Forced diversity is a retarded argument, and you know it

>gay character doesn’t act gay, could easily be confused for straight, would never know he was gay unless the game literally told you
>Why is he gay? Why isn’t he straight? What purpose does him being gay add to the story? This is forced diversity, you just made him a homo for brownie points

>gay character talks about husband, flirts with other men like men flirt with women, has a love interest
>Wow stop shoving your gayness down my throat, good gay characters don’t go on and on about how gay they are

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Other urls found in this thread:

Neither of those second greentexts are at odds with one another. If you're trying to make a point you've failed miserably.

>no gay characters
>no problems

Just don't have any fucking faggots in vidya, ez

The problem is that people look at the results instead of the intention. If the creator is forcing diversity into the game, it's forced diversity. It doesn't have anything to do with how the characters are written.

How is pic related?

stop using basic homophobes to ignore the fact that a lot of lgbt people like myself are unhappy with the shit quality of writing we usually get
Dorian Pavus fucking sucks

You made this thread yesterday and everyone with a brain told you that for homosexuality to be done well in games it needs to be considered how it impacts the ingame world.
You used Arcade in that too and once again, he is an example of a character who's homosexuality is meaningful and tastefully done.

arcade is gay, retard

That’s a given, but how is it relevant to shoehorning gay characters? I played New Vegas twice before I knew Arcade was gay.

>Why is he gay? Why isn’t he straight? What purpose does him being gay add to the story? This is forced diversity, you just made him a homo for brownie points

literally no one says this

its always about getting with you people

Remember Soldier 76?

Is he?
Holy shit. I didn't know that.
Can you throw him off the Lucky 38 rooftop when you find out?

soldier 76

t. J.K Rowlings

This post is retarded because it acts like a gay character either has to be completely non-sexual or they have to have being gay be the extent of their personality.

Wasn't that damage control after they promoted a smurf account and made a huge deal about believing women when it was just some guy proving you don't need to be amazing to get into esports as a woman?

People say this shit all the time, lmao. I heard this shitty reasoning for Apex Legends too

In fact I hear this shit for black/brown people too. Why is he black? What does him being black contribute to the game? Why isn’t he white?

The dev doesn’t need a reason or a justification beyond “because I fucking feel like it”


I said this when blizzard announced tracer was a lesbian. What is the purpose other than to pander and drive up sales? How is that not insulting rather than empowering? There's no story in OW gameplay so there's no reason for any character but widowmaker to say anything sexual at all because she's the fem-fatal archetype. Shits stupid

there's no Islam patch so no

It's both way disgusting so fuck off, fag.

>gays video games must have 1/3 of the cast be some kind of gay
This is why we say its forced.

>Neither of those second greentexts are at odds with one another.
Yes they are.

How does one "force" diversity? How is that meaningfully distinct from any other process by which a game might come to be diverse?

name a nonbioware game that does this

That’s not how stories work

First of all people tell stories of unusual things all the time, that’s what makes them interesting. Even less than 1% of the world population is millions and millions of people, meaning millions and millions of potential stories

Second, going by that logic nearly all protagonists should be Chinese

Third that number doesn’t apply to completely fictional worlds or universes

>You made this thread yesterday and everyone with a brain told you that for homosexuality to be done well in games it needs to be considered how it impacts the ingame world.
Except when it impacts the ingame world in a way I don't like RRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Seriously what's the problem with the "impact on the ingame world" as far as, I dunno, The Last of Us, or any Bioware game is concerned?


Having gay characters is fine, purposely pointing out that characters are gay or changing a storyline to point it out is retarded

>unless the guy is sucking dicks any time he's on screen, what's the point in having a gay character?

You're a fukken retard op

Show me better gay representation.
You can't.

Attached: volgin.png (350x291, 115K)


And if it is brought up in the plot, make sure it's not some basic bitch "DADDY DIDN'T LOVE ME" tripe

That's the exact opposite of his point.

i legitimately forgot overwatch wasn't a bioware product lmfao


All fags in games are as bad as fags in real life. Sadly other games don't allow you to shoot legs and heads off a faggot or a feminist quite like New Vegas does.

If you take a setting and make it have something that was never to be
like make ancient greece have heterosexual people

You also forgot you're a tard

Why is it that Kojimbo wrote not one but two bisexual characters who are also both sadists with a voracious sexual appetite?

Forced is a shitty word in these cases because it creates a dumb assumption that the concept is literally forced into the work by an outside force.

A better way to put it is awkward inclusion. When an element is included without tact or reason and simply to appeal to a demographic or present something to you for the sake of presenting it to you. If something has purpose for that story or character, even minor, that's fine. If it has a large presence despite very little purpose due to the writer simply wanting to shove it in your face, then it's just poor writing.

Completely unrelated incident. The event in which the story was released that confirmed S76 was gay was done alongside an in-game skin and event, within days of that Contenders drama. There's no way they created that event within a few days solely as "cover up". .

For the record, Blizzard doesn't even manage the Contenders teams. They only manage League and World Cup teams.

>make it have something that was never to be

You can sell him to ceasar, which he absolutely loathes. No real reason for it, because Arcade is a nice dude.

Because he knows what gay people really are.

This is a dumb debate not worth having. Fuck off back to 8gag, nobody gives a shit. If you're expecting games to become free of colored people and women, it's never going to happen. Shit, it has never been the case.
Stop trying to force your brain damage on an industry that doesn't give a fuck about you. You're every bit as bad as those multicolor-haired bitches who want every girl in games to be fat like them.
Fucking neglected piece of shit, find a better way to seek attention.

sorry i don't pay attention to bad games

Ah, but criticising depictions of gay people for being "awkward" comes awfully close to being actually sympathetic to the LGBT cause and doing actual literary criticism. Words like "forced" work far better to keep up Yea Forums's siege mentality and can be universally applied without thinking about it.

Most people don't care about including gays or women or blacks in a game, most people just don't like when devs act like saints for doing it.

yeah, cooler than you

And then there's Yea Forums

2.5% have these homosexusal tendencies. And the majority of them are women and bisexuals. Straight up faggotry is pretty rare.

You only pay attention to gay characters. Which sounds like a mental hang up to me.

i think you're responding to the wrong person
my first comment in the thread was "name one game outside of bioware shit"

>straight up faggotry is pretty rare
most retarded thing I've ever heard

I am in favor of all types of gay characters.

Frankly, 99% of all media is trash. Always has been and always will be. Gay characters should not be held to a higher standard than straight characters (99% of whom are, you guessed it, trash). It's an unnecessary limitation that will actually lead to fewer high-quality gay characters overall. Developers must be allowed to do as they please, and by sheer odds at least some of their experiments will be a success.

In pretty much all cases, games with "poorly written gay characters" are poorly written in general. It's not like
>if only this one male character didn't bring up their husband, this game's story would have been a masterpiece!
Let's be real here.

There's three-four times more lesbians than male fags. So you can calculate yourself.

Arcadia and 76 and that guy from dragon age don't grow or have anything added to their character by mentioning it. Its got nothing to do with anything, like mentioning that the character likes the colour blue. Literally why do developers do this?

>Using Arcade to make a point about "forced homosex in games"

No, user. YOU are the homosex.

because male fags die to aids

its statistically true but the more you talk about wanting to suck dick, some impressionable faggot will also want some dick up their ass.

>2 / 29 = 1 / 3

I don't think this is how math works.

lmao literally the opposite you fuckin dumb

That doesn't make any sense unless they live in Africa or some other third world country

that isn't how it works
if it was there would be countless more homos

Keep seething, faggot. You are irrelevant.

never respond to aids trolls

but it does make sense
men have fleshy dicks
women have plastic dicks

You're taking shit literally on the internet faggot. You've already lost.

>gay characters being held to high standards is an unnecessary limitation

Attached: avatar-punchy.png (353x353, 80K)

The problem is all of the writing and characterization in these games are fucking terrible, and bad writers shove gay characters into their stories to get people to praise them, and then the rest of us have to hear about how great some mediocre shit is for months, and we have to be endlessly lectured about how if we don't like whatever the fuck it is, we're all bad people. It's getting to the point where we're doing this once a month.

They don't mention straight characters, so already there's special treatment.

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video game writers are like one step above from teenage poets and webcomic writers

It's pretty easy to distinguish when a character is well-written and genuine and when a character is being used to push an agenda. Not being an autistic mouthbreather helps.

why would i be mad about something objectively false

user what are you even talking about?

I was referring to this You (or someone else) said 1/3 of the cast.
asked to name a game.
said Overwatch.
Last I checked Tracer is a lesbian, Soldier 76 is gay, and the rest are either straight or not mentioned. And I checked again and it's actually 30 playable characters, not 29. 2/30 is not even remotely close to 1/3 in any context.

This is a retarded take from me but here it goes,

The issue comes down to how society functions in games like this. Most of the time Society has moved well on past issues of Homosexuality to the point it is portrayed as normal to essentially have an Alpha gay man who is forward and flirty as a normal thing. I don't think this is the right way to do that mind you. But I think a lot of writers fall for that pit fall. While in the present real world most people will never encounter that kind of person unless you went to a venue where they can be who they are in the open.

But that's just one way it can be done wrong to me. Lets take Cortez from Mass Effect 3. His entire sub plot revolves around his Husband being dead and trying to move on. If we were a different society towards gays it'd be normal. But it just isn't that way so it comes off as jarring and silly to us.

To be honest though saying all that. I'd rather a developer try and put a male-gay character in that doing the easy way around the LGBT inclusion by shoving a Lesbian couple or character in. It's always strikes me as extremely lazy.

TL;DR Writers need to meet actual gay people who are autistic retards that think they're gay.

How about you quote me directly instead of engaging in strawmen? Is reading that hard for you?

dont worry about aids ridden third worlders and their shit arguments

I'm talking about you being an autistic retard. We're talking about forced characters, not math. Read op idiot.

So you're just ESL? Okay then.

Straight people are normal. Gay people aren't.
It's not special treatment, it's reality.

No, but you're still a retard who can't do context.

What are you even on about?

>Gay characters should not be held to a higher standard
>It's an unnecessary limitation that will actually lead to fewer high-quality gay characters

Attached: knightbird.png (544x606, 280K)

he phrased that badly but you're a brainlet for not understanding. its not THAT bad

No, degenerate like you.

Ring a ding ding we have a winner.

Neither matters in an fps.

Forced diversity is a classic example of idiots thinking giving something a name makes it legitimate.

>This character doesn't need to be gay! it's forced diversity!

And why does that matter?

>wuh buh it's uhhh oh no I don't have a catchy buzzword for this part!

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t. aids needle ivan

Yeah, he's rather blatant about it in general dialogue. If you have confirmed bachelor perk he states the below as well.

> "There have been some good men along the way, but lovers make poor confidants."

wait, Arcade is gay?

You have that exactly backwards. You want to engage in massive hyperbole, I actually care about the context. The actual arguments being made matter. When you say that gays are forced because they make up 1/3rd of games, and the example given is a game where 1/15th of the characters are gay, that's a bullshit argument. The claim does not match the evidence. You just feel it's 1/3rd, because you focus on the outliers, because it's the internet.

If you just call me a retard again without actually countering anything I'm saying, you'll just confirm that you're ESL.

Quote the entire sentence in the first bit. You're so close user!

but Volgin is burning hot

Literally the post above yours.

Yea Forums just doesn't like gays, nonwhites or women. If every game was full of white dudes they would all be 10/10. Of they jam a nigger in one, it's a 0/10 for diversity brownie points.


Based and absolutely redpilled

>And why does that matter?

Because gay characters written solely to be inclusive are generally written poorly and are given special treatment in-lore that is unimmersive. (Examples being the inability to be a dick to trans characters in Baldur's Gate.) At the same time, this actually worsens representation for gays, because they're depicted as prancing cocksucking faggots who can do no wrong instead of normal people because some rectangle-rimmed paleface wanted hearts on Twitter.

No user, people don't say you're a bad person because you dislike a game that happens to have a gay person in it. They say you're a bad person because you vocally complain the moment you learn a game has a gay person in it and then have the gall to claim that has nothing to do with it whilst continuing to bring up the gay character and casting yourself as the victim.

I don't get why people even bother if its forced or not. People just don't wont them so they shouldn't argue and just add them as they like.

>Science fiction should, above all, not challenge us to think about societies different from our own, but should always be recognisable and comfortable

>Gay characters should not be
>In pretty much all cases
>if only this one male character didn't bring up their husband, this game's story would have been a masterpiece!

Attached: bird.gif (500x284, 496K)

>gay character doesn’t act gay, could easily be confused for straight
Real life gay people aren't flamboyant caricatures. They're generally normal-looking people. You've met hundreds of gay people without knowing it, probably.
>Why is he gay? Why isn’t he straight?
Why are real life people gay? Why aren't all real life people straight?
>What purpose does him being gay add to the story?
There doesn't need to be a purpose for a character to be gay, just as there doesn't need to be a purpose for a character to be straight. No one complains about straight romances. You shouldn't complain about gay romances. Different strokes, different yolks.

what, you mean real human beings don't like being portrayed as cartoonesque caricatures? yeah I don't like characters like that in my media either, which is why I hate hamfisted social justice writing. I really don't mind diversity in media, at least to some degree. the major issue is social justice types are totally inept at writing organic narratives when it comes to their pet ideas. it must really suck man

It's not the phrasing, it's the concept he's attempting to convey. What is "meant to be" and what is not when it comes to a setting? Pretty sure gay people would exist in any setting that has humans in it.

user do you have some kind of learning disability? I'm starting to get concerned.

I only really give a shit if it's done post-humorously and OOC meaning it's only done to get SJW brownie points.

right, that's Yea Forums's problem with gay characters.

They just love the gays so much that they want a better representation of homosexuals.

uh huh

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>(Examples being the inability to be a dick to trans characters in Baldur's Gate.)
Look, you can't both pretend that trans people wouldn't be an issue in the Forgotten Realms AND that it's unrealistic for your character not to be able to express conservative American views on trans people in the game. You don't get the option to express your sentiments on feudalism at every opportunity either.

>game starts with small tribe or nation
>every other person has a different skin colour/bone structure etc etc
>at no point is it explained who is native and who is not

forced diversity in my eyes is when they just force cosmopolitan conditions in areas where they cant or shouldn't exist.

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I want to kiss Apollo

10/10 leave him to rot in Caesar's camp. That stupid faggot's quest used to bug a lot and wouldn't trigger the events to get the armour. Dumb stupid fucking doofus. Take away all he owns. Do the exact opposite of whatever he PRETENDS you to do (doesn't even ask you kindly or try to show you the benefits, he just goes M-MUH FOLLOWERS), send ED-E to the brotherhood, wear legion's gear and when you're done abusing the living fuck outta him just go to Caesar's and offer that stupid retard as a miserable slave for the rest of his useless life.
I hate him so fucking much

>I am
>Developers must be allowed to do as they please

Attached: qtratto.png (326x290, 47K)

Pretty tastefully done because I remember the character but don't have any overt memories of him being gay. It makes sense, so I probably realized it in dialogue but because he wasn't overt and flamboyant that's not what you remember. Which is how it should be remembered, you remember the character and not some piece of their identity.

I'm pretty sure you realized your mistake and are now just shitposting, I'll take what I can get. Be safe user.

So how did Arcade's character being gay influence the story?
Oh it didn't?
Arcade was just a boring character in general and his sexuality added nothing to the story, in NV there's gay male prostitutes in the Omerta's casino, they as well didn't add anything to the story
In a game where your sexual preferences don't matter besides a perk that is used at most 5 times max during unimportant sidequests throughout the game, it adds nothing to the story
Not as bad as JK Rowling deciding on a whim that people were different races and had gay sex

I guess what I'm trying to say is what is a game where your character is gay and that has a meaningful impact on the game/story?
I've never really played such a game, don't even know if it exists
nothing wrong with Bisexual representation though, every game should have the character be able to romance/shag whomever or whatever the fuck the player wants to, thankfully sex mods exist for that because AAA and indie developers are terrible at this for some reason and it takes a complete random pervert to get the real job done

>be a dick to everyone because i'm roleplaying an evil asshole
>meet trans person
>they tell me their life story
>my options are "cool" and "bye"
>can't even be a dick in a normal way like "i don't give a shit"

>>Why is he gay? Why isn’t he straight? What purpose does him being gay add to the story? This is forced diversity, you just made him a homo for brownie points
This is when you design a straight character and then come out and say "OH BY THE WAY (S)HE'S GAY", there was literally no point to it, the character is already established

that's what happened with Tracer

>Why are real life people gay? Why aren't all real life people straight?
probably cause they're faggots

Imagine a game in tribal africa and you put in duke nukem
Like they go around chucking spears and speaking niggerese, but they're still duke nukem

Back to Quora or Twitter with you, newfag.
Don't get invested in Yea Forums arguments.

Faggots should just get chemically castrated and their parents arrested for failing to educate their child

>Yea Forums is one person
>he cares what Yea Forums thinks about gays
Time for bed David

half of this board are males who want to fuck fictional males and the other half wonders why males who are attracted to males appear in games

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There is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality. Stop being so insecure.

I don’t mind gay or black characters as long as they fit within the realm of the world
Realistic when they should be cartoons and cartoony when everyone is 1:1 realism makes for a shit story

there's a million ways to make a character stand out and making them gay is very un-economic. you can't expose it through appearance or (unless it's some kind of a dating sim where even NPC hook up) in-game action. it doesn't offer any gameplay hooks. the only way to give it explore it is to make the player stop and listen to the character talk about boring shit

it just isn't fun.if your game has more than one gay character out of a several dozen, i can only assume it's because you want the player to think about gays for some reason, and you can fuck off with that

that's exactly how it works, this is how you get reports of ~10% homos in high school, most of whom turn out to be quite not homosexual by the time they exit puberty

I don't care if you are gay or not, just stop preaching about it and get to the point.

We are in the middle of war torn Normandy WW2
Why in the ever living fuck are gay boob job computer hippies doing here?
They don’t exist for almost another 100 years

It's your fault for undeniably forcing shit like this in so now people always suspect some agenda.
>GTA SA is one of Yea Forums favorite games
>Vamp is said to be gay randomly in a throwaway line and no one cares/people still think he's cool
just two examples but many more of course, but here's the thing, why do you want sheltered white people to force types of people in their games they don't know anything about? either they become stereotypes of white people with dark skin
/thread t bh


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hey user wanna fuck?

The problem is some morons look at this type of thinking and can only respond with 'well obviously you just hate homosexuals, women, whatever'. people on Yea Forums and other places need to quit with the overreaction and just stop giving attention to this stuff for the most part. at least what needs to be done is to not react so strongly, and don't support those cringe as fuck content creators with over the top reactions over gamergate topics that have been rehashed for years. this way when people try to pivot to calling you a shitlord you can toss it right back at them and tell them these groups they pretend to protect aren't a shield for shitty or mediocre content, and that nobody likes hamfisted narratives

Everyone deserves to be told to fuck off

Ew a boomer

>forced diversity
Um, no sweety, it's forced tokenism. Textbook liberal racism.


>You've met hundreds of gay people without knowing it, probably.
>this is what gays actually believe
unless those 'normal' gays pretend to be straight in their everyday life, i highly doubt it. pick any two people, put them in a room, the other sex will come up as a topic within twenty minutes
also, all the gays i met insisted that there's such a thing as a gaydar, how do they identify each other if there are no tells? i might also add that they all had gays shit on their facebook

Why is Yea Forums so pro-faggots these days?

Shitty practices aren't less shitty because they haven't been done abundantly. It's still shitty practices that set a bad precedent, anyone can suddenly turn out gay/trans/zoophile/spacenigger now.

Character integrity became a thing of the past.

Fuck hamfisted shit
Some of my favorite characters look like a checklist diversity quota but are at least well written

Trannies are ingrained here. Never seen the ovewhelming amount of trany channers?

Haven't seen any channer in my life actually.

Op has been a faggot for almost 15 years

I meant one channer
A trailer trash Yea Forumsustist who spends like 600 a month on figures
She’s nice and all but she even freaks me out

hello 2016-kun, hope you've been enjoying your time here since the election

"Forced diversity" is when you put something just because it would please some people and give you exposure. AKA as marketing.
But even then, you can still make compelling characters, just put some effort.
NW has a lesbian and gay man as a companion. They are great, and I love both of them.
And lets be real here, almost never take Yea Forums seriously. They complain about things just because they can. A lot of people here act like they are 14. You can usually tell threads quality here by counting number of "based" posts.The bigger it is, the worst it becomes.

arcade acts pretty gay

>Arcade is a nice dude
he acts like a bitch all the time and starts screaming and yelling if you say something he dislikes
only good companions are Raul and Lily

gannon is as gay as the guy who wrote him

an obnoxious gay fantasy

suck my dick then fag and suck it good and clean

Yeah I don’t get this logic either
>that character isn’t gay enough, he should actually be straight, he’s just called gay because diversity
>whoa whoa, don’t make him TOO gay, good gay characters don’t talk about their sexuality

Both arguments are wrong. The REAL correct (and honest) arguments are
>I don’t mind either, because there are gay people in real life who are open about their sexuality and gay people in real life who are private about it. Both are natural depictions and neither is “forced”. However they can still be poorly written I.e unlikable
>Seeing gay people at all makes me uncomfortable because I am a homophobe. However I don’t want to acknowledge that for whatever reason so I need to invent a buzzword. I know, forced diversity

Often gays are portrayed as blunt stereotypes and exist solely for the reason to have a gay character to show everyone how diverse this game is.
Same goes for how blacks are portrayed. They all seem to be stronk wymen with huge afros. They're all the same stereotype.
It's like the game designers go out of their way to make the character as gay or as black as they possibly can instead of actually coming up with something more subtle because they're afraid people will miss the fact that person is black/gay unless they shove it in your face half the game.

Why do you use arcade as if he's not Tastefully done oh that's right because he doesn't fucking talk about it left and right because you only know about it if you talk with him or have a gay character as well but of course that's not good enough because the majority of gay people use their sexual preference as a base for their entire personality so you can't just have normal people.

Who's this cutie

Get over it. Your not a special snowflake because you like dicks you homo man faggot fuck off and die aids spreading nigger.
Dick sucking homo man!

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Nobody actually has a problem with gay characters that act like normal people, so your first example is stupid. Arcade is one of the most popular companion characters in New Vegas.

But that’s a retarded argument because if they don’t act gay then people ask why they are labeled gay and aren’t just straight

You can’t win no matter what.

Dick-sucking, butt-fucking homo man If ya stressing then you better talk to mojo man.

>Nobody actually has a problem with gay characters that act like normal people


Attached: 1440367131062.jpg (212x251, 9K)

Soldier 76

Apex Legends


All just normal people, you wouldn’t even know they were gay unless you looked it up

Well, incels don't count

Memes don't count either.

Oh, but everyone got buttdevastated anyways

The point is a lot of people complaining about forced diversity are actually homophobes trying to convince both you and themselves that they aren’t homophobes

If a gay character flirts with men you complain that they’re too gay and being shoved down your throat. If a gay character acts like anyone else and doesn’t mention their sexuality then it’s forced diversity and you ask why they aren’t straight

You intentionally set up an unwinnable situation because deep down your a homophobe

You can still be gay and act normal without going "hurr durr look how gay I am".
It's the "hurr durr look how gay I am" in games part that pisses people of, not the fact that they're gay but the way they're portrayed.
If you actually knew gays IRL you'd know they're not all ultra-feminine drama queens like devs believe they are. Sure, you have those types but they're in minority. With most people you can't even tell if they're gay or straight if you hold a normal conversation with them.

So it's not ok if i go up to my buddy and be like imma suck that dick! suck him off like a pornstar eat his cum then fuck him in the ass like a wild pig then call him mommy?

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Gay people are not normal. Acting like they are is forcing.

Yea Forums is an 18+ site


I've got news for you. Everyone hates you.

I agree reported for being underage

You're a fast learner.

And was saying that wrong? They made him a gay for brownie points

Soldier 76 and Tracer are different.
They weren't designed to be gay, they were retconned into being gay in supplementary material to get the game more publicity.

How is it shitty reasoning? It's s justified question.


How do you know they were retconned? They never did anything implying they were straight

Yes excuse me my buddy wants his ass pumped out.


>it isn't

Every pride parade I see faggots walking around almost naked wear clothes made of dildos and talking about fucking and sucking. If you want to be treated like a human instead of an animal, tell your community to act like civilized humans.

Well it means you're a faggot.

night in the woods doesnt force faggotry despite having gay characters

>no straight characters, no problem
You aren't special, pussy

Your a faggot faggot!

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Because I'm not an idiot and I know what pandering is.


Im not gay, thanks

>unless those 'normal' gays pretend to be straight in their everyday life, i highly doubt it.
Then you'd be wrong. 3-4% of people are gay. For every 25 people you meet in real life, there's one gay person among them.


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I dont really care about other games
But being able to be gay in rpgs or life sim games should always be aviable

>Why is he gay? Why isn’t he straight?
the same could be asked of real homos
what purpose do they serve?

its fine just dont act like one


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We have a winner!

>But if we remove homophobes we get to have gay characters and no problems.

I'll turn your little ass into a huge faggot when i'm done with you!

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its really not shitty reasoning. there is literally no lore in this game so the only reason they made them openly lgbtq+ is to earn brownie points 100%

Eh, already Bisexual, so could not do much. Show dick picks. And pexs, if you have them.

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Yes, which is marketing. I mean, it is idiotic, because I really wish that they would have just made gay character from the start (like Neeko from League of Legends). Still it did create some good straightening porn.

Finally someone gets it

>Still no well written gay character
Fuck this straight earth

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Cute!!! Would love.


Red and basedpilled

Does anyone remember when Yea Forums would have daily yaoi shotacon threads?

Have you seen a Duck penis? Those things take screw from screwdriver.

i just want a cute husbando in an rpg who isn't total shit
is that really so much to ask

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>Duck penis

is that Li Li?

all i care about is diablo and his sexy bod

Best homosexual character coming through

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based as fuck
demons are for fucking

tracer is quite obviously a lesbian dude have you seen her hair and nails. what are you 5? get over it.

i have a twunk demon oc for that specific purpose

thread already over before it started

Nails? What? Lesbians have a certain kind of nail?

good lord you're straight
yes dude
lesbians definitely have their own style of nails

like they literally have specific nailstyles in the same vein old-style gays had a hankie code

Some have nails on 3 of there fingers. So that they would not hurt there partner when they have sex.

Literally nobody serves a purpose. You could argue that straight people are here to procreate and that the ultimate goal of humans as a species is to procreate and keep the species alive but the truth is that we're all useless and we'll all die. Not even all straight people can or want to reproduce. Our existence on this planet is a coincidence, and you see a bunch of species going extinct because their bodies evolved to be fucked up. Might as well enjoy life doing things like playing video games or having gay sex or eating junk food.

>You could argue that straight people are here to procreate and that the ultimate goal of humans as a species is to procreate and keep the species alive
I would argue that, and its actually an unbeatable argument. Sorry faggots.

Why not have zero gay characters but ALSO have everyone be constantly virtue signaling about how they support homos? This should be good enough to upset everyone.

except homosexuality occurs in nature and was mostly caused as a way to keep populations in check while also being able to raise the children of adults who died
don't play the nature angle, you dumb fuck, especially when it means nothing

but the nature argument is fucking retarded because animals do all sorts of fucked up shit
you can't cherrypick what you want to support your argument and what doesn't

>and was mostly caused as a way to keep populations in check while also being able to raise the children of adults who died
wow that sounds like it was definitely proven by real scientists and not just a buzzfeed argument

It's not a goal, it's just an incidence. It lietrally just happens, the way eating, sleeping or shitting happens. It's just something the human body can do.

The funny thing is that as a species we're fucking up the ecosystem and the planet and we'll die out sooner than expected, so it's not working out very well isn't it.

That's exactly my argument though. Gay people happen to exist, just like straight or bisexual people, they're just there. There's no deeper meaning or purpose to it.

You're comparing abnormal behavior that's been observed with the entire concept of self preservation as a whole. Really pathetic.

it literally was and if you gave two shits about being correct you'd already know that
it's been a theory in academy forever dude

but they explicitly overlap, i just fucking explained, retard
gay people are there to ensure the children of deceased adults make it to adulthood so they can reproduce

>The funny thing is that as a species we're fucking up the ecosystem and the planet and we'll die out sooner than expected, so it's not working out very well isn't it.
I love the fantasy world faggots live in

You literally said "I can disregard the entire concept of self preservations because some animals have buttsex" the delusion you have to surround yourself in is sad

>gay people are there to ensure the children of deceased adults make it to adulthood so they can reproduce
The children of samesex parents are OBJECTIVELY proven to have substantially higher rates of mental illness and to have suffered abuse. Faggots are objectively bad parents.

lmao i literally said the opposite but i'm sorry you can't fucking read or critically think
it in no way interferes with humanity's need to reproduce
we're SPECIFICALLY THERE to take over as parents for dead people
how are you this fucking dumb

oh christ you think lesbian stats apply to gay men. don't ever fucking speak to me again

>implying having children has anything to do with SELF preservation
You do know what it's like being a pregnant woman or the normal or common negative consequences of giving birth? That's the exact opposite of self-preservation, and one of the two consequences of having sex for an straight couple is to have children. Which you guys are arguing is the entire point of human beings, which means that gay people aren't normal (and not in a good way).

>don't ever fucking speak to me again
I won't you disgusting child raping faggot

Fun fact Flynn Ryders voice actor is also arcades voice actor, and he did reprise his role in KH3

like lemme spell this out
gay people are there so the straight kids of dead straight parents can still be raised to adulthood and then reproduce instead of those kids dying and not ensuring the survival of the species
do you understand or are you a fucking retard

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My favorite response to liberal normiefags asking "why are there no gay/black/trans/whatever characters?"

>Why does there need to be?

They can never explain why "diversity" (which basically just means less straight white people) is good. I mean I don't give a fuck if a game has nothing but green people with three fucking eyes as long as it's a good game. Same with movies.

>implying a barafag wants to fuck kids
oh so you literally have aids and you're mad at gay people about it, got it
get fucked, bugchaser

>My favorite response to liberal normiefags asking "why are there no gay/black/trans/whatever characters?"
>>Why does there need to be?
they'll all immediately cry about representation

>appeal to nature argument

Know what else exists in nature? Rape, murder, and cannibalism.

not canon

only reason i pulled the appeal to nature argument is because y'all did first
i even explained that i hate the appeal to nature argument and only did so because the person i was arguing with did first
sorry you're a retard too

official source for your claims?

cdc did a study but he's got it wrong
lesbians have the highest rates of fucked up shit
straights are second place
gay men are actually in last place
gay male homes are unsurprisingly the best place for children to be raised

Sorry, guess I should've quoted the rest of the dumbasses that tried to use the argument at all. Point still stands though.

>Everyone is gay
>Everyone has AIDS
Yep, no problem here. Solves itself, really.

you have aids and you're not gay
so what the fuck are you talking about

any better arguments rather than screaming aids, retard?

So then you take it further.

>Why do you need representation? Does every single race/gender/sexual orientation need to be represented or just yours? Why or why not? It's a video game. If you don't like it, don't play it. But don't bash the developers for not being "inclusive" enough.

Yea Forums is full of discord trannies and redditors now.

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thanks then
like i have plenty of arguments for 'HURRR UNNATURAL' but the argument itself benefits neither side because animals are not people and do all sorts of fucked up shit
still gonna argue to death about gays being an evolutionary result to raise kids from dead parents though

somebody post the "discord tranny" webm

arcade is 23rd century reddit

It's okay to be gay if the person is white and/or asian.

Reddit has been here for years

>Why do you need representation?
because they don't have any
>Does every single race/gender/sexual orientation need to be represented or just yours?
unless we're in a specific setting that dictates those kind of characters wouldn't be there? (like, 'WAAAH WHY ARE THERE NO BLACK PEOPLE IN THE WITCHER 3 WHICH IS 1600'S POLAND') it's not hard. i won't argue in an adult videogame it's at all necessary, but a kid's show it would be. they serve different purposes. personally, i like having more options in rpgs and the like to date a male character and a dev is more likely to win my money if they include that sort of thing
-- but, only if they do a good job
my point is, it's not particularly difficult to make people feel included, but it's also not the creators' responsibility to do so (unless the explicit intent is to teach good morals)

>(unless the explicit intent is to teach good morals)
that was referring to kids shows and kid shows only by the way

>but it's also not the creators' responsibility to do so
It is if they're working for a major western publisher. Inclusivity is a huge part of marketing for AAA games today. It works as planned, and usually generates a negative response that results in even more attention. Games are going to look more and more like Overwatch until we start to look back at Overwatch as not inclusive enough.


You heard and understood and agreed but can't let the masqueerade falter, so you must seethe.

Not exactly what I want=bad writing, grow up.

i'm talking in terms of what a writer and creator's responsibility is as creative people, not what corporate is dictating for them to win woke brownie points
look, as a gay man, i don't like forced diversity either. it misses the point of having good characters and sucks as representation too. i want great, well-written new protagonists who HAPPEN to be gay, instead of them being gay as a selling point or plot point. example: give me someone like nero from devil may cry, the only thing that changes is kyrie is a dude named kyle. or something.
my point is, him being gay is secondary to the rest of his character. just like how me being gay is only a very small part of who i am as a person

i legitimately didn't understand your broken english, you retard fuck


Best gay character is pic related desu.

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Are there any examples of a sexual gay character that you would be okay with? There are a lot of very sexual straight characters I like, what would a sexual gay character need in order to be good representation?

>OMG user get on the gey level you worthless straight, why don't you have esoteric knowledge of a community you have no real reason to be a part of?

holy shit are there gays in the witcher?

then why comment in the first place as if you know a goddamn thing
quit being butthurt

You can't finger a pussy with long fingernails, that isn't esoteric knowledge.

steve cortez. ssssssorta. he still sucks, lemme explain
imho he was a bad character because he had no motivations outside of MUH DEAD SPOUSE
but if you flip it and make it about MUH DEAD WIFE instead of MUH DEAD HUSBAND, it's literally the same goddamn thing
at the very least, thought, his sexuality wasn't a huge focus, it was the endless bitching about his dead husband which made him unbearable to deal with
give me steve cortez again, but give him actual motivations and a personality outside of being a grieving widow

Redpill me on the Discord trannies thing

that too
also it's not exactly a difficult concept that gay women dress differently than straight ones

Tracer looks like a beautiful straight girl.

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New Vegas

straight girls have better co-ordination

like two or three people in all of new vegas are gay, retard

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Just one.

>I have never played New Vegas
Figures, no wonder people like it so much, they've never played that piece of shit.


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i prefer big demons

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Mods, you really need to just start banning some of these bait posters.

wow i actually teared up a bit
surprised based poles handled homosexuality so delicately and respectfully

what gay characters are there outside 3 of your companions, and 1 dlc companions, and whores
come on, fuckboy, it's been 5 years since i last played but i know you're wrong

Ganon may be a faggot, but he is also a great character

if your threat gayness as a character trait it feels forced and stupid

christ are you fucking triggered
how about killing yourself

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If I see someone wearing leather I don't assume they ride a motorbike, I see a human. It's not my responsibility to be aware of and accept all fashion trends, and wtf do you consider long nails.

That shit is just marketing.
And I hate shitty marketing like that so?

aw well here's my guy
he was supposed to be evil and cause misery and despair
but it turns out that humans make really good wine so that takes priority

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It was pretty neat seeing Gannon confirming himself as a faggot after listening to him snark and speak in that Valley-esque uptalk or whatever the fuck. Must be depressing though to be one of the Enclave Remnants and realize one of the progenitors of the real America is an anarcho-commie faggot.

do you really need an idea of how long is "too long" for nails that are going to be entering a vagina
like, really dude

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arcade isn't a commie, he's just nice
him freely and generously sharing with others doesn't mean he wants an economy based strictly off of that

OK, I stand corrected, he's just a people-person type of anarchist then?

he holds the followers of the apocalypse's views very close to heart
which basically boils down to "hey the wasteland is a fucking horrible place to be, let's help people whenever we can, whoever they are"

Major Knight
Manny Vargas
Arcade Gannon
Ignacio Rivas (possible)
Old Ben
Male Prostitutes
Dr Alex Richards
Red Lucy
Corporal Betsy

how is that 1/3rd of the cast, retard?

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not him
but how can an organization like this still exist?

also bisexuals aren't GAY you fucking dropped retard

how do you identify that many people as gay
ive played the game like 5 times and I didnt know that

Good, only focus on the joke part of that.
people are fundamentally good, or so they think
turns out they're not ENTIRELY wrong


Good to hear, honestly I skipped through the dialogue because I read faster than I could listen.

The Followers have some complicated history but the general gist is that big groups like the NCR and mercenaries, like the ones at the Fort, could provide the protection necessary to continue existing. Plus I imagine there's grassroots support from the people they've supported.

you're probably not getting too many serious replies outside of "lol i am le epbic hate f-faggots, they're living rent free in my mind they need to die" so here's the rundown

>"If you don't like it? Go make your own games."
>This demographic proceeds to enter the video game industry, where they can make the games they want to see

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Based. Fuck sickos

yeah this is why everyone says arcade is a based gay dude
he's a great example of character first, sexuality second

Counting bisexuals as well (which are basically faggots) that's well more than 1% of characters in New Vegas (and half of all companions). Hence the amount of gay characters are exaggerated in proportion to real life
Yes they are.
They all have favourable dialogue towards Confirmed Bachelor or Cherchez le Femme or have notes or dialogue hinting at faggotry.

>Counting bisexuals as well (which are basically faggots) that's well more than 1% of characters in New Vegas (and half of all companions). Hence the amount of gay characters are exaggerated in proportion to real life
nigga, the argument was 1/3. shut the fuck up

also we established it wasn't 1% you fucking dropped-as-a-child spic

>bisexuals are the same as gay people
>1% of the population is lgbt
>1/3 of games these days force lgbt shit
Take the L already.

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I will never get over the disappointment I felt when I found out Veronica was a lesbian. I'm glad she's happy though, I hope she enjoyed her pretty dress, she seemed to like it I hope the three abraxo cleaner I gave her will be enough to wash out the white glove blood

Except we are, we can have kids and we arent mentally ill

Why does no one ever talk about Veronica

>I'm glad she's happy though
she isn't
you know what happened to her gf, right?

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if you didn't kill her when you met her you have irredeemably trash taste


They make people blatant stereotypes which is even worse than the most ardent "Racists" and "X-phobes". It is getting so bad that people of those groups who are these left wing "pets" would be willing to hang around them than the left wing themselves. They would rather deal with those who honestly hate their guts than one who simply uses them for egotism.

I'm not the same person retard.
I don't care what lies you "established" you worthless piece of shit. 1% of the population is gay, whatever delusional shitfest you had earlier in the thread is your own problem.
You haven't actually provided a counter-point. Bisexuals are gay, expressing interest in the same gender is faggotry.

bad taste
at least veronica is likeable
if you had said zevran, i'd have agreed

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Stop trying to fit in, underage.

Counting bisexuals and the people who stealth, LGBT are probably 10% of the population

hurrf durrf faggots get off my vidya

>at least veronica is likeable
its felicia day the video game character, literally and figuratively

>1% of the population is gay, whatever delusional shitfest you had earlier in the thread is your own problem.
that's not how statistics work but okay retard
>Bisexuals are gay
they like both instead of one
i'm sorry you're too fucking stupid to understand that one is different than two

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10% yet 50% etc etc

no that's the bitch from dragon age 2 dlc

>Gays characters in games that are used for actual story
>Literally nobody care

>Gay characters for pandering to gays
>People get pissed

Nothing wrong there

no it's literally just 10%
altogether lgbts are 10% of the total pop

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Shut up shut up shut up shut up
yes :(


dead money was easily the most upsetting dlc

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I understand hating felicia day, but not Veronica. I enjoyed watching my platonic waifu dive fist first into battle

this. we don't want gay characters. we don't want trannies. we don't want "woke" shit. i won't pretend to approve of any of it.


who "we", kemosabe?

Veronica is written like a Joss Whedon character will all the stupid jokes

Dive into the grave, she gets her damn head blown off every time.

Fuck off and die of GRIDS faggot

did you even like NV

>that's not how statistics work but okay retard
Ah right, statistics instead work by randomly changing with no justification what so ever other than suiting your agenda.
>they like both instead of one
Not really, no. Bisexuals are all faggots and only say they're "bi" under the guise of not appearing to be complete degenerates. It's the equivalent of eating faeces out of a toilet and saying you're not a faeces eater because you eat actual food occasionally.

except when litcherally 1 character is gay in a videogame it is already said. Also most portray the earth we live on so it is possible for 3 gays from the 1% to stand besides each other

Positively traumatic. Great fun though, once you get used to it


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then make the games without them lol
as it turns out, the entire games industry doesn't pander to you

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christ what a fucking retard

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Almost like there's absolutely no reason to go into any characters sexuality unless it's pertinent to the plot in some way eh?
I get it, you're mad because the default assumption is everyone is straight. Which is the correct assumption, because that's how the world and humanity works as a species. That shit ain't ever gonna change. Do we go around finding out the cunt you walked past in the street is gay? No, because it's not pertinent to our fucking lives. It's no different with games, any and all attempts to shoehorn shit in to make people think otherwise will a) not work and b) just make people dislike your product

Kaine being a hermaphrodite was pertinent to the plot and characters, so nobody cared that it was brought up.
Poison being a big old shemale is something that was never confirmed, yet people don't care if she is or isn't when you talk about it, she's still poison and they like her.

These kinds of characters do more for fucking "representation" and other peoples acceptance than garbage forced shit for no pertinent reason ever will lad

Exactly this. We got into the games industry (we were already there Tbh) and started making games for us.

It is if said black character would appear in Witcher 3 or Kingdom Come. Does the race or sexuality add to the world or is it there as a mere token? I wouldn't expect a Black Panther Wakanda bamham video game filled with white characters either and if there was a white character I'd expect an interesting explanation. Pushing for political statement especially when it doesn't make any sense is dishonest and just shows how much of a failure you as a decent human being are.



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Just kill yourself faggot.

>you aren't mentally ill
fucking lol

you aren't everyone
you're poor and don't even contribute that much to the industry

He was bisexual, moron.

Why can't Veronica just go and hang out with her at the Sierra Madre?

less mentally ill than you, depressed doomer faggot

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>The dev doesn’t need a reason or a justification beyond “because I fucking feel like it”
But that's not the justification or reason they have when shoehorning.
Do you understand the difference between creating an original and well written character vs creating what you need specifically to meet a quota?
Do you think when making bayonetta they went okay, we need some blacks, lets make her vendor a black guy right? That'll help.
No, they made a character that was interesting that was meant to be that way from the ground up. They didn't make it a nog for any outside reason or influence. Learn the difference my dude

>after the fact
It's your fault for assuming this is the case when there's no reason to assume the character wasn't gay/black/whatever all along. You're operating on the assumption that every character starts out as a straight white man and devs just change those things when that isn't true at all

>aim game at sub-2% of the population
>why doesn't it sell baaaaaaaw

>started making games for us
then you don't belong here because jesus christ on a bike you apparently have shit taste and no standards of quality m8s

>demographic makes games they want to see
very much not the case, unless you're gonna seriously try to tell us that all these established devs and aaa releases are totally not made by an overwhelming majority of straight employees.

Not better but well done I'd say. You can miss it and it's only there to flesh out his survival mindset and losing of humanity.

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This. Video games are art, not products. No company is ever required to pander to gays.

How much delusion do you have to build up before you genuinely believe this shit? It's maybe like 3% at a push buddy, you need to relax

They're probably not. Games are very gay. Also, the game dev teams are also not overwhelmingly straight white men like you assume either. They're making the games they want, and there is an audience for it. Don't get upset that you're not the audience for once

It's 10%
3% is exclusively homosexual self-reporting, meaning they're already out, but there are probably way more bisexuals who don't come out because they'll just stay in hetero relationships. Also, the ratio ramps way up once you enter big cities because gays do well in the city. Something like 14% of men in my neighborhood are gay

>You're operating on the assumption that every character starts out as a straight white man and devs just change those things when that isn't true at all
Nobody said that you retard. All good characters start out as exactly what they end up as, because they were created by the person from the ground level up, to be an actual character and consistent.
Shit inclusivity characters are written not from the ground up, they're written backwards to adhere to a checklist they need to meet for their social points quota.
You are literally too dumb to understand the difference between a character and a mouthpiece user

>short hair, tomboy attitude, wears fucking crocs
she was a lesbo from the start
76, yeah he was probably a retcon after Metzen left

>Also, the game dev teams are also not overwhelmingly straight white men like you assume either.
You're the stupidest cunt lol. The entire world is overwhelmingly straight. If you want to convince yourself that this specific industry is magically unlike the rest of the planet, you go right ahead retard, but don't try and sell your idiocy to the rest of us.

>They're making the games they want, and there is an audience for it.
Literally not how the industry works when you're employed by an aaa studio, at all. They're making what they're told to make by corporate.
As for audience for it, lol. Sure, that's why badly written gay games still bomb comparatively and we get large scale defense campaigns blaming any number of made up reasons for the failure every time :^)

I think he was referring to how they make up for 50% of all pedophile/sexual assault cases

it's been 10% since the early 90's and it's 10% now
give up

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but they don't?
the overwhelming majority is straight people, did you even read the report or are you just making shit up?

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>You are literally too dumb to understand the difference between a character and a mouthpiece user
Because these are subjective judgments, and what I'll call good gay characters you'll call forced and refuse to explain the difference. It's just an arbitrary line in the sand that shifts so much as to be meaningless. I don't think gay characters need justification to be gay. Make them gay because you feel like it. Make them gay for no reason. Because that's how it happens in real life

>why can't Veronica just walk into the death trap poisoned Casino shithole to hang out with her ex-gf that's been literally cut apart and rearranged so many times she's probably not even the same person Veronica fell for?

>that's why badly written gay games still bomb comparatively
Apex Legends got 25 million players in its first week, sweetie. Try again.

Also I'm sure the world is still mostly straight, we're working on fixing that, but it takes time. But game dev teams are not overwhelmingly straight white men. You missed two more identities there

To be honest, my biggest problem with lgbt characters in games (as well as other media like film/tv/especially comics) is that they are always perfect little creatures with no flaws, and any hardships they come across are from the ebil breeders putting them down. Any problems are never thier fault, they are always the ones in the right, etc.

People like flawed characters. Some of my favorite video game characters of all time are Arcade and Gay Tony, and guess what they are both heavily flawed.

I'm fine with gay characters when being gay ISN'T their only character trait.

I can guarantee you like 1 in every 100 players knows that one dude is gay, and even fewer actually give a shit. It's a tiny blurb in an out of game character bio in a game where backstory barely fucking matters to begin with.

The difference being, you inquire about it instead of him stopping you while you're playing and being like " btw, I AM A HOMO SEXUAL NIGGER RETARD "

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Still gay. And mostly non white

then you don't know any irl gays

they're all overbearing, hypersexual freaks

>still gay
and no one cares
>still mostly non-white
makes sense, white people are an international minority

you "inquire" about it because it's one of the few lines of dialog out of a handful that you can have with him

both him and Veronica make gay ass remarks and go "oops think nothing of it haha"

I'm here for more gay villains.
Sounds like you don't know any gays either. Or your gaydar is horrible, which, let's be honest, almost always is

You literally don't know any gay person.

I mean Veronica will tell you straight up (pun not intended) she only dates woman not long after meeting her, but that kind of makes sense once you realize the entire reason she's at the 188 to start with is because she's a clam diver.

>going by that logic nearly all protagonists should be Chinese

>and no one cares
The endless threads here beg to differ

oh, and 2 salty fags jump out of the woodwork

yeah, you are, and nobody likes you

No I'm not.

I honestly wish gay characters in media acted more like arcade Gannon instead of being literal caricatures

You should spread lies on the internet retard.

No one says they're. They do it because they want that sweet pink money.
>In 2016, Witeck's analysis determined that the combined buying power of American LGBT adults was $917 billion in 2015, a 3.7% increase from the previous year. This figure approached the combined buying power of other American minority groups, such as black Americans ($1.2 trillion) and Hispanic Americans ($1.3 trillion), and exceeds that of Asian Americans ($825 billion).

How can one man be so right?

If you think Tracer was designed to be straight you're legit clinically retarded.

you think fucking Yea Forums of all places is a good measure of the playerbase for a Triple A, EA owned Battle Royal game?

It's honestly pretty much this. It's laughable how pathetic these dudes are.

I didn’t know or care I just wanted to play my fucking shooty shooty nuclear cowboy game

Right wingers don't make video games, because they are fucking dumb and unable to create anything worthwhile except, when its something edgy.

>If you have confirmed bachelor perk he states the below as well.
The joke is that confirmed bachelor is the "gay" perk

2 of those senarios never happened in these past 6 years, but what did happen was:

>character is made gay out of the blue through the dev team twitter, outside the game

>character is made gay to avoid criticism of the game design

>character is poorly written gay

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Earthworm Jim, bitch.

Do we have to socially chastise fags again for homosexuals to be less blatantly written in media?

and? thats it?

arcade works well in fallout new vegas because the game is attempting to build a believable world and for that to be believable it needs to be populated by all manners of individual. it needs to be diverse because people are diverse.

>Yea Forums is suddenly full of experts on gay men
What happened?

this. Inclusiveness was a mistake.

you don't see straight men dress in a suit made of dildos in a parade that celebrates the fact that he likes dicks in his ass, freak.

gays are on the way up, guys, we've got a republican president who doesn't even hate fags as much as you wish he did

It'd be less of a problem if they'd just act like normal people instead of making a big deal out of their glorified fetish.

Post more of this twunk

Well too bad. You're just going to have to deal with it. Nothing else too do besides whine about it on the internet.

sounds like you're repressing something user.

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Yea Forums has always been gay


Sell him to Caesar so they can run a train on him.