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of was fucking great you pleb. the campaign was much better than the arma games
Operation Flashpoint was better just for the fact that the engine didn't collapse in a huge pile of spaghetti whenever it tried to display something and didn't tank your fps to single digits because there was 3 enemy AI active at the same time.
I honestly don't know how anyone can bear playing any ArmA after OPF, the enjoyment of the game itself is buried under hundreds of layers of shit.
How do I fix the mouse playing this on modern systems? It feels like I'm aiming on a "grid" or something, it's impossible to make fine adjustments. Changing sensitivity doesn't help.
Absolute nonsense, The Resistance Campaign Expansion for OFP was top tier, but the sandbox style resistance campaign they did for ARMA 3 is absolutely fucking brilliant and way fucking better. APEX is also excellent.
>but the sandbox style resistance campaign they did for ARMA 3 is absolutely fucking brilliant and way fucking better. APEX is also excellent.
Maybe if they dropped the near future BS and the enemies weren't bullet sponges I would bother to play it. Arma was a military sim but now it's just a tactical shooter. I put maybe 20 hours into Arma 3 before getting bored and retreating back into the warm embrace of OFP and Arma 2.
NEW GAME = OLD GAME with same bugs but new graphics
I actually like these character models more.
You seem to be making up a whole lot of excuses that have nothing to do with the quality of the campaigns whilst completely overlooking the fact that ARMA 3 has all the content of ARMA 2 and more.
>ARMA 3 has all the content of ARMA 2 and more
>you have to mod in Arma 2 to make Arma 3 worth playing
This is an English board, learn to speak English or fuck off.
The entire fucking point of the series from it's very inception has been mods you sperg, fuck you're embarrassing.
>you have to mod in Arma 2 to make Arma 3 worth playing
>The entire fucking point of the series from it's very inception has been mods you sperg
No it hasn't. In OFP, Bohemia set out to make a good game. The mission editor was there and it was made relatively easy to make custom units, but the game held up on it's own very well. Arma 3 is a shiny turd.
>No it hasn't
Yes it has faggot, go back and read interviews with the devs prior to OFP's release.
You can cry all night about ARMA 3, but the reality is it's the best ARMA game to date, best engine to date, and with all of the content from ARMA 2 available for it, plus more, you're literally only making excuses to justify your own bias and I guarantee you haven't even fucking played it, or it's campaign.
Some people have tastes that differ from yours. Arma 3 is not as realistic as Arma 2 unless you install a gorillion mods.
more like
>it's the best ARMA game to date
Why do you keep writing it in all caps? It's short for Armed Assault, the only stylized title I've seen is ArmA. Not an acronym like OFP.
Are you fucking retarded?
It's called ARMA.
Do I seriously need to explain capital letters to you? Would you like me to teach you how to read while i'm at it?
no that's a bit too much nuance
both of us are right, friend :)
Web formatting doesn't make you correct, it makes you a faggot.
The series is called ARMA.
>Although ARMA 2's title is stylized as ArmA II
You're genuinely handicapped, aren't ya.