Who's gonna come out on top?

Who's gonna come out on top?

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cdpr are big boys now

It's pretty obvious that Cyberpunk will be better.

pretty obviously Cyberpunk

Left will be cult classic, the new vegas of this generation, right will replace gta v and its unshakable open world criminal online shit (if it even has one)

This feels like indie vs AAA to me for some reason...

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Also Fallout 3>rat shit>new vegas

Imagine thinking they are on the same level

The one that isn’t being written by the pronoun gang.

which is that?

I hope both do.

Both have potential, both can be complete and utter shit as well.

Right will be bigger, left will be better.

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A sample of the previous work of the Senior Writer / Narrative Designer.

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Bonus, because why not.

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Shit, [PERSON I DON'T LIKE] has [POLITICAL OPINION I DISAGREE WITH]. Now the game will be shit!
Isn't this exactly what people mock ResetERA for?

cyberpunk because I'm actually going to buy it.
gonna pirate outerworlds

fight fire with fire
when in rome do as the romans do

It's literally just Frankenstein but a girl


I mean..... it's been a pretty reliable measure for recognizing bad games so far...

Cyberpunk, but desu this comparison isn't fair since OW an hero'd already.

NV is the last good game by Obisidian and while TOW looks more promising than Pillars im not going to hold my breath
CDPR while not mindblowing, they've been releasing consistently very good games so far

Cyberpunk is AAA game following witcher 3
TOW is epic game exclusive following deadfire


>have shit political opinions
>make shit games
Please tell me how this is not true. I'm waiting.

Unless you are ten or have only played like 5 games, are you really gonna say you never ever played a game you liked made by people with different political opinions?

i mean one got paid out by epic and one has their own distribution service AND steam

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Games have nothing to do with politics.
If you want to gossip about devs like a grannie with dementia,

more information to make better decisions never hurt anyone.

i just realised instead of complaining about sjws in vidya and how incompetent they are and shit

i mean we're not doing anything better by complaining, and theyre actually getting paid for being shit
so like

shouldnt we just go work in vidya

>a republican has never made a good game
Holy shit, you're right user...

How can one post be this objectively wrong?

This is like comparing Assassin's Creed to Legend of Zelda.

But Assassin's Creed is actually good now. What the fuck are you talking about?

Ass creed is filled with bugs, optimized (lots of fps drops), garbage voice acting, garbage animations, shitty story. What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm a republican and I made pacman, OoT, Deus Ex, Super Mario Sunshine, DMC 3, and Doom

The last good AC was Brotherhood (IV doesnt count, is barely an AC game like the new ones)

Thank's for this, I was actually looking forward too this game. Not anymore, I guess event he once fine Obsidian has fallen too SJW diversity.

Cyberpunk, they've garnered way more hype, they also plan to have it on as many platforms as possible for maximize sales.

Have you ever made love?

The Outer Worlds will probably release this year while Cyberpunk is anyone's guess.

dying light 2 will be the next new vegas

What a retarded question

Well who is actually not waiting a year for the GOG version with all DLC?

I hve high hopes for both of them, but I am more hyped for Outerworlds. Seems to finally take the WRPG back to a much more contained scope.
Imagine being so underage you think Sweeney and Boyarsky are SJW.

>modern Obsidian
>or modern CDPR
gee I fucking wonder

** Cain
was reading
while I wrote it and Freudian slipped

modern Obsidian is Troika/ Black isle 2.0. So yeah, I love CDPR, but that is hard to top.

modern Obsidian is fucking garbage, my guy. Especially once Avellone left.

neither of them

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Cyberpunk for sure

>selling season pass literally a year before the game comes out
actual lol

More games than you realize have "problematic" staff members. Get over it

Both look awesome, but I think The Outer Worlds looks slightly better from what I've seen
Basically this

losing Avellone was a blow.
But Cain and Boyarsky back in the director chair instead is a net possitve. Sawyer and a lot of the Black Isle giys are still there as well. I expect a lot of Troika DNA on this game.

>The Outer Worlds looks slightly better from what I've seen
weve seen more of cyberpunk than outer worlds tho

yeah, but that was before twitter, I actually had to discuss games based on their merits, you know actually play some. it was horrible.

Outer Worlds is on Epic for a year so it's gonna get pirated to hell and back just like Metro Exodus.

>just like the best selling Metro
what did he mean by this?

I'm going to be forced to pirate both, fuck paying for digital distribution.

They’re not even in the same league. One is a AAA rpg by based Poles from the new hot company in gaming. The other is a AA release from a company that is a shadow of its former self. Both will be fun but the quality between the two will be evident.

>we gotta BURP kill zomald dramdf
>so we can save the universe from capitalism
>wubbawubba ding dong lick my dick

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Metro sold super well my dude....

>best selling Metro game
That is Metro Last Light Redux user.
They specifically said Last Light, not Redux.

Citation needed.

Except it didn't.

>stop proving me wrong

Yes thank you for admiting you were wrong.

surely you have some numbers to back up your claim

get a life fatass

get a brain insect


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You made the claim, burden of proof is on you. But you don’t have any beyond click-bait articles with zero evidence because Epic hasn’t released any numbers. But you know that already.

>A remaster of lastlight sold 2.5x as many copies on PC as the initial release, as to match Exodus sales

2077 and it’s not even close. Are you retarded OP?

Me because I'll play them both and most likely enjoy them

People to pay attention to twitter at all are subhuman. Prove me wrong.

You'd get assblasted out the door the second you revealed even a modicum of powerlevel

>I believe gender dysphoria is a real disorder, and that people with it suffer, but-


you literally can not. Twitter is fine to follow news sources of funny accounts. But it is silly to pay attention to random strangers and get angry at them. Whether they work in Hollywood, Music, Videogames or whatever, I do not give a solid fuck about anything other than the products they put out.

Well check steam spy.
Redux sold 2million to 5million
Meanwhile Last Light sold somewhere around 20k, which means, Exodus sold 50k.
The data is there, you just chose to ignore it.

>cult classic
>Epic Store

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i get that but if we make the teams

now im not saying any of thiws shit gon happen but if they can do fuckall to get in then we could too it seems, though yes i get blah balh inclusion quotas n shit but i mean...

>I know the truth unlike the hundreds of articles and reports that all report the same

well yeah, cult classics are literally defined by being financial failures

those two dont contradict each other

are you some kind of faggot who can't afford to play both?

The game can't fail financially if Epic already paid for my pirated copy of the game

the hundreds of articles and reports are just repeating Epic's own weasel words.

A) your numbers are Way Way off
B) $25 game vs $60 game

what truth? bullshit made up number by epic while they gave exact number pf times subnautica got downloaded
you are not fooling anyone but yourself
even if we go with x2.5 that means it sold less than LL redux

They're the result of corporate rot. Promoted by HR that loves their writing because they hit the checkbox. They're prominent writers because publishers printed their pulp fiction on the same basis, as stupid as it sounds. Try writing short story and submitting it to some publishers filling anthologies, first under Anglo-Saxon male alias and then under female, ethnic sounding one. You'll see the same material getting much higher success rate just because it's "right" writer writing them.

my numbers are based on what epic said and what actual data we have

>"cult"-anything on the Fortnite store
Pretty sure Fortnite is as mainstream as it gets fampai

It's guaranteed financial success since Epic paid for it handsomely.

what do you think is more likely :

>Epic paid off hundreds of websites to all report the same thing
>every one of these websites accepted
>despite setting up this giant behind the scenes conspiracy involving hundreds of websites not a single piece of leaked information about it has ever come out
or :
>Metro Exodus, the third installment of a well known and well liked series, sold really well

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Paid video game journalist shills aren't more informative than statistical data.

Cyberpunk will probably suck. Still will be a metric ton better than outer worlds.

>are you really gonna say you never ever played a game you liked made by people with different political opinions?
I'm going to say that I've never played a game I liked by people with "different" political opinions in which said opinions were injected into the game, which is what these types of people do and why their games are bad.

A video game made by /pol/ would be awful, too, because those faggots can't help but inject their "different" political opinions into literally everything.

>epic didnt gave actual number but just made a side note to hide the faliure

here's what actually happened
>Epic releases a report filled with vagueness, technicalities, and asterisks
>game journos don't any further research and just take Epic at their word
you're the only one jumping to conspiracy.

Running THAT headline in particular is misleading. Journalists know exactly what they are doing; trying to get fucking clicks

I don't remember Obsidian ever making a fuck drumpf joke.

epic has access to Deep Silvers numbers. Last Light selling that poorly, nor a hd remaster outseling it over 100 to 1 seems possible. and even if RGS was a horrible flop, it would still move way more than 60k copies. I get you want to believe what fits your narrative here, but I think this is another case of steamspy being complete bullshit.

That's like saying Bill and Ted wasn't a cult classic since it's on Netflix or VtMB isn't a cult classic since it's on Steam faggot

no i know i know, i get that its insipid and everythings about what you are now not what you do but i dont know, hows anything gonna change if we just complain and they just keep "being the business"
i dont even know what im saying but hell i thought we were trying to get rid of racism but now its just once again "WHERE YOU FRUM NIGGA? FUCK WHO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU FROM MY NIGGAAAAA??"
except who they know is probably part of it too

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going to be EPIC exclusive soon.

Paradox is greedy but they won't shit the bed like that, they're their own publisher after all.

how could a highly anticipated game sell well, if a large subsection of Yea Forums posters have loyalty to a fucking store that it wasn't sold on!?

They said 2.5 more than LL.
According to Steamspy, a nice little website created by current Epic head, it says LL sold 20k, while LL Redux sold from 2mill to 5mill.
Which would mean Exodus sold 50k and we still don't know if that counts Steam Preorders or not.
All I'm giving to you is numbers that are there and some bullshit from Epic not an actual number, which is funny, if it sold well, they would give it to us instead of saying that it sold 2.5 more.

Epic games store.

give up
these people don't care about date or reports
they're the same people that believe the jews control the media and that the holocaust was a giant conspiracy, or at least are one step from believing that

I wouldn't hold my breath if paradox decides to put one of their games into EPIC
The game is still one year away, they might be waiting for the dust to settle around the whole moneyhatting thing before selling themselves

woah i remember ron pearlman being the narrator but i dont remember this part

well since you brought holocaust, it did happen for sure
but they sure love changing those numbers

>Game sells like shit
>But more than previous installment
>Spin it to look good

PR 101 ffs

steamspy in its glory days was at best an educated guess. in 2019, it is downtoght useless. IDK if it was losing the API, or the game getting unlisted, but there is no way in fuck that diiscrepancy is real. It is fair to question what the window was, acknowledge it probably isnt combining in Redux sales(again which launched at $25), and could very will include steam sales. But you have to be willfully fucking retarded to think an HD remaster of a game that came out only like a few years later outsold the orignal version 100-250 to 1. or that lastlight sold that poorly. You can put all your cognative ability to sleep hoping to better fit your narrative. or you can admit that makes 0 fucking sense. Especially when if it is an acfurate number, EGS could accurately say Exodus outsold Lastlight by a 5-10x before you even count EGS sales.

if Exodus sold 2.5 times Redux, they would have been shouting from the rooftops that it sold between 7.5 and 12.5 million

>buh buh steam and netfwix
lmaoing @ ur lyfe these comparisons are shit. Bill & Ted existed long before Netflix zoomerfag

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All I'm doing is giving you numbers, you tho, you are just making shit up.

Whichever one actually releases on steam

I dont think it did. I never said I thought it did. I am saying I dont think Redux which launched at $25, even outsold Lastlight, by a factor of 2.5 to 1 at launch. I would hazard Exodus has less lifetime sales, about the same/slightly more launch window sales.

Unlike you or I, Deep Silver has numbers. YOU are making shit up.

Considering you literally can't buy the original Last Light anymore, it's not terribly hard to believe Redux has outsold Last Light on the whole. Plus it's also on GOG

so why won't they release the actual numbers?

I'm sure you could've gotten them at Blockbuster as well

Yes and I don't buy that game sold well, because frankly, the x2.5 is just a PR stunt and anyone can see that who at least has some basic knowledge in how this industry works.

you're missing the point. Outer Worlds is far from an obscure game and it's being released on the same store known for hosting the most popular game in the world. There's absolutely nothing "Cult" about that

sure, but not 100 to fucking one. and GoG is another reason it shouldnt be the case, GoG should have eaten into sales.
of course it is a PR stunt, they obvious picked a number that Deep Silver was comfortably releases but also had good optics. however, if you actually knew how the industry works, Exodus was always going to be the best selling Metro.
Deep Silver?
same reason most publishers don't.

most publishers DO release numbers when games do very well. They don't pull bullshit like "2.5 times the last entry" if a game does well, they just tell you how well it did. We had MULTIPLE threads last week about Capcom talking about how DMC5 sold 2 million copies in a week.

All I did is gave you a number, it was your call what to think of it.
I didn't state that I belive it, I state that is what data shows.

again, blockbuster, literally tittled "Blockbuster" rented out and even sold some of the biggest movies of all time.
but yeah marketed as basically "dude the Fallout/Troika guys" meand OuterWorlds is basically fortnite.

So I guess stuff like Gothic isn't cult because it's on the same platform as GTAV?

okay i will give you a number, 647,247 copies of lastlight sold. I just made it up, but it is probably more accurate than your "data"
Deep Silver does not give a shit about EGS, they dont own it. and they never released numbers for any metro game AFAIK, so the "they always do!" argument is kinda dumb.
Epic probably wanted to release numbers, and the 2.5x was the most flattering statement Epic could come up with that Deep Silver was fine with

they'll both be shit.

I kind of agree with your first sentiment (it's objectively more obscure than Fallout though), but I disagree that it cannot be a cult classic if it's released on Epic, or even if it had released on other storefronts as well

So that would mean Exodus would sold over 1.5million copies.
And yet they don't triumph about it at all.
Because they would for sure.
Your data is less belivable than mine.

>they never released numbers for any metro game AFAIK
amazing how a simple google search could've prevented you from looking like an idiot

Outer Worlds looks good, not a fan of it being Epic exclusive so I'll probably grab it on console.
Not a Witcher fan but Cyberpunk looks good and CDPR is competent.

for you

>new vegas
>cult classic

dude, how are you still shilling after all this time?
btw that pic's fake

Because steam wasn't built in a day, any one can fucking tell you that steam was a long and painful fucking trip. Epic games thinks they can simply get there without doing any of the work. I used to joke for years that steam ran on virgin blood until about 2005-6.

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the better game. I'll tell you which one that is after both are released and reviewed

but your right
only virgins by from steam
all the zoomers who already lost their virginity play fortnite
just be yourself and girls like like you bro

>number is of two games on 3 different platforms
>these two are remasters not the launch
>number was released a whopping 8 months after release, not within the release month
Gee, this doesnt really solidify your point also
>sold more on PS4 and Xbone than PS3/360
>no mention of PC
>which implies it did not surpass PC sales within the first 8 months
>which implies Exodus is the best selling Metro game within its first 8 months of release already.
why would Deep Silver do that, when they can wait a bit, sell way more copies and release an even bigger number if they so desire? again Deep Silver is not Epic Games and probably would rather just prefer to not stoke the fire.

>mfw tyranny is actually great
fuck you user

still numbers, retard

>steam wasnt built in a day
so you think Half Life 2 sold worse than Half life?

Why are you just saying cringe worthy shit?

Because that's what you do when game sells well, for someone who says he knows industry you sure act like you don't.

No one expected the shit show that came with Half-life 2, we got baited into that shit like you're bating me now.

okay, and even though number suggest Exodus is the best selling in the series, and Deep Silver released numbers what would be like November/December for Exodus, I am sure this means I am truly BTFO and daddy Gabe is safe.

if Exodus sold anywhere near a million, Epic would be talking about it.

Dying Light 2.
>Outer Worlds Reception
>Cyberpunk 2077 Reception

nah reality is people go to the games, not the store. No game lives or dies based on their digital middleman anymore. Same reason ME3 and Battlefield 3 sold insanely well as the spearhead of Origin.

Epic cant just release another companies numbers user. And they are taking about it.

I really hope it's alright, but I have a feeling that the lack of day zombies would cut into the fun. It's a good alternative to running all the time

>People go to the games
And promptly leave when the system is shit, B.net is god awful, Origin is shit and BF3 was dropped in a year. No one goes to those places really and no one likes them.

this post would be 100% true. If BF4, and BF1 didnt sell wel. Hell even Anthem looks like it is gonna do alright.
imagine thinking this is a legitimate argument.
BF1 was the best selling fully priced game on PC the year it came out. AFTER BF3,4 and Hardline were Origin Exclusive.