Does anyone remember Steam having big pre-order banners like this before Epic Game Store came along...

Does anyone remember Steam having big pre-order banners like this before Epic Game Store came along? It feels like Valve are having to change their stubborn and frankly weird anti-publishers policies to compete.

Attached: vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2.png (1246x475, 1.09M)

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Does anyone remember Steam having big pre-order banners like this before Epic Game Store came along?

Yeah, on the splash screen

For pre-orders of a game a year away? I don't. New releases, sure, but not pre-orders like this.

Yes actually

Hey, when was this announced? I've been away for a couple of weeks.


A few days ago.

Yes. Its happened all the time, pay attention


And, before anyone says anything, I've been using Steam for 12 years and have a couple of thousand games, so I'm perfectly familiar with it.

The store page is far much more prominent than the pop-up.

>game is over a year away
>preorder now

Why would anyone preorder this before they see any concrete gameplay?

Attached: 1544741645186s.jpg (239x250, 7K)

Again, when? For a pre-order for a game not releasing for a year?

Fear that Epic will steal it. Paradox is playing into that fear.

Yeah. Nothing new here.
Maybe Epic Store will bring back flash sales.
Either way, you did pre-ordered Bloodlines 2, right?


You wouldn't.

However, increasing awareness now will help sell it on release.

My guess is Valve are doing quid pro quos for games not being EGS exclusive. Steam has been very stubborn about their willingness to support marketing in the past for no good reason.

I imagine they also have made a deal with Bethesda for Rage 2, Doom 2 etc.

They had one for Human Revolution which was nearly 10 years ago

well that'll teach this stupid dumb nigger company to actually do this.

I mean, force Valve to bring back Flash Sales. That would be fucking awesome.

Nobody can remember how and when exactly the store looked. Contain your autism.
This definitely has happened very frequently.

Maybe if you had a couple of million games like me you'd know, you baby.

Doubt many people will pre order it right now but it helps to promote it because its on the front page of the store
>oh shit bloodlines 2 is coming
>better wishlist this or keep it in the back of my head

You expect me to fucking remember all of the previous steam banners you faggot fuck?

I mean, if anyone would give a specific example, I'm happy to look it up from

But Valve has been very limited on the use of these banners for reasons that never really made sense. It's one of those things that always felt like Valve being stubborn and lazy and refusing to support publishers for unknown reasons.

Promoting new games is good for everybody - users get made aware of interesting relevant new titles, publishers get marketing and Valve sells more copies. There's no real loser here.

Yes, they've been there for ages. So has the secondary pop up screen with ads.

Real talk, looking at Steam from 2009 and I still prefer it to the current version:

It's uglier but vastly more functional and with less irrelevant bullshit.

of course, especially worthless overhyped shit like the division (1).
basically most AAA-trash that spends and makes its money on and from marketing and the resulting preorder hype craze.

>I have a couple of thousand games, so I'm perfectly familiar with it.
your lack of a discerning palate makes it obvious that you dont care, therefore did not notice.

stop trying to spin your sick little narrative.

I love that people are insisting they've done this before when they definitely haven't.

They've done it for new release and sales, but never for announcements and pre-orders of new titles.

Valve have treated publishers with callous indifference and little marketing support, which is major reason major publishers are abandoning the store. This is a direct response to Epic Game Store and the effect of competition.

>The store page is far much more prominent than the pop-up
The question was about if there were any banners for pre-order, and yeah there were

The answer is "Yes, if you count something entire different as being the same!". GJ.

It's pretty much the same thing, advertisement for pre-orders