The last game you played is the next world that Sora, Donald, and Goofy visit

>The last game you played is the next world that Sora, Donald, and Goofy visit.
How fucked are they?

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that depends how fucked would they be in Shekiro?

How can they be fucked? By the end of the story, Donald reaches God-level power

I think you mean how fucked are the villains of that game

>Deponia world
That would actually be pretty neat.

>Stand up...there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?

I'm Sora!
Goofy, too!

OoT. Master Quest specifically. But yeah, I'm trying to think of a game they would actually be fucked in. Even in SRW Sora could hold his own.

Literally fucked

>sora,donald and goofy visit the world of kingdom hearts

DQ1. Could work as a training world for a depowered Sora in 4.

It's Animal Crossing, nobody gets fucked there.

>But yeah, I'm trying to think of a game they would actually be fucked in.

Call of Duty? Resident Evil? Bayonetta? Dark Souls?

They're pretty fuckin strong man.

>Half Genie Hero
Could be fun to see Donald and Risky bitch at eachother

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Sora already deflects laster beams and guns. He's fought zombies/undead before, including creatures much more dangerous. Dark Souls is nothing. Bayonetta's demons and angels might give him some trouble, especially people like Jeanne and the Masked Lumen, but he's definitely got the agility and some decent power to at least survive.

>Space Station 13
I have no clue but i am very interested.
Would Goofy and Donald be lynched for being animals?

Disgaea 4 on vita. Currently in LoC item world of Baal sword.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy in Dark Souls 1. Sounds hard but with their abilities it would be a cakewalk

>But yeah, I'm trying to think of a game they would actually be fucked in
Crusader Kings

>I'm trying to think of a game they would actually be fucked in.
A Kirby game.

VtmB, not sure ho fucked they'd be, just started it for the first time.

>Sora, Dolan and Gooby vs Dante, Vergil and Dead Weight

Ni No Kuni 2 world. It would be a pretty good fit for them actually

Devil May Cry. I think they can actually survive. Can Sora survive a duel against a guy like Vergil? And before you say "He beat Lingering Will" in an optional boss fight in the actual canon KH3 proper Sora is so pitifully crybaby of weakness incarnate he lost to Terranort who is weaker than Final Xemnas.

Asura's Wrath.

>gotcha force
so like toy story but with more toys?

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What are the chances that Square Enix either...

1) Buys the original characters of Kingdom Hearts from Disney and lay ownership to all original content in the series.

2) Square Enix fed up with Disney abandons Kingdom Hearts and creates their own fully owned version of a Kingdom Hearts like series. So think like World of Final Fantasy but better.

>dragon quest XI
Would be Kino as fuck

Would be a dream come true honestly.

Attached: team_fortress_2_and_kingdom_hearts_crossover_by_b1narypwny-d5yhrjc.jpg (444x250, 16K)

If the game I'm making counts, pretty fucked because it's nothing but primitive shapes and the default skybox.

>Yea Forums partyvan TF2
This sounds absolutely fucking hysterical.

Attached: the_call_that_saved_tf2.jpg (1000x750, 131K)

Ace Combat 7
I have no idea.

>sora, donald, and goofy visit THE MANDRILL MAZE

They'll find a way to bullshit through this.

Attached: ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER_20190319184316.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

>sora trying to puzzle out what the big evil is doing in mario_kart.bsp
>conga heavy micspamming johnny rebel passing by in the background drows out his internal monolgue

But the last game I played was KH2FM

Sora vs The Garlean Army

Silent hill, guess their fucked

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2. Pretty fucked indeed.

>heartless show up