this guy sucks
This guy sucks
>people had a hard time with this
idk, it is one of those things I don't understand, like the blood starved beast. it aint hard...
...until you fight rom in the chalice dungeons, THEN that fight is an absolute nigger because there's nowhere to maneuver
He's not even hard, just sprint in a big circle when he starts the orbital bombardment and get some good DPS in. Use the tonitrus or bolt paper if you're really struggling.
It’s a she
I only played through bloodborne once but I killed that spider dude first try. Used the pimp whip, just run around so the little guys group up then wack him
Nah, its babies do
Its the little ones
plus I'm trying to use boomhammer or amygdalas arm so I feel like I am at a disadvantage.
Blood-starved Beast was fucking obnoxious, Rom is just a matter of knowing how to fight it. Instead of rushing in and dodging like its Ninja Gaiden you're better off playing slowly and either killing all the little spiders or taking your time getting in between them to poke Rom.
Also FUCK defiled dungeons, the very definition of artificial difficulty, only difficult because every single boss can and will one-shot you.
>Oh, what's that? You took the time and effort to level your HP?
>lol sorry, we couldn't think of any ways to make this difficult fairly, so you get half HP because fuck you :^)
Fuck defiled chalice dungeons.
I liked Rom, very different from the other fights in the game. It's more about spatial awareness than reflexes. The framing is top-notch too, jumping into a lake then fighting a psychic arachnid monstrosity in a wide open space.
beast is just a matter of literally dodge and poke spam, and saving your blood vials for his last phase when he starts poisoning you, while you still dodge and spam
Of course she does, you're basically hitting the eldritch equivalent of a damn door stopper.
The only tough part is Amygdala really.
Fighting a dream spider in the infinite void, deep man
Yep, BB has a good handful of shit bosses
>Celestial Emissary
>The One Reborn
>Mergo's Wet Nurse
>Moon Presence
>Living Failures
>Witch of Hemwick
All garbage fights, particularly Witch and Emissary
Luckily the good fights are really fucking good
>Celestial Emissary
Fun to test out the Shaman Bone
How in the fuck is Amygdala hard? Run between the legs, smack the tail, start charging R2 when she jumps, lock on the head when she lands, then, after hitting the head, run between the legs again.
It's that most of the time you're doing dick all damage
Yeah, I'm terrible at games and amygdala was not even remotely an issue. The cursed one or w/e in chalice was a different story since I would die in literally 1 hit
Rom is a harder boss than Lady Butterfly in Sekiro is
Defiled amygdala is annoying as fuck dude
>Not the mystery niggas
Not only are they out of place but fuckers can one shot you with that serpent orochimaru bullshit. Multiple boss enemies at the same time is DaS2's shitty trademark.
Nah, it's not bad. Once you get that pattern started, it's pretty easy to keep going.
For rom: Use the Threaded Cane, don't bother with the spiders, and just run in a circle like user suggests and hit R2. You will get a goot hit, plus maybe one or two spiders.
For BSB: Just dodge man. Pretty easy, again, like user says. Use fire paper if you like, plus, anything with a good reach will be usefull since the boss tends to flail far away with it's attacks.
Literally easiest boss to parry.
sucks what? haha
Kinda weird for me. Really struggled with the first Rom, but the one in the chalice dungeons went down on my very first try. Must've learned too well from getting shit on by the first
Why does the entire game look like it's textured from damp cave walls? I hate it.
I disagree. Taking out the spiders is time consuming and is a pain in the later stages with his magic. Best to yolo and get him down. The faster you can make the fight for yourself, the easier it is to retry over and over.
beasts all over the shop...
This guy gets it
memes all ober da shoop
>artificial difficulty,
I will never not be surprised with how retarded anons of Yea Forums are.
BSB can be parried. Rom just needs patience. Abhorrent beast is a fucking nightmare especially in FRC dungeons.
Actually he used it properly, bosses having fast one shots is a form of artificial difficulty since it raises difficulty by just increasing damage numbers and nothing else.
Lol, it's even easier in the dungeons since you have the pillars for the homing missile magic.
please do not pick on the spider
I found him fun. I had trouble with the Bloodletting Beast and Loran Darkbeast. I have trouble with fighting bosses AND the camera at the same time.
I get it done, but I pretty much always struggle.
All the difficulty in video games is artificial (at least when it comes to single player) just like everything else - there is quite literally nothing natural. Furthermore, bloating numbers to make game harder may be a stupid idea for a number of games. but it's quite fine for a game with active dodging.
>multi-enemy bosses is DaS2's trademark
Despite Dark Souls 1 being the first to introduce multi-enemy boss fights? Or we just gonna overlook the signature duo Ornstein and Smough?
You suck