Now that the dust is starting to settle Which one are you choosing next gen ?

Now that the dust is starting to settle Which one are you choosing next gen ?

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playstation 5


nintendo, xbox and still using my PC cause it's future proof for games

Ouya 2.

All of them at once because I’m not a console war retard who makes threads about the same shit over and over in an attempt to make the board shitter than it already is


Steam, obviously, it's the best platform currently in existence.


as someone whos had playstation since ps2, im sick of film games. switching to xbox

After that State of Play?
Absolute madman
Sony is dead.

I'm already PC+Switch
I'll always have my ps4 in case a game I want comes out, but there is literally nothing announced I want for the ps4. I haven't even used my ps4 since I got a roku several months ago.

Nintendo, PS4, PC and Microsoft is supporting 2 of those. Online one I won’t support is Google.

this, ill be getting an Anaconda as both a back-up for my PC incase it shits the bed and for console gaming in general and i also still have my switch.


Nintendo and PC. Would only buy PS5 with a fromsoft exclusive.

Nintendo and PC, maybe Xbox

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>After that State of Play?
I wanted VR games, that's what I got

hope you enjoy vr shovelware. count me out on the ps5 if it's going to be more of the trash sony just showed today.

smart! doing this since i'm not a poorfag and use my financial decisions for games and not consoles

same here but more for an Xbox than Pc.

PC + Nintendo as usual.
Stadia is pointless if you can already play those games on your PC, Xbox has all their games on the PC, and there aren't any Sony exclusives that I'm interested in.

As a cis-gamer it's not an easy question. Pc is a given, I just have to get a better cpu but I don't know if I'll get the next Playstation or Xbox at yet to play games in bed.
Everything else is completely out of the question though, I am cis after all.

I'll buy the Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo, just like I do every generation.

PC+Nintendo with xbox with my friends who still console only game, or family play in the living room

>I wanted VR
Okay you're actually the maddest madman of them all

No point in getting an Xbox if you have a PC.

An upgraded desktop for my existing Steam account.

Only for coping poorfags.

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Are people not allowed to like VR?

As a proud American i will buy Nintendo and Xbox. The only thing i miss is MLB the Show.

my friends play consoles and we also gather and play random fun party games in the living room that can't be done on PC

PC with emulators ;)

>Steamfag is so fucking seething he forgot to put EGS
Yeah, whatever I guess.

keep in mind PC is gonna be cross-platform with the next gen Xboxes. still getting an Xbox though in case my PC goes to shit.

I think I might sit the next one out.

None, there's too much good shit out there in previous generations that I have yet to play. I never had a ps2 or gamecube so I might get them and play the gems I missed from each gen.


Zoomer or third world?

Which ever ones have the exclusives that interest me the most.

>WAAAAAH, how dare they make games for the people who paid $400 for a peripheral of a rapidly growing market that will revolutionize games!
I don't even like VR but you're fucking retarded.

Playstation pc combo as usual, maybe I'll pick a switch

Not him but can you truly say that you've played all the best games of recent gens? Hell, even this one?

In a way you are choosing Nintendo because Sony confirmed (I have a source I just can't show you) That they are buying out Nintendo in the near future.

like this gen, none?

>rapidly growing market that will revolutionize games!
C'mon son.

already got a switch. i also need a VR console. i assume it will be a playstation.

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Switch + Xbox + PC
Sony had 20 minutes to convince me to buy a PS5 just for the backwards compatibility and they dropped the ball over and over again

Steam and PlayStation as always.
Stevia will be too expensive or/and too laggy.
Nintendo is a niche product for kids and weird neckbeards.
Xbox would have to somehow be a little better then PS, but what is actually better on that platform besides the controller?

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Whichever one has backwards compatibility. I missed out on alot of games this gen so that will be a seller for me. If not I'll just stick with Sony and abuse the PsNow system to play it all for free

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>PC + Nintendo

Isn';t that redundant when it's always the first to be emulated?

I always get a Sony console for PS4/Console exclusives and PC for the rest

vr is nothing more than waggle shit, kinect and stereoscopic 3d all over again. it will never catch on until someone invents fulldive vr that doesn't make anyone nauseous.

PC, Sony, and Nintendo. Xbox has never offered me anything that I want and I doubt they will next gen.

why would you assume the presentation was about PS5?
it was always PS4

He said he didn't have a ps2 or gamecube. Unless he was one of the six people who only had an xbox he's new.

Going to stick with PC obviously.
Depending on the direction some of my favorite franchises go (Animal Crossing, Kingdom Hearts, Rune Factory) I might get a console but honestly I doubt it at this point. The Switch is a complete disappointment and I don't regret getting a PS4 but it has been underwhelming.

besides everything xbox is going to be on pc anyway

Sorry I don't play VR trash

Soulja console

Nintendo is always my priority. I choose Playstation and Xbox on who has the better exclusives, I went with PS4 this gen but it's too early to make any adjustments for next gen.


Same but with the next switch as well

I think I'm tagging out next generation.

>that doesn't make anyone nauseous.
stop acting weak
no one actually gets sick over VR
it was a greatly over-exaggeration of people getting a rush of vertigo in some games, then clickbait articles make it seem like people are keeling over
I play games like Wipeout and Track Mania in PSVR often, whatever uneasiness you have, you can get over it with use

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I'm done otherwise

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Obviously Switch.

Also PS5 (only if backwards compatible though, and if not guess I’ll have to save up for a PC)

Just buy an Xbox next gen if you’re looking for BC and PC equivalent performance in multiplats.

PS5 + Nintendo as a secondary console, as always.

PC has nothing but indie shit and multiplats, Xbone is Xbone, and streaming is a joke.

most people aren't going to keep using something that makes them feel sick. i stand by my statement that vr's not going to catch on until they eliminate that factor completely AND invent fulldive AND make it affordable for the average consumer.

>PC equivalent performance in multiplats
Is sure do love playing games at 30fps.

This whole industry needs to die and start again. There's too much money and bloat.