Why is this allowed?

why is this allowed?

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don't buy it then you fucking retard
what do you need someone to tell you what to do and what not to do all your life?

I'm not going to and I didn't need anyone to tell me what to do. Stop projecting your incel rage.

>pay game
>money stolen for 1 year

>I have money
>I like the game series
>I want to spend my money on this product even though it's at least a year away
How is this bad?

Steam doesn't charge you until closer to the game's release

dont like it dont but it retard

Because unfortunately for us all it seems like the AAA publishers all decided to adopt the fucking kickstarter donor tier system and it stuck. FUCK WB Games (most likeley) or whichever it was which were the first to popularize peddling this shit.

You like the series that was dormant for 14 years, and 2 more to go. You haven't seen anything and you want to pay for it now?

Because you are locking yourself in, for no benefit. OP is retarded for seeing it as an issue since you are not forced to preorder, but not seeing the problem with preordering when there is no benefit for doing so is equally retarded.

>AAA publisher

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I suppose taking money away from absolute retards isn't such a bad thing, no.

>don't need anyone to tell me what to do
>still need your mum to clean up your diapers

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>2 years from release

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>preordering games

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ask how i know you're from r*ddit

it's exactly a fucking year away, now it's march 2019 and its coming out in march 2020. TWELVE MONTHS.

because we are 6 days short of april 2019, user.
the 4th month of 2019.
that game will release in less than 12 months.
time is a like a dream.
beautiful, ephemeral, unobtainable.

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what do you guys think the upcoming rewards on the bloodlines 2 site will be? beside the tender bodyguard outfit and such

I'm asking

I heard a bit about the game(Mitsoda, no quest markers, hubs..) and it interests me, so I know a bit and yes I want to pay for it now because what difference it makes I'm going to buy it anyway be it now or 12 months from now.

I get to support the developers while they are in development.

Not an argument.

>new ip

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>made by SJW's
No thanks.

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This is the most expensive game I've ever seen on PC, as it's over the £50 threshold at £50.99. It was only 2008ish that you could get some new PC games for £18 and the standard was £30.

I never pre-order, but I also never buy a game until all of its DLC is released. I don't buy a work in progress for any reason. In all likelihood I probably wouldn't buy the version with DLC anyway, as I don't think I've ever played a DLC.

>inb4 delay
It's the problem with announcing a release date this early, delays are almost guaranteed.

I came to this picture so many times I love this girl and this fetish

Because dumbfucks keep preordering.

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kill yourself you autistic cunt

>buying a single player game

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you have a point there, but i dont think a year away announcement is bad, i've seen worse.
The game has been in development from 2015 or so?

You can always cancel if you feel like you don't want it after all. Hell, you can even refund after release if you feel like it. You're saying there's no benefit to preordering but there's no downside either. Personally I very rarely preorder anything but if it's a game that's like "I've been waiting for this for years, it's one of my favorite series and I'll get it no matter what" then might as well get it over it.

I like single player games and I don't want them to go extinct. The only single player games I don't buy are ones like Sekiro that will sell a mountain no matter what and don't need support.

I only play singleplayer games. Why would I not buy them? Massively convenient and I wait until they're cheap as chips.

In all honesty it's been so long since I've pirated a game I wouldn't know how to anymore.

>I get to support the developers while they are in development.
They don't see the money until after release.

>pirates will get all this stupid horseshit along with the day -1 release


This is the only thing I disagree with. I never want pre-order content, but a large reason I don't buy games when they're 50% off is because I don't get this pre-order bonus content. Out of principle I wait until it's 80%+

nice cope

Pre-ordering has been a thing forever. Are you underage?

>Go to the usual place
>Click on download
>Go to the store to buy some fatass fuel or whatever
>Come back and install and play

It's not at all harder than buying if you just know where to go. You're free to buy if you want but it always makes me scratch my head when someone I know wants to play a game but is waiting like 5 years for it to be in a 99 cent flash sale or buys it from one of those gray market "stolen keys that may or may not work" sites so they can buy it for next to nothing. You're giving (practically) nothing to the dev at that point so you could have just pirated it on release and saved yourself the inconvenience if you knew you were not gonna support the dev with a regular priced purchase.

Stop using words you don't understand the meaning of, BR.

>Go to the usual place
When I was a teenager the "usual place" was a newsgroup. I have no idea what the "usual place" is.

Playing games on release date doesn't interest me. I have no issues with waiting 5 years. I've only just picked up Dark Souls 3.


shut the fuck up doomer you're not deep kill yourself
don't actually kill yourself i'm only saying that as an insult


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The game that let the alt-right implode and screech in sheer terror. Can't release soon enough.

But Ubisoft is also putting £59.99 on their games.
Why are people not shouting at them for that regional pricing?

I haven't seen that. I can't imagine ever looking at the store page of a Unisoft game though


I paid $50 for Duke Nukem Forever in 1999, shut the fuck up.

because 1 year is a long time and a lot of things can change. What if the devs go full retard

So that people can pre order it before it's removed and made fortnite exclusive for a year

"get it no matter what" someday youll grow up

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so little timmy can steal moms credits card and pre-order a digital release

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>tfw it's about 40 bucks for the Blood Moon edition here

No idea how that happened

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SWJ and feminist shit is a form of facism

I will pirate this game as protest against leftie facism

What is steam policy on preorder refunds?

Risky investment? Nah.

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>all that crap I'll get for free on day one
I swear to God I was ready to preorder the most expansive version of whatever new VTBM game they were going to announce, then they started sperging out about political bullshit

Goddamnit why even fucking up that way
When the context of your story makes sense for you to criticize something you dislike irl, why screaming about the personal views you'll inject into the game instead of simply delivering a good product that will spread your message anyways?
It's a huge redflag

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This makes it OKAY when FAGGOTS pay MONEY for this and RUIN MY HOBBY.

Because retards buy it

Okay Jaina

lmfao what a disaster

keep coping retard

They fucking killed black light retribution
those fucking niggers

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Enjoy waiting in line in VR outside the virtual store for your game on release, retards

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I thought this was gonna come out this year judging by the fat product placement on steam's front page, what the fuck?

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So they're like your hi-rez?

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Epic is scaring them

>original game is popular with teens
>fast-forward to when teens are of the age when they have settled into money and possibly have kids old enough to play game at same age
>*new* game with old game brand
Brandname nostalgia cashgrab where If the game sucks, at least they can drone on about the 90s.