DMC5 vs Sekiro

>Difficulty: Medium
>Graphics: Beautiful
>Gameplay: Spammy but Serviceable
>Replayability: None past DLC and NG+
>Hours: 200 Hours at most
7/10 "A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory."

>Difficulty: Easy
>Graphics: Orgasmic
>Gameplay: Perfection
>Replayability: Infinite
>Hours: Infinite
11/10 "The hours of folly are measur’d by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure."

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sekiro looks way better than DMC5 and the gameplay is much better. DMC5 also has shit for replayability since it only has one ending.

Aight man you can have your opinions and they're both good games, but saying Sekiro's gameplay is better than DMC5's is objectively false
Actually your whole post is fucking dumb
I was gonna try to be nice but you're actually an idiot if you believe any of that

>Video game only has one movie ending, 2/10 no replayability
Here's the thread for you, niggerfaggot

Fuck off dmcuck.

They're not even remotely similar. What the fuck are you doing with your life, idiot?

DMC has one playthrough for story, Rank run and then just grind
Sekiro has 4 endings to go through, speed runs, challenge bullshit runs for crazy people.
Pretty sure Sekiro has has more replayablity

>replayability in an action game is determined by its story routes
user I know you're not actually this stupid, come on.

DMC5 is only really easy at Human/DH, while it's not OMG SO DIFFICULT beyond that, it's easily harder than the previous modes.

There's another ending in DMC5 by beating Urizen early.

Sekiro is better. If we're talking about moveset depth, Then DMC5 obviously wins but combat is more important and a game with weak enemies might as well have squandered that depth.

I think gameplay is a forgotten element in the medium nowadays. Look at this guy even, talking about retarded ingame challenges and shit.
Like nigger, play the fucking game.

It is far better, just look at the bosses. DMC5 bosses are fucking garbage and so are the normal enemies, it's the opposite in Sekiro.

There's no reason to "replay" DMC5 when you can choose your favorite mission or whatever. Almost everyone has already dropped the game since there's nothing to it. People will be playing Sekiro for longer than 2 weeks because there is more to it.

It's not an ending it's just a way to play at a higher difficulty. They really dropped the ball not giving that a cutscene or anything.

>Moving goalposts

Sekiro definitely has better environments in my opinion, as well as level design. But that's expected for a Fromsoft game. What DMC5 excels at is smooth as fuck fun expressive combat. Sekiro is more difficult at a baseline, but I beat it and still haven't managed to beat most of DMC5's Hell and Hell. I will also revisit DMC5 a lot more than Sekiro, especially once Bloody Palace comes out.

>Playing a whole game to see a different cutscene=good replayability

Are dmcuck shills finally losing it and damage controlling?
holy fuck

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>sekiro spammy compared to a fucking DMC game
"character action games" are the epitome of spammy button mashers.

>hack and slash game
lmao the absolute state of redditors

>game gets harder
>different encounters
>different bosses

DMC5 on the other hand is the exact same.

This. Sekiro forces you to pay attention and think, DMC5 is just a button mashing simulator.

Hey faggot the next time you post in a thread, could you check and see if you've played the games being discussed first? It's too late for this thread, but for the sake of future threads you should really consider it.

DMC5 gets different encounters of enemies of and new enemy moves. At least shitpost correctly. I'm embarassed being next to retards when I criticize DMC5.

You autists can't even discuss, you start your damage control immediately.

The changes in DMD aren't even worth mentioning and more importantly you aren't getting different bosses.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 Screenshot 2019.03.12 - (1920x1080, 728K)

Hey retard keep coping lmao

>Moving goalposts again

I haven't.

they are different games now fuck off

Not only are you retarded but your wrong as DMC5 has a secret ending.

Anyone know where to find the black blade?

People that like DMC should really try out SSX, it has more in common with that series than Sekiro.

>Literally says that nothing changes
>Gets told what changes
>Oh, They're not worth mentioning
Fuck off. You're making me want to defend a shit game.

how about you post a picture of your score screen to show us how much you've played

Not an argument.

>implying your OP post wasn't just as dumb and blatant bait
kys. you are the cancer that is killing Yea Forums

That's an argument. You literally moved goalposts since you got caught lying.

What secret ending, the epilogue?

Because they aren't worth mentioning, you tard.

That's still moving goalposts. Stop lying like a retard and I'll stop defending it.

>arguing over which game is better
>not playing both of them because they’re both two of the best games released this year, and it’s likely not much will come out that challenges their level of quality
Unless you’re poor or 12 years old just get both games.

Keep crying, you got btfo.

i think you are correct. video game doesn't often mean game anymore. people shit on the naughty dog guy for saying they focus on crafting experiences, but hes right. video "gamers" don't want to learn a game's rules and mechanics and figure out how to solve various challenges. they just want to feel like le ebin wahoo pizza man fucking shit up literally effortlessly and without thinking at all and constantly see flashy moves and effects and receive tons of loot that makes sounds when you pick it up and also is flashy so that their dopamine receptors fire like crazy.

Why are you even here?

Because I want to talk about both games with reasonable criticism.

Keep lying. You only keep making yourself look like an idiot.

Yea Forums doesn't play games so no shit

You aren't talkinga bout fuck all you're just defending a shitty game like a fanboy. Fuck off.

Sekiro is a solid 9/10 and im not even done with it. This is coming from someone who played all the souls game on release and got platinum trophy for Bloodborne (all tho that game sucked ass).
Sekiro has the best world design since Darksouls 1 without having any other game even being close in competition.
Not even a fanboy, i just enjoy the games from software puts out.

I am a capcom fanboy tho and as much as i love devil may cry i have to say they really failed with the world they made in 5. Level design is boring as hell with 90% demon shit everywhere. The game is great but at this point very overrated.

Nah fuck off DMC5 did it way better than Sekiro.

I said don't lie. That's all I ask. Stop being a spastic and take your pills. I like Sekiro more and think DMC5 is extremely flawed so all your lying is just getting on my nerves. You don't even have to lie to rip apart DMC5 but you choose to do so.

I wasn't talking about Sekiro. Was just pointing out that he bases a game's replayability on how many cutscenes you can get from finishing the game.

Certainly not level design. The enemy design in both arent that great but if there's anything Sekiro has over DMC5 I'd say level design and story are the only things

Yeah I’d have to agree about DMC5’s level design. I wish we went into another creepy castle/tower instead of meaty demon flesh walls.

I had a lot more fun with DMC5 and have done 10ish playthroughs. I am about half way through Sekiro and I just don't care much for it. I am not stuck it's slow but steady progress but I could play through DMC5 in one sitting and have a blast. Sekiro feels like a chore and lacks depth.

Hmmmm I wonder who could possibly be behind this thread

>Samefagging to defend devil may shit 5


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>Difficulty: Medium
Play first, then write, faggot.

I just don't care about the entire aesthetic of Sekiro. I am no weaboo.

Calm down, kid.

That's not what I base replayability on but it's definitely a part of it. A tangible reason to replay a game = replayability. Whether the narrative or the gameplay changes in a meaningful way. Sekiro has that, DMC does not.

DMC5 fanboys just sit in the void attacking punching bags and after 5 hours when they get a combo down they will make a webm(at best). It's kind of pathetic.

you don't have to be a weaboo. lots of us who typically find these settings boring actually are finding it really fin.

>ifunny tier spongebob image
Holy fuck you need to go back

Vergil will like Sekiro for sure

It's medium once you know how to deflects enemy moves and seen all their moves to react. Late game bosses sorta feel like a joke with the Mikiri Counter, deflecting and jumping on them. Stealth is also extremely good. AI doesn't have anything change after they see you try to kill. You can just run away and resets situations. Some enemies also don't have ranged moves or can't chase you on buildings.

>you don't have to be a weaboo
yes you do.

but DMC5 is more weeb than sekiro is.


ITT: user falseflags repeatedly in an attempt to pit two fanbases against each other

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>Calm down, kid
Get better material if you have no argument.

>yes you do.
no you don't.

Actual rating

8/10(at best, 7/10 if you cared about the lore)

Image is Unironically more interesting to examine then this thread right now. Hope Barry and other warring retards hang themselves within the week

Nioh is better than both.

unbased and bluepilled

Devil May Cry literally has more in common with Tony Hawk than Sekiro.

Ya I played it and its medium. A Hard game would be something like IWBTB.

The Onimusha reboot on RE engine will be better then all

Screen cap this

>Best world design
>Litteral hallways on par with FF13
Ok champ.

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because they both have a combo system? sekiro and dmc5 are apples and oranges dmc easily has more in common with it than a sports game.


>Gameplay: Perfection
>Replayability: Infinite
>Hours: Infinite
The irony being that most people have already dropped this game completely and it has about as much viewers as DaS2 and only a few thousand more players in the last 24 hours. Dead and forgotten game that can barely stand up to From's most controversial title.

I bet in 3 weeks Sekiro is going to be blow that as well.
Guarantee it.

>muh dmc5 vs sekiro bait threads
both are fun and different enough, just play them all

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I guess we'll see, since it's RPG elements are really lacking and it's not very long.

Outside of comparing two completely different games like a retard, since when do normalfags opinions on games(twitch viewers and player counts) have any effect on how good a game is? The top viewed/played games are almost all casual garbage, so unless your a normalfag yourself, twitch viewers and popularity shouldn't determine a games quality.

Why are we comparing these two amazing games as some dick-showing competition, they're both fantastic? I prefer DMC5 a little more, but I really liked both, and this bait is pathetic.

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>dmc5 story is bad meme

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>Outside of comparing two completely different games like a retard
Guess what this entire thread is?

A bait thread filled with falseflagging retards?

>the immersive lore meme
Might as well read the DMC books if you give a shit about it

Vergil's motivation and Nero's character progression was pretty bad. Vergil litetally gains abandonment issues and his primary motivation is beating Dante because he got destroyed while being controlled by Mundus. They always had rivalry but that's pretty weak compared to his motivation in 3. I'm still not happy that Dante handwaved all the shit Vergil did just because Nero beat Vergil.

>go kill these demons as (insert character) to get (item)
wow crazy deep story

I've finished both and I can say that I think DMC5 is much better. Sekiro just has too many mechanical flaws in it's design (stealth, how the parry works, unrewarding exploration, etc...) to even be good.
Rad as fuck final boss and some cool looking environments latter in the game, I will give it that.

DMC5's story was literally an 11 year wait that gave us a bunch of answers we already knew and a few reveals that no one gives a shit about. DMC2's story felt more competent.

Why do faggots create false fanbase wars

I play and enjoy both games. Fuck off. They're not even remotely similar and they have 0 basis for comparison

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DMC5 has pretty bad pacing but DMC2 is nothing. Literally DMC1 but a worse game in every way.

Shitposting. That's always the motivation and it's just that both games came out so close to each other.

These fucks have nothing better to do. Not only does it make any positive discussion impossible but it also makes criticizing anything as taken as shitposting, and given that much "critique" is actually just shitposting its hard to blame people

Theyre literally as opposite as 2 action games can get.

thats what happens when one is good and one is bad

shut up nigger faggot

>11/10 "The hours of folly are measur’d by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure."



kill yourself
DMC : SOUL incarnate
Sekiro : Souless souls game

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>Implying Sekiro isn't going to plummet off a cliff




both are flawed but good
fuck you tortanic faggots, trying to stir up shit

>that gay edgy crap

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.25 - (2560x1440, 474K)

>holding a katana during a sunset
wow so deep

Attached: WOOO YEEE.webm (904x514, 2.96M)

Both of 'em

>that simply gay crap

Attached: sekiro 2019-03-21 23-20-58.jpg (2560x1440, 488K)

>those textures on the book
>those souless eyes
>cant tell if those are slabs of butter or bricks on the shelves

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>It has soul because it's a collection of 0's and 1's but it looks like a girl!

Wait that character is a girl?
Didn't know about that. I played through like 20% of the game assuming it's a cute boy....

Sekiro has lower lows but also higher highs. All things considered Sekiro is a better game that will be remembered for years. Whereas DMCV is already starting to get forgotten.

Why is Seriko good.
Literally all I've heard people talk about in regards to it is "It's hard".
Not even baiting I'm thinking about buying it but literally the only thing anyone fucking talks about is the difficulty.

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Sekiro has better textures than DMC5 user.

It's got soul when heart was put into the game.
>high production original IP
>lots of great ideas executed pretty well
>takes a very long time to finish for an action game
>high level of difficulty

Did you play games 15+ years ago?

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.24 - (2560x1440, 791K)

>Vergil gains abandonment issues
this has been a thing for fucking ever, even before DMC3 with the novels.

Attached: _nevan_and_vergil_devil_may_cry_and_devil_may_cry_3_drawn_mackerel_sabanoneko.jpg (850x732, 93K)

Is it always the same fag making this thread? Doesn't even make sense. At least bait with DMC Vs. Bayo

Both games are cool and fun, and also not really comparable. I don't see why these threads are being made every damn day.
Sekiro is great but I think that's backward, user. I haven't seen any Sekiro memes yet.

Attached: 1551896454249.png (1017x527, 1.26M)

Here's your first Sekiro meme then. I'm ashamed of you as a human being though, for implying games need "memes" to be remembered.

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what if I don't like the character design of dmc5? Honestly the girls in that game are butt ugly. So dmc5 is 0 of 10 for me

oh cool, barry got a new bait image, reminder to report these threads as they arent very useful, just starting up flame wars

I like Sekiro.

But I love DMC5

>high level of difficulty
There is only one part of the game that is even remotely challenging and that's the final boss
>pic related is my proofs so the sekirofags don't jump on me going HURR I BET YOU DIDN'T EVEN BEAT BUTTERFLY

Attached: Sekiroachievements.png (1434x859, 137K)

They cant even be compared