U.S. suicide rates have increased more than 25% since 1999

What's causing this?

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bad video games

Those gosh darn videogames



Shit offtopic threads like this one.

Two bullets to the back of the head.

forgot God

da joos

lack of big booty gf


probably people realizing there isn't any point to life and some people decide to end it i guess

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Sjws committing suicidus


Yea Forumsirgns finally killing themselves after realizing that the world hates them.

First world problems tbqh. You don't see suicides in third world nations, certainly not to the extreme that you do in America. Huge prescription drug problem too, so I'd imagine plenty of overdoses get labeled as suicides to protect the family name. Funny how America is supposedly the "richest" country in the world yet there were over 70,000 overdoses from opioids in 2016. You don't see shit like that anywhere else.


>showing a sad woman
What did they mean by this?

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Who wants to live like a slave

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Snoy censorship

You also don't see beheadings, acid attacks, and semi trucks driven into massive crowds.

information being accessible

manlets have finally learned

birth control water

People realize that they will never meet their waifus

Women are killing themselves because they’re buying into the no marriage no kids meme until it’s too late

Men are killing themselves because more and more work is essentially meaningless paper pushing busywork and their lives revolve more and more around childish distraction as opposed to legitimate growth and livelihood.

You know all those things everyone pretends are bad now even though they successfully sustained 150,000 years or so of human history. But now they’re all bad and you’re bad for wanting it so get back to consuming liquids made by scientists in a factory and ingesting mind altering substances while watching television to dull the pain.

partially because we're getting better at counting cases of suicide (before we would call a lot of cases of suicide 'natural causes' in order to spare the family some embarrassment)

partially because being anything less than wealthy in this country is pretty grim.
>Go to college, so you don't have to work at Wal-Mart
>Congrats, now you're 80k in debt and no one's hiring except Wal-Mart
>Pay for health care, get sick, illness isn't covered
>Congrats, now you're 580k in debt and Wal-Mart still won't pay more than $7.50/hr
>Move to the city to get a better job to pay debts. Get a job that pays 50k/year. Housing options in your new area are to rent an apartment at 2k/month, get a roomate at the age of 28, or get an apartment in teh burbs and commute two hours each way every day
>You're still a half-million dollars in debt

>oh, and mom's sick now
>oh, and cousin JB is addicted to heroin

Why wouldn't you eat a bullet?

>25% suicide rate

How do you .7 kill yourself?

minimum wage pay. it needs to be increased so we don't feel like worthless slaves

Amazed it isn't higher.
World is a fuck

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gotta inflate those gun death statistics

More and more transsexuals


/pol/ cucks

It's because in a third world country, everyone is suffering equally, so you don't have jealousy.

Meanwhile in first world countries you see people living the good life while your life sucks, so you feel like you're living life wrong, and there's less community support

Human overpopulation has conventionally been culled by disease, famine, natural disasters, or war. Now that we're largely unaffected by those factors, the tension is being eased by other means.


Degeneracy, and the cause of this degeneracy is the internet


slaving away doesn't mean you're gonna live even

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Yeah they always do this. Men are the ones committing suicide yet whenever the topic of suicide or depression is brought up its always focused on the female.

porn on the internet

Obvious bait tbqh, goes into too much detail and cuckery

the duality of man

Technology-induced social isolation + societal pressure + consumerism.