Epic bros, I don't feel so good...
Epic bros, I don't feel so good
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why? White-ass nazis didn't buy it.
>it's real
Oh man, epic's gonna FREAK!
why dont they just put the games on everything? do ubi and ea overcharge to use uplay and origin? ubi already sells their games on origin.
I will not. It died with dignity at least.
>bethesda learning from their mistakes of making Bethesda launcher / making any games exclusive to their dead launcher
They took a big blow because of 76's disastrous launch, I am actually happy for them
it's real kek
>25 de mar de 2019
epic thread guys!
Reminder that this motherfucker takes +600,000kb of memory when it runs, whereas steam takes +50,000kb
fair enough, signing on with epic would have completely killed any remaining good will at this point
Oh lawdy, they bringin Fallout 76 to steam, homey. Is I in heaven?
>do ubi and ea overcharge to use uplay and origin?
No, they use them for their own games. I don't think they take games from other publishers.
I bet people are clapping and cheering at this fucking decision. Hey guys, we aren't totally shit and we've done the bare minimum, yay! Christ, why the industry isn't running circles around the gullibility of the public I don't know, they are so easily pleased.
These games were unable to pass Epic quality control.
What's happening, Epic bros? It was assumed that Steam was finished. How can this happen?
Origin does.
Fuck, Epic bros, we are in the middle of the fucking killzone here! Can somebody come up with something to fight the Steam shills?
Because the industry is also full of morons
Desperate move
>needs street cred after 76
>knows epic is eating the market share and cannot compete as a platform
West Virginia actually
We got too cocky Epic bros.
>TES VI not even teased yet
I started pirating when PC went digital only, if developers want me to start paying for games again then they can give their games DRM free physical releases on PC.
Steam is no better, fuck paying for digital distribution
I am stoked for this, I am actually enjoying Fallout 76 despite its flaws, adding more players to the world enhances the experience tenfold and with new players they have reason to keep updating the game
I find it humorous thatthe same day they talked about "not selling shitty games" they added the whole David Cage catalog.
Blue Ridge Mountains
this is obviously bethesda seeing the negative reaction other studios are getting from gamers for going epic store exclusive
>tfw it's not a samefag
Epic doesn't allow crappy games.
You are a loser. Nobody cares what you think. There won't even be physical media in a couple of years.
uplay sold third party games in 2013 but i guess it didn't go over very well. origin sells all kinds of third party games.
Yeah SURELY it's three different people!
AND the fact that their launcher is awful, nobody uses it and the games exclusive to it are dead
See these tabs in the launcher? The only one that works within the launcher is the "GAMES" tab
every other tab takes you to their website with that page on it, meaning this launcher serves zero purpose, it's just for launching the games and has no other features, there's not even a friends list
Oh well, I don't really use Origin so I wouldn't know. I'm guessing they take just as much or more than Steam, otherwise other publishers would be using them.
>doesn't allow crappy games
>bought Metro: Exodus
oh u
This made me LOL
hello incel
If there's one company that can't take the heat of releasing it on Epic, its Bethesda at the moment
>all this indie shit
Not lying :)
roughly 100 hours in
Who says that the Steam and Bethesda.net versions will share the same servers?
because the bethesda servers would otherwise be completely dead meaning everyone who paid anything for the game would be fucked over
I only paid 8 bucks for it but those who paid full price will have harder time
foi ontem basicamente
Then I'll continue pirating, nothing they can do will get me to pay for digital distribution. They could drop the price to $0 like digital distribution should be and I would still pirate.
>blu-ray players
They use brainwashing tactics like Valve did to push Steam which I see you fell for. Netflix "4k UHD" streams have a fraction of the bitrate of a blu-ray, let alone 4K blu-ray.
No shit all media industries want physical copies gone, physical copies mean less profit, less control, and in the case of games digital distribution lets them easily distribute dlc and micro transactions, allows them to intentionally release games unfinished or unplayable without a patch because they can update it through some anti consumer platform like Steam, most people who play games these days, especially on PC, wouldn't play games if it weren't for paid digital distribution, they wouldn't even bother pirating which means they have more people to extract money from,etc
This is how they'll recover their losses. They were smart to evade Steam refunds.
If there's not exclusivity why not release it on Epic as well? and other launchers? Or have steam paid for the exclusivity here?
Epic launching its own... launcher is fine, but its so threadbare, how could they think they could compete with the 15 year veteran swimming with additional options? There's no cart for fucks sake, the thing shopping websites had in 1996
>Todd and Microsoft got Gabe's back in fighting the Epic Games cancer
Notice the wording there, they said they were guaranteed to release on steam, not that they were avoiding the epic store.
>mfw this is actually a possibility
>It died with dignity
It was a stillborn failure.
>physical copies mean...less control
That's what scares me about no physical copies and no piracy. That they would have absolute control over your access to something is horrible.
Physical copies mean fuck all if there's drm in it, mate.
they're working on it, they've just been quiet to avoid more controversy off 76. i hope todd knows that if he fucks this one up he's getting the ax, so they're taking their time.
Who cares it'll run on the same engine.
i never said it WOULD be good, user.
seems like now i will buy doom ethernal at launch
Is there anyone here who actually root for Epic, or it's just retards pretending to be retarded trying to stir up shit?
But is it Ubisoft sort of deal where youre stuck with the launchers launching launchers?
I posted for the memes.
Epic is retarded for spending their money on exclusives rather than features.
There are probably some legitimate shills and Fortnite players who don't realize exclusivity shit is bad for gaming overall, but there's a fair bit of trolling as well.
Thank god, didn't want to install bethesdas launcher to play doom eternal
when you were 8 you probably didnt understand shit either
If Epic Store just played fairly and took a 30% cut like steam nobody would care but they had to fuck it up by offering devs lots of money to go with them
What has the 30% cut to do with this?
they are giving devs lots of free money and its anti-consumer stop being a chink shill
>25 of sea of 2019
>more than 600MB of RAM usage
The hell, seriously?
screen for proof.
Devs getting money isn't a problem. Restricting devs on where they are allowed to sell their games is anti consumer, since the consumer doesn't get a choice in where to buy said product. A game dev could release their game both on Steam and Epic. The only reason why people wouldn't go buy it at Epic is because their client has no features. And instead of being competitive with Steam by creating a bunch of unique features to their platform, they just buy up games.
Based, I only care about Nu-Doom 2 though. Maybe Rage 2 when it goes on sale.
>The only reason why people wouldn't go buy it at Epic is because their client has no features.
A lot of people don't want to have to use 15 different launchers for their games either.
true, true. epic sucks, steam rocks. Based Gaben!
Anyone who buys Fallout 76 on steam should be tracked down to their address and forcibly sterilized with a can opener
Devs dont even get the money. Publishers do. Sweeney is the type of retard that thinks Reaganomics works.
>La mère du maire est allée à la mer
I read that Obsidian had no idea there was an exclusivity deal until a few hours before the announcement. I feel pretty bad for them right now, as well as 4A and Remedy.
I can sympathize to an extent with indie developers taking Epic's Forknife bucks, but their deals with bigger publishers are pure jewery... or perhaps should I say chinkery.
>no argument
Yep. You can check SteamDB and see they were working on cheevos for Steam literally hours before Epic dropped the bomb.
it all comes down to one
if this ends up Steam only, EGS may as well pack up
so is doom eternal ever coming out or?
Halo MCC basically already sealed the deal.
It's not coming to PC, dumbass.
Physical copies haven't been a thing for the past ten years. You just want to justify your piracy.
It's ok not wanting to pay for things; you don't need to make it pass as some kind of political statement.
And Half-Life fans so bitter at the series being over that they've sided with Epic and its Chinese overlords.
>still being retarded just after the PC version leaked
>JUST like GTA V
do you really want to go trought this again?
rockstar already has their own launcher/store
Halo sealed the deal for the more core audience
RDR2 is the normie game that will keep everyone on steam
Ok I'm willing to buy Doom eternal now. But it needs to have a physical release still. And a steam key inside
>uses literally same engine as GTA V
>thinking the parent company of Rockstar would ever say no to making more money
Literally every GTA was on PC, so you'd have to be dumb to not expect 5.
Revolver and Redemption 1 were never PC games.
Revolver used to be a arcade game made by Capcom taken over Rockstar and RDR never came to PC because the entire code was spaghetti
Rockstar today isnt the same company as back then, and with them constantly trying to push online in their games its only obvious they would bring it to PC
let alone the fact that its leaking in the exact same way as GTA V PC
Rockstar doesnt do exclusives
hey, notice how it doesn't say exclusively.
yeah its also launching on Bethnet
>it's true
jesus fuck companies are getting aware that now the standard RAM of a gaming PC is 16GiB and are not optimizion their applications anymore.
They're just following Windows, 8.1 to 10 doubled RAM usage without actually beign faster or doing much more beyond virtual desktops.
Your fault for not using the LTSB version
I'd say 80% shit posting, 15% actual shills and 5% absolute retards.
Tes is Todd's baby, he genuinely cares about it
Really, does LTSB boot at 1.3GB?
good move dumbfucks
>Tes is Todd's baby, he genuinely cares about it
by that analogy someone should call social services on him for what he did to babby skyrim
I mean skyrim sold enough copies to compete with pokemon sale numbers and was universally praised. User scores are still pretty high. Fallout 4 and 76 have been much more harshly regarded
Get fucked, filthy scummy chink.
>epic shills came back for one day only
>Bethesda anounces they are back on steam
>they go back into hiding
i wonder what shit arguments they will come back with to spin this into negative news
I think developers are starting to realise that hype trains tend to be worse for most games, every now and again you get a game like skyrim or gtaV that winds up following through but lightning rarely strikes twice
We've seen so many games flop despite being pretty good because years of hype raised everyone's expectations through the roof to the point where they could never follow through
This is a good move PR wise but I'm still worried as fuck for Elder Scrolls.
I honestly don't know who they're trying to trick, floods of pro-epic threads are always so timed. And surprise, when discussion is not sponsored almost nobody talks about it.
Why even finish the game now, there's going to be zero buzz around it except for the pirates.
There is still time for Epic to negotiate an exclusive deal with Bethesda. But it would be stupidly expensive for them.
>Phoenix Point got funded through Kickstarter
>Still sold out to Epic
Nah, fuck them. Indie developers are scum.
No epic shills all weekend then suddenly a barrage of them on monday
Its so blatant
gotta agree with 80% shitpost and 20% chinks and tards
im actually quite proud of nu/v/ in a way because NO ONE has been fooled to my knowledge
the majority of Yea Forums have spotted these chinks from a mile away and they have been shitposted to death without fail
not only that but epic clearly didnt realise the power of autism, and just how oldfags of Yea Forums will do more cyber research into Epics cyber warfare than the US government ever will
I'm rooting for Epic now that they're bringing Playstation exclusives to the PC that I can then pirate later[\spoiler]
is this screenshot from the new PPG? is it worth it?
>is it worth it to sit on my arse watching a childrens tv show?
depends on your income user, you do have an income that isnt government funded, dont you?
>Fallout 76 on Steam
nice. If it gets regional pricing (usually -50% off USD) AND further discount, I might buy it.
>PPGs twerk on screen
>one of the writers self inserts himself into the show as one of the characters and that character just happens to be in love with Blossom and Blossom is madly in love with him
>turns out that the PPGs have a sister that the Professor accidentally didn't notice and went missing for years only to show up again
>the sister joins the PPG and is a black girl
>holier than thou normie shitter
Go watch game of thrones or something.
The Outer Worlds and Control are better than any of the upcoming Beshitsta games so who cares.
When MS start releasing all of their games on Steam then we'll talk.
>an adult telling an adult that its probably a waste of time to watch a cartoon marketed at little girls is "holier than thou attitude"
you have spent too much time around americans
its also not "holier than thou attitude" if you just flat out prove that even the most average normie actually IS holier than thou
i have enough money to sit on arse all day
>one of the writers self inserts himself into the show as one of the characters and that character just happens to be in love with Blossom and Blossom is madly in love with him
wtf, ok nvm then
Buyng BethShit games, ever.
>Epic didn't buy out any exclusive and instead worked to make all features that Steam has after 6 months - 1 year of Epic Store announcement
>Nobody gives a shit, both developers and players, and continues buying/releasing on Steam because everybody already has a huge library in Steam and won't buy in any other store even if it will be a little cheaper
And that's why you're not a CEO of a digital store.
If epic had all features steam has but no exclusives, nobody would give a shit, even those who have epic store for fortnite. At least now only butthurt steam-slaves won't buy, others will hesitate but still buy, and epic fans will gladly buy.
>creating exactly the same features
That's not competition, retard. They have to offer something new/better versions of features, so that Valve actually has to step things up.
in addition of nuPPG being shit
the screen it's not from the 2016 version, just pick a screen from google, that's definitely the original design.
it's either a fan imitating the style pretty well or a screen from the original show
i guess so, i really like the art direction in some of these shows
Local company realizes Valve actually provides a stable and secure environment after their own attempt to launch their own digital distro resulted in a buggy, crashy, data-leaking fire.
>pleased to announce
That's must be the fancy way of saying we got btfo and now come crawling back to steam.