Artificial difficulty

>muh artificial difficulty
What is the definition of artificial difficulty?
To me all difficulty is artificial, since it's a videogame so it all depends on the will of the programmer to make it hard or easy

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i call it that when theres a weapon that makes the next boss fight half as long, hidden behind 3 walls that you would only find by pure accident


>What is the definition of artificial difficulty?
Difficulty that arises from the game withholding crucial information from the player, such as changing pre-established rules without warning.
Hitboxes not matching the graphics, wildly different attacks having the same tells, unblockable attacks that look exactly the same as previously blockable attacks, etc.

>Difficulty that arises from the game withholding crucial information from the player, such as changing pre-established rules without warning.
List 3 games?

I don't know, but I always find that a lot of AoE attacks go into bullshit territory, same with fucking grabs.

>game: press Dodge to avoid grabs
>Me: Dodge
>Ogre: teleports to me, psst nothing personnel kid
> Yea Forums: lmao why didn't you jump?

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>Every enemy kills you in a couple of kills while they require half an hour of fight.
This is basically the artificial difficulty. Think of whatever game, put this and tell me if it doesnt became more "difficult".

That's just a damage sponge

To be fair, you dodged into his hand. His other lunge grab is much more bullshit because it extends beyond the animation and can suck you in.

Not necessarily i didnt say it requires a lot of time for hp, can be for mechanics, can be because it has 4-5 phases. Whatever, pick any boss of sekiro and you will see what im saying.

Artificial difficulty is when defeat arises from situations that the player could not have known.
The original Prince of Persia was bad for this as there was many traps that could not have been known about without dying to them before.

Arcade Shumps. There's a lot of those were there are deaths that can't be prevented without knowing enemy patterns ahead of time and no ammount if skill can get you through them.

Like Dark Souls when you run on the platform and they start shooting you with the harpoons and you could not know

Every boss of sekiro has this point. Litterally every boss has a oneshot mechanic you cant avoid if you didn't know before. Then you get punished for it, you lose money, exp and you fuck up quests. Wanna try again? You will lose again.
And after all "well there is ng+ to do things correctly : ^ )"
This is the state of artificial difficulty. And /v praise sekiro for this.

Ew. Sounds terrible. Lucky DS3 has burnt me out of the genre and I've had no interest to play this game

Bullshit every attack has a tell
Worst case you just step/jump back and see what the attack was

If you dont have a yt channel or your life rotates around bragging shit on /v you have absolutely no reason to play this game. Its a chore for the most generic story ever.
From outside the souls reveals no idea how to do a game without a senseless story or copying the last one (even sekiro has a shitton of things from the souls).

Yeah step jump back from the ogre, the butterfly, the knight with the spear, the headless, a purple shinobi...

Artificial difficulty is when you pick a higher difficulty in a game and instead of actually changing the game at all, it just bloats the enemy health bars
I don't know how this definition has gotten so lost to time

> artificial difficulty
> bad controls
> random
So basically DaS 2

In RTS games when the AI can do things simultaneously when you simply can't unless you're Korean.
You can't micromanage a battle and also at the same time expand your base and manage production. At least I can't.
My brain can, but my fingers don't follow.

The correct definition of artificial difficulty is "something negative happening to you that you coupdn't know or foresee at all without previously running into it".

So every single Sonic game

Mad cuz bad

Imagine being stupid, bad, and wrong all the time

I finished it with DLC's

>instead of actually changing the game at all, it just bloats the enemy health bars
Just changing HP or damage can change the game a lot. For example, a boss that you previously could facetank and outdamage now requires learning his pattern. If a boss has multiple different phases, changing separate HP bars can influence what weapons/abilities are optimal for the fight.

Lots of old side scroller games were full of artificial difficulty. Mario as well.

>no u
Great argument.

The problem is you think the game says "press dodge to not get hit, no thought required" when that's not how it works.
Positioning is important, circle isn't a magic take no damage and win button, dodging isn't a QTE. If you're still in his range you're still going to get hit regardless of whether you pressed circle or not.

So what faggot, you dodged into getting hit like a retard.

>Can't unless you're skilled
A challenge skill can overcome isn't artificial

In the truest sense it's up/downscaling. Damage taken, health bars, exp gained etc.

Just a lazy way to make things harder for the player without adding anything worthwile to the game.

This isn't artificial difficulty. This is just poor difficulty

AI apm is usually limited for balance against players.
The real artificial difficulty is when the AI chats and can do shit like see the whole map and gets arbitrary bonuses on resource collection

Meant when the AI cheats

Chained Ogre is fucked up because he has several grab moves and it becomes a game of rock paper scissors as to how you should react.

He has a quick grab that you have to sidehop out of immediately. He has that standing delayed one that you showed that WILL vacuum you in if you try sidehopping it, so you must backhop, and then he could dive forward to grab you and if you backhop on this he will get you.

The best course of action is, still, to sidehop immediately and risk the 1/3 chance that its that grab from your webm.

Its not supposed to work that way, you dodge INTO the attack same as in every other Souls game to avoid it. No clue why they thought changing that is a good idea.

If you are skilled enough you should be able to take no/minimal damage getting past every obstacle. If you need TAS skills to avoid damage then it's artificial

>dodges straight into ogre's hand
>buh muh hitboxes!

based retard

Theres plenty of different definitions for it, but one I'd say is where a game outright cheats to make it harder on the player.

Examples are stuff like Rubberbanding AI in racing games where they'll catch up to you regardless of how you're performing.

What the fuck do got man is not supposed to work that way. It DOES work that way you retard. It's not a souls game. You're not supposed to be dodging attacks.
The only shit you really dodge is grabs and if you don't get away from them you'll get hit, iframes or not.

>Its not supposed to work that way, you dodge INTO the attack same as in every other Souls game to avoid it. No clue why they thought changing that is a good idea.

Because that was utterly fucking retarded.

It is a souls game, and they need to fix broken dodge, then its going to be pretty decent.

>Yeah step jump back from the ogre, the butterfly, the knight with the spear, the headless, a purple shinobi...

Yeah, jumping back works for nearly all attacks they have (as long as you want to avoid death, rather than put pressure back on them immediately), so your point was?

you can just sprint away from every single one of his attacks and you has such massive endlag on everything you still have time t run back and get a few hits in after

The dodge isn't broken, you're broken

shitty glitchy game

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Then the camera breaks its lockon because you arent meant to be sprinting all the time

If the player couldn't avoid it the game only looks hard it's not actually hard

>Post a webm of fucking up a dodge
>Dodge into his grabbing hand
Is this anti-shitposting?

The ogre grabs you anyway, butterfly throws dagger, knight with the spear has enough range, headless sprint towards and all the purple shinobi have more reach than you.

Please play the game before comment.

But that's not true. Once you see the red danger symbol you have ample time to run out of his range.
I don't know what you'd be doing just sitting there unmoving infront of him, anyway.

you should have stopped relying on lockon 3 games ago mate

Artificial difficulty is being punished without making mistakes. You should only be punished when you make a mistake, not because the game arbitrarily decided to fuck you over

>I don't know what you'd be doing just sitting there unmoving infront of him, anyway.


I miss the times when the shitposters did not rely on straight-up lies.

Game is unfair

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i thought that too for like the first hour
jumping backwards gets you fucked by a shit ton of attacks

A lot of people are like DSP and think pressing the dodge button constitutes avoiding an attack.

Random time limits for no reason during a challenge.

Why would you attack like that?
You know you have infinite stamina, right? You don't need to just sit there in his face and swing until he gimps you, you can move around him and stay out of his attack path while still doing damage.

Cry harder you little bitch
How about you go back to playing baby games like Dark Souls you fucking casul

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Very often games that do that don't have really deep combat and it's often attrition wars where you deal enough damage to the enemy/ies before he/they sucks up all your health in unavoidable attacks.

Only if you fucking suck. There are a number of attacks you are intended to jump over.

having spirit emblems be a limited resource you have to keep buying is prime padding
just give me 15 every time i rest and fuck off


Literally every real boss in the game can be beaten by just sprinting around and sneaking in attacks. The only exceptions are the fights where the arena is so small the camera goes apeshit.

Witcher 2 insane

What the fuck is this even supposed to mean? What is the dodge for then? Fucking around? Why the fuck is it called dodge then. Might as well call it jumping to the side or sidestepping then because dodging means fucking DODGING.

you are supposed to jump towards them and kick off their head for posture damage
jumping back accomplished nothing

>What is the definition of artificial difficulty?
Magnetic grabs
Dishonest trades
Later on you get so much money they stop being an issue.

Nigger just fucking buy them.
I had almost 400 by the time I got to Oniwa because I dumped most of my cash into emblems every time I got to a boss so I wouldn't lose it all if I died.

>Game actually stop you from progressing cause you are not good enough
>Can´t really farm stats to become stronger so that you can one-shot a boss
>People are furious at this
What happened? Did the journofaggot that wanted skippable bosses predict the pussy future we would arrive in? Put the game down and try again later? Why must people try to do mental gymnastic that they are bad at the game? You can always get better?

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Wish dude your attack shouldn't have hit me. I know I dodged and put myself directly in the path of your weapon, but I should magically be invulnerable to all damage like in dark souls. Your gonna have to give my that health back my dude

You're supposed to dodge out of the way of attacks you idiot.
Dodge to put your character in a position where the attack won't fucking hit you, like how actual dodging works.

If you dodge an attack that still hits you the mechanics are broken.

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What's wrong with this? Looks like he had a close call with that guys foot, or is this shitposting?

The attack wasn't dodged though.

'I'M PRESSING BACKWARD, WHY AM I NOT MOVING THIS GAME IS SHIT" said the man who just backed into a wall

>someone's about to punch me
>because I'm a dex fag I quickly move my jaw closer to their fist
>wtf it still hit me and didn't magically phase through my face

Dumb brainlets. If I press a button that is suppose to make me dodge. And it does not let me dodge, is fucking broken. There is no way out of this, is ink on white paper, fact. The dodge have shitty i-frames and is not working as intended. If I forget to tap dodge it will be my fault, but if I tap it, I want the function to happen. Dumb chimp.

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If you dodge but still get hit, you fucked up your dodge.
If you dodged correctly you wouldn't have gotten hit, obviously. Stop dodging wrong.

'dodge' means 'move quickly to avoid a hit'. That happens every time you press the button, but if you dodge in the wrong direction you'll move into the attack and get hit. This is how a dodge should work, what you're asking for is some kind of ghost form phase out move, not a dodge.

I give up, you are too dumb and shills to accept reality

>Accept Reality
>wants iframes
wtf are you gibbering about?

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While I understand what you're trying to say, different games handle Dodging differently. Some have I-Frames from the moment you start, others have it only in certain parts of the dodge. Others still might not have i-frames at all, and is just a quick mobility tool. While I don't know much about the game in question, it sounds like the problem is more that it doesn't have full i-frames.

I killed the snake by jumping from that cavern. but now i find the snake alive again inside some cave guarding a house. did i bug the game?

Artificial difficulty is when your skill doesn’t matter. For example, bugged mechanics that mean seemingly safe areas kill you (fuck you, bed of chaos), leaps of faith with random pit traps, platforming with completely random vanishing spots, etc.

Not to be confused with cheap difficulty, which does require more skill to complete, but is implemented lazily. For example, bullet sponge enemies.

You can't be serious. You could have said something about people thinking pressing the dodge button will guarantee avoiding an attack, then it would be implied that you meant that dodges have to be timed properly. What you in fact said was stupid, because dodging does constitute avoiding an attack. If you want to appear competent, word things properly.

different snake, no worries, monkey puppet or mistraven past it

>Litterally every boss has a oneshot mechanic you cant avoid if you didn't know before. Then you get punished for it, you lose money, exp and you fuck up quests. Wanna try again? You will lose again.
>A game about rebirth and specifically samsara in buddhism has the player die over and over again to get though challenges
whoa what a shit game

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