>4 the players
4 the players
I bet none of these people have ever even played a video game in their lives. Why do fags, dykes, trannies and other degenerates feel the need to parade themselves around in public like this? Is it because they didn't get enough attention growing up so they're acting out?
Holy kek. Do you think any of these faggots have a big gay orgy then go home and play bloodborne?
How the fuck can anyone see this and think there's something wrong with this? People dedicating an event to positivity and a fun hobby even though they have to face opression from laws, family, and strangers. Fuck you negative pricks.
holy fuck I thought this was just a meme but it's actually real wtf how will sonyfags ever recover?
kill all americans
Whoops, you misspelled 'degeneracy'. And on what planet is sucking cocks or mutilating your genitalia a hobby?
Lol, nice meme. There's no such thing in the gay community. Your made up morals and ideals don't apply to people having to undergo changes to be who they really are on the inside, snowflake.
But Nintendo actually makes games
Oh, you were just larping as a RetardEra forum slider. Good job, I took the bait.
>regular people walking down the street in orderly fashion being happy for something with a cool car
>"people" being litteral degenerates and being apes in public
Here's your no (You).
Imagine thinking this is anywhere close to OP. I don't see any trannies or half naked gays dancing in this picture, do you?
this one is pretty agreeable, it's a simple, reserved march with minimal degeneracy.
We don't celebrate goatfuckers, why should we celebrate sodomy?
This is coming from a gay person.
Gay fags will disagree, but alas, they are fags.
Imagine having a parade about asexuality. Celebrating abstinence. These people are so dense it hurts.
Or maybe they just feel like they need dad's approval. He isn't disapproving of your life choices because you're gay, he's disapproving of your life choices because you hang out with dead end friends, suck at school, and have decided to do recreational drugs instead of getting a job.
Gayfags make me sick.
yooo hooo
boys c'mere boys
Rampant displays of sexuality do not belong in public, homosexual or not. Keep it in your pants.
>Could never know this was a gay parade if not for the text and rainbow shit
>Sony's there is no mistaking it regardless
I don't understand the mentality behind the super gay pride shit like on the Sony one. Surely you'd want to let people see you're no different than a straight person right? Yet by doing all this degenerate shit they do you reinforce stereotyping, it's fucking stupid.
Exactly. These fags call themselves "promiscuous". Don't lump them in with the rest of us. Some of us are reasonably same.
>but nintendo
I don't see any half naked black trannies twerking in that pic.
>Cool car
Being gay is degenerate user.
these people aren't hyper degenerate attentionwhores though. if anything you're making sony look worse by showing how much more civilized nintendwordfilterdones are by comparison
The golden anal vore wojak shit would perfectly blend in with this mess lmao
I still don't see the drag queens with feathers doing pole dances on gaudy parade floats.
seconding this. the world really needs this come on
Because nintenbros can't even afford it lmao
Nintendo gays
>normal gay people walking with a banner
Playstation gays
>middle aged pedophiles dancing in public dressed up as bimbos
what is it that makes gays so obnoxious
of course they do, and they all give each other hiv on purpose because it turns them on
that video is from the UK dumb ass
>normal gay people
>Not a cool car
I need something to do, I never leave my house outside of work and going to the gym. My city is having a pride parade soon, is it a good idea to pick up chicks there?