THIS is what it's about!
THIS is what it's about!
Other urls found in this thread:
>those replies
Based gregg
Sony wins again.
fucking sony sellout piece of shit
It sucked. To put it into a food analogy, the meal sucked and the portions were too small. Plus, you have to deal with the garnish being fucking Five Nights at Freddys and shitty VR games no one cares about.
>no fat
Tendies btfo
pure S O Y
Greg Miller is a sad shill with so little integrity that he chose to abandon his best friend over Twitter SJW's whining to protect his shitty, now completely dead and irrelevant YouTube Channel instead of being a decent, normal person. And ironically if he had chosen the latter, his business would have benefited far more than it has from choosing the option that prioritized it.
>no fat
No meat either, just soi
All they had to do was show games.
Not VR shit nobody cared about.
i still cant believe he isnt gay
No wonder they're not going to E3, hue.
too poor to afford a ps pro, 4ktv, and psvr I see. Get a job.
pretty sure Colin chose to leave them
seems like it wasnt a hard choice to make after the way they handled it
they were way too entrenched in that SFsoy lifestyle for Colin so something had to give
Is it any surprise that fat fuck extraordinaire Greg Shiller loved it? Fucking guy has Snoy's dick permanently lodged up his asshole.
after all, they allow Norse The Last of Us to win Game of the year like, 10 times.
Greg Miller has been a fat shill since forever and I have no idea why people have given him a pass
All they had to do to get me hype was show a new 20 minute demo of Ghost of Tsushima. Instead they gave me 20 minutes of VR shovelware that all ten people in the world who bought a VR headset probably don't even want.
get a job to earn petty cash and spend life playing shit products no one deserves, people remain poor and faggy, companies grow richer, Disney eats everyone, world without end amen
>not terrible
It wasn't good but it wasn't disastrously bad, what the fuck were your expectations on a pre-E3 show? They literally canceled two events because no gaems they can talk about and don't want to show up with the same old 3
>being stupid enough to waste dosh on VR with no games
PS4 Pro is nice though, I like never dipping below 30 on most games
Fuck this cuck. What he did to his 'best friend' was despicable.
Can he ever criticize Sony though? He was the one with the "worlds no 1 PS podcast", that little faggot.
Always happens when friends let business and money come between them. It became a war of what direction to take the company and when that happened he realized that without the friendship it wasn't even a business he wanted to be a part of. So yeah, he chose to leave, but only because he finally saw the situation for what it had become.
I think it's better than E3, because there was no stupid flute shit.
>Fuck this cuck. What he did to his 'best friend' was despicable.
go on...
>He doesn't know about Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty
What rock do you reside under?
How does Japan feel about it?
>He doesn't know about my e-celebs
The last one or two years it felt like sony is cheaping out on everything. I'm pretty sure microsoft paid a lot for last years third party announcement, I don't know if that's how it usually works but it felt like sony didn't pay a dime and therefore didn't have anything. Now they canceled their E3 probably to save more money. This shit today felt like a budget version of a nintendo direct aswell. I swear ever since they moved to california it felt like they would do anything to save pennis on the dollar.
>no fat
what did he mean by this ?
Nor banjos
I bought the launch psvr bundle on amazon 2 years ago (included vr worlds and 2 move controllers, which are expensive separately, for 200 dollars on amazon. I was surprised at the the deal and snatched it up since it was the only 1, came new in box. I have probably over 30 VR games.
The flute man was kino
The fact that Colin BTFOd him in the same fashion as maddox will never cease to make me laugh
>greg miller
>no fat
Always amusing when people don't realize most people don't exist in their tiny internet bubble.
This convinced me to give my ps4 away. The glory days really are over. It hurts bros
greg and colin were friends for years at ign, left and formed a youtube channel/company together
on womens day colin tweeted this:
he got backlash from the lefty games crowd and didnt back down
colin felt nobody had his back or defended his character when people were calling him misogynist and racist so he bounced
>The last one or two years
Try since the start of this gen. Even the ps3 managed to have more and better first party titles. If I had a gaming PC I definitely wouldn't have picked up a ps4.
>not terrible
sure, if you like vr shovelware.
dude works for his own company now but still shills for Sony. This is why #gamergate happened.
Did they actually say any dates for anything that we didn't know about?