We're never getting another game ae we?

We're never getting another game ae we?

Attached: prey.jpg (460x215, 30K)

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>tfw the best bethesda games are the ones they publish, not the ones they make
Wtf bros?

Two flops don’t make a third.

Unfortunately Bethesda had to send it out to die by attaching the Prey name controversy to it

We already have two free DLCs and the game didn't really do that bad. The problem is that Bethesda thought they had a homerun with Fallout 76 and now their lesser franchises are probably going to suffer for its failure.

Prey > Prey

Indisputable fact.

As it should be, "immersive sims" have run their course and this was it's dying, however decent, breath.

What's really puzzling is that Bethesda owns Arkane studios and they didn't put them to work on a Fallout 4 expansion ala New Vegas. It's mind fucking boggling.

System Shock remake, System Shock 3 and Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 are all coming out soon-ish. So no, you're just trying to stir shit up.

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>Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2
>Immersive Sim

Agreed. Preyfags btfo

Devs already refer to it as an immersive sim.

They literally put them to work on Fallout 76 instead

>free dlc
What? Moon crash is like 20 burgers

It's because any Bethesda developed game is a buggy piece of shit with bad writing and combat. They publish some good stuff, though, like Dishonored.

Just the netcode, when the thing was already struggling to be released. They didn't really have much of a hand on that.

Yeah, I don't know why I thought it was free back when it came out. Probably got it on sale or something.

These guys could be helping with starfield rn

I would be dying in shame just by having my brand anywhere near that shitshow but I guess they had no choice

Even id helped out. It doesn't seem like it helped much. Either they all had a hand in it, or they added their names to add legitimacy to that piece of shit.

>ss1 but with more indie-jank and gwafix
i'd like to see it turn out good, but it definitely wont be anything mindblowing
>system shock 3
from the makers of underworld ascendant. bark your head off about the b-team or whatever the fuck. i need to see a lot more raw gameplay before i believe this will be anything but a turd.
literally zero info atm, might as well hope the new TES game will be an immersive sim

>from the makers of underworld ascendant.
Incorrect. I see you have an agenda, might want to keep it to yourself. My guess is the sole mention of "Immersive Sim" irritates you to the point of incoherence.

prey was okay but arkane will never top kicking simulator and arx fatalis

Prey feels like a straight upgrade from Arx's ideas, just in a different setting.

good game, it's all self containted and does not need to be milked

>worse dishonored in space

Not really comparable to Dishonored, they're two very different games.

>dude three enemy types
>pistol and a shotgun xD

Not even worth a (you)

In fact it's the opposite

Man, Arkane just can't catch a break, all of their games except Dishonored, have had great reviews but really shitty financial performances. It's a real shame, they're easily one of my favorite devs nowadays.

>"I didn't play the game and choose to spout a bunch of rhetoric instead of forming my own informed opinion"

Who did you all side with originally? I went with Alex. Flesh and blood over a robot that I may or may not have made


Attached: prey.jpg (1920x1133, 426K)

>trusting fat people
>2011 + 8

Alex too, but then killed him at the end because fuck humanity.

>he carried out his true typhon nature

I literally finished Prey last night for the first time.

7.5/10 I enjoyed it but it felt a too easy and the ending felt very abrupt.

Larger enemies should have been able to mimic themselves. Kinda sucked that only the really small enemies could do it.

Early game was nice because fights were actually difficult but once you get the movement speed upgrades the game is a cinch. Also most of the Typhon Neuromod upgrades were pointless. Shotgun > All.

Sequel would be cool.

>Also most of the Typhon Neuromod upgrades were pointless. Shotgun > All.
I wouldn't know about the typhon powers. I only got the one that let me turn into stuff.
All other points went into regular abilities.
Shotgun maxed out is a beast

Typhon powers are pretty bonkers too. The game really needed to balance that shit, come mid game I could kill a Nightmare no problem with Psychoshock and Super Thermal, late game they were a joke. Also I ended the game with like 40 Psi Hypos that just sat there in my inventory.

I chose the following Typhon powers.

1 rank in Stop Psychic Powers
1 rank in knock out humans (kinda pointless in hindsight since there are only about 10 human enemies in the entire game)
1 rank in mimic to get through small gaps
2 ranks in slow time/increase damage to make fights a laugh.

The rest are useless.