Help me fill my DMCposting folder, Yea Forums

Help me fill my DMCposting folder, Yea Forums.
General DMC Thread I guess.

Attached: 1553521159556.jpg (552x567, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1553555144693.png (578x1196, 557K)

want webms or random meme pics?

Attached: unknown entity approaching.png (1152x628, 72K)

Bit of both.

i'll make a contribution

Attached: just wanted to sssmash.png (831x476, 95K)

Attached: vergil_toad.png (1127x855, 704K)

Attached: ARE YOU CRAZY YET.gif (669x429, 403K)

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Attached: You doubt my power.png (939x574, 106K)

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Attached: 1552953330089.png (500x680, 237K)

Attached: 1552680492834.jpg (849x957, 339K)

Attached: Dante fighting Cavaliere.webm (720x360, 2.43M)

Attached: LDK.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: poobr.png (1527x868, 187K)

Attached: 1552877037108.jpg (1024x5072, 618K)

Attached: Dante BP.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

Attached: radte.png (508x562, 617K)

Post cat bullying.

Anyone else having a lot of fun with V?

Attached: Golf Clap.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>V on DMD
This blows. I get good style but keep getting assraped because everything destroys me and the summon whenever in the blink of an eye. Who the fuck thought having two judeccas and a shitton behemoths would be a good ideas for the character who can't combo?

Attached: 1549744493953.png (551x563, 392K)

Attached: 1553433678913m.jpg (1024x733, 39K)

yes very much
love his stupid bird

are matt pics ok?

Attached: 1544925030560.jpg (601x496, 63K)

Attached: 1553265650234m.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

this guy either popped a blood vessel or is in desperate need for sleep
V takes a 12 hour nap dlc when

Attached: tumblr_popzcenuMD1tsu33ho1_400(2).jpg (400x408, 45K)

dropped pic fuck

Attached: DexwU3UUYAMHREC.jpg large.jpg (981x931, 89K)

>DLC is nothing but V actually sleeping for 12 hours in real time without any loops, fully mocapped

Attached: 1551446170386.jpg (800x600, 74K)

they will suffice

Attached: 1553538183499.png (1067x625, 524K)

>mocapping literally just a dude sleeping
adorable and I would buy it for collectors sake

Attached: tumblr_po8yu8unLa1x6mhdxo7_400.gif (268x268, 2.95M)

everyone is deserving of a nap
sleepover DLC coming soon

I enjoy how much carnage Nightmare brings to the battlefield.

Attached: DMD Co-op 1.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

>Dante, Nero, and Vergil sleepover
>Nero: To be honest dad, I liked you better as V. Can you bring him back?
>Vergil's fw

what is it about DMC that attracts the big gay

fun game with bonus good boys on the side

>V magically comes back
>Dante is forced to interact with Vergil while Nero and V dance together

Attached: do you fucking mind.png (992x668, 650K)

I wish V became his own dude
his interactions with Vergil would be funny

I beat SoS last night and I tied with Vergil. Can you actually beat him or do you just tie? I still got the jackpot scene and I unlocked V's EX costume.

>bro aesthetic that's appealing to men and women alike
>bro-tier characters that are also appealing to men and women alike
Gee I wonder, bro.

This. He's underdeveloped but was presented just long enough for me and a lot of others to desperately want more of him.

>V becomes his own person
>DMCs transition to Kingdom Hearts is finally complete

>desperately want more of him.
sounds thirstier than what was probably intended
I just want more interactions with him and Griffon that'd be fuckin' swell
alas, I'll have to rely on fanart

speaking of fanart heres Nero spraying Griffon with a hose

Attached: tumblr_poj4cr6Q2w1tm8rgz_1280.jpg (800x1280, 205K)

>This is where the fun begins.jpg

nero UNGAing around with tomboy at the end is the best part

Attached: 7d423533887640f9f80c0fb7c1d9c76d.jpg (1080x1287, 127K)


Attached: 1541285967147.jpg (1024x576, 113K)

Attached: V.png (600x625, 497K)

why is it not the pre-rendered cutscene?

Attached: 1553260627938.gif (400x194, 2.64M)


Attached: NOT THE BLITZ.png (719x813, 281K)

Attached: 1553425495927.jpg (600x600, 106K)

Reminder that Dan mocapped Griffon.

Attached: You won't like me when I'm motivated.jpg (207x286, 9K)

Can someone post the Itsuno stance one? "He leaves himself wide open but protected from all attacks" one?

wait they mocapped a fucking bird

what the fuck, what's the source of this? i still haven't reached THAT battle but i'm pretty sure this isn't on the game right?

Dan probably just held a puppet of a bird and they captured the motions of it.

Attached: YOUARENOTWORTHYASMYOPPONENT.jpg (1070x877, 133K)

Attached: 5ca71d58094f60a9880905aa5a545d7d.jpg (736x736, 71K)


HOW in the FUCK is V supposed to be human Vorgil?
Like how? They dont even look the same!

I meant it about as thirsty as it reads, just without the sexual stuff because I'm not gay.

>V snaps his fingers and becomes norted on command

He's the human side of Virgin, but not exactly Virgin himself. Almost, but not quite.

Attached: v-irgin.png (1280x720, 871K)

Attached: D2c0HjNXgAQZjZ4.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Anyone have the one of virgil using his motivation on nero's mom?

Something about that pose looks weird.

post cute
need to add to my collection

Attached: tumblr_po9r1v8sPj1tm8rgz_1280.jpg (544x1280, 125K)

Attached: 1552575807302.jpg (480x360, 12K)

He was actually a pretty decent co-op partner

Attached: DMD Co-op 2.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

Like what?

Attached: D2c0IPqWsAAdN5E.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

Attached: tumblr_pos62uGgcu1sfyfdo_640.png (600x852, 164K)

It's just his back is weirding me out for some reason. g-got any more?


Attached: bulli the shadow kot.png (552x896, 241K)

What are the odds that someone gets stabbed if they don't answer "You"?

Attached: tumblr_poifpyCoAg1sfyfdo_500.gif (500x500, 100K)

He's pretty skinny so maybe that's it.

Attached: D2c0Gj7WsAAMFjo.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

By the way, if you want to rewatch Brian Hanford's (V's) livestream Q&A, just go to his Instagram profile and press his profile pic. You can watch the live video from there.

Attached: Three Kings.jpg (1080x1253, 691K)

Attached: Fatto Catto.jpg (500x500, 139K)


This one got me good when I first saw it.

Attached: 1552023235044.jpg (1200x800, 162K)

Attached: D2c0Ce6W0AAIsnl.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)

I'd kill to have this costume back as an alternate.

Attached: 1550169598832m.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

I totally did not forget to put the damn image just now

Attached: tumblr_pocnh9ey5k1sfyfdo_500.png (1000x2000, 1.17M)

Attached: 1552936579499.png (390x398, 226K)

Attached: cute panther.webm (640x640, 2.6M)

Where's his spine?

Attached: 1553551557781.png (685x300, 184K)

I love this picture and never have an excuse to post it.

Attached: 1552344573082.png (1000x595, 183K)

This one alwasy annoys me, how the hell do you say Jackpot with 2 letters on the C?

It's hard to pull off, but bullying demons with three summons is so satisfying.

I wanna KISS those LIPS

Attached: D2Rrd8vUgAAW2j8.jpg (1073x1062, 133K)

hes asleep
thats assault and I will get the police

this thread got pretty gay

i'm convinced dmc fans are all closeted

literally just made this for a gay-ass thread

Attached: cavilliere.jpg (620x939, 279K)

I don't care GIMME KISS

I find this more amusing than I should.

Attached: 1529021119424.png (520x520, 17K)

Fucking retarded ass catto, just do what i said!

Attached: 1553239138461.jpg (1200x1176, 168K)

it's in the bloody palace. hasn't officially been released yet.

Last one.

Attached: D2Rre8JUgAApKy9.jpg (640x640, 65K)

Attached: 1552414248467.png (426x557, 335K)

Reminder that sexually awkward Vergil is my official headcanon and nothing in the world will change my mind.

Attached: 1553239382997.png (1230x1620, 955K)


Attached: 1552433713595.png (607x360, 278K)

saved, saved, they're all saved

Attached: 1552440761555.png (620x547, 136K)

Attached: 1552431826503.png (597x894, 750K)

Attached: 1553239457507.png (638x747, 699K)

isn't this that artist that draws Nero with titties

Attached: 1552679143681.jpg (1280x833, 283K)

Oh god.

Attached: 1552441156838.jpg (1000x563, 65K)

Attached: 1552438349283.png (500x690, 320K)

Perfect. Thanks, user.

I wonder if V realizes that Nero is technically his son. How does he feel toward Nero when this happens?

*muffled scream of Tameem cutting his veins in the background*

He's coming pretty close to being my favorite character.

Attached: DMD Co-op 3.webm (853x480, 2.83M)

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Attached: 1552435854991.jpg (990x1392, 822K)

Attached: D2h3w-IU0AAtbEg.jpg (900x934, 137K)

Never forget.

Attached: E12F8ABB-B35A-4658-B690-6619386206F8.jpg (640x426, 63K)

Attached: F958D06E-9159-49F6-B4AE-EE15ED294A38.jpg (1000x563, 138K)

I refuse to forget. I will rag on DmC to my dying breath. Like that user that really hates the Mass Effect 3 ending, except I at least got some closure.

Attached: 1553241920985.png (1400x1788, 2.65M)

Someone make me some quentin memes with V as quentin.

Attached: 1552439232736.jpg (1024x1024, 101K)

Nah, that’s just the sound of CBT.

Attached: FF8B190F-4C84-450C-B1BE-683D147BBCD3.png (1000x748, 1.06M)

Attached: 1542220224603.jpg (849x960, 98K)

People need to make more DMC5 Borgils

Attached: borgil.png (513x468, 237K)

OP here, the most based post in this thread thus far, good job, Vnon.

She’s got her daddy’s stutter.

Attached: DMC2_basically.jpg (241x136, 5K)

Anyone got the borgar mcdonalds one

Attached: 1550565513335.gif (299x200, 2.91M)

Attached: 1538090778248.jpg (640x360, 89K)

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Attached: 1552914233198.png (805x305, 221K)

Sounds like something Itsuno would say.

Attached: AF4C3773-618A-421E-82F0-71DEF50A5D41.jpg (1024x979, 103K)

It shouldn't be too hard to make a palette swap of his default costume to reflect the DMC4 design, especially if you throw in the devil bringer and dante hair mods for nero.

Attached: 1552393272586.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

Attached: cursednero.png (419x470, 220K)