I'm still mad

I'm still mad

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So is Nomura

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>still having faith in Nomura after KHIII

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Why not. His games are fun.

Stop being melodramatic, it’s cringy

KH3 was kino you pleb

Me too, I can't believe it's been more than 10 years.

Episode Ardyn intro sequence is a direct reference to the first Versus XIII trailer.

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I really wanted to play Versus XIII, it looked like yakuza with magic, I will never cease to be mad at tabata and square enix

This, never had faith in that hack when I found out he directed Advent Children

who bitch dis is

KH3 easily had the worst writing in the series.

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KH3's writing is awful, but you clearly haven't played the others in a long time. It is much better than the other games for all the Disney worlds, and only gets awful again towards the end. And also, the awful writing is what makes the games so good

>a direct reference to the first Versus XIII trailer.
only because Tabata is not directing any of the DLCs

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Heres some old art of Ravus

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they really wanted to make VS13. Fucking Square Enix.

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is that before or after tabata

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Yeah, I'm mad FF went full-retard as well.

fucking hell

The gameplay would have been better no doubt. But what about the story? Dispite being cut up to hell and back XV's plot seems to have a lot of story beats from the Versus XIII trailers.

story seemed like kino. it had a lot to do with near death and that death goddess, I really wish someone leaked the full story or something.

The Final World segment is the absolute best thing in the series, rivaled only by Roxas' final day.

Why did Nomura even get kicked off of Versus? Did he pull a Kojima and spent too much time not completing anything

BBS exists

some of that and square enix being retarded.

>it had a lot to do with near death and that death goddess
Still mad at this. It's obvious that Nomura wants to delve into themes like this but it's impossible to do so in KH (fucking rating). I want a full Nomura game in all of his unhinged glory, for better or for worse.

We don't know much about the original story but theres a lot of stuff that was dropped such as:
>playable insomnia invasion
>the eyes that see the light of waning souls
>all the shit with etro
>Ravus having an actual role in the story
>a shit ton of stuff about sleep (a bunch of the thematics from this are still in the game but mean absolutely nothing)
>mafia/yakuza connection with Regis
That + square's usual incompetence

They wanted KH3 out yesterday and put him in charge of VIIR at the same time

Probably thought he had finished enough on XV for someone else to finish it up like they did with XII, but this turned out to be an even worse disaster than that because while Matsuno had a few people on his team who were competent enough to cobble something coherent together, it seems Nomura was the sole driving force of Versus and nobody else understood the vision

I just feel bad for the guy, he got cucked out of his dream project and had to watch someone else take all his years of brainstorming and plotting and piss it away

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