He's right, you know

He's right, you know.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>"Yeah, you'd have to be mental to find Sekiro fun!"

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>inb4 people pretend to be obtuse to prove a point not clear to anyone


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So does this faggot hamster like the game or what?

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Yes he does.

Look foward on his 10 hour analysis video where he'll water down a point he could make in 5 minutes and stretch it to the point of being a robotic logorroic nightmare where he just keeps talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one has a chance to interrupt, it's really quite hypnotic.

I miss YTMND.

he's no masterpiece

>souls-like game is now synonymous to action rpg

Will idiots stop comparing this to Soulsborne? It's a different fucking game.

I'll never get over how fucking funny the "it's no masterpiece" shitstorm was.

One youtuber, one fucking youtuber on the face of the planet said "it's ok it's not perfect" and that day Yea Forums lost their shit so hard their kidneys exploded from the sheer rage.
If anyone ever has any doubt that this board is nintendo centric, they should fish in the archives the reaction threads from that video.
They were an absolute goldmine.

So are SotN and Super Metroid.

No it isn't, you dumbass. Diablo 3, TW3, Dragon's Dogma, Monster Hunter, etc. are they action RPGs? No.
Every game in the OP is similar in many ways, I've finished Sekiro twice and it is very similar to every other Souls game.

it's a lot more souls than tenchu contrary to what people who havent played tenchu think

I'm retarded,
>are they Souls-likes?*

He uses a really bad comparison to make his point. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls don't really have what I would consider 'major differences'.

You can't deny that Sekiro is a mold breaker for this kind of self-defined genre by this point and expanded it. So it's hard to call it souls-like. I would consider Nioh to be some of the same, incorporating the Diablo loot but also full on movesets to types of weapons which is something that we're more used to seeing in fighting games.

Sekiro, on the other hand, just turns the combat knob up to 11 and incorporates a system that forces you into dealing with things like a knife is always hanging over you. That aspect has not changed from the souls games, it has just been refined to the nth degree. Even if it means just straight up running away from a battle, it's a decision you have to make in a split second. Even being careful is forced out of you.

In the long-run it'll be called Souls-like or Soulsborne-like as a genre most likely, but it might have to have a better descriptor because a game like Sekiro is a pretty unique experience. Even though you're slightly superhuman, you still feel vulnerable.

quick rundown on this? what video?

this guy is pretentious and retarded, why the fuck should we pay attention to him

Well don't blame Iga, he always said he wanted SOTN to be called "igavania".

>this guy is pretentious and retarded

user, that's basically anyone nowadays who make a living off the internet by sharing their snowflake opinion

I put his videos on to fall asleep. There's no loud music, no loud sharp "bangs", and they're long as shit. The more 3 hour videos he makes, the more gently I'll drift off into dream land.


The infamous "Super Mario Odyssey - It's No Masterpiece".

2 hours of pedantic bullshit that amounts to "i really like this game and had fun with it but here's a bunch of nitpicks that make it a 9/10 instead of a 10/10 in my eyes".
This was in the middle of the period in time when Yea Forums was absolutely FELLATING that fucking game non stop and the simple idea of any critic not considering the game perfect made them nuclear with pure manchild rage.
It was glorious.

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>I put his videos on to fall asleep
Me too, actually, or when i'm playing something else.
If i'm playing a game and need any audio that isn't in-game audio i'll pop in video game "essay" analysis videos like his, or podcasts about wrestling.

I could've never grinded all the chalice dungeons on 5 different characters back in the day without drowning out the monotony with hours and hours of podcasts.

You can find a lot of similarities between tw3, mh and souls game.

Fact is there's not that many similarities between sekiro and most souls game. Except the core fundamental aspect of action rpg game.

If you don't agree then define what a souls like game is.

To be fair, making a 2 hour video nitpicking the living fuck out of every single aspect of the game is pretty autistic.

I no longer have any need to play the Uncharted games because of his videos, i doubt I would had liked them anyway.

UC2 is worth playing once, but actually scratch that, you should just play the PS2 Prince of Persia games and have a similiar, but better overall experience.
Better gameplay too.

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What similarities are there between TW3 and Dark Souls 3? They far less in common than Sekiro and Dark Souls 3.
The entire way levels are designed in a linear but open manner, with shortcuts looping back.
A heavy focus on boss fights.
Identical checkpoint mechanic.
Identical healing mechanic, gourds = flasks.
Identical upgrade mechanic, especially the end game upgrade materials being limited.
Combat requires precise timing in both titles and memorization of enemy movesets, this is especially so with Dark Souls 3 as many enemies will intentionally delay their attacks to throw you off, making it more similar to Sekiro.
Posture = stamina done differently, have to play it safe when you're low on stamina or high on posture to recover.
NPC questlines being cryptic and easy to fail, very easy to miss also.
How are TW3 and DS3 more similar than DS3 and Sekiro, in your eyes?

Yeah, Anderson really just doesnt seem to be capable of determining the sum of a game's parts like any other functional adult human. He just flails his head into the tiniest, most mundane, insignificant minutiae of games so often that he kills his own ability to enjoy and appreciate the entire, overall package.

And then when he tries to critique plot and story beats in games as opposed to more mechanical or gameplay-centric factors, shit gets really fucking unbearable.

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