You guys know what that meeeans

You guys know what that meeeans

ooh i'm so pumped for the memes this shit will grant us

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine coming home from a long day at the onions factory and having cis male game devs gender type you into playing the way they want you play

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>customization is good
>woah but not that customization

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This game will be great, and no SJW faggotry will ever change that.

>and no SJW faggotry will ever change that.
i care to differ, the writing will very likely be absolute shit

this. I don't see the harm in more options, even if this is one I won't use

I have faith in Mitsoda and Avellone.

Im going to pirate this game, make the most ridiculously looking character and spam it on their forums or twitter.

I wonder if folk like you ever played vtmb to begin with

yep. I can't wait for all the awful shit in Psychonaut 2 as well.

I like Avellone and he's probably the only reason I'm really interested in Dying Light 2, but the person they've hired who is writing most of the side quests is an idiot

replayed it a few weeks ago

Doesn’t mean shit Vampire bloodlines has skinshapers/sculpters who don’t really even have genders. Not to mention many vampires can change their genders/appearances on a whim.
Fuck why I’m i even telling you this lol you’ve probably never played the games or read the source material.

>when the creators of the original were clearly lefties constantly shitting on the right wingers but /pol/tards screeching about this either haven't played it or are underage shitlords too stupid to pick up on it

Why the fuck would it? It has absolutely nothing to do with the original.

I don't believe for a second that Avellone has enough creative energy to write for all the games he's attached to.

Point out the creator of first Bloodlines who got another video game banned by whining how problematic it is. Go ahead.

Who fucking cares? Who ACTUALLY cares about this shit? Let someone choose their "pronoun". How the fuck does this affect you? It was fun to bash SJW's in 2014-2016 but now it's really falling in to "reaching" territory.

t. SJW

What the fuck are you on about?

I'm so glad I was always a redpilled DeusExfag rather than a pozzed Vampirecuck

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Is this really a big deal? Depending on the military branch you're in a female is still Sir. This isn't that outlandish.

>constantly shitting on the right wingers
Constantly? Are you sure you played it?

>start video
>hear fat induced heavy breathing
>close video

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same, half the people on this board don't even go outside, why the hell do they care so much that a guy in a dress wants to be called ''her''? The average Yea Forums user's not going to ever end up in this situation

shut up, political correctness is retarded, but being civilised is not. But feel free to keep on complaining about the big bad SJW's being behind and ruining everything, loser

Why not just choose a female character?

Why design a male character and then choose female pronouns?

I know they can't pass for shit and make minimal effort irl but in their delusional minds they are girls.

It doesn't make sense even if you look at this from the point of view of a liberal/tranny. It's just virtue signaling and nothing more "wow look us guys we let you choose pronouns we're so progressive!"

t. SJW

>Can i please follow an indide game developer O liked on twitter without having to be held hostage by their bizarre meltdiowns every week?
So fucking much this. I stopped following some dev projects beacuse I couldn't stand them parroting bullshit everyday.

>Who fucking cares? Who ACTUALLY cares about this shit?
I am halfway to caring. It's the first warning sign that the story and side missions are going to be badly written. It gives me a good insight into what the office culture is at the writing and development studios.

Fourth is the only accurate one, but it's fucking spot on.

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I like political correctness.

same, pillars 2 was epic, felt exactly like a netflix show.

Yes, but I wasn't underage back then so I understood the references.

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oh so you haven't played it

>constantly shitting on the right wingers
Constantly? Keep going. I can't remember more than 3 throwaway jokes.

because if this little feature has made its way into the game can you imagine what else is in it? Allot of us see this a warning sign of things to come... imagine a mission where you gotta sneak into a TERF commune and steal their onions or some bullshit,

I saw the screenshot spammed last week, it's pretty much the same

funny that these people who have definitely played the game don't seem to remember the parts where it shits on lefties.

wait what, they have a playable demo yet they chose to show NOT IN GAME FOOTAGE for the reveal? what the fuck?

this shit is faggotry.

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>seeing politics everywhere
Based schizos

they are genuinely advertising the game as being very political.

read you faggot


>3-4 instances of making fun of "no sex before marriage/reefer madness/you need jesus/vidya is making you evil/metal makes you a satanist" republicans is a bad thing
>in any way comparable to "37 genders are stupid/i like it the way it is"-conservatives of today

just because v5 is pozzed to hell doesn't necessarily mean the game will be as well. I'm not super optimistic, but it's a red flag rather than a nail in the coffin.

Because that screenshot is the first thing that comes up on google, I last played it when I was in college but still remember a bunch of references and allusions, that's already a ton more 'political' than some gender pronoun option while creating your character, stay mad :^)

they showed a 30 min demo aka vertical slice aka this is what we're going for with the final product in about a year*

*or 2

Because it's part of a political agenda that encourages children to crossdress, take sex hormones, and mutilate their genitals.

so you haven't played it then, got it

Do you remember how it constantly shits on both sides of the political spectrum or did you just read some wiki, search google and call it a day?

yeah I'm sure that's what it was, but why the fuck didn't they show that to the people who they're asking $100 from?

What about the political agenda that encourages kids to grow up to be fat NEETs who do nothing but play video games all day like yourself?

Have sex

insults like this don't work when you know it's an ugly tranny goblin behind the screen


>who they're asking $100 from

>you can be evil

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I'm pretty hyped for the character creator actually. hopefully there's a breast slider so my vamp slut can have huge jugs

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because your average Yea Forumsirgin is terrified of a world they don't understand and are seeking refuge in retrospective reactionary narratives that make them feel vindicated instead of like the losers they are, and the ever-present "SJW" is the perfect enemy because the SJW is simultaneously always everywhere at all times and a force powerful enough to shape how society functions, but also weak and effeminate and something to be laughed at and easily defeated, and a perfect singular representative of everything terrifying about the future

i'm confused how anyone who actually played VTMB can unironically whine about SJWs

anyways Avellone has never failed me so i'm looking forward to this story-wise

um could you just fucking not? this "meme" that you think is harmless actually enforces the patriarchal world view that women are nothing but sex objects and directly leads to the abuse of women, so be a better person and just stop

what odds you giving fa m?

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t. SJW

You definitely haven't just heard this sentiment repeated in these threads, and then just co-opted it. Honestly, the amount of real world politics in VTMB is very small

it would be strange if it weren't incredibly liberal

>tfw no big titty goth gf

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You should care if an ex-Kotaku writer is in charge of writing the story.

viper you a fag man

but if everything on the surface is horribly libtarded, wouldn't the seedy underbelly be rationally conservative?


I understand that the denial is the best defense system when you're commonly hated and detested everywhere where it isn't acceptable to fuck your own cousin, and the realization that this includes the devs of your favorite video game must hurt.
Everyone got shat on, but mostly in the apathetic vampire edgelord kind of way rather than one where the devs make it pretty clear that you're a piece of shit.

Because that's how you control the message. A journalist can only tell you so much so there are only a set number of first hand experiences out there. A 30 min vid posted on the internet is going to get ripped apart in an instant. Every lore nerd, every tech nerd, everyone with even a passing interest is going to analyze every second of it. Leaves them much less freedom. They can plaster "SUBJECT TO CHANGE" all over the vid but people are still going to complain about changes in the final product or ever just from presentation to trailer. Remember what happened with Witcher 3s wave tech and weather effects or the general downgrade it suffered because CDP was counting on much more powerful consoles? They can sidestep all this PR bullshit by only showing shit that is set in stone to people they can control with NDAs.

you haven't played the game though

Don't ever use
If you don't want to be outed as the newfriend you are

Reminder that Vampire has always been SJW so if you are one of those faggots that thought the first one was great but now fear this one will be bad because muh politics then you are a fucking poser that doesn't know shit about the games you claim to love.

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>Have sex
I see you posting this everywhere. This isnt going to catch on, go back to resetera.

That's my biggest problem with it. Both her and Mitsoda saying the tone of the first game needs to change because it's current year. The tone was fucking great in Bloodlines.

>breast slider
Maybe with mods but no western dev is going to add that, not in current year.

Lmao what? Why are resetera faggots trying to co-opt this game now?

lmao shut the fuck up faggot

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They only said that in regards to mental illness, which he thought was done too silly in 1. Mitsoda has stressed that his goal it to make it feel just like 1. But fuck, who knows. I don't like the writer for the side quests, and that's a big part of any RPG

t. newfag

because the devs are pandering to their cancerous ideology and now they're pretending they love the first game.

I don't care about politics shit, if the gameplay is good I'll buy it.

>in the context of its own universe many, many vampires were alive to experience ww2 and how shitty living conditions got as a result
>w-why would vampires not like nazis????

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no u

that's honestly really tough. I really don't see a big deal with rpgs allowing you to choose your pronouns, and a game like vampire could make use of it by allowing you to use the royal we and shit like that, although I wouldn't be surprised if they just go with the generic "look at me I'm woke" gender neutral stuff, but even then that's not the end of the world. honestly if the story is as fucked as v5 then it'll be a dumpster fire beyond redemption. I'd be completely happy if we get a thief > dishonored type situation where it's objectively not as good as the predecessor, but it's still a good game
so I guess I'd translate my "incredibly cautiously interested" to maybe a 60% chance the game is good and less than 30% chance it'll be as good as bloodlines

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>Have sex
he does it for free

why do trannies hide behind anime reaction pics?

Lots of customization is good. I am worried the game will be humorless and preachy though based on what they've said so far about it. One of the original game's charms was that it had a lot of humor in it delivered by a likeable cast of characters.

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4th one is what bugs me the most.
I dont mind politics in games when its done well (e.g. New Vegas, Deus Ex 2000)
Where it isnt shoved down your throat and it actually gives practical and reasonable arguments for and against different views
That stuff can be pure kino like Deus Ex
But when its rubbish like ACCEPT MY PRONOUNS and shit it shoved in your face from the word go it just makes me switch my brain off

Paradox is an outspoken SJW publisher/developer. in Stellaris, humans are multicultural group. A mod came out which allowed for you to give humans white names only and only use white portraits and Paradox had it pulled down. But similar mods for black and asian only humans were left up

They also made the xenophile trait the most powerful in the game and made immigrants incredibly beneficial to you

most likely the game will be far too humourous, as in the kind of obnoxious comic book sarcasm humour that Obsidian's current games have.

>make a girl
>call it a guy
it's only ok when Japan does it.

show me anything that comes anywhere near this level from pre-fifth edition. I'll wait