Already confirmed to be censored and have cut content...

Already confirmed to be censored and have cut content. Anything referencing bungie has been removed from the MCC so the tribute room is already going to be cut.

Attached: dims.jpg (980x653, 16K)

Source: your asshole

and will be modded back in.


Fuck bungie

Why would they mod out the name of the devs? Thats retarded.

Who's going to fall for this?

>Already confirmed
>no source
Glass yourself faggot

Attached: GLhar.png (742x620, 589K)

Man, 343 elites are fucking awful. What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: TerryBasef.jpg (1294x478, 115K)

343i changed the Pillar of Autumn emblem for the first game. It's a guarantee that the tribute room is getting axed

Think in the ama they said forge wont be in the initial release. So that certainly sucks.

sure thing bud

Attached: chief11.jpg (2779x1696, 334K)

>caring about an emblem

Apparently they want to get the controls right for Theatre and Forge, so they'll add them later when they work the kinks out.


Attached: Kenneth Scott 3.png (582x789, 396K)

What is the tribute room and why should I care?


>State of Play is shit
>suddenly this thread pops up

Gurarantee: to assert confidently
"I guarantee you're a colossal faggot"
Blow it out your ass, no source at all.

Attached: ntQKo2Z.jpg (500x309, 57K)

I am confused about that pic. The elite doesn't look close to the thing inside it

Attached: 1533801527814.jpg (960x752, 70K)

>People who only own PC constantly shit on console "peasants".
>Shit on Halo games for decades.
>It's announced 10+ years after 360 release for PC.
>Can't stop talking about it
>Fanboys need to KYS.

I have PC, PS4, and Switch because I'm not a NEET.

They changed the emblem so Bungie couldn't sue their asses for using the Marathon logo.

Attached: 9776ee6fa974b983adefa9109aed2d4b.jpg (754x1060, 140K)

Who gives a fuck? Seriously, who the fuck plays single player in Halo games anyway?

Attached: golgo.jpg (171x193, 11K)

>tribute room cut

Attached: 11698987-C3D0-4D02-9D85-7D5F2B92FAE1.png (500x525, 16K)

They're excited to be getting heavy rain too and the asspain around that game was massive

anyone with taste since thats where the music is at and its where the art style shines the most

You do realize the Marathon logos are still there in the original graphics right? They just couldn't use it in anniversary mode. Reach is going to be unchanged so I see no reason why they'd have to censor it.

you're confused user motion blur is removed, those secret sex scenes are going to look a lot better

I don't think I've seen anyone who is genuinely excited to play that game.

PC fags are useless NEET's while consolebros are solid people, normies or outsiders, that have jobs and lives.

>anyone on the PC excited about playing yet another one of Sony's movie-games

>heavy rain
You mean Detroit

he's a shitposter who always compares 343 elites to doom concept art even though the 343 elite heads are litterally fairly close to bungie elites heads in proportions, way more, then, say, reach elites

4 elite armor really fucks them over, it makes them look way worse then they actually are

PC gamer here
Can confirm the only neets we have are console fags that come crawling to PC because of how great it is, then bitch about "muh optimization" because their neetbux cant buy anything other than shitty toasters.


>56% elite

Yeah Reach's elites were pretty bad too and too cartoonishm I prefer halo 3's elites followed by halo 2 anniversary's