ITT post weird/dangerous shit from arcades

ITT post weird/dangerous shit from arcades

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where do I stick my cock?

Up my ass

alright but only after you buy ME dinner

Meat's on the menu, user.

What the hell is this thing even, does that black thing hit you in the balls if you screw up? Are you supposed to work a giant zipper? I have so many questions.

I think it's a weird strength testing game.

Eбaтьcя. Был тaм aж двaжды. Хyлe ты дeлaшь в мyзee coвeтcких apкaдных aвтoмaтoв, cyчeчкa?

Punching the shit out of plastic panels is usually pretty safe since it comes with hand guards but the one time I ever saw this and got to play it there were none to be found.
Still bare knuckled that shit though and it was fun as fuck

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Good memories of that machine.
Never played one that actually worked 100%.
Still, cooler than like 90% of arcade novelties.

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This thing broke a dude's arm in a now-gone arcade in my city.

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you put your feet under that red and pull the black thing as hard as you can

One of these called "Arm Spirit" was released in Japan and broke a lot of people's arms, they had to recall it.


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story ?


From what I remember, the original was only released in the US?

Someone probably got knifed for playing Yun or Chun in 3S

Lubyanka, yoba.

The black thing is a handle and it's attached to a giant spring. You put your feet on the red panels and pull, seeing how far you can stretch the spring.

Then some kid gets fingers caught in the spring and they get severed.

what the fuck were they thinking

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It was KoF97

Natural selection.

If I'm not mistaken this is from China where some dude got stabbed over a game of KoF

Still though
Fuck Chun players

KoF is serious business in China.

Some guy did a raw super on someone in KOF97. Person who had the knife was on a win streak and was salty as fuck. Apparently despite all the blood, the guy survived and hugged it out with the attacker afterwards.

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Looks like the victim was losing a lot, and then ate a raw super and walked around the machine to (jokingly he claims) threaten the guy who was crushing him, the guy crushing him gets scared and pulls the knife, the rest is as we see.

chinks ffs

Found the collusion, comrade

>russian letters
Ofc it's dangerous, at least it's not chinese so it wont explode and burn you alive