So, Japanese voices or English dub?

So, Japanese voices or English dub?

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Jap first run Eng second run, simple, easy, efficient, sleek.

don't be a fucking idiot, that dub is horrendous

Chose english on a whim, was not disappoined. I'm sure the JP voices are great as well, but I heard that the recording studio for the localization wasn't the same that did DeS-DaS3 so I was kind of worried for quality
Fuck off, retard

>Japanese game
>Japanese aesthetic
>Made by the japanese
>By a team that goes out of their way to put the game in its intended language
Think for a second. But then you might not be able to because Yea Forums unironically uses dubs for persona games

Some of them are good but yeah most of them just sound like an anime dub, which is to say fucking awful

English, because subtitles ruin the delivery of lines.

I went Japanese to immerse myself and skip through diaologue the first playthrough.

I'm sure the English is just as good. This is From they care about their English VAs.

good luck hearing any of the lines over that obnoxious soundtrack

The Japanese is far and beyond superior. Wolf is perfect in Japanese. You lose the Kurosawaisms and deliveries in the dub.

The eng dub is so lifeless it sounds like fucking text-to-speech


English because I’m not a cringy weeb

It was good because it was the original, only and intended voice option. Take a wild fucking guess which VAs one Miyazaki directed.

Only Wolf, but it's pretty fitting for him since he's so dead inside

Italian dub.

>This is From they care about their English VAs.
they ditched them, these are some american fucking anime dubbers
this is not fromsoft quality voice work, they had nothing to do with it, they were not involved in the dub and even tell you japanese is the default at launching the game, while english was the main and only track for the souls games

you can't compare this to the souls games, absolutely not

Yeah because it's better than souls games. The basic fights shit all over Maria and Orphan

Japenese DEFINITELY, you can tell this is the one that was properly directed.

The only good ones at english are Isshin (he worked nicely) and Owl for the campiness of his acting, everyone else is doing thei fucking minimal effort.

Lady butterfly didn't sound bad to me but then most of the other npcs just feel off

Uhm english why is this even a question? I don’t understand japanese

Sub. Because this games story is literally throwaway tier anime cringe characters constantly talking with look at me buzzwords and in soft voices in situations that don't need it. So might as well go full weeb with the voices.

what in the everloving fuck is your illiterate nigger ass talking about? What the fuck do you think you just read? You walking condom advertisement. You fucking imbecile. You absolute retard. American. Did your alcoholic mother use your head as a doorstop? The fuck is wrong with you

If the dub isn't Shakespearean English it's trash.