Your thoughts on TheQuartering?
Your thoughts on TheQuartering?
more like the shortening
more like quarter pounder
Shitty gaming youtuber with shitty politics #337
needs a shavening
More like one quarter pounder with cheese please
Ah, the classic I have a collection of cheap plastic shit behind me to validate that I’m a gamer.
I see some autist posting this guy every day, but I have no idea who he is or what he does.
trannys hate him
He's a White Supremacist recruiter and groomer. The sort of people that coerce ordinary everyday people into following him before beginning an indoctrination process.
Avoid him at all costs.
Go away Jeremy
Fence sitting faggot. I don't unferstand these beta sòyboys who always say "in my opinion" like some weak faggot who will never fight and just lie down like quarteroounder and Tim Pool, not really surprising because he got his ass beat by a man sho wears disney princess dresses and makeup.
Destiny looks super weird. Forget his height, his proportions from the neck down are just off. Almost like he has the body of a 10 year old.
his head is massive
He tries too hard. I thought at first, after watching two of his videos on Blizzard, the guy might be onto something as he seemed very even handed and fair in those, and put in investigative work sourcing stories from blizzard employees that ran counter to all the memes and painted a picture of what was really going on.
But literally his every other video is LMAO SJW'S FUCKING BLASTED FUCK TRANNIES tier /pol/ baiting. Nothing insightful or critical but fair, only GET WOKE GO BROKE memes and being asshurt all the time.
Don't really like the guy's "content" but he makes people I hate seethe just by daring to exist after getting #metoo'ed so he's okay in my book.
This. Has a lot of clickbait title videos.
I stopped caring a put Jeremy as soon as he tweeted he thought Stadia was cool
I can't be associated with people with such shitty opinions
He looks like he injects söy directly into his bloodstream on a daily basis.
This guy called someone moronic for saying "Fuck White Supremacists" and then tries to downplay it as "he's looking for attention".
He's defending the indefensible.
>makes extremely boring commentary videos about “muh sjw” in vidya that I can get from 99% of the other YouTubers in the commentary community
>shitty clickbait thumbnails
>spergs at anyone that would criticize him or trolls him
>a massive gamer gate faggot that can’t let go of something that happened over 5 years and is no longer relevant to most people except sjws
>literally gets btfo’d by a tranny
Their’s Youtubers that already do his form of videos much better and watching him is a snooze fest, the only compliment I can give him is that he’s not as shit as Downward Thrust or Cleanpricegaming
Probs been listening to it for about 6 months. I forget what it was that started it. Think I watched another channel that covered when he was attacked at a con and I got recommended it from there.
He’s ok, should shave his head thou.
Trash for zoomers obsessed with politics
this desu
i thought soibois were the enemies of /pol/ but they look the exact same
This, he went after Jim Sterling last week for how games lately with obvious political themes are being heavily diluted and censored to be as 'apolitical as possible' and he completely misrepresented his argument as "All games should be heavily politicized"