When will Doom Eternal be released?

When will Doom Eternal be released?

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>Doom game
>Based on brutal doom
>Adapted for console players
>With constant animations breaking the pace of the game

>nuDoom hasn’t been released yet

It was actually good so you can go cry about it now

>It was actually good

Attached: 16-32-31-example-28705.jpg (1024x1024, 58K)

>dumb boomer can't cope

I don't know but I am fucking HYPED for SIGIL. John Romero ready to make you his bitch, again.
Too bad it got delayed.

rolfmao faggot I'm 20, I just have to cognitive calèche to recognize a rash game designed to appeal to the onions audience

through more buzzwords in there boomey boy


Doom 2016 was great. Sure true enemy placement throughout a level could have made it better. But the pacing was fantastic and honestly the enemies move so quickly that the arena-style combat worked OK for the game.
The only other gripe I had was the sound. The sound files themselves were fine, but something was wrong with the mixing or something. Half the sounds were muffled and the music seemed to cut in and out too often.
I hope they fix these things for the new game. It looked like they had static enemy placements in the trailer, but who knows.

>Pozz Eternal

Hopefully never because Doom is been subverted by libtards

Doom: Never
would be great

I agree with most of what you said however NuDoom's biggest flaw is level design.

The game starts out open but halfway through it ends up being one extremely linear path that leads to enclosed arena's you have to fight in before you can continue forward to the straight path. It desperately need more maps like Foundry that let you explore and fight/discover demons at your own pace.

But there was a whole controversy about the new game because it had jokes that offended libtards.

Yeah looking back I remember the Foundry level the most. The later hell levels were kind of samey with corridors leading to big sandy arenas. Hopefully now that they have the engine and the basic gameplay already sorted out from Doom 2016 they can focus on crafting more detailed levels and work on unique enemy placement.

its not you nigger

>new thing bad
>old thing good


PS, this wasn’t me (). It was obvious you were a zoomer, and the retard who called you a boomer is probably a zoomer as well. You’re both tryhard retards.

Nah, Bethesda is playing it smart. Giving wolfenstein to the left and doom to the right. Both playing to their audience.

probably November with the rest of the AAA garbage, it's gonna be just more of the same shite as the last game though
It's the game's design overall, you could drop the game into any map and tweak the speed/damage etc and it would still be a shit game

Whats your favorite FPS?

Descent 2

>slower paced 3D shooter
Makes sense, doom is not for you.

you are so fucking clueless

Ok fag. You like slower paced, vertical focused FPS. Thats fine. Doom is not that at all, nor does it attempt to be.