ITT: cringe moments in games

ITT: cringe moments in games

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>I should've been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIGHT!!!

Might as well post the whole game. Piece of trash, but at least it's entertaining I guess?

I honestly don't understand why they had to maker her look so fucking much like Clinton. Go ahead and do a Female president, but what the fuck?

not really
well, its not entertaining if you like good gameplay
its not entertaining if you like good story, characters, characterdevelopmen, acting or anything else thats crucial to a game like this

Badly written stories can be entertaining if they have good enough pacing and enough events. A bad cast can be made entertaining with only a few good characters (such as not deviant Connor and Hank). Stupid shit can become entertaining with enough production value. I'd say it's the case here. The game is shit and the story is an insult to anyone's intelligence, but it was fun seeing Connor's autism and some of the scenes.

Probably for some SJW points?

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>cringe moments in games
Just shove in pretty much every scene from DMC5 on that list.

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The acting was great most of the time, what are you talking about?

thats giving hillary way too much credit

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Are you implying androids are a good parallel for slavery? Past the first half hour of the game they might as well be called "metallic humans", which is retarded. Marcus is a monster for spawning thousands of sapient beings in the bodies of toasters instead of letting the toasters be toasters.

I'd say anything involving the goblin character

Out of all the ridiculous moments in the whole fucking game you think THIS is the worst one?

Not the fucking back of the bus faggotry? Not the pretentious af march scene? Not the fucking LITERAL concentration camp??
What the fuck user

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Platinum did that with Vanquish 10 years ago

Those aren't cringe you fucking underage retard.

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Why are Japanese games so cringe?

>that video
Is this fucking real?
The animation looks like it's one of those SFM parody videos, what the fuck.

You know that her looks are based on the actress, right?

Yeah but in Vanquish she blew her brains out because of literal Russian bots. Based Platinum.

There was a reason for that if you managed to beat the game.

man this blew up in their fucking face didnt it

>its not entertaining if you like good gameplay
Are you stupid? Gameplay was not a focal point in that game. It's a game that's built on the narrative of your choices.
>its not entertaining if you like good story, characters, characterdevelopmen
Nice hyperbole

>thinking this is cringe
this is how DMC is you faggot, its supposed to be cheesy and retarded

He's just saying shit out of his ass and hoping no one calls him out on it

DMC1 is one of my favorite games in history but you're an idiot if you think that's a good line. The Mega Man line is worse though.

Capcom fucking sucks at mocap animation. They are desperately trying so hard to be "westernized" when it comes to their games but they aren't talented enough to make stuff like Grand Theft Auto, Uncharted or Red Dead.

No, not really. Nobody cares they made Trump in a Hillary suit for their movie game. Why would anyone care?

No it isn't you stupid DMC 3 fuckhead.

They really should have changed her before the game released. It wouldn't have been that much of a detour.
I assume when the game was in development, they assumed that Hillary was going to win. But after she didn't, they really should have redone her.

Beyond was so bad it's good
Detroit was just fucking boring, with constant "WHITE MANS BURDEN" shit

MGR does it the best without coming off as begin completely brain dead.

Both do it fine.

This entire game

>I assume when the game was in development, they assumed that Hillary was going to win.
What? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
This game takes place in fucking 2038, user. That's twenty years in the future. It's not even supposed to be Hillary. She acts more like Trump and was elected for very similar reasons.

Good god you're stupid

Any anime game is cringe by default.

just the fact that one company can have so much hubris to think they can make a direct sequel to a game made by a different company, over a decade ago

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I'm not saying it was bad enough to be good, but at least it wasn't boring.

*brofists the screen*

Persona 3 is based, my man

Damn, that's pretty embarrassing.

>actually liking KAMIYA'S Devil May Cry game
opinion discarded


The really weird part is that she's a total inept fuck up that's pretty much a slave to corporations. Why make her look like Clinton if they're going to have her be totally incompetent?

The forced romance between the mulatto protag and the bitter sexbot was a million times cringier than Hillary Trump.

Kurt Cobain may cry

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anything sounds bad if you type it out like a retard and pretend the actor stretched out a word that he didn't

Is somebody planning to work on the Trump mod when it releases for pc?

i don't play jap games but those games look fun and. people who take videogames seriously are stupid.

Because they tried to realistically predict future America. They did pretty well considering the script was written in 2012 or earlier.

What game is this? Honestly these new zoomer games are so shitty it's pathetic.

Or maybe that's exactly how it was delivered you fucking chump.

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Her gimmick is that she looks like Clinton but has the backstory of Trump (an ex-celebrity who kinda lucked their way into the presidency)

Why is everything on modern Yea Forums political bait?

Based Cage pretending to be a feminist ally

Also the script has been written literal YEARS before it was even known that Hillary and Trump will be running for president. You guys are retarded.

Because people won't stop replying to it.

It's the easiest way to farm (you)s.

>le pewdiepie xD

The absolute state of Yea Forums holy fucking Lord

Fuck up how PewDiePie starred in Detroid

>not liking pewdiepie
What are you? Some sort of faggot?

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It's too late. It's been too late for years now.

Yea Forums only likes him now because
>le ebin NZ shooter meymey XD

This is you

How old are you?

Simple and accurate

david cage took the so(y) pill a long time ago

Because retard reply instead of reporting and ignoring and because mods prefer to delete fun threads instead of political/consolewojak ones.

they are all "worse"

>Probably for some SJW points?
You do realize they literally made her the bad guy right?
Because Cage is "problematic", hates SJW and was almost me-tooed for it

Holy shit that's bad.

>You do realize they literally made her the bad guy right?
Not really. She just kinda follows the consensus. She isn't exactly good, but not bad either, and she's the president. She's also the one who calls off the killing when you succeed


yeah it was great

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the only cringe thing about this is that chicks awful acting and that shitty "michael jackson punchline" music

P3 is the least cringy of all the new games. I say this as someone who prefers 4.

>they aren't talented enough to make stuff like Grand Theft Auto, Uncharted or Red Dead
But all of those games are trash, especially compared to DMC5

because the "people" running the world today cant fucking help but shove their politics in everything. and i mean literally fucking everything. everything is politicized now and we cant escape it. dont blame Yea Forums. blame the faggots who ruined this decade

P2 is less cringy than 3.

Stay mad s oyim.

No, they are simply worse.
I could throw out more examples that were worse than OP pic
>the fat creepy guy with a literal rape basement
>"But who's the real monster?"
>MLK and civil rights movement references fucking everywhere
>black woman saying she's helping androids because "my people suffered as well"

>of all the new games
2 fags can't read...

Vashyron dance is better

That's the disclaimer.

Yeah, why would they base the appearance on an actual 2 time Presidential candidate? WHY? WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY TAKE INSPIRATION FROM REAL LIFE?!

I actually agree, thank god DMCV actually has good gameplay unlike those other games.

Movies aren't games. DMC is a game.

I laughed out loud at the back of the bus reveal, it was like David Cage was beating the message into my head with a hammer

In-game she is described as an unpopular president because people doubt her abilities since she isn't really a politician and did some fuck-ups
She is accused of being a puppet of the android company because of money
And she ordered to make literal android concentration camps

Dunno dude, sounds to me like they tried to make her the bad dude

Those must be worth a lot now

Forgot about that. Then I guess the guys who designed her aren't the ones who wrote the script. But I can't imagine they'd criticize Hillary in a game that tries so hard to appeal to the normie left.

wait this that Detroit game? I never made it that far in

Yeah same. Someone standing next to me saying "DO YOU GET IT YET???" for 20 minutes would've been about as subtle kek

Honestly I pity anyone who can't laugh at the ridiculous Cage'isms while also enjoying the good scenes. That's the only way to enjoy his "games". I feel like many people try so hard to shit on Cage that they are blind to the things that are actually pretty good.

is that the game's version of hillary clinton as president? lmao

so this is the power of the Monster Hunter World game engine

>But I can't imagine they'd criticize Hillary in a game that tries so hard to appeal to the normie left.
user, I already said it a few times and I'm gonna say it again
All filming for the mocap was done a long time before Hillary ran for president. She isn't supposed to be Hillary. She is based on Elizabeth Warren if anything, hence the name. She's clearly supposed to be republican.

Game takes place 20 years in the future so no

MHW doesn't use the RE engine, though.

Yeah it is

Why would you spend money on it and never finish it? Smh user

This entire game

is this already released on epic store?

>average replying Yea Forums user

No. I don't think we know the release date yet and also no price yet.
It's 20 bucks on the PS store now so hopefully it'll be the same on PC

Friendly reminder that every print news media does this for both presidential candidates in every election so that they can release the commemorative editions as early as possible once the results of the election are confirmed. The only reason the Hillary editions are special is because of the "fuck drumpf" narrative.


>Game takes place 20 years in the future so no

>implying Hillary wont survive for at least another fifty years with all the child blood she consumes


Don't give Cage any ideas, please.

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