brave and bluepilled
Brave and bluepilled
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It's DF. You'll be able to disable it in world gen.
I'll only accept this if in the game there's politics amongst the dwarves themselves whether it's a mental illness, or a curable sickness, and whether you can make them get exiled/killed or not.
why a new thread already?
jannies will just delete it again you stupid elf
Nice always wanted to have a fortress of transgender Dwarves.
thats a nice tileset, are there already tilesets this advanced for base df? cause I havent played since like 2012
>you can now throw trans elves into your forgotten beast murderpits
I'm not seeing the problem here.
holy fuck how many times is this fucking outrage culture thread gonna be posted
no one actually cares
none of you have actually played DF
stop fucking shilling this faggots site
Oh no now dwarves that go by he can give birth with their unmodelled genitalia! This is truly worthy of outrage!
It just shows how money hungry bay 12 is to cater to these faggots. I knew this would be a bad idea putting DF on steam. Selling out to trannies is the way to go in 2019. Absolutely pathetic, and DF was one of my favorite games too.
> Western Game Development.
they'll talk about it on twitter but they're not gonna buy it
Seen a few good ideas so far. Not sure if I should turn them into dwarven meat shields with no armor and send them on suicide runs or make them fight to death in an arena. There's always the option of just boxing them into a 1x1 pit until they perish too.
>Reddit spacing
>ESL typing
You have to go back.
disable trans
disable gays
enable female beards
Every fucking time. Fuck off and stop shilling your site.
What's a good lay out for a beginner? I've been playing for the last week or so and there's a lot to learn. I think I've gotten the hang of the interface but, there's a lot of little things that end up being a nuisance to deal with and are probably indicative that I'm doing something wrong.
I run out of beer and meat a lot. Even when I slaughter some of my animals, its not enough to keep up the stocks. My hunters run out of ammo a lot and the only solution seems to be having a dwarf constantly crafting bolts. Is it possible to make doors only military dwarves can use? I'd love to have barrack by the opening of my fort with access corridors only they can use.
Urist, did you just misprospect that ore? Just because it's atomic lattice is tetrahedrite facing doesnt mean it's stone expression isn't hematite you bigot, straight to the hammerer to you.
Add black dwarfs and let me make detroit fortress.
>throwing trannies into lava etc.
what's the problem?
Good for them, hope the trannies and LGBTQ+ community are happy now and can move on to the next game that didnt need any of this shit.
You know its just going to make the actual players probably KOS, or banish them like you would other problem dwarfs. Or other creative ways players usually deal with problems.
>toady finally does the sensible thing, acknowledges the transcommunity for once
>/vpol/ is worked into a seethe over it
Loving every laugh.
*enjoys alt right tears*
the game really needed more monsters so I'm ok with this
So... ¿there is an studio making an stable version of DF, and they're adding crap by themselves?
Or what?
somebody do something he's getting too based
Whatever, go back to /pol/ transphobe. We are winning the culture war, you are a relic.
What if he implements a mechanic where trans is like a virus or spreads through child abuse? That would be redpilled.
Haven't played the game, but do the dwarfs marry and have children?
If so, you all know what's going to happen.
So what's the link to the tranny discord? I want in.
the only thing trannies are winning is a noose at the end of their lives
sent ;)
>Doesn't add poop because he doesn't want it to be known as "that poop game"
>Adds trannies
How could dwarfs even become trans without modern medicine?
>can create concentration camps for trannies
>or send them to fight monsters in the deep dark
>or send them to purple get fucked biom
>or send them to fight goblins
I don't see issue here, if anything they are easy to dispose off.
You should be getting most of your food/booze via farm plots. Make sure that they have been configured to grow plants in all 4 seasons. You can only grow 2 crops in winter but you have 6 to choose from in spring.
As your fort grows, having multiple dwarves crank out bolts will replenish the stock fast, maybe too fast.
You might consider having a dwarf make rock crafts, cut gems or make something else just to be sold. That was you can buy whatever it is you're too lazy to make yourself.
imagine being such a triggered autist that you waste your time hurting a digital representation of someone you don't like in an ascii game
>implying I won't use blood of tranny dwarfs for my pump system
who's laughing now
Isolate them in a boxed workstation, from which they cannot escape where they eventually get food from one hatch dump and constant minecart drop materials, and have them pass the output through the same system, always isolated without means of escape. No welfare, you're going to be a productive member of society whether you like it or not
Alternatively, give them the bare necessities for life instead of letting them slowly crank the insanity dial up to melancholic mood
Bonus points for having the materials dropped on top of him, and having him literally restrained to his post
Morpheus be switchin da pills on me!
looks like the caravan arrived with a few extra barrels of salty gamer tears this year
For a beginner swastihalls around a central staircase is good because they let you expand evenly in all directions. Simple looking but gets the job done.
Trannies are the reason we have all the myths about demons doing wicked shit.
the downfall of dwarf society?
how easy will this be to mod
>omg you dont love trannies?
no not for that. how easy is it to implement new creatures, or give old ones a facelift. because im interested in like a fallout kind of world but less gay. building a big vault and managing survivors and fighting off radioactive monsters.
dwarves are aids and if i can retype some text boxes and switch some pixels around then i would definitely do it
Transgender, not transsexual
Keep crying, alt right loser.
>Fort covered in murals about various ways to murder trans dwarfs
not this time
No, you /pol/yps, you're not white and you'll never be.
conservative ideology is why we have butthurt losers shooting up schools
Pretty easy to mod.
(view at your own risk)
Can't you do just about anything in that game? This really isn't that big a deal. I could turn all my dwarfs into hot futa women and still nobody would give a shit.
Why are they so obsessed with trannies?
Never had a school shooting until after the cultural takeover in the 1960's, try again nigger
And these people were always utterly fucked up
Like Loki turning into a mare to seduce Odin's horse, and getting fucked so hard he got knocked up and couldnt turn back to his true form, then giving birth to an abomination giant horse with eight legs
>Topic: [44.12] Fallout Equestria Redux v0.41.7:Boomsticks and Gatling Lasers (Read 4117 times)
You couldn't falseflag harder if you fucking tried
What if it's actually absent fathers, lack of any values, and sometimes literally just propaganda? No one's stopping you from circle jerking your other gay friends david but it doesn't need to be a facet of every piece of media's existence.
Yup. They definitely weren't caused by a slowly degenerating world that becomes more Orwellian by the day and are pushed into a mentally unstable state by the surrounding stimuli. It was just being conservative.
>when the 80 iq tranny tried DF and then complains that the UI is ableist
>lazily add in tranny dwarves for social justice credits to get extra blogger exposure for your Steam release
>some autistic modder goes full-bore designing intricate systems utilizing your stupid SJW dwarves
>some other modder makes a mod "disable transdorfs"
>some player makes a deathtrap and sends every dwarf that self-identifies as a nonbinary mobile entity into it
>everyone is happy, excited trannies who are never happy and eventually have an extremely high likelihood of death by suicide.
>oneangrygamer thread
These guys have either irony poisoned themselves to death or are actually so far removed from reality they convinced themselves that a VN about an anime girl nazi is somehow SJW propaganda. That's all I really need to know to not take them seriously.
weak bait, try again
those are just trannies in denial. trannies are an abomination and embarrassment to the species. ones day once designer babies are a thing and we figure out what little mutated retard dna fragment makes a defective trans brain we will eradicate you faggots once and for all because no parent wants a freak for a child.
That's a lot of words but everybody can still see that you're a brainwashed retard. Try again.
I've been making rock crafts constantly and have lots to sell. Is it worthwhile making an outdoor farm? Can my animals freeze to death in winter if I leave them out on a pasture? Oh, and depression. Some of my dwarves are getting depressed and its harder to cater to them when my fortress starts to expand. Is there a good way to bring them up to better health reliably? I've been trying to upgrade their rooms, smooth them, engrave them, all that jazz. Sometimes it feels really hard to pull them out of their slump though.
I've used them before to get things started, then expanded them outward so I have hallways running along all the halls to allow for more traffic.
>brainlets create backwards and oppressive society
>non brainlets try to fix problems
>brainlets have autistic rage and shoot up schools in response
>"uhh, it must be because of cultural marxism guys"
>two oneangryfaggot threads in the catalog
Fuck off with your shitty faux outrage identity politics thread and stop trying to shit up DF with your autism. We have our own.
based and chadpilled. kill all trannies.
great, now i have to masturbate. but i dont want literally fallout. you know, these fags will probably remake this for the steam release. if i can edit their mod then i can wait.
take ponies out. take out fallout references. turn magic into cyber neon laser shit. yeah i can wait then. i know these fallout pony fags are super prevalent and have even made actual board games and mods for other games
Jesus here. Trannies wont get in.
This is already in the game btw
>brainlets create backwards and oppressive society
>ree i can't publicly shove dildos up my anus how oppressive
>disable it
What, and deny myself another opportunity to commit discrimination and tyranny?
Fuck that.
Yeah, cause that's what it's about. Public degeneracy.
trannies always lose
No need to be upset. You're obviously a triggered autist that is wasting his time posting on a mongolian sewing board because someone doesn't like a digital representation of someone you do like.
nothing wrong with this as long as they dont go the onions route with its representation
id be fine with ~1% of dwarves becoming trans at random, which is probably what will happen.
>new law has been passed
>all trannies will go to a designated spot and dig vertically
>everyone must accept my problems into their lives even though I'm a vast minority you stupid dictators