Oh hi user, wanna play?

Oh hi user, wanna play?

Attached: 1553442476124.jpg (900x1089, 473K)

Other urls found in this thread:


burn in hell degenerate

Oh look, it's discord """""raiding"""" again


What are we going to play?

>city backdrop
>two people in jeans in front
Is this just a DMC poster on screen?


Attached: ugh.jpg (457x650, 151K)

I thought I was just seeing things

>dasagi clone

Attached: 919.png (501x445, 205K)

>marimo clone

Attached: 1533090267512.jpg (612x612, 149K)

Nice thread OP!

Attached: 1553256644007.png (128x128, 9K)

fuck off

Sure, I'm straight btw

Attached: Degeneracy Intensifies.gif (382x408, 149K)

moki's art is nothing like dagasi's. if anything, is more apt.

shoot yourselves in the fucking neck

t. closeted furry

*curbstomps it into a thin brown paste*

I brought some friends along if you don't mind, they're really good at fighting games!

Attached: 550cd07615a14f9056ba3881f7b59db6.jpg (1280x885, 194K)

neck wounds don't kill if immediate medical attention is provided :)

Attached: 1492655247189.gif (300x300, 1.28M)

bullies are for reversal bulling and humilliation in public


oh hey looks its every oob drawing ever represented as one image


you mad because they have a boyfriend and you don't???

Attached: 1545983322182.png (474x373, 119K)

Attached: 1501367398470.png (2200x2832, 1.57M)

>not liking oob little bulges

do it in isolation

Attached: 67c9d8da531fa5f4e38dfabdaf909c28.png (590x760, 104K)

Cute balls

>in the end, furries become Yea Forums saviors
really makes you think

Attached: my_favorite_picture.jpg (960x1280, 115K)


Holy shit. He really can't draw.

But I like company

Attached: 1435520154072.jpg (600x900, 184K)

wtf is this

is discord so something something trannies

theres LITERALLY nothing wrong with being a furry
its 2019 for gods sake >:^(


this but unironically


why the oob hate? i like him

>page 3
What's wrong OP? Afraid of the Jannies?

Attached: spongrbob game cartrigde.jpg (250x169, 8K)