What is Valve going to do about this
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let it die.
Abandon it
Abandon it
Abandon it plz(from non-tranny player)
Literally nobody wanted it
They should have just scrapped everything immediately after the abysmal reception during it's reveal
this. they did literally fucking nothing after that god-awful reveal to improve their image or even attempt to garner interest.
they'll get that same reaction for everything that isn't half life, and not all of them are going to be as big failures as this
i wanted it
im sad it turned out badly, mechanically its the most fun digital card game ive played
Fucking poorfags too poor to afford a good game.
considering they pretty much just fired the whole artifact team we can safely say that they aren't going to do anything about it
>the abysmal reception during it's reveal
>"hey dotards, we are making a dota TCG!"
WTF were they thinking? What's next, a Dota FPS Battle Royale for the next TI?
Wow this looks sadder than r/f76
>zoomers weren't around when Valva was king
did they? i thought just garfield left
Ugh. Quit reminding me that I bought this shit thinking there was no way the new Valve game wouldn't be the new hotness.
Fucking ouch
t. People who would’ve surrendered to the Nazis during World War II
t. user Goldstein