime industry economically depends on making garbage for otakus.
Anime is just sad taken as artistic medium.
It's just sad to be wasted on such garbage stories.

Being an adult is about responsabilities.
Being a child is about escapism.

I'm just shitposting.
30 is not that bad if you're at least tracked towards a job and having a family.
30 is shit tier if you're still thinking about videogames and nothing else.

I think JRPG could be great if they tried to make other stories than saving the world with the power of friendship and the use of magic cristals and my teen waifubait party.


>I feel I'm too old
Sure, could be.

What a lot of people refuse to acknowledge when it comes to video games, is that some of them are targeted at other demographic.
Inlcuding those targeted at younger audiences.

If you point this out, you often get the "hurr durr don't tell me how to have fun!" response, but just as it is with movies and literature, some things are made for teens or even kids.
If you feel like its not for you, move on.
No reason to linger and complain.

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>doomer mindset

Yet you keep posting Pepe and seek insight here of all fucking places.

One of the few games that is actually well written, too bad the game kinda sucks in everything else.

>I think JRPG could be great if they tried to make other stories than saving the world with the power of friendship and the use of magic cristals and my teen waifubait party.
Congratulations, you are literally a tumblerina

No because I'm not a pretentious insecure faggot. Pic related is one of my favorite games and I still love all that high-school film class tier kino shit you mentioned

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>mature entertainment
>names western shit
>wants to play jrpgs
>not those jrpgs i'm not a weeb
stfu boomer and kill yourself

Based and redpilled

I didn't say undertale was good writing retard.
I say that is was better than the average shit japs write.

why there's not a single weeb with standarts?

Meh, I’ll just keep playing the games I like.

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>t. 16 year old

>implyimg the vast majority of adults aren't stoned, drunk, or otherwise inebriated at all times

How do i stop fapping so i can concentrate and make my game a reality?

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then don't play jrpgs you fucking retard. there's plenty of other genres

jRPG is the worst fucking genre on the planet just for inventing random encounters

Again, Nier isn't about that. It's about a man trying to save his daughter.

I don't understand your problem. I'm 32 and I enjoy classic films and literature ( and have since high school), but I also enjoy JRPGs. You're not supposed to go into them expecting a masterpiece; they're just supposed to be dumb fun. Right now I'm playing Megadimension Neptunia VII and enjoying every second of it. You just have to let games be what they are.

ok, fine, I'll give it an oportunity.

My main issue is that they're poorly written.
sure, they're videogames and they're anime, but fuck, could Square had hired a real writer?, even a non shit manga writer?

Why would you want to play a game depicting your life again man? one go wasn't enough?

You are missing the point

If you want good writing, read a book.

What a fucking loser. Get off this site. You don't belong here.

>Says he wants to get into JRPGs
>Proceed to lump every single one into a single category without even bothering to properly look into the genre and it's history

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There's plenty of edgy jrpgs for fedoralords such as yourself, stupid frogposter.


>doesn't realize I was describing the setting of average american family sitcoms

you're missing my point.
I know the rules of storytelling, I know how to make a plot.
At some point I wanted to become a writer.
I can't stand JRPG NOW, not when I was a teenager, Is because is really poorly written.
I can't stand FFVI the last time I tried to play it, because is fucking awful to read such amateur writing and plot, and characters.
It's really, really, amateur writing.

Anything written by japanese is automatically shit tier, because japs can't into good writing, unless they're ripping off western ideas, techniques and western writers.