>sony being based and supporting their hardware while everyone else quietly kills theirs off
>people who don't own the sony hardware upset they don't get to play and would rather it fail
Kids. What PSVR exclusives you playing or plan to buy?
Sony being based and supporting their hardware while everyone else quietly kills theirs off
Other urls found in this thread:
They’re just mad Sony killed off the vita after a year but are still pushing vr
yes, I really appreciate all that Vita support
>the most fun game in vr, beat saber, is fucking useless on ps4 because no mods
truly the patrician choice
have fun with games that will run better on xbox one x!
>console VR
Iron man can't run on xbox! :)
It has some worrying SJW vibes but I'm really looking forward to Falcon Age. It looks great and I always wanted to have a pet birb.
Apex Construct and RE7 have been on my list since forever but I never get around to playing them. Now, what I really want is a full blown JRPG in VR. Hopefully Granblue Fantasy's game will fulfill this promise.
>unironically defending the tech demo machine
Name games worth getting for it.
I'm kind of confused. I thought the reason people didn't like VR is because it barely had any proper games for it. Isn't Sony standing behind their hardware a good thing? I guess starting a VR session does take significantly longer then just playing a regular game but is that really that much of a drawback. If games like Resident Evil 7 were the norm for VR I'm sure I'd play it more, or at least as much as I play regular games since I play those a lot less these days.
So a shit PCVR headset but you get to play Wipeout?
It's a chicken and egg situation. People don't buy VR because they say there's no games but when we get actual games, their argument is that it doesn't count or it's dead because it's VR.
They just don't want to bite the bullet and buy their first VR headset.
>while everyone else quietly kills theirs off
Good goy. Keep buying our glorified plastic waggle shit
It's not being based. It's 'Kinecting' the Playstation brand.
I get why people would hate VR for not having games and refusing to buy it. I don't get why they would be upset that VR is getting games tho, provided those are the same people thinking this way.
My main issue is that the VR games I've seen and played are simply not on the level of non-VR games in terms of amount of and quality of content. The fact that the "best" VR games are ports says a lot. I guess RE7 was made with VR in mind (the choice to have it be a fps) but most other devs either just released demos or ported already made games to VR. If anyone is going to make VR a viable platform it's Sony, since they have both the hardware and the studios to make the games. Or maybe Valve will make HL3 VR exclusive.
>no response
Well yeah the market is small as fuck atm
Practically every tech company is poised for it though
PS Moves were cheap and easily available. Half of PSVR owners grabbed a pair for $10 USD on thrift shops and it gets the job done fine. Meanwhile, PC owners hold their breaths collectively for a $100+ controller with minor improvements but no games to play.
What you describe is the reason why PSVR sells in a trimester the same amount of what Oculus and Rift sold in a lifetime. They have the resources and brand recognition to make large AAA games for VR even though their installed base is small. For small studios, they need to make enough profit to fund their next game and, with VR, you don't get multi million sellers unless you're a really big hit.
As a PC user the only thing I want from it is Wipeout
Remember when sony supported their smaller products like the vita?
I don't
Not a joycon thread
PS VR has managed to move 3 million units, that's not bad for an expensive peripheral.
I think mobile wireless VR is going ot be a lot more popular than wired VR, even though it takes a big hit to graphical fidelity, it's more convenient and you have a much larger install base than just those with high end gaming computers.
what even is wipeout
Let me tell you about going fast you dirty sandraker...
PSVR is a tragedy. Seated with a gamepad on a 720p screen is NOT real VR. All these games designed around those presumptions are just fucking wasted. They'll never be able to be fixed and adapted to real VR even if the developers were otherwise willing and able, at some future point. Why couldn't Sony spend some of the millions they're pumping into software on an actual tracking system?
Kinect moved ton of units but most of shit were used outside of vidya.
Give just numbers without context mean shit.
they *really* should make it PC compatible.
>inb4 trinus
works like shit
>720p screen
I never thought about the lack of resolution psvr must have. the 2160x1200 on vive is already borderline unusable
>Seated with a gamepad on a 720p screen is NOT real VR
That really just a 3D game with a shit resolution. And other then resolution I don't really have a problem with that. I'm just watching the State of Play now and while the Iron Man thing sounds exciting as a concept it looks awful and based on what they demonstrated I have absolutely no interest in playing it. Just think about how Tony moves in the movies. There is absolutely no way to replicate that in VR. You would need an entire studio set up just to play VR that way and even then you are limited by gravity and no feedback. I think VR has potential but honestly a lot of the shit that we would think as being really cool to have in VR will probably never really work out.
The only VR game I'm excited for is Golem and that's mostly because Marty O'Donnell is scoring it.
3 millions was before price cut, black friday, Beat Saber and all the current bundles they got. Easily over 4m by now.
Believe it or not, people were upset that the PS Move controllers were out of stock everywhere. They wanted to buy them but couldn't find.
PSVR is designed to be minimally invasive. Just a camera and a cable. Also get your facts right, the screen is 1080p and Pro improved games often go into supersampling to improve performance. The difference is that PSVR is 1080p for both eyes while Rift/Vive are 1080p each eye.
This is the biggest shortcoming with the headset itself, but it makes up for having 120hz refresh rate, smallest screen-door effect and the best lenses out of all HMDs(Sony uses their knowledge from cameras for the PSVR optics).
>There is absolutely no way to replicate that in VR.
Jet Island is basically that but with Tribes and Spiderman mixed in
How is it? Look neat but I kind of feel like Iron Man, at least based on the movies, is more agile and less momentum bound. For instance you can never really barrel roll in real life. Plus when he's flying he is in a plank position which I don't think really works for VR. A skating or a skiing game I could see working but an Iron Man/Superman flying game less since your body just won't be in the same position as theirs is supposed to be.
No Man's Sky I could actually see being fun. The graphics are basic enough that they can work with VR and I haven't played it on launched or been disappointed by it's hype so I could actually see myself trying it in VR.
no, actually I shouldn't have included the 720p because that is actually trivially fixed.
seated with a gamepad is not real VR. that is, actually, a gimmick. and these games which are designed entirely around that will never actually be good.
That iron man games does not look very good.
I tried VR at a guy's house for like an hour afew years ago and did like it quite a bit. It's amazing how fast it fools you into believing you're in a different place. The high cost of it and theneed for a monster rig have prevented me from trying it,but this oculus quest thing looks like a good way for me to dip my toe in withoout making a massive financial commitment.
I hope the Quest gets a version of VR Chat at some point,or maybe on the next iteration they will use a more powerful chip an it can handle more games. VR chat looks like fun.
Astro Bot
It's fun as hell but your agility is based on your ropes, to turn fast you grapple the ground or an obstacle and obviously a close grapple spins you around really fast (meaning you need better reflexes to 180 quickly).
More Spider than Iron but I can see Iron Man being doable. Not via that lame looking PSVR game but in general.
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already: over.
still hoping they bring RE7 VR to pc, but i doubt it.
nothing else is worth playing on that thing
If I didn't have a vive I'd spend the money on a PSVR just to play Tetris Effect since it's amazing even without VR
>only 90 metacritic (still good, not great)
Why did we let scores get to this point?
I could play Tetris just fine 30 years ago without VR.
>literal who on Twitter talking about gamer scores and comparing to Nintendo games
This should be a bannable offense.
>Jan 2019
>saying this when VR doubled in 2018
Michael come on
My biggest reservation about games like this is the lack of momentum your body experiences and so it would take you out of it and for me sometimes even cause VR sickness. With smooth turning in RE7 and Skyrim I learned to always turn my head in the direction I was turning to avoid getting sick from it.
The Iron Man thing unfortunately just looks like one of those tech demons disguised as games.
Astrobot baby.
Nah it works fine. It isn't shit. It has a great 120hz RGB panel that feels great to use.
Good it isn't 720p then.
Jesus christ you brainlets are fucking embarrasing.
Finish Astrobot first before you act retarded son ;)
>My biggest reservation about games like this is the lack of momentum your body experiences
I mean yeah it's not there but it's still an exciting sense of speed with all the depth perception and 360 vision, it's like how going to an IMAX isn't going to give you real life visuals but it's still more enjoyable than a lesser screen.
>supporting their hardware
People keep saying VR doubled in 2018 so Linux HIMSELF made this image macro
Whoops wrong image, this is the full version
Yeah was about to post it to let you know
Doesn't really stop it growing though
>I don't get why they would be upset that VR is getting games tho
Because then they have to spend more of mommy's and daddy's money on a headset and other accessories that cost just as much as the console itself in order to play those games.
Sure is nice getting a VR set and then even a headset upgrade without a second thought
i am just thankful that VR is now confirmed for no man sky holy crap i cannot wait.
>They just don't want to bite the bullet and buy their first VR headset.
Personally the tech seems too young and too expensive for it to be worth buying into. It sort of reminds me of waggle. I bought a Wii new, bought into the whole waggle thing. But I thought every game that used it was worst off for it. Wasn't until New Waggle+ and the WaggleU I thought the tech had a chance of going somewhere. But they botched and scrapped that, sure the Switch has motion controls in its stuff but it's just used as an extra thing instead of the basis of games like I wanted with the Wii. I want to wait until the tech noticeably gets better and lowers in price.
wait I could play no man sky without VR just fine...
You have to be damn close to blind to consider PSVR acceptable. It's Cockulus DK1 tier.
It's a different experience you stupid nigger
I'm wondering if Summer Lessons alone is enough reason to buy one.
i cannot wait to leave the first planet in vr
VR makes everything better.
They're also releasing online mode this summer. I'm fucking hyped.
Smooth turning is brutal, I have VR stong VR legs, but even I avoid it. Just turn with your body, or at least use snap turning