
Ok, why this fucker has a good boss fight?
And... Yakuza thread?

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Playing Kiwani rn, just got the "Last Chance to Save" screen.
I just want to ask, do I get blocked out of anything? Or is this the usual "finish game but not really because you load up the save file before the final boss and ending"?


After the final boss fight, you unlock Premium Adventure.
That's because every final phase at least in 0 and Kiwami, they're long, believe me; I've played both, so I know what you're talking about.

Come on guys, it's a Yakuza thread, don't ignore it.

Yea Forums always do it

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He had a good boss fight to make up for the fact that he did absolutely nothing worthwhile (except shooting some bimbo) throughout the story line.

God damn it Nishiki, you could have just said you didn't want to go bowling.

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I loved the remake for that final boss theme in Kiwami, more than 0's version.

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I got my d*ck on you, kiryu-chan

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Yakuza is a glorified visual novel

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Should I just buy 3 on PS3? i've waited so long for the 3 remake to be announced for western market.


Ok, why Sera in Yakuza 0 is based?

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Yakuza Kimawi 2 when PCbros ;_;

You'll be missing out on a bunch of content and have to deal with a bad translation but it's alright if you just want to play some more games considering nothing was said at the Playstation State of Play.

Why was he willing to kill some random whore but didn't want to just shoot Kiryu-chan?

I thought the same in the first time but...
Kuze & Awano have a sense of honor (well, Awano is more ironic killing a woman for bluff)
Shibusawa is the real bitch in the trio.

What content is missing?

>see this thread down to page 10.

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Well over 20 substories including some series staples like the suicidal guy and his girlfriend, Hostess Maker (The kind that was in 4), hostess club (The kind where you visit the girls in the cabaret and then woo them to go on dates) however the girls are still available to date in Smile Burger for their substories, Answer x Answer (Though this relied on Japanese history and pop culture knowledge and got removed in the PS4 version), mahjong (Including with Haruka) and shogi are removed completely but the areas are still there for their locker keys, various side content was locked to pre-order only instead of just on the disk and is only available through piracy at this point, and there's also some other minor things.
Translation wise you have the carry over of Sunshine for Morning Glory, you have Rex for Mame, you have Fuma for Kazama, you have Kage for The Florist, and some other smaller changes. There might potentially be some censorship regarding Mitsuo and the girl he liked where she tells another girl that she won't date him because she doesn't like black-skinned people while in the localized version she says she doesn't like people who act like him instead.

Thanks for the informative post.
>mahjong (Including with Haruka) and shogi are removed completely
I might just get it so I don't have to play fucking Mahjong.

where my /frenchbodybuilders/ at?

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>That confuse face
Majima is really a demon from the hell

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hes not a demon he's just a sadboi

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>TFW living in Japan and can read Japanese so I can just play the whole goddamn series without having to deal with translations and shit

Ok, I just finished this Kiwami shit so let me get this straight.
Kiryu lost:
Which is basically two close friends, his mentor/father figure, his love interest and what I assume was his best friend
all in what is technically the first game of a series with 6/7 games and this is not counting the way these relantionships were affected by his time spent in jail for a crime he didn't commit, learning the truth of his parents fate and even more shit that would take far too long to explain while coming out somewhere pretty fucking close to the top.
And basically the only good thing to come out of this was Haruka.
Jesus Christ how did he do it? I get he's the Dragon of Dojima but GODDAMN, if I was in his place I would have found a way to off myself right there and then.

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Dumb easy fight. Do Cazer Cabaret beat it and you will have Thug Style maxed out. Beat down any boss with it.

Still Loved the Dojima guys

how come the regular battle themes in 0 suck balls (outside of the two receive you remixes for the secret styles)