>Game has cute girls
>Game has tons of hentai fanart
Game has cute girls
have sex
don't have sex
>game has cute girls
>game is extremely niche thus no art or barely any exists
>Game has cute girl
>Game has decent amount of art but none of her
>most of the art is gay or weird fetish stuff you're not into
How am I supposed to feel?!
>game is dead
>game has several cute girls and a couple hotties
>literally 90% of the hentai is yaoi
>good art of the girls is very rare
>literally every single doujin is yaoi
>* has sadistic girls
>there is basically no proper lewd art and doujinshi with them
Reading this made me irrationally angry
>DMC has one of the cutest girls in all of video games, Lady
>barely any art or porn of the series, let alone her
it's not fair
>Game has cute boys and manly man
>Game has tons of yaoi fanart
God bless the gachashit market. I don't play a single one of them but they are responsible for a lot of good porn.
this but idolshit and haremshit anime
I hate Fujos for that
>Game has cute girls
>It's too old to have porn
It's a crime that Final Fantasy has so little porn outside of FFVII, I could use some more Yuffie tho
>all early anime
>I hate fujos for not being homosexual
>gacha game has lots of qts but barely any porn
>game has hentai girl
>game has tons of cute fanart
>porn has spoilers
At least Evangelion has heaps to make up for it
Shame a lot of it is yaoi, I blame 3.33 as I do with most things I dislike
I know this feel. It seems like the number of porn artists has increased 1000x in the past 10 years, for stuff before that there really isn't much compared to even not that popular new shit.
gonna need the full version of that pic bro
mahou shoujo tokushusen asuka
>tfw incredibly horny all the time.
>thing is extermely lewd but not straight up porn
>nobody makes r34 because there's so little point
Name ONE exception to this rule.
>Porn gets retconned
>Good porn
>But it's not on model
>Good porn
>But it breaks canon
>great porn
>only it stars a character you fucking hate
>game has joke character
>EVERY FUCKING PICTURE has him as the male and his face in full view
This happens to Shounen most often.
>porn game with actual gameplay
>it’s text based
Fate/stay night's history is so weird.
Some people really go out of there way to deny it started out as an eroge novel.
>don't like the porn because it's a little too /d/ for me
>the composition and framing of the art itself is excellent, with very good shading and linework
>character has some sort of epic meme attached to them that people can't ever stop bringing up
>even appears in the porn
>love the subject of the porn
>it has faulty anatomy that turns me off too much to enjoy it
Yea Forums crossboarders need to fuck off and die
Mostly wormslut fans who think that censorship means the canon was changed
Die sneedposter
The only canon is the VN. I like HF.
I did, can't live my hypnosis and subsequent slutification of a pure girl in real life without losing my girlfriend though.
Sex is good, but my fetishes also have their needs.
>Game is super popular
>There's barely any hentai
What the hell?
>porn of characters from different franchises who have nothing in common with each other
>porn of the main character's gf and the villain together
I can't ever fap to this.