Ps5 controller leak

DevON c'mon...

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Symbols are discolored.

>Still no Vita dpad


someone post those images of playstation controllers with a fuckton of buttons

why does playstation insist on having symmetrical sticks
this is why xbox keeps kicking their ass

>why does playstation insist on having symmetrical sticks
because it's better
>this is why xbox keeps kicking their ass
why did I reply to this b8

100% no way this is real at all.

They actually planned to change it for the PS4 and making assymetrical sticks because it's the standard, but they figured that the design of the Dualshock was a widely recognised Playstation thing and they kept it for brand power alone

>It's just a PS4 controller mixed with a Xbone controller
Can't wait for diminishing returns.

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I want them to go back to the boomerang.

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this but unironically. you cock sucking faggots have no idea how ergonomical that design was.

who gives a fuck? if you want your controller device looking all fancy and shit go play with a fucking iPhone

looks like shit with zero creativity or innovation, a step back really. as i expected from sony california.

Even if this was real, why the fuck would anyone buy it? It's not better than the current design.

people fell for this one for quite some time if i recall correctly

are they really gonna put the touchpad again? Jesus christ. I hope they at least take out the light bar

>because it's better
Left stick is better up top. Simple ergonomics

>this is why xbox keeps kicking their ass
Is that why Sony is winning the current generation with ease?

Redpill me on asymmetrical analog sticks. Are they honestly better than symmetrical sticks?

Obviously fake, not even Snoy is this retarded.

It's all a matter of opinion and anyone saying otherwise is a fucking retard.

Here is a leak of the Switch's new controller for the strong Switch that will release in 2 months!

Attached: $.jpg (520x462, 37K)

Looks like SNOY didn't have anyone to copy and thought for itself, again.

Attached: boomerang.jpg (480x328, 17K)

It's an easier motion for your thumb to push forward on a higher positioned thumbstick.
Also an easier motion to push sideways on a lower positioned thumbstick.
Just test it yourself. it's more natural to push forward when your thumb is extended. And more natural to rotate when your thumb is bent.

>90% of the time your left thumb needs access to a joystick
>90% of the time your right thumb needs access to face buttons
>twin stick shooters are the only major exception, and playing fps on a console is already retarded
You tell me user.

Would it really be that expensive to manufacture both?

You people are getting desperate reaching real hard for a meme stop it's fucking embarrassing.

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99% of all 3D games involve holding your left stick up to move your character forwards or require some amount of accuracy to control your character 360 degrees. This is much easier and much more comfortable to perform with your thumb in the y axis, straight up on a left stick in the upper position like it rests naturally.

looks kinda like the devkit ps4

holy hell that has got to be one of the shittiest dpads ever created

>im so mad at a company I'm gonna spell their name wrong, that'll show them
yeah it worked so fucking well to own Trump right?

>it's fucking embarrassing
>posts frogs

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Your hitting zoomer levels of bad stop,

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Everyone copied the Sony's Dualshock controller.

actually keeping the touchpad in is fucking stupid. the only game that used the touchpad decently iirc is Tearaway unfolded.

No. Sony controllers are actually designed well.
Xbox controller users still don't understand how to hold the damn controller without giving it a deathgrip, they choke up high on the sides of the 360/bone controller and hold it with their fingers wrapped around them. Any complaint about "your thumbs bump into each other" is definitive proof that they're holding the dualshock too high, and probably proof that they have tiny hands.

A playstation controller's "handles" are not to be gripped with your fingers; you let the ends of the controller's handles rest in your palms, and suddenly your thumb is further down, both in that mystical "upper" position where your thumb is straight and extended for optimal stick actuation, all the while having your thumb's radial movement ideally sweep over the pad and face buttons without needing to shift your hand positions.

Probably not the final design

Attached: ps4-devkit-controller.jpg (620x353, 29K)

zero creativity

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They probably just want to keep the share button. They should do something like the PS2 controller, and put the Share button where the analog button is.

Attached: ps2-controller-black-sony.jpg (500x700, 74K)

Ps controllers are the comfiest of all along with the wiiu one shitty Nintendo screw up with the switch

Second part of your post is completely false


>sony ruined this fucking kino design

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I've had enough anime games use it to pop up quick travel that I'll never let them remove it.

I bet you dont even know where it originates from.

I really want the boomerang controller

no you fucking give yourself carpal tunnel

xbone controller is fucking terrible holy shit
>smooth as FUCK triggers

>the hardest fucking bumpers ever made
>you cant even press them on the inner parts of the bumper
>smallest pause buttons possible
it makes no fucking sense. it would actually be comfy if the dpad was switched

It's the/v/ equivalent of dumpf at this point.

i remember the threads. that early prototype looked perfect.

Because it is

It's like The Thing.

I keep seeing you shitpost about people being esl whenever you are shitposting sony and can't refute points. Fucking pathetic nigger.

A stick can be programmed to act like a dpad for 2d games
A dpad cannot be programmed to act like a stick for 3d games

Calm down ESL

It mostly depends on preference

Here is a non-english word for you to learn: ad hominem

Will Sony ever design good triggers or control sticks? I'm not talking placement I'm talking about length and resistance.

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No hablo espanol, Paco

No idea, the xbox elite controller makes everything else, including the dualshock 4, feel like shit

What is wrong with the sticks' resistance?

Onyx master race.

Playing Bloodborne/Sekiro with this is heavenly.

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You also lack the ability to read English. Dare I say, you must be an ESL.

Do you have a dualshock? Hold it, and move the right thumbstick left and the left thumbstick right. Thats why asymmetrical sticks are better.

>heres your controller bro

Attached: AUAWplw.jpg (400x285, 20K)

>stretched, falling off the edge circle
>concave sticks
>asymmetrical sticks
>Xbox d-pad on the bottom
>Xbox shoulder buttons
Playing any fromshit with that must be hell.

Seriously, look at this garbage.

Oh yeah,
>non-flat face buttons

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why are you so butthurt about an objectively better controller

Is this one compatible with DS4Win?

Is Hori hiring? With standards THIS low I want to get paid to shill too.

>Touch pad
Will it be a display pad?

The d-pad is actually pretty good, nto quite xbox one tier but it's accurate and I don't think I've ever had it not press in the way I wanted it too excapt when I'm holding the controller awkwardly.

>1,5 hour battery
Can't wait.

You mean, like this?

Attached: PS5-DualShock5.jpg (2700x2000, 346K)

>No gyro
Why. It was almost perfect

Why indeed.

Good design

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>Not using gyro aiming

I used a DS4 the other day after spending 2 gens on asymmetrical sticks, symmetrical sticks are super uncomfortable.

when the fuck will they put a whole goddamn dpad on the controller

>That useless touchpad

Wow, it's like 2013 all over again

Off yourself, pedo.

>press the infinity button

>The DS4 didn't adopt the Vita D-Pad

That thing was Sony's best iteration of one and it was ultimately wasted on a subpar handheld. I'm still mad.

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Better for FPS as you rarely utilize dpad.
But horrible for fighting games as you want to use dpad for movement.

sony don't expect you to 2D gaming on their console

>That circle

Attached: the-last-temptation-of-homer-10.jpg (400x300, 136K)

That's what a dpad is for.

the dpad is not the same as a stick

No way that's the real thing.

Nice projection, work out your issues

looks like a melted piece of shit lol

probably to stop the sony bots from finding it here

I prefer symmetrical sticks, but only by a little. I can very easily play with either though. It's just personal preference, nothing else comes into it.

honestly the ps4 controller would be perfect if they just removed the stupid touchpad and lightbar, and renamed the share/options buttons back to start and select.

I've had a ps4 since launch and I still can't get used to calling the start button "options"

The Splatoonfag is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a retard, manchild, drone, secondary, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a pedo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

the lighting on the cable and plug gives it away

This. I'll never not think the buttons are Start and Select. Touchpad was an interesting idea but never gets used. Lightbar just eats up battery. Still an improvement over the DualShock 3, because the sticks aren't shaped like a dome, and the L2/R2 buttons are light years better.

I don't even play Splatoon you retard
See a psych about your obsession

yea what are you talking about, the controller rests by the base of your fingers.

Nice try, only you pedos try to pass gyro as anything but a joke.


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I don't like gyro either, but what is the connection between being a pedo and liking gyro?
Not him

He says to others what he feels toward himself
Probably raped a kid and can't cope with the guilt

Splatoon pedos are the only idiots in this board who genuinely tried to push swinging a piece of plastic like a retard for faulty inputs past the Wii.

Seek help filly fiddler

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only the very first models of xbone controllers had that bumper resistance issue, every revision since the first one the bumpers are way easier to press. They feel like the 360 ones but way larger.


>drones pushed for a PC combo since Wii U

The manliest game of all time has gyro.
Check this vid too:

Attached: d44m.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Wow so Playstation fans were Nintendo pedos 10 years ago huh
How far down does the rabbit hole go?

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memelands 2 is the manliest game ever

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Why not just use a Xim Apex for mouse and keyboard? Or use Xim Apex to use an Xbox controller for Ps4?

>Idon'thaveanythingtohidehonest youtube hook
>another retard getting paid to be wrong on the internet thanks to Patreon
At least your tinfoil site kept me from giving that idiot a view.

Fucking ugly, I hope it can be made slimmer

Prototype DS4 had one and the final was fucking disappointing

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Isn't that one of the hori pads?

Fuck off.

aiming with a controller is easier

ive owned a prototype ps4 controller and i will tell you something that will make you hate the final controller
the dpad was a vita dpad

Asymmetrical is terrible for anything that requires a dpad as a primary input. Fighters, platformers, puzzle games.

Actually, yes, they were. There's a reason all the Vitards migrated to Soitch.

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I remember so much backlash when they chose that layout. Never heard anything about the steam controller after. Does anyone use it?

And Sony fans and Nintendo fans both post on Yea Forums too...
Wait a minute, you're one of them!

I really, really like the lightbar on top of the touchpad area in the newer ones.

I think it is considered a flop.

why are thumbsticks progressively aiming toward handlets?

Because not everyone is morbidly obese, americlap.

In one week my mouse broke, then my ps3 controller broke, just as I finally managed to fix a problem with the SCP driver, then my switch pro controller broke, just as I for the first time managed to have fun playing dead cells. I feel dead inside.

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sony knows their playerbase mostly drink goylent

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I doubt this is real but I swear to fucking god they had better add grip buttons STANDARD in the next gen of consoles. The biggest current downside is the limit to how many buttons can be pressed at once, and some grip buttons would help this a lot

user, you might be colorblind...

Based HORI

ive liked all the playstation d-pads, but this one looks really fucking shitty. obviously its hard to tell from a picture, but they look like theyll press like the buttons on the right

I wonder what this thing feels like to control.

they do have one with asymmetrical sticks. pay up, goy

Too soft, looks like a bar of soap, PS5 DOA Day 1, real talk why won't sony let you bring your dualshock 4 over, it's not like there's any more buttons

Dude this dhitpost is hikarious

Sony’s copies themselves more than anyone has copied them. Hell, the Xbox controller is basically a Dreamcast controller with another stick and black/white buttons added. Not sure what other controllers you could possibly be referring to.

that sounds very logical, but i just picked up a ds4 and moving either stick perfectly straight up feels natural as fuck, moreso than sideways

moving your thumb side-to-side is a more natural movement than extending it forward. in the lower position, thats exactly what you do to move forward

I think it was because Nintendo had a patent with this design or something

i got the Duke controller, kinda regret it. what games dont use the bumpers so much, or in so urgent a manner? the bumpers on this suck, so it seems like using them via the black and white buttons is the way to go, but so many games basically require that your thumb remain on the stick to aim while using whatever function the bumpers offer

and the d-pad i better than i remember, but still doesnt seem like a good choice for 2D games when i have ds4s

based on what clinical research? Oh none? just your biased opinion to support the console your mommy bought you? #truth #dunked_on

based on picking up a ds4, and then picking up a duke and trying them myself. also a background in kinesiology, and having thumbs.

you could maybe attribute it to the dukes size, but even on a smaller scale i think it would remain true

Yeah, I mean look at these controllers. They're identical to the dualshock.

move your fucking thumb around. what motion do you default to?

>did the presidential fitness challenge
>took the mandatory kinesiology class in freshman year of college
>background in kinesiology

I think you have babby hands, it's pretty much the exactly same on a 360 controller vs the PS2 controller in terms of "finger extension" I feel no difference. Xbox 360 controller is better than the one but vibration triggers are cool

a circular motion because I'm moving my thumb around??

Apparently it was comfy as fuck and just werked, but it got meme'd to death sadly

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>That circle button
Oh god... Oh god... it's retarded

asymmetrical isn't conducive to claw grips, d-pad prominent games, or interesting control schemes like armored core. symmetrical is far better and doesn't rely as much on your thumbs. There's nothing anyone can name is better with asymmetrical sticks.

try this: fan your thumb left and right, then extend and retract it outward. which is more natural/fluid?

They did, and idiots always fall for patent submissions as being something actually in production. Even bigger idiots think it’ll be designed exactly as pictured in the patent

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I bought one. It doesn't fit well with my hands, and the lack of physical feedback doesn't quite feel right. The input system for games where you have to map buttons to keys doesn't feel great either.

Patent Guy for Smash

>moving your thumb side-to-side is a more natural movement than extending it forward
No it isn't. Its massively less accurate.

Those analogs remind me of the Neo Geo pads. I want a console to utilize a pad like those instead of a dpad

I'm doing this with a dualshock 4 right now and i legit dont understand what the issue is and why asymmetrical sticks would be better.

Fuck the Gamecube controller, it's better than the N64 controller but so is most things, the C stick is too small, as is the X and Y button I'd get over that if it wasn't for those nasty ass shoulder buttons that feels like plastic grinding on plastic, most overrated controller in history, love the GC tho, I had a pelican (i think) controller I liked more for it

It’s his time.

Fatties think everyone has sausage fingers.

The PS2 controller is the most different one here. Not sure what you’re getting at.

my wrists are at a much more natural position with the DS4

GC is pretty damn identical barring donut steel analog placement and fischer price buttons.

Seething SNOYboy

looking good can't wait to buy it :)

I think that user was trying to "prove" that symmetrical sticks cause your thumbs to ram into one another or something, which is true, if you're using the fucking knuckle of your thumb rather than the side of it.

either way, i dont buy the argument

Look at what came before. There we have ridiculous Saturn plate, retarded N64 fork, absolute unit Dreamcast, absolute-r unit Duke and, well, the OG Dual Analog/Shock that looks just like a modern controller.

I'm not even a Nintendo fag but anyone who says the Gamecube controller isn't one of the best controllers ever made is fucked. It's seriously as ergonomic as it gets. The only flaw is the horrendous D-pad which is one of the worst ever made. Absolutely one of the best controllers though.

If that is confirmed, how do you guys feel about the blocky, detached D-pad?

Personally, PS2's D-pad was always my favourite...

>if you're using the fucking knuckle of your thumb rather than the side of it
a.k.a. if you're actually mentally handicapped.

The analogue stick is a bit too stiff. And yes, agreed about the D-pad.

In my opinion, worst controllers would be:
Xbox Duke, N64 one, and I'm half way between hating/being neutral towards the Dreamcast one.

This looks like an extremely lazy fake or possibly a 3rd party DS4. But you tried at least

Duke is just a supersized modern controller as far as ergonomics go. I bet some gibbon-handed individuals appreciated it.

The duke actually feels great to me. I always liked it and I even have small hands. I picked up my Xbox again a few years back and played with a controller S I had, fucking felt like shit to me and cramped up my hands. I honestly think the duke is better.

Some people are always saying this is super ergonomic but I just don't see it.

Yeah. Sony hit gold with the DualShock and didn’t need to change it much over the years. I’m sure it inspired changes in other controllers but I’m referring to the claim that everyone ripped off Sony which clearly isn’t the case. Nintendo is still making weird/retarded controllers that are nothing like the DualShock and Xbox has its own identity that started when they used the Dreamcast controller design as a template. It just got slimmer and more streamlined over the years.

No hard edges.

I never actually felt one, but I have this feeling that slanting the d-pad and face buttons probably works better than many would assume right away. Also those shoulder buttons probably did feel good being on a totally smooth curve.

Looks retarded. They should just keep the DS4 design.

The d-pad looks fucking terrible. I don't think the whole thing will end up this way though.

>press [square] to watch cutscene
>press [triangle] to win
>press [O] to kiss lesbian
>press [X] to support lgbt
cant wait

>I can't wait to be a fag in cyberspace too!

Attached: 1547109426255.jpg (709x500, 79K)

>press A to bing
>press X to wahoo
>press B to (same as A)
>press Y to (same as X)
can't wait to collect more blue coins
hopefully 5000 next time!

looking at this makes me want to push and break the handles inwards

I'd rather bing bing wahoo any day than play sony shit, and I haven't played a Mario platformer in years so for all I known they suck ass too


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>mfw this isnt a shoop

>not using your brain as controller/PC

Too bad there are only 2 types of games

Rate this Yea Forums

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Stay seething snoy

No iteration of playstation controllers have ever been comfy. You're a literal retard. Xbox and the Gamecube controllers are the only ones worth a shit. This coming from a guy with only a ps4.

Sony will make a controller with asymmetrical sticks the days Microsoft makes a controller with bumpers that don't feel like shit.


>It's seriously as ergonomic as it gets.
It's seriously so unergonomic that Smash retards have literally destroyed their hands playing on it
It's seriously so retardedly unergonomic that you can't even play anything other than natice GC games on it without having to rebind everything to fit the retarded layout, and then you still have to deal with quite possibly the worst d-pad ever made if you try playing 2D games

Ikr all I hear about is mario and zelda or smash
Metroid fans I do not judge except for their stockholm syndrome like behavior. Me? I want Geist 2 from Nintendo

It's almost certainly a third party PS4 pad that some retarded user is trying to pass off as a ps5 leak

>that circle button
what the fuck? how did anyone look at that and say "sure, that looks good enough to release"?


this post is pure fucking cancer

It might make clawing easier?

By making it easier to slide your finger off the edge? It's a curved button as well.

god, the dreamcast controller was so fucking bad. only one stick, those cheap-ass buttons, cord on the bottom - what on earth were they thinking?

Because it looked exactly like the diagram in one of their patents

Why did Nintendo patent these and then never use it?

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>cord on the bottom
It's on my list of most retarded design decisions
>Controllers with cord on the bottom
>TV's with downward firing speakers
>Phones with the headphone jack on the top instead of the bottom
>Laptops that exhaust air to the sides

>Are they honestly better than symmetrical sticks?
No, Yea Forums is just infected with children that had the xbox 360 as their first exposure to video gaming

Most of them are just ideas they don't want anyone else to be able to use

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>Not replacing the goddamn thumbstick and Dpad position.

If you're going to LARP as a Sony dev and photoshop an X-box controller: Go all the fucking way and break tradition. Maybe then the controller wouldn't be a massive piece of shit.

The thumb feels just as natural in either position


>because it's better
Said no one ever.

>dual analog sticks
It's shit. How can anyone enjoy playing shit accelerator sticks?

Best controller would be DS4 with vita type D-pad and no touchpad.

>those shitty dpads
>all that unused space because of a bad and unnecessary touchpad
>will probably have another bad L/R2 set

Meh. Official controls will never go back to 6 face buttons despite games using all buttons, even L3 and R3

>dual analog sticks
It's shit. How can anyone enjoy playing with shitty accelerator sticks?

The cord is in the bottom because of the huge slots for VMU/Accesories(like rumble pack,yeah, this was a thing as a separate accessory). You could still pull the cord up because there is a place to stick it, which feels awkward because of the 2 huge slots.
In 98 having a 2nd analog stick wasnt a big thing, Dreamcast was mostly based on arcade games anyways.
The buttons were alright, but the dpad was painful for 2d fighters. Triggers would get clunky fast

Despite VMU being a cool feature, it really fucked up any potential Saturn controller V3 or that 3d saturn controller.

needs more blur

not even a problem unless you're a fucking retard and use the middle joint on your thumbs to move the sticks.

I loved my PSP and the Vita was so much nicer, it even had BC with some of my digital PS1 and PSP games, a damn shame Sony fucked around with it I 10% regret selling it but it had nothing going for it after like a year, I don't think sony even does much in Japan with it, and I think half the Vita's library is japan only I legit think it could've competed with the 3DS and Switch now. If someone has a reason why sony just stopped I'd like to hear it I even remember when the PS4 was still new it was being shilled.

Imagine believing any “leaks” ever. You people are gullible retards, there won’t even be a ps5, sony will just give up on playstation

The problem with the steam controller in my opinion is it can't replace your average PC gamepad (like a 360 controller basically) and it can't really replace a mouse and keyboard, but the people who use it seem to really like it since it has 100s of different user made button layouts on a per game basis, so it's really simple to use. Apparently people who play RTS and Civ building games on their couch swear by it, but if i was just them i'd buy a wireless keyboard and mouse for that

not everyone is a 5'8" chink either racist


I genuinely like the Ds4 grip. Just a tad bigger than Ds1-3, smaller than xbox.
Make a ps4 controller, just remove the trackpad and add the classic 3 button setup.

I use it exclusively for everything. Now that all my games are fully configured and I've adjusted, nothing else feels as intuitive to use and other controllers are objectively less useful. The lack of true haptics/rumble is the only serious downside now.

They look and feel like shit to hold but they're durable as hell and it can double for almost any other input method you can think of. The Steam firmware they rely on though is absolute dogshit.

Digitally it functions like a one-size-fits-all but that can never be the case physically.
It fits my hands just fine but I imagine it's torture for people with really large or small hands.

Something you have to understand about them to, and while they can be useful for really complex schemes or macros, the stick and face buttons are more of a legacy component. It actually makes more sense to have the track pads as the primary inputs.

Left analog stick should be in the primary position for modern games.

And people who seriously play fighters already buy fighter dedicated controllers anyways.

Attached: mad-catz-fightpad-20090120042434107-000.jpg (460x304, 24K)

I very much doubt they'll keep that useless touchpad... this looks like a new HORI controller or Razor...

What about platformers?

Attached: logic.jpg (231x190, 14K)

The playstation controller is just a copy of the snes controller


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I mean the best platformers besides Mario 64 all used the NES, SNES, Genesis and PS1 non dual shock controllers games stopped being strictly plaftformers after this and all "modern" platformers pretty much fall somewhere in between Donkey Kong 64 and Spyro 3 meaning it's more about walking and fighting less about precision jumping

What about emulators?

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he was obviously talking about 2d platformers and you go ahead and fuck your own mouth by mentioning nothing but 3d platformers.
i bet youre 17 years old. believe it or not, some people werent born 8 years ago and some people actually like 2d games and using dpads. youre gay and your post is shit.

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Its far easier to play underage panty quest IX on symmetrical sticks.

I just switched from Xbone to ds4 and the change on the sticks is barely noticable. Both of their travel distance is small enough so if your thumb is ok resting on its neutral position on them you won't have any problem.
There are more important differences like ergonomics, weight and shoulder button/trigger quality.

has a better dpad than the dualshock 4 and I heard the wireless variant fixes some shit so 8/10

>back with the useless trackpad

What were they thinking?