You've abandoned your other consoles, right Yea Forums?

You've abandoned your other consoles, right Yea Forums?

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i abandoned consoles after ps2

I've abandoned my child.

I've abandoned all of my consoles.



i've got a ps4, switch and pc. feels good.

Duh I play mario everyday dude.

No there isn’t anything to play on the switch right now.

You have all that and you choose to waste time here shitposting.

Yup, I think its safe to say gaming is dead. Let Google deliver the final blow.

>having more than 0 consoles

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I don't know what I've abandoned, but surely something. Someday I'll find it and remember again.

I'm currently using my PC more thanks to Ace Combat 7. The Switch will probably take over again when this year's heavy hitters start releasing.

I play it, but I never use portable mode.

Joycon drift aside (GOD FUCKING DAMNIT REE), as low res as these games are, there is a lot of detail you miss out on with that small screen. Zelda BOTW and Bayonetta 2 are beautiful games and portable mode really does them a disservice.

If I havent touched something in over a year or it can be easily emulated I have given it to my youngest sister as a handmedown

Unironically, I can't wait to get Yoshi this week. Looking forward to some chill platforming comfyness.

>I'm obsessed with bbc, I've completely abandoned other cocks
why are wh*te women like this?

My qtpi 8/10 gf is afraid of niggers. She's a keeper.

What do you play on PC besides console games faggit?

Not really, though I've been playing a lot of Tetris, Hyrule Warriors, and Mario.
But now I'm trying to focus more on some Gamecube games I never properly finished.

Super Monkey Ball is still the best game ever made.

>eceleb twitter screencap
piss off will you

I've been wanting that, though I don't own it.

No because I'm not a brand loyalty moron. That said I'm pretty done with sony since the move to california. Besides the only exclusives they had that I had any interest in were Bloodborne and P5.

Spiderman and GoW are pretty good too.

I don't have consoles to abandon.

Pretty much. I cant even remember the last time I turned on my ps4 and didn't watch a movie
Never got around to buying an xbox

I have two PS4s - a launch one and a Pro. Both are in a box in my closet. Also have an XboxOneX which I play the occasional game on. But most of my time is spent on Switch, which goes everywhere with me.

Not intentionally, I gave my 60GB PS3 to a cousin years ago and want it back. Only other console I own is a PSP.

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I have all of those.

But I never got rid of my Xbox One...

I've abandoned my PS4 since it has fuck all worthwhile except Bloodborne

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I haven't touched my switch since Odyssey

A hacked ps3 is the goat game console

this. consoles are childrens toys

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shutup dumb cunt

You'd think motion controls on this would be great.

It wasnt.

There was a motion controlled version?

Eh I go back and forth between my Switch and 3DS while I've abandoned everything else. Right now it's the Switch that got shoved aside because I've been playing the fuck out of Kirby Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot.

Wii sequel.

I've abandoned my milkshake.