What makes a homosexual character "forced"? What constitutes a GOOD, un"forced" homosexual character?

What makes a homosexual character "forced"? What constitutes a GOOD, un"forced" homosexual character?

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It being mentioned at all. Why the fuck does sexual preference have to rear its ugly head in a fucking FPS?

>What makes a homosexual character "forced"?
It's in a game I don't like or that people I don't like do like.

>What constitutes a GOOD, un"forced" homosexual character?
It's in a game that I like or that the people I dislike do not like.

I bet you thought you were being really clever with this post. Kill yourself faggot.

If it has nothing to do with their characterization aside from romance.

Don't say a character is gay years after their debut for publicity. Example Dumbledore. Weave it into the narrative.

But doesn't Yea Forums hate that gay guy in Dragon Age I think that's the game that is gay and the only thing known about him really is that he's gay? Aracdes Characterization didn't rely on his gayness yet Yea Forums said that was a good one.

>What makes a homosexual character "forced"?
Acting like it's a huge defining feature of a character, when it really barely matters. The fact a character takes it up the ass doesn't give them depth. At most it should affect how they interact with other characters.

The Soldier 76 thing is the exact same shit Rowling does. It's a bad attempt at staying relevant.

You'd have to make the game based around romance for it not be forced because why else would they mention if they are gay or straight or whatever. If you think about it like this most characters are asexual because their sexuality doesn't matter in the game. Master Chief could be plowing dudes or Samus could be a lesbian but their games aren't about their love life so them randomly mentioning it would feel out of place and cringey. The way Overwatch could have handled this would just be to say "the characters are whatever you want them to be because the game is just about shooting people and doing the objective of a match"

>What constitutes a GOOD, un"forced" homosexual character?
Them not existing. Wanting to stick your penis in another man's shithole is repulsive and should not be promoted in any way.

not being mentioned in game or by developers like ever, the only way to find out would be to try to romance the character in game and he would directly tell you, otherwise sexual preference doesn't matter and doesn't contribute to a characters personality, being mentally ill is not a trait, the only thing in contributes to is a trope

When it feels like it was added for publicity, adding a fag doesn't make the game more popular or likeable. A good gay character is someone like Tony from Earthbound.
t. Gay

You got me mixed up. Arcades the good way to do it since he's a snarky "smartest guy in the room" good guy who doesn't care to mention he's gay unless you ask. You make the character, then the gay part after, at least that's probably the way to do it best because you don't want the big trait of "gay" being the only characterization part of any character.

Tracer and 76 arent forced or bad gay characters, what is bad though is how Blizzard waited for the game to sit well with the public before making the announcement. Just say they're gay off the bat, cowards

The thing is you can have gay characters that are sexually charged and constantly lewd as well as open about it. But so many studios fail this.

>"i'm gay did you know that hey look its someone of the same gender lets be pervy i'm gay by the way stop discriminating! You hate me because i'm gay!"
>"hey you keep being friendly like that and your gonna give a guy ideas. Lets kick ass. Or kiss it either works. You wanna get drinks? No? Alright catch ya later."
Obviously these are shitty examples i'm not a damn writer. But my point is its not the fact the character is gay thats bad. Its the fact they are obnoxious, poorly written, forced and unnatural as well as unlikable.

A character openly LGBT but that's a minor part of their character. Examples being Rin Tohsaka and Jill from VA-11 HALL-A.

>huge scandal involving fake gamer girl outrage
>public want blizzard on a spike
>they conveniently announce that soldier seventyshits is gay to stop public outrage
>it actually worked and blizzard escaped yet again
tell me how soldier's is not forced?

Bill from TLOU is a good gay character, he was a paranoid asshole that you found out was also gay.

What they did with Tracer and making it some big secret that there is a gay character in OW is doing it wrong.

Please add more gay characters to games. I love murdering them.

It depends on the narrative and how they handle him.
I don’t really mind if a character gets revealed to be gay years after release.

Gay characters are often used just to pander to people who don't play video games but want to control the video game industry.

We need better writing and characterization, not "visibility and representation" since that's code for faggotry.

Make a non faggot gay male character and I'll buy your game.

t. gay man

It's good when you can get hints the character is gay and it builds to their own personality. In Solider 76's case you would have no fucking clue until someone goes "oh hey he's gay." Like they did.

Overwatch' handling of gay characters has been fine. Yea Forums is just perpetually asshurt about le ebin culture war.

>t. gay man
No, you aren't.

Then shouldn't S76 be ok in this situation?

Yea Forums: a character shouldn't be defined by their sexuality, that's a personal part of their life that we have no interest in

also Yea Forums: constantly inundated with a nonstop torrent of waifu threads, eroge discussion, I want to fuck that ___, and other thirstyposting

Because they just annoced it when shit was hitting the fan. He was already rubbing his hands on that photo in the Christmas comic

How do you "weave it into the narrative" when "it really barely matters"? Do you get how nonsensical that sounds?

>Forced: Has a label strapped onto them but never shows it. Plot would be exactly the same if the character wasn't homo. Gayness exists solely to please fujoshis and lgbt people demanding representation instead of making their own media.
>Not forced: Is homo and it impacts the way they interact with select characters. Was made gay for the story purpose of learning to accepting oneself or something like that.

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Nigga you want me to post my gay porn? Even on my work laptop I got some beefcake you can fap to after you call me to be burned alive.

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Unless it was the plan from the start? The way Blizzard spaces all of these character defining moments out seems to be reminiscent of J.K Rowling retroactively adding parts of her characters.

>What constitutes a GOOD, un"forced" homosexual character?
A dead one.

Doesn't S76 have a dead boyfriend or whatever. Tell us that in his character profile. Not a random announcement years later.

You only use homosexuality if its relevant to the storyline, if it's not then do not even touch the subject

Don’t make it their defining aspect

It doesn't really matter. If a company wants to make a gay character then let them do it. Some people are always going to hate it while others will like it.
What really matters is if the game and/or story is good. They can make a great character but no one will want to play it if it's a shit game.

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Post it then faggot. Take it a step further and upload an archive of your entire folder. Oh wait you can’t.

Honestly, these are both true.
A good, simple litmus test is to just swap the gender and make them straight. If it still feels awkward and weird then it's bad.

>Not forced: Is homo and it impacts the way they interact with select characters. Was made gay for the story purpose of learning to accepting oneself or something like that.
Then why did Yea Forums complain about the gays just like this calling it forced and SJW

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Because they hate that game and the people who like it.

How else will you explain the scene where you anally penetrate other men?

They hated that gay more than the game itself

You haven't been in the fandom. it's nothing but shippers.

Fucking this

So you hate girly twinks and like surly bears. Good taste user.

Nobody on here actually played the game.
It's easy to watch a youtube video of clips of a character and hate them, or parrot what other people said because you hate the company and the people who like it.

Find 1 thing past 2005 that Yea Forums doesn't go out of their way to complain about.

That guy is great, the only good character in the whole clusterfuck of a game.

>all the seething straight "people" in this thread


Let's say that Blizzard tells us that Soldier 76 is a tailor, but that nowhere in the game or any of its media he is shown making clothes. What was the point of them telling us that he's homosexual if he does no homosexual things? They might as well have said that he was 1/4th Eskimo if they're not going to do anything with it.

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Forced: One dimensional character whose only personality trait is being gay, obviously only in the game to pander to journalists
Unforced: Well written character who just randomly happens to be gay

I know most people would call any gay character forced. But it absolutely is when the game in question has 0 narrative.

This. Sexuality shouldn't be fucking relevant at all for like 99% of all video game character.

Basically these 2

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All homosexual characters are forced without exception. People are naturally disgusted at the sight of them. and that's okay

a dead one

>What makes a homosexual character "forced"?
/poI/SIS are "fine" with homosexuals as long as they don't make their existence known in public, if they do it's "forced" and must be removed and censored.

I agree. The only good homo is a dead or hidden one.


Angry Goy

>You are NOT a woman, you are a man in a dress
How did they get away with this?

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character that exist as character and not just token built only on their homosexuality to say "look how progressive we are" on Twitter so Kotaku and Resetera can wank themselves.

I just don't get the point of adding a characters sexuality in a online FPS. All I want to know when I play a FPS like TF2 or OW is their base personality and that's it. I don't need to know their sexuality straight or gay.
And for more story driven single player games as long as the gay person's whole character is that their gay then I'm fine with them.

unironically this

>Photo in the Christmas comic
>Person next to Soldier looks like Tracer
>Photo in the reveal comic
>Person magically transforms into a 56% dude

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An example of a bad gay character would be someone who acts like Sonicfox. Where their whole identity is that their gay and that's almost all they talk about.

>Hey man I have to go home a bit early, traffic on whatever holiday is always crazy here and I need to get home early
>Hey David, my co-worker. I own a house across the bridge. I have to leave early because I was here last *holiday* and traffic was too bad on my commute home to arrive at a reasonable time. This led to some arguing with my wife because we had some plans that evening. I'm married to a woman by the way. I need to make sure shes happy this weekend because I'm worried our relationship is deteriorating. Did I say I'm straight?

There are tons of movies focusing on straight relationships and on gay relationships and thats fine, but imagine that second one taking place at the start of a fucking CoD game or something. That's what the S76 thing feels like. The whole appeal of his character is a hero captain america type becoming a faceless Doomguy style soldier. If he's gay I don't really care, thats fine. I care that the entire goddamn internet feels the need to scream out that S76 is gay! Thats amazing! That makes Overwatch an incredible game! We need more games like Overwatch! and no one says anything about the gameplay while Blizzard uses this as a smokescreen for the Diablo disaster.

Looked more like a twink

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it was a different time...

here. i saved this jpg from 2015 just for these threads.

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Everything you're talking about is dialogue surrounding the game, not the game itself.

1. A good homosexual character is a good character first, in general if the sexuality isn't part of the overall narrative, then it's pointless get rid of it, same is true for heterosexual characters.

2. Don't pull a JK Rowling, or an Overwatch and add a sexuality as an afterthought or after the fact just to cash in on the regressive morons. It's bad writing, it's poor taste, obnoxious, and it's forced.

3. Don't make the character or the allegory overly preachy, don't present them as an absolute good with no faults, or someone who is always in the right, don't put it in jsut to serve an agenda. Each piece of the narrative should serve a purpose and doing thigns this way comes across as hamfisted

Good homosexual characters:

Any of the characters in Mass Effect, any of the characters that are gay in Scott Pilgrim, most of them in VTM:B, some of the older marvel comics characters who were gay or bi Nico from DMCV. It's very simple stuff, boggles the mind why people can't understand how to do it.

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> GOOD, unforced homosexual character
Pic very related.

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Dorian was based.

>Any of the characters in Mass Effect
Are you seriously implying Kaidan's sudden bisexuality was well-written? He's worse than the examples you listed.

When it's a part of their character but it's not the entirety of their character. Look at Arcade Ganon, he was a gay man in the wasteland but that wasn't he was all about he was a full fleshed out well rounded character who was also a homosexual.

On the other of the coin is the idea that out of the blue the developers are like "oh yeah this person is gay!" it's the most cynical desperate attempt for brownie points possible and to anyone with more than 5 working brain cells will be repulsed and embarrassed by such a pathetic grab at forced diversity.

>What constitutes a GOOD, un"forced" homosexual character?
A character being gay

>What makes a homosexual character "forced"?
A character only being gay

Also on top of that, a good homosexual character is designed to be homosexual from the start, not pigeonholed into it for media attention.

I''ve been hate watching the new season of Will and Grace and I have to admit that Will and Jack, being late 40s-early50's boomer gays has made them more interesting characters. Maybe because I see them as the Westernized versions of Shiro and Kenji in "What Did You Eat Yesterday". They're uncool gay men.

They have to "keep up" with a culture that they're slowly growing out of and is quickly passing them by. They have to interact with younger men as their usual group have gotten married. And there's this clashing of ideas and discussion on the "cultural touchstones" of being a gay man. The "shtick" in their heyday is wearing thin. They're brushing up against "the wall" that is their aging and how that changes their value. Jack realizes his grandson is showing off gay characteristics, and rushes down into what he assumes is bigoted Texas to rescue him, only to find out that the community is more lax.

You have no idea how much it surprised me that a gay character on Primetime television could be WRONG about a community and have their worldview challenged. Somewhere after the 90s all gay male characters were treated as just little homo angels, infinitely wise and slapping the wrist of us violent, thuggish breeders and their clueless fag hags.