Have you ever seen a really good female gamer?
To be fair my big sister is really good at Tekken 7 and has Emperor rank with Devil Jin.
Have you ever seen a really good female gamer?
what kind of absolute whore has a fucking stripper pole in their house
Holy fucking shit look at that brapper
Just imagine the tricks she'd do with your dick bros.
If you cut off her ass cheeks, how many pounds would it weigh?
>Not having a pole in your house and making your wife/gf be a filthy slut exclusively for you
Also keeps them in shape
I was hoping she'd sheath that sword in her butt
This chick has sneaked into your house to kill you. She gives you the option of a quick painless decapitation or she sits on your face and you suffocate to death. You pick?
Wow, what an amazing circus exhibit
Have sex
I overpower her and lock her in a full nelson
Pole fitness is great. My gf teaches it.
Conjure in your mind's eye the stench.
How do I get a sexy pole dancer gf?
No I haven't being 100% honest here, like I guess maybe some are pretty okay at rhythm games but bad at pretty much everything else
Grow up child. Mind less what others do in the privacy of their home.
Cut my dick off and helicopter it around the room?
>exclusively for you
but this whore is being a weeb incel pandering slut for the entire internet?
it would be rxternbeky painful
>be a woman
>be out of shape
>have average ass and a fat ass
did he die?
My sister loves RTS games.
She's the only games she plays though.
I think it's just a venue to scratch her megalomaniac urges, she always said creepy shit about conquering the world when she was a kid, like some saturday morning cartoon villain.
you can do whatever you want in your own home i'm just sayin it kinda makes you a whore
i bought my gf throne of lies and she won as reaper her first game
Female mind isnt built for video games. Its sensory overload to them, they dont comprehend them and they only if theres an ulterior motive. My GF tries to play even the most simplistic games but after like one race in Mario kart shes just done.
20 lbs of ass and pussy
When I was like 10 I remember playing Street Fighter 4 at Best Buy when it just came out. My family was buying stuff so this was pretty much the only time I played it in my life since I was a Nintendo kid. This super hot woman was basically wearing nothing I think she had demin shorts and a really tight black tank top picked up the other controller to play with me. I vividly remember being really embarrassed but not knowing why, probably my first boner. After that she smoked me on Juri while I played Cody, I think I got a round off of her.
So shes slightly above average?
Really good is CuddleCore tier or higher. Hate to break it to you. Still shes better then most but thats also not saying much.
join the marines, walk 20ft off base and marry the first stripper you find
works 100% of the time
Nowadays the marines end up marrying the trap in the squad.
I want to marry your chunni sister!
Well, she is. But the question was about having a pole at home, not about streaming it to the world.
A bunch of my cousins have been good and definitely have the potential for various games, they just don't bother to push that potential for every game they play.
Couple examples of games I've seen them be very gud at are GunZ, Mario Kart DD, and LoL.
>black asshole
just cut my head off senpai.
i just want a women who looks like this and who worships my dick is that too much to ask?
>Street Fighter 4 was 2008
>You're probably 20 or 21 now
I've had enough of time
Time needs to stop
I think I'm in love.
I don't know how she keeps having fun with them after so many years, in all games she does the same.
Be peaceful at first, build the military as much as she can (if its Civilization, wait until she can develop nukes), and the moment other people start wondering why she has so many troops and why they are all in their borders she declares war on everyone.
Sounds like you have a retard gf. Mine places top 8 to top 4 in airdash games at our locals and talks shit.
I want your irl anime sister to conquer me and change my way of life
That's the one true way to play
She's not into betacels.
can my 10cm dick please her?
Black women are gross.
She's 17, so no go for now.
I don't know what she's into, never heard of her having boyfriends.
Can say that she doesn't have daddy issues, she gets along with me and my dad.
>being this gay